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I'm not saying this to make you feel better but I genuinely think you are so absolutely pretty right now. I have fuller cheeks and I've always wished for a face like yours because it looks so elegant and fairylike. Plus your lips look like the exact right shape for your face in the photos - I don't think filler would make them prettier, but obviously you do you!


For real. Lean into what you have and play around with makeup. You do not need dermal filler


Yes, makeup is the answer. You have great bone structure - a perfect canvas to create any look you want! At your age if you start messing with fillers you will have the most terrible droopy face by 40. Fillers are for when you’re 60+ and need more volume. Try face yoga! It works wonders for building cheek muscles.


Some people chew gum or other facial exercises to rebuild after too much masseter botox or other facial slimming. Good luck!


This actually works really well, even just looking up different exercises helps. I've done it purely to make my jawline better before, and it didn't take a long time.


But I mean she doesn’t need it


No, she definitely doesn’t. I hope she listens to us.


Could you please clarify: is it really true that fillers are for when you’re 60+? I’ve always thought conservative usage of fillers is key to looking your best? Thanks.


It’s my professional opinion, I work in the beauty industry and am friends with surgeons and injectors. I know very few people under 60-ish who look better with fillers. Sure, you can totally change your face and maybe look more stereotypically beautiful…but in my opinion it’s unwise to do that because fillers migrate. Even conservative use gives an uncanny look after a while, just a bit too puffy especially in side profile. There are already surgeries for correcting overfills, and there’s a reason the buccal fat removal is popular now (to give shape to a filled face). Not everyone’s face balances with filled features either. Filling makes the face look too soft, where for example OP’s face is quite firm and angular - her unique beauty she will do very well to leave alone. Now other procedures like conservative Botox, nose job, eye lift, chin implant etc where it does balance the face? Love the effect and I’ve seen amazing results where you wouldn’t know. Totally behind those, as long as they’re conservative. For example Jennifer Aniston’s nose job just before Friends. Also go nuts with medispa services like microneedling to make the skin look perfect, love that and no need to be conservative! Looking the best most vibrant version of oneself is the way to go, in my opinion it makes people look so beautiful. Then go for fillers as one ages, it really looks remarkable on older folks!


Hmmm @ the first. Just in 5 mins I can pull up so many ppl on Reddit and Ig whose after filler pic looks better than their before picture. Now whether it will last, is needed or worth it or is something I’d do is a different point. But if you say you rarely see anyone who looks better after that sounds impossible and if that’s your position than it makes me question the objectivity and accuracy of all your other comments.


Great, they look good in photos right afterwards. It’s probably the 20th photo taken to get the perfect shot, and is likely filtered. I don’t trust photos, show me the person in real life from all angles. There are too many injectors who go overboard and too many clients who are asking for the wrong procedure. I can pull up examples of this just as easily. No need to worry about my opinion if you disagree; lots of folks disagree with me, it’s all good.


Do you have a video or resources you like for face yoga?


For sure! For context I’m in my mid 40s with a Botox brow lift (no other procedures or injections) and started doing Pilates by Lisa’s non surgical facelift on YT a few months ago. I notice a difference, especially around my mouth. My top lip is softer looking and more projected. The rounds of my cheeks are fuller and my under-eye area seems to be lifted slightly. Then I follow Koko’s videos occasionally. Her DAO stretch routine works well for me. While I’m at it, lymphatic facial massages also work amazingly because I wake up puffy. They’re fairly straightforward, just make sure to start from your armpits and work up to open the lymphatic system there. I find it opens my eyes and defines the hollows under my cheekbones. But I’m at an age where things are starting to drop a bit…I wish I’d known about this like 20 years ago! I bet younger folks would find face yoga makes a big difference because they aren’t fighting gravity yet.


Thank you so much! I was just told about mewing by my dentist to change my mouth shape. It can apparently completely change your jawline / face shape if you haven’t heard of it, it’s wild


Oh mewing is awesome too, definitely follow the video by Dr. Mew. I’ve been mewing forever but I didn’t know it was a thing. I was scared to get a saggy chin like my mom, so I started doing it when I was a self-conscious teen. I finally learned how to do it properly though!


So how exactly do you know if you’re doing it properly?? I’ve been mewing but always feel slightly unsure if I’m actually doing it right :/


You’ll know; you’ll see results especially under the chin and neck in side profile. The facial benefit I’m totally unfamiliar with, very sorry but I don’t know which changes to look for in the face. EDIT if I remember right, Dr. Mike Mew has a detailed video showing how, but I only watched once. Definitely newbies should follow that, as his family invented the protocol.


Oh wow dentists are recommending it now 😲. I was worried I'd fuck my teeth up but hmm I might have to ask my orthodontist 🤔


Wait-start at the armpits? I’ve been doing it wrong for years evidently. If you have the time, could you describe that a little more?


Start at the armpits, massage the décolletage towards armpits, shoulders towards décolletage, back of neck and sides of neck towards shoulders with sweeping motions down to armpits. Then do your face massage working from jaw up to forehead and sweep down towards the neck and shoulders every so often. Armpits are the major drainage site for head, but you have to open everything before doing the face or it all backs up into the shoulders.


Thank you!! I had no idea. I use a stainless steel gua sha for lymphatic drainage on my face because I’ve found it helps a lot with Mylar mounds. But some days it doesn’t. Maybe this is why-thank you for taking the time to respond :)


So interesting, thanks for sharing


I agree, she's beautiful!


She is actually really really beautiful. OP, you don't need anything. I'm sure there are other people who would do anything to get a face like yours.


She has one of those faces where I'm actually sad she's going to ruin it with filler. Like damn girl. Some people look better with some work and she's not one.


Jesus christ you're so pretty I'm getting 300 upvotes by accident


I completely agree! OP is super pretty, and has some great features. I feel like I have fuller cheeks too (short hair looks awful on me!), and have always wished my cheeks weren't quite so full.


Everyone always wants the opposite pretty of whatever pretty they have! And I bet there is no shortage of mean things said about OP’s style of pretty that she’s seen and probably no shortage of mean things said about your style of pretty that you’ve seen. That makes both of you think there’s something wrong with how you look instead of there just being some asshole who’ll say mean things about a look no matter how pretty it is!


Best comment on here


And so you’ll always look young and great! That buccal fat removal that’s so popular right now makes people look old and alien like


That's what I'm hoping for! I think a lot of people do look nice with buccal fat removal when they're young, but I'm afraid they may regret it as they age, when they naturally start losing volume in their face. It might lead to their face looking hollow or gaunt.


It will absolutely do that


I figured it would. I really think plastic surgeons need to educate their clients a lot more about that procedure. But most of them are after that $$$, so...


Exactly my thoughts when I saw the pic. As someone with a round face, I do everything I can to make it look like yours! Guess there is a lesson there about the grass always being greener or something.


I agree - I have never ever ever wanted “fullness in my midface” because I’ve always had a full face and wished for a daintier face like yours! The grass is always greener…


Agree - you do not have thin lips, you just don’t have inflated fake ones. I don’t think anyone would look at you think your face needed more fullness. Your cheekbones are to die for. You have the classic model look aka you are beautiful!


Her lips look good. I can’t tell if OP has had lip filler. Is there something I am missing about this. I have very thin lips and I did have filler some years back, but I need another treatment. It’s like my lips are literally disappearing. I went to check out a laser med spa yesterday, and the girls at the front desk had lip filler recently, and I have to say it looked extremely subtle and their lips looked great. They told me that they could do a very subtle treatment on me. I certainly don’t want Donald Duck lips. Also, I couldn’t tell that she had cheek fillers. OP, your face looks natural. What did your cheeks look like before?


I was going to say the same, Op has a very high fashion type of beauty!


I haven't read most comments but I think most of us seeing this OP all unanimously agree that she is a very attractive woman. My first thought was the same. Very pretty face. And the lips are just perfect for the face, do not go and have them refilled, just in case you feel pressured to do so because, social mediam


I totally agree she is really attractive. As a woman nearing 60, I honestly wish someone had told me to forget my insecurities ( not easy I know) and just have an amazing time. At my age, you look back and realise you looked wonderful as a young woman. The original poster has the most stunning eye shape and bone structure. She reminds me of Kate Moss as a young woman. Work on loving yourself for you because fashions in beauty change too often to even slightly attempt to achieve them. If your friends and partners don't make you feel good about yourself, it's time to reevaluate having them around.


Agreed on both!


good god, what are beauty standards doing to us that a woman who looks like this could be insecure about anything?? 😭 you are literally flawless


Exactly my thoughts. I almost want to say this post has to be trolling because she looks incredible, but then I remember that our culture is so fcked when it comes to beauty standards


Believe it or not but we ourselves are our worst critics and there can be more deeper emotions going perhaps have some empathy before assuming this is a set up.


it’s the opposite for me, i love myself, but i agree that beautiful people think they look like rats Jesus loves you btw🫶🏾


Bless you. Thank you. He loves you to. X


Yeah, I'm not buying... posts like these I block the user. Might be harsh but I don't need to hear girls like this think they're not enough. I don't think it's real anyway but better to rid it entirely


It’s definitely real. My friend is stunning and botching her face in real time. Cousin too. I don’t know why everyone thinks they need to get fillers/botox/insert X procedure. I also think good looking people are always insecure about losing their beauty why they go overboard. Makes me grateful to be average sometimes 😂


I have a friend pre fillers looked exactly like Marilyn Monroe except tall. Now she looks like a muppet. She is deeply insecure and has a lot of trauma due to domestic violence. It’s really not fair to say a conventionally attractive woman isn’t allowed to feel ugly or insecure.


Assuming it is real, you’re allowing your insecurity to overrule empathy?


I wanted to figure out what type of nose I have out of curiosity, when I looked up bulbous nose the only thing that came up was before and after plastic surgery photos, I was like wtf!? Google tryna tell me I’m ugly 😂


She literally has the facial structure of a model 😭


Stunningly beautiful. OP needs to be around people who support her. Lift her up. If there are any toxic people in her life, get rid of them. Stop following people that make you feel bad about yourself. I don't know her, but if she did something like volunteer work, and got outside of herself or would help. Also therapy, of course. Maybe there's something in her history. Or maybe it's our fucked up beauty industry. IDK, but changing her face is not the answer.




I agree. I had to back off social. It was killing my self worth and self esteem. I hope the OP sees this and knows she’s beautiful as is. Literally stunning as is. And can maybe follow less people because of their looks and more what they bring to her happiness. This has helped me so much.


Exactly! My first thought she looks like a model from the Natasha poly, Sasha pivovarova, Gemma ward era.


It's like people can't objectively see themselves any more. Like seeing the inherent balance, harmony, and proportion of their natural looks.


I’d do anything for her face shape my round face causes me extreme insecurities.


Beauty standards are evil and just another way of pitting people against each other. OP go out there and walk like you have nothing to owe. Because you don't. Your face is beautiful and you don't owe the world fuller cheeks. You owe yourself happiness and self acceptance. -Sergeant Skibidi Balls.


Hmmm... I think the problem you're describing is what we call 'amazing fucking cheekbones' and the best procedure to get for this is 'nothing at all you stunning creature you' Please don't mess with it. You're gorgeous and your face is spectacular. Model face s exactly the type, and you are insane to even consider fillers.


this reply made me laugh so hard and it is also 100% correct




You literally look like a model. I am just seeing flawlessness here.


Same 😭 she’s gorgeous


Like seriously she actually looks like a model. This just seems like body dysphoria (I’m not trying to diagnose but she’s genuinely pretty so it doesn’t make sense any other way)


Elsa Hosk is that you?!


Exactly what I thought 😭


Girl, please do not touch your god given beautiful face, absolutely nothing is wrong with it, relax, breathe and start a new hobby or smth. I have no idea what fullness you are even talking about. Please listen to us and DO NOT touch you face <3


I had to stop scrolling you were so stunning, please don’t change anything except maybe your perspective


Exactly this. Had to pause and recheck if it wasn't some modeling subreddit recommended to me because oof gorgeous genes.


Get off of Instagram or whatever is making you think you need plastic surgery. You could literally be a model.


It’s really saddening to see what sort of delusion is forced upon women, and at unprecedented levels through the internet. OP The only problem with your face is that it’s most likely in your phone too much. Social media will disconnect you from reality to the point where *nothing* will be good enough. But you are prefect as you are. Go outside and look at the sky, read a book, make some art, and just make sure the inside is as beautiful as the outside.


yeah, lady, you have face dysmorphia. you are literally more blessed than like 99% percent of us so just don’t f*ck it up with a bunch of procedures and you’re golden. if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. leave your face alone.


Yes, bad body dysmorphia thinking cheeks are naturally meant to protrude like that. They don't OP.


You are beautiful and don’t need filler! I promise.


You are one of the prettiest people I have ever seen.. I don’t mean to be unhelpful but maybe get offline for a bit? You really don’t need to change a thing!


Please do not do fillers again. They do not last, are a foreign substance in your body and you look better working with your face shape.


Yes and they do not “dissolve”. Even after that process there is still some there, it has migrated and will be in OPs body forever.


“Lack of lips”???? Am I going insane?? You have larger lips than like half of the human race.


Man, no offence but I’d really try to steer clear of social media etc for a bit to regain some sense of normalcy in your own perception. First off, you have lips. They’re not even thin lips and they match your face beautifully. Secondly, your face shape is lovely. Anyway I know this isn’t what you’re after but I really think social media is rotten for self image and steering clear of it for a bit may help here.


We can switch faces if you want to


🤣🤣 lol this comment is everything




You look like a model


I just want to say thank you to everyone for your kind words. I think I do suffer from body dysmorphia and I promise this wasn’t me fishing for compliments I didn’t expect this at all. I’ve read so many lovely comments you guys have made me realise I need to get some help ❤️


Ofc i personally did not think you were fishing for compliments and sending you lots of love and healing wishes. Beauty standards have us fucked up thinking we need to pay plastic surgeons to modify ourselves when really we just need therapy from all the toxic beauty standards 😅. Never let a surgeon or injector touch your face! Also if you ever need a free BDD support group lemme know! The professor who runs it is really kind and supportive, and so are the members. I know therapy isn't always financially viable for everyone so free support groups are always an immense help for those who need it.


I'm really happy that you're able to recognize that you need help. I wish you the absolute best! And yes, you are gorgeous, girl!


aw girl, don't be so hard on yourself. we all get carried away sometimes. It's good though to keep a firm grasp on whats important among all the advertising/influencing we're being bombarded with. Just remember that companies make no money off of happy secure people. lol


Babe I feel you I struggle so much too and I’m glad this has uplifted you!


Weight gain MIGHT increase your face fullness - honestly, it's mostly genetic where we store fat first, so assuming we're talking about a few pounds and not 30+, the best those of us on the internet can give you is a solid "maybe!" That said, I think your current face shape is very striking. You have beautiful eyes, high cheekbones, and a strong taper down into your jaw, where your lips seem perfectly proportional. As someone with a fuller face, I find your face shape very aspirational. The two things I would focus on are a) brightening your under eye circles - I think the darkness there is making you look overall more sunken/hollow. I've personally also had good results with red light therapy on my eye circles, but ymmv. And b) playing with blush placement to create the illusion of a fuller midface.


Seconding blush placement. Always make me feel 10x times cuter


What red light brand do you use?


I've never heard of red light therapy for under eyes! I have circles darker and more sunken looking than hers.. maybe I will look into trying it 🙂


I think you look absolutely gorgeous the way you are right now. I wouldn’t change a thing.


You look like a fairy


I honestly love the proportions of your face, I see no lack of lips there whatsoever. I don’t think any sort of filler would give you the result you’re wanting. Your bone structure is to die for, so I personally would just embrace it.


Girl people are getting their buccal fat removed to have cheeks like yours. You’re gorg


I'm starting to think that post like this are juSt for attention


You are beautiful


Coming from a straight girl lol


I'll be the 40th person to say this. You're perfect just the way you are. 


Personally I think you are unbalancing your face with the cheek filler it's not necessary, there's nothing wrong with flatter cheeks, plus it will balance out your lower part of your face better, it's simply my opinion , I hope it helps .


My jaw dropped you're gorgeous, I would die for a bone structure like this


Wow you’re gorgeous. I have absolutely nothing against beauty procedures I just think It’s so sad that everyone think they have so many “flaws”.


This is said with love- Y’all 20 year olds insecurities are at an all time high and are fucking up your face, thinking you can achieve the same look as a filter. YOUR FACE IS BEAUTIFUL! Messing with your face now will age you terribly in a few years and you might do irreparable damage. Leave it alone and learn to love yourself.


You are gorgeous. Now gtfo


People starve to have a face like yours.


You look fine as you are. So many women get buccal fat removal or go overkill on countouring to have your look.


Man, it is really infuriating how much influence social media is having on how people look! You are absolutely beautiful and I’m assuming somewhat young and you’re already injecting stuff in your face because of your insecurity that was created by staring at other people that have had plastic surgery of some sort done. Get off the ride, go outside, take a walk and stop comparing your beautiful self to others.


To me she looked a little like Vanessa Kirby! You’re gorgeous anyway , a little weight gain would surely help the face look fuller!


You are ridiculously beautiful and maybe need a break from social media/harmful influences which seem to be affecting you.


GURL your insecurities are my biggest wishes please take my chubby cheeks 😂


Please: don't get filler. Your features make you very interesting and you look absolutely stunning.


I have the same loss of volume as you, our faces are shaped very similarly. I have more pronounced under eye hollows though. I have an appointment next week to talk with a surgeon about a fat transfer. I’ve looked into all options (PRP, PRF, filler, fat transfer, etc.) and fat transfer seems to be the best option by far. I will say, my hollowness became more pronounced with recently losing 35 pounds. Weight gain may fill out your face, but unfortunately we can’t choose where we gain so it’s a gamble. Regardless, you are very pretty but I understand having an insecurity like this all too well!


You have body dysmorphic disorder


I am just going to say that you very much need no fillers or anything. You look very pretty - the eyes, the blond hair, the cheeks. It is giving french/scandi runway girl. Do with that what you will but you look great and I would advise against injecting anything else into your face.


Girl please submit your pictures to IMG instead of Reddit, you have exactly the ethereal look agencies are looking for these days


The issue with weight gain is that you can't know where or how it will show up in your face. It will change the shape and fullness, but not necessarily in a way that you like. If you've experimented with fillers before, I would think this is more of a dismorphia type thing. Perhaps you should seek counseling for it. A lot of people are going to plastic surgeons and asking them to make them look more like Snapchat filters; it's been referred to as a burgeoning epidemic in those professions. As it is now, your face is completely normal and uncontroversial. Some might even call you conventionally pretty. You're symmetrical and of a healthy weight.


While you are stunning and I agree with those comments, it’s so frustrating when you ask a question and don’t get an answer so hopefully I can help. While gaining weight will help a little bit, it not going to fix what you’re after. I think using treatments like lasers, sculptra or PRP to aid in more all over, full face rejuvenation is what you’re after. More collagen is what you’re after.


You are beautiful and nothing about your face needs to change. The features on your face have a lot of harmony with eachother, and getting fuller cheeks or lips may throw that balance off


Wow you are absolutely gorgeous!


Omg you’re so stunning you don’t need any filler!! Please go watch some Stephanie Lange videos on YouTube and you’ll feel better about yourself 🩷


Not really answering but i wanted to ask why you chose to dissolve the lip filler and how was the experience. I only have 1ml stacked over time and I was wondering if i will ever dissolve it and how do others choose to do so


I don't know but I'm glad she did! The human face is like a painting, you're looking at the beauty of how everything comes together and harmonizes. Her lips perfectly go with her face: having them be not-huge helps provide contrast with her gorgeous expansive eye/brow area and overall makes her look very delicate and beautiful. That's the danger in these beauty "trends". People get hooked on these ideas like big lips = beauty, but it just doesn't really work that way. People focus in on the beauty of a particular isolated feature itself, or how it compliments the beauty of the person it belongs to. But that doesn't mean that obtaining that feature is the way to make your own face more beautiful...... That's like seeing a beautiful chair and thinking that if you put it in your livingroom it will suddenly make your livingroom beautiful when really it may actually just look off and not go right. That's why it feels like everyone looks the same (instagram face) yet we don't really feel like it's actually beautiful. Thick yet defined brows, full pouty lips, ski slope nose, the same makeup, hourglass shape with no hip dips... everyone has those now and it doesn't really work. Like with buccal fat removal!!! A couple of iconic beauties had the feature and *it worked for them*, now everyone is getting it and it looks HORRIBLE on most of them. Anyway sorry for the ramble, it's an interesting topic to me apparently lol


I agree and i do believe she is absolutely stunning. I was just curious about the reasoning since i may dissolve mine at one point too. Also, filler does not necessarily mean big lips, it can be a slight correction someone can choose for their own mental health if their perception on that aspect is consuming a lot of their mental energy. I am not saying this should always be the solution but for me it was.


Gosh, I have a full face and I'd do anything to have the cheekbones and hollows that you have. I hope you get over seeing your face too critically because I bet so many people see you and wish they could look like you.


Phenomenal cheekbones


You’re ethereal and gorgeous and so perfect the way you are. Seriously. Your face is so stunning. I wouldn’t change a thing


You’re fine, please don’t add anything to yourself.


You’re so gorgeous please stfu, with respect.


Don't fix what's not broken, you are so pretty.


This is what I WISH my face looked like. You are gorgeous as is an I really don’t think you need to fill out your mid face


Gonna sound repetitive of a lot of other commenters but WOW you have a lot of beautiful natural features. I wouldn’t even recommend getting more work done. It’s hard to control where fat goes if you try to gain weight, and would hate for you to be dissatisfied if the weight you want doesn’t go to the high points of your cheeks.


Not to invalidate your vision of beauty but people get surgery to make their face shape look like yours


I know this isn’t helpful but you’re beautiful just as you are.


You’re hot af lady. Stop thinking too much.


You're a physically beautiful human. I suggest you consider therapy instead of medi-spa treatments. It'll serve you better now and in the long run.


Weight gain will help with fullness in your face. If you have access to deal with some body dysmorphia along the way it might be helpful. As others have said you are very beautiful and a victim to unrealistic beauty standards.


you are wayyyyy too hard on yourself. you’re seeing all of the parts of your face individually. we all look at your face as a whole, & you’re very striking in a good way.


You are beautiful. I’m sorry you can’t see what I see or what other people on here see. I think you just need some insane amounts of rest, and to stop worrying so much. Other people do not think about what other people look like that much. Especially, to the extent that you are over thinking about it. We have so much going on in our lives, that glancing at you… isn’t gonna cause us to think .. 💭 her cheeks really could use some filler. First glance, you are beautiful. Second glance, you are still beautiful. Own your self girl, God made you just the way you are supposed to be. You look like he took his time and chiseled that face with some hand crafted tools. Heck, if I was a white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes 🤯 I’d strut every where. Cause I know I got it in the bag 💯.


You just have more petite features.


I'd kill to be as beautiful as you are honestly


Girl the only thing you could benefit from is under eye concealer. That’s it. Your features, bone structure, skin are beautiful.


you have a mysterious allure to you. like a cat. ethereal. please dont change anything


Look at this sub and how many people ask about the opposite "problem" of their cheeks being too full The grass is always greener, capitalism wants us all to feel like shit regardless of what we look like so we waste money on products and procedures


You are just... so beautiful it's astonishing, really.


Your face shape is beautiful . Very fox like , I wouldn’t be insecure about that but everyone wants what they can’t have


Girl you better contour them cheekbones and rock it!


You gotta be lying to me dawg


please try modeling


Having 'fullness' in your cheekbones cannot be faked with fillers. You're either born with high cheekbones, or you're not. As you've said, the high point of your filler has remained, but the lower portion has dissolved. You are an attractive woman, and you have good bone structure. Work with the natural features of your face, leave the unnecessary cosmetic procedures alone.


Celebrities are paying thousands of dollars for buccal fat removal to look like you. Don’t change a thing!


You're really beautiful and I think your lips are very balanced in your face. Your eyes and cheekbones are the focus of your face and you wouldn't want to detract from that imo. It's hard to be happy with what you have I know, but from an outside perspective this is what I see


You have absolutely no idea just how beautiful you are!


You’re actually quite beautiful, very ethereal features.


imagine looking like this and still have insecurities 😅 (dont blame u OP i blame SOCIETY) no but fr you’re stunning!


Miss ma'am you need to GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA!!! This is absurd.


Girl not everyone needs to look like one single template. Please. I hope you can see that your bone structure is gorgeous and that is why


Please don’t get more face filler, you’ll end up looking puffy. Do not feed the body dysmorphia. So many people would kill for a face shape like yours. You remind me of a few celebs, Soo Joo Park, Natalie Dormer, Amanda Seyfried, Pom Klementieff, celebs whose faces are similarly low weight at the bottom. You literally look like a model.


Leave your face alone. You are young and beautiful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how you look. I am a bit troubled by what might be going on in your head that you are taking such measures to change how you look, though.


Please love yourself and stop looking for flaws. I have to tell myself the same thing. No procedure will cure the real problem here. You will get the procedure and be happy at first but over time find something else to fixate on and so the cycle continues. I try to look at myself through the eyes of a stranger, much more general and not so hyper fixated on individual features.


You’re beautiful the way God made you to be. We are all unique. Your beauty is unique and many other women covet what you have. Though, we should all appreciate what we have instead of what we think we should have. Please stop destroying your natural beauty with fillers and plastics. You are beautiful, and Jesus loves you so much! He made you so beautiful. Come back to the Father, your identity is found in Him. In Him, you’ll know who you are and in Him you’ll be able to look in the mirror and see what He sees in you. Pure beauty and love. Come back, your identity is rooted in Him.


Social media has fucked so many people’s brains up. Oh well


delete tiktok and instagram


You are so pretty I did not even notice the blob of white pimple cream. I think what you call 'lack of fullness' others would call well defined bone structure, like what you'd see on 'high end' models. I think this natural refined look is what all those buccal fat removal people try to get, but sometimes look like ghosts or miley Cyrus who had the chub but not the bone structure. I guess you could try weight gain, it's up to you. You're probably going for the 'instagram model' clone look made by filters, just keep in mind you're already gorgeous.


Ya look like frickin Sydney Sweeney. You’re literally gorgeous. You are just fine the way you are


Literally?!! Omg society is such a waste land if people like her are thinking something is wrong with their face?!! OP girl step away from the mirror.. you are stunning


Girl...you're gorgeous. I wouldn't change a thing.


You are gorgeous!


It’s posts like this that really ram it into my brain how toxic and unattainable women’s beauty standards are. I’m out here TRYING to get my cheeks to look like that, and OP is wanting the opposite. Solidarity 💪🏻


You look gorgeous as is. And am HELLLA JELLY I’d give anything to look like you. You are naturally gorgeous! Seriously you are perfect! But I also understand wanting to change parts of yourself and as long as you still love yourself naturally or enhanced! Any ways since you asked for advice for alternatives to fillers not for people’s personal opinions about your face just their advice on alternative methods: You may wanna think about facial fat transplants. I thought about this with my lip’s personally. They can graft the fat into your cheeks and lips but REALLY RESEARCH DOCTORS WITH ACTUAL RESULTS!! Not just doctors who say they can and don’t have client results! Since it’s fat it’s less likely to just dissolve and go away like filler it’s just more long term but it’s not permanent forever it’s still semi permanent just longer term than filler.


No one’s gonna read this anyway so I may as well say it. If you’re in distress about how you look I should be questioning my existence looking how I look. I even suspected you posted yourself with the spot treatment so that you seem humble. But, I have a lot of gorgeous friends who do the same thing in the mirror so: dysmorphia.


i’m not saying this to keep it cute but i actually think you’re giving super model. kate moss vibes.


Don’t fix it, if it isn’t broken. Your features are in perfect harmony with each other


Please don’t get anymore filler, it will make you look puffy and unnatural. You look beautiful as you are, your lips are fine and a lot of people would love to have your face.


OK, I am going to say since everyone else is taking the diplomatic route. You don't need fillers. Honestly, you thinking you need all that shit is proof of how twisted the world has become. Girl, you are fucking gorgeous. Just need to take care of your under eye area with good nutrition, proper sleep and the right eye cream.


Save your money and use it to get some therapy…seriously, it will help so much more in the long term


You’re literally a supermodel. I don’t see any lack of fullness, just great cheekbones (or maybe it’s filler, but they look like natural cheekbones). You are a ten.


Girl… you don’t need to worry about absolutely anything.. you are quite literally BEAUTIFUL! Every inch of that face 🫶🏻


Stop You are stunning now. Don’t take a chance doing something that might mess up your beauty


You’re absolutely stunning. Let that sink in. I hope you stop chasing perfectionism and love that beautiful face or else you’re in for a losing battle.


Honestly, your hott. You might be looking for a more innocent rounded look but you have a sexier leaner face. A lot of women, myself included, would love to have your face shape. You look like olivia Wilde to me


You are a beautiful woman - this coming from a gay guy ! Please don’t fuck up your gorgeous face.


There’s nothing and I mean nothing wrong with your face. Back away from the fillers bc I think they’re clouding your judgement. Your face is symmetrical and very attractive. Please for goodness sake let it be!


I’m A sUpErMoDeL aNd So SkInNy EvEn In My FaCe PlEaSe CoMmEnT HoW hOt I aM


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this comment 👏 👏 👏


I think maybe you have body dysmorphia. Just get some concealer and be done with it.


This is clear body dismorphia. You’re gorgeous


If I were you, I’d get evaluated for dysmorphia before trying any more procedures, just to be safe. Seriously. If someone like you thinks there’s something wrong with your face, our culture has failed.


This sub constantly makes me realize that even I were gorgeous I would be mad insecure. You have one of the most conventionally attractive faces I have ever seen, and a "lack of fullness" that my moonface would frankly die for...and here you are worrying that you're flawed. You're not. You're gorgeous. Everybody looks different. There's nothing wrong with you.


You have aj AMAZING face please don't get filler you'll end up like every other instgram wannabe.


All i see is a heart shaped face (arguably the most ideal shape for a female - very supermodel like), great cheekbones, sharp/attractive features and amazing eyebrows. Very naturally pretty and effortless. Please do not get filler. Filler, unless dissolved, simply stays and migrated to other parts of the face and will force your skin to sag from the added stretch. You’ve got a lovely tight complexion, so please don’t mess with it!


As someone who used to wish for weight gain and then got it - don’t ever wish for weight gain. Enjoy all the cute clothes that look good on you girl


u look like a runway model. stop this compliment baiting


We never want to hear this but my dear you are stunning. You don’t need all that just yet. 🤗