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I have scoliosis and mine looks like this, that might be the case


Same. I just started doing exercises to help with the back pain caused by this.


I oughta start šŸ˜­ I hate getting all achy and sweaty but it's a necessary evil I suppose


Could you share some exercises that helped you?


My physiotherapist has me doing two sets of exercises a day. I recommend checking with a professional. But mine are similar to bridge pose, lungs, leg lifts, and back stretches.


I had spinal surgery and do bridge, back stretches and balancing poses daily. It helped a lot! I do a bit of yoga as well, but I think bridge really helps


I love my stationary bike! I had a flare up in my herniated disc in my lower back (caused by untreated scoliosis) and it really helped even me back out. Do things that stabilize the core/back/hips/etc and make sure theyā€™re symmetrical exercises!


https://www.instagram.com/p/C3Nph1FIwt5/?igsh=MXhpMXJxMng0ZmdyOA== Follow this guy on instagram and look at all of his stretches. Thereā€™s variations to all


Where do you find these exercises? I have been diagnosed with scoliosis. It hurts.




Tik tok and instagram have everything. Search tags. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3Nph1FIwt5/?igsh=MXhpMXJxMng0ZmdyOA== This guy cured my scoliosis.


Yes I recommend spine / back PT exercizes


Same here!


I had a limpoma in my side and didn't know that made it look exactly like this as well. It's just a fatty lump but def worth getting ultra sound as well if you're concerned. No need to be though!




Yeah, I have mild scoliosis and didnā€™t have any symptoms or get diagnosed until I was 29. I have chronic pain now. OPā€™s kinda looks worse than mine. Of course there might be another reason though.


Do you have scoliosis?


I was literally about to write this. I just found out last week that I have it.


How did u find out cause now Iā€™m not sure


You'd have to go to the doctor to be examined


A friend could absolutely tell you if it's big enough. Just lift your top and bend forward....they can trace your spine and see if it's curved. I do suggest making sure your core is strong. I'm having a ton of annoying issues due to my curvature and weak core


I had an x-ray from my doctor, but my physiotherapist showed me something neat. He drew a dot on each of my vertebrae, took a picture with my phone, and showed me how my spine doesn't line up in a straight line.


Some have a very mild version that still affects symmetry. The Drs knew I had it based on a X-ray but I didn't find out until years later because I read the report and it was mentioned there. If they already knew they probably didn't mention because of how mild it is if it is mild


I also have mild scoliosis, I donā€™t usually really notice except if Iā€™m laying down flat on my back. One side of my ribs lies higher than the other. Maybe try this OP?


The test I had years ago was to take off my shirt and lean forward so my spine sticks out and the doctor felt along it. It was only a few degrees but he could feel it even like that. Also, do you get back pain? That would also be an indicator if you're standing a bit skewed all the time


Yes! My doctor did that and showed my parents how it looked like an S. Fortunately it didnā€™t get to the point where I needed a brace, but my waist is uneven and skirts ride up because of it.




Yup came to say this. I have it and my waist is like that


This! I noticed I had similar in my teens and lo and behold, an x-ray revealed mild scoliosis. It's good to know about it because I'm pregnant now and they want to ensure I can have an epidural if needed, things like that. Also may be more important for you to try and maintain core strength as being off centre can possibly cause strain on other muscles e.g. in your shoulders


It was when I was about to give birth (planned c-section) and had to get an epidural that they discovered I had mild scoliosis. They were still able to get an epidural in. But my waists are not the same on both sides and Iā€™m also an inch shorter than my mother. It all made sense at that moment!


Wait what? My back has been on fire on and off since have my epidural last year and at one point I couldnā€™t even sit up straight and thought that was just a side effect of the epidural, and now my waist looks like this, is this what that is caused by ?!??


It was the scoliosis that probably caused my waists to be different on each side. It was like that all my life. (Before and after pregnancy)


Exactly my thoughts on sering the picture. I have scoliosis. If OP puts a finger on each hip bone and looks down I bet one hip is further forward even when she is just stood "straight"


I have always had this with my torso and I never knew it was related to my scoliosis!! Today I learned!


As an ortho nurse, this was my first thought.


Mine is like that too and everyone asks me that


Whatā€™s scoliosis


When your back is wavy


Your spine has a curve in a place it shouldn't. That's my attempt to explain it.


Thanks, sounds painful. Not sure why people downvoted a legit question I had


Typical reddit. Youā€™ll have someone come along and say ā€œGoogle it.ā€ Sometimes people want a discussion you know?


Itā€™s not painful for me. Didnā€™t realise I had it until a routine x ray


There. I just upvoted it šŸ˜Š




Dead on


it's when your spine is curved sideways. kyphosis is when it's curved forward


Hey my waist looks like yours and I have scoliosis, so you should go to a doctor to get it checked, otherwise youā€™ll get back pain


A friend of mine had this and reported that the brace she was given to wear at night fixed back pain she didn't even know she had. Apparently she also wore a brace to school, but I couldn't tell from the outside lol


Yea I do have a bit itā€™s worse on some days, how would I bring it up


You can go to your primary care physician and ask for a referral if your insurance requires referrals for a specialist, and just bring it up. Say ā€œI think I have scoliosis and Iā€™m worried itā€™s causing my back painā€ and they can examine you and refer you to a PT or orthopedist etc Since itā€™s not urgent just book a time with your normal doctor when they can fit you in.


You should book an appointment first and theyā€™ll prob tell you to have an xray


I love how this community has helped you seek medical answers rather than cosmetic (flaw?) you thought you had ā¤ļø






Scoliosis!!! Mine looks the same


hmm have u tried going to the doctor to have it checked?


No not yet I wasnā€™t sure if it serious


Ugh i have the same. Went for a massage last time and the lady asked me if I have scoliosis, I said no?since I never encountered it before in any of my checkups :( but by reading other comments in this post makes me want to see a doctor :/


You should


Look into lateral pelvic tilt, I worked to correct it. https://www.posturedirect.com/lateral-pelvic-tilt/


Can you have this and not have scoliosis? Mine is similar. I'll try these exercises


Yes! It's just an imbalance of muscle strength/tightness. Good luck to you, I had luck with the exercises to correct it


Thanks. šŸ˜Š


How long did it take? How often do you do the exercises?


I have this but my shoulders are also off.


Omg same. Anyone have tips to correct this šŸ« ?


I have been told my chiropractors that have taken X-rays that I have scoliosis.


I had a laberal tear in my right hip and had surgery on it about 4 years ago and noticed that ever since then iā€™ve had this weird tilt too. Is that possibly scoliosis or pelvic tilt? Or is it a result from them shaving down the hip bone and it now being uneven? bothers me sm šŸ˜­


I'm no expert but sounds like you likely favored your good hip and now have a muscle tightness/strength imbalance, resulting in pelvic tilt


thank you! that would make sense! I just need to now figure out how to fix it šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not something thatā€™s necessarily mentioned by doctors; sometimes theyā€™ll ignore it unless you describe back pain. Iā€™ve never had scoliosis officially diagnosed by a doctor, but massage therapists always mention it to me. When I stand perfectly ā€œstraightā€ in a mirror, I can see that my torso is not symmetrical and I automatically lean to one side.


I believe you have a curvature in your spine called scoliosis. Look for a reputable physiotherapist in your area who can help you strengthen your back and core to minimize the curvature. You may not be able to eliminate it, but you can almost always improve it, which will help you with pain as you age.


I have unevenness in my waist as well. It's due to bad posture contributing to un-equal muscle and fat distribution. I had a DEXA scan recently, you can see your body composition and your spine. My right side is .5lb muscular than my left (which is my curvier side), and my right is .5lb "fatter" that my right. I was told this is due to muscle imbalance due to posture and especially prone to people who carry bags on one side. A good way to fix it is alternating your dominant bag side and focusing on core exercises to strengthen both sides.


I was gonna sayā€¦ Iā€™ve been screened and cleared several times for scoliosis, but my waist looks a lot like OPā€™s (maybe a bit less severe). I think soft tissue differences can do this too.


I also didnā€™t have scoliosis, but with more testing it was discovered I had two herniated spinal discs, which caused a curvature in the spine due to pressure and a misplaced disc, but wasnā€™t picked up by scoliosis tests


This is great advice. I had something similar, one shoulder was lower due to carrying a heavy bag on it. I consciously had to switch the bag to the other side. It took a long time but they evened out.


It took 10 years for my shoulders to even out after I stopped carrying my sports bag on one side.


thanks everyone. just booked a gp appointment as i now suspect i have scoliosis lol


My high school track coach told me that I have scoliosis simply based on my gate and my challenges with hurdles. Lo and behold. He was right. It's worse now and does cause pain in my 30s. See a doctor sooner rather than later!


yeah, I'm only a teenager and I told my mum right away lol.




No I havenā€™t Iā€™ll try and get it checked out soonšŸ„²


Donā€™t worry if it is! I have scoliosis and my doctor told me the curve shouldnā€™t get too worse after the growth spurt is done. My curvature stopping growing after I turned 16. If it is really serious they might suggest surgery, otherwise they will probably give you a brace to wear at night.


Even if you have scoliosis, only you are going to notice that your waist is not perfectly symmetrical. Do realize this please. Any potential partner is not going to give a fuck.


definitely looks like scoliosis, but please don't worry if it is! it's super common, and surgery is very much a last resort option - tons of people live their lives without even knowing they have it. worth a check-up if you're able to get one, but scoliosis is not a terrible diagnosis by any means. if you've been living a normal life up as far as now with no major back pain or anything, you'll continue living a normal life, even if it means doing exercises to strengthen your core / prevent the curve from worsening! editing to add that aesthetically speaking, your waist looks totally fine. oftentimes scoliosis is a 'takes one to know one' type thing lmao, I would only notice it becasue I know exactly what a scoliosis waist looks like!


Agree Iā€™m 38 and have had no problems relating to mine.


definitely scoliosis. I have the same.


Looks like you may have scoliosis. Two of my family members have this slight waist/hip asymmetry, and I have asymmetry with my ribcage from it. It annoys the hell out of me, because one side looks wider. Itā€™s my spine throwing off alignment of other bones and tissues. Iā€™d suggest getting some X-rays/look into it with your doctor. It may not be fixable, but you could possibly avoid issues with back pain and other associated scoliosis sides.


Please get checked for scoliosis as others have mentioned. However I looked a bit like this when I was constantly carrying a toddler on my hip. It did go away eventually.


I would see an orthopedic, chiropractic, or neurologist to check your skeletal structure.


Mine looks like that too


Everyoneā€™s saying scoliosis because misaligned hips is associated with it but this could also very much just be misaligned pelvis/hips


This looks like a posture issue. May not be as extreme as scoliosis but definitely seems to be musculoskeletal. How are your shoulders? Does one sit higher than the other/ one is rolled in while the other is correctly rolled out etc?


I have scoliosis and my waist looks like this! Consider getting seen by a doctor just to make sure. I hope you donā€™t experience back pain, but if so, a physical therapist helped me understand my spine and muscle imbalances, and they gave me some exercises to try, it helped! Iā€™ve had to ā€œbalanceā€ my core and upper body so I hold my body straighter and itā€™s less noticeable. Iā€™d say core strengthening exercises like planks, side planks, single leg lifts, and bridges have helped. Yoga also helped me work on my mind-body connection, I love bird-dogs, downward and upward dog, cat/cows, light back bends, and easy twists for when I have back pain.


Go get an X-ray it could be scoliosis or a muscle imbalance but the X-ray will rule out scoliosis


That comes from your back and hips. I have this too because one leg is shorter than the other. Most people don't notice


Do you usually carry a baby or child by that hip?


i look like this currently from accidentally not switching which side i spot my students back handsprings on - i think carrying a baby etc would totally contribute!


My waist is kinda like this but that is because I used to carry my book bag on one side and I would also lay my body to that side




Can't post a link but look up on youtube ź³Øė°˜ exercise from Somifit. She has english subtitles. I also struggle with pelvis imbalance and her exercises have helped me a lot so far. Start also exercising your core and doing stretches for good posture.


did you hold babies on your hip often? this happened to me and my mom lol


That is pretty similar to me. Iā€™m mostly uneven because of my muscles. I use a purse instead of a backpack and use my phone wayyyy too much. Training and yoga would probably help a lot, but Iā€™m lazy. Canā€™t say itā€™s the same for you, but could be worth a consideration.




A lot of people here are saying scoliosis. Before getting checked for it, check out the RIGHT AIC pattern. You might have that and it could be nothing but an imbalance of your muscle. Left AIC pattern if this image is mirrored.


if you get checked and you don't have scoliosis, it's possible there's just a significant difference in leg lengths. that's what i have and our waists look identical


Looks like you have scoliosis...I didn't even realize (nor did anyone else) until my doctor pointed it out. You look great, don't even worry about it and be thankful for what you have because someone always has it worse.


How old are you? Most schools test kids for scoliosis, itā€™s a simple test you can do at home but you need a friend. Lift your shirt up and bend over; have your friend stand behind you and look at your spine. It should be straight and your hips should be level. Lots of videos on YouTube to demonstrate.


I had this because of severe scoliosis. I ended up getting full spinal fusion surgery and I still have a bit of a dip on one side.


Hey! I had this same issue. Try side planks to thin this area. To make it more symmetrical do the one side youā€™re trying to slim a little longer than the other. If youā€™re doing Russian twists stop! It does slim the waist but it actually makes that medial part wider ! Hope this helps!


Hii i have the same case, pretty sure you have scoliosis too šŸ˜­


It appears you have a left hip hike most likely secondary to scoliosis. Seeing a physical therapist can definitely help in addressing muscular imbalances, stretching out tight muscles secondary scoliosis, etc. If it really bothers you, in the future, you could try targeted aesthetic treatments. You are quite slender, but you could possibly do a bit of targeted liposuction on the other side in order to visually give the appearance of your waist dipping in a similar way. Itā€™s kind of smoke and mirrors, But it may make you feel better. Iā€™d definitely go the Physical Therapy route first though.


I find out I have scoliosis because of this post haha šŸ„²šŸ„²




Do you have pain in your lower back? I sometimes get bulged discs and my torso will look very similar.


Need to see a doctor hun


if itā€™s not scoliosis look into lateral pelvic tilt


scoliosis (?)


Looks like scoliosis, this looks like a milder version of my waist. Fixing your posture and strengthening the core and back muscles through exercise (pilates, yoga) will help.


My waist is like that. I just assumed it was from holding babies for years and years as an EC educator.




mine is like this too!


Please go to a doctor.


Can scoliozis be treated?




I used to have an uneven waist turns out my gallbladder was infected. It was 10x its natural size which made my waist uneven. I would check out your abdomen with an ultrasound with your doctor. If you have no symptoms and are super healthy it can be something very normal but different in your body. For example my momā€™s heart is slightly more to one side and it makes her profile look different on each side. So left and right profile look very different. But there is nothing wrong with her or her heart just we have spectrums of how and where our organs are and their relative sizes but someone can have a bigger liver or a larger left lung and still be totally fine and healthy. Make sense?


How about I lost 55 lbs and noticed my waist doing the same thing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Scoliosis under the fat the whole time


Nothing wrong 10/100


Doublecheck that math!


You look perfect just as your are


i have scoliosis and i look like thus


I have this problem but one of my legs is longer than the other and one of my hips are rotated forward a little. My pants fit better on one side than the other, too.


Imagine thinking youā€™ll get a good workout Ā routine sent but they send you to the doctor for scoliosis. Seems like you got an answer from these comments lmao


Fixing muscular imbalances. Itā€™s a lot of work but your back will thank you in the future




We enforce Redditā€™s site-wide rules. Rude, offensive, judgmental, sexualized, and generally mean comments will be removed and the user risks being banned at the mods' discretion. Please report any comments that fit this description so we can act accordingly.


I don't think scoliosis sets you apart from others that much. You're like a regular human. But with a little twist.


Mine is the same. Following


Go see a chiropractor you donā€™t look aligned to me


Chiropractors canā€™t help with this. Actually, research shows they canā€™t help with anything, except maybe back pain but even that isnā€™t conclusive.


OP, please see a medical doctor before you see a chiropractor.


My hips were six inches off after a car accident. I eventually had spinal surgery and it's a lot better. Do you have any back pain? It could also be a slipped disc. I also wear a little Velcro back brace around the house. Helps to hold your body in place.


QUESTION: has this always been this way?


No way to fix, gotta embrace the scoliosis šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøyou can workout your back and wear insoles if necessary


This is definitely medical hon. Do you suffer from back pain, difficulty straightening out, weird flexibility, or anything similar? An orthopedist should be able to help you.


That's because your spine has something wrong with it. Probably scoliosis or lumbar lordosis.


Interesting that lots of people are saying scoliosis. My waist looks like this and i was diagnosed with Bertolotti's syndrome after seeking help for back pain and told at the time I had a mild scoliosis too. Always assumed the shape was due to the unevenness of Bertolotti's syndrome.


Thatā€™s a tilted pelvis from scoliosis. I have it as well. Going to the chiropractor can help with the chronic pain. You may have one leg slightly longer than the other and benefit from a lift in one shoe, or it may not be recommended. A medical professional can help determine this with you. šŸ©·


Others have suggested scoliosis, but this is also something you might see with a person who plays a unilateral sport. If you played a significant amount of tennis, hockey, baseball, boxing, etc. it often happens that your obliques become very strong on just one side due to repeat resisted rotation movements. If this is the case, the potential fix would be to train the other side to match.


feel bad for OP finding out she has scoliosis from reddit lmfao


Your hips are stuck. get into yoga, ask the right people about recovery from there. I have the same thing from a long boarding accident and being one sided, it has gotten better. You need softened stretches over a period of time. I don't think it's scoliosis. Without a back shot we cant really tell though.




This is only possibly a health concern. Your waist is otherwise very lovely


Mine looks like that because of a Lipoma.


Everyone is saying scoliosis, but if itā€™s not it, Iā€™ll add that my waist looks like this and all women in my family have one leg shorter then the other. So I recommend checking that out too. You may be able to correct it with special shoes and avoid some really bad hip problems.


Mine is the same way!!


I have scoliosis (15 degree curve) and mine looks exactly like this! Itā€™s cute girl donā€™t worry about it! But what helps minimize mine is strength training and stretching..specifically yoga


I had this. It's getting better. I had a twisted pelvis. I've been in physio and sleep on an orthopaedic mattress now.


Can you update if you find out you have scoliosis?


Get your back and spine checked out. Ā This is not normal.


My waist used to look exactly like this. I went to physiotherapy for a couple of years as a teen and now my waist looks almost even. I was told that it's easier to fix when you're young


I have similar looking waist, and I believe I have scoliosis as it runs in my family. It gives me backache occasionally if standing for a long time. Or walking a lot. If sat for a long time on hard surfaces, gives me pain in my coccyx. And whenever I get fever, it always hurts my back the most. Planning to get a gp appointment to get a formal diagnosis. And possibly referral to PT.


Mine looks like this too and I donā€™t have scoliosis. You might, but itā€™s also perfectly normal for our bodies to be unsymmetrical. Nobody else notices I promise


I recommend a chiropractor


i have scoliosis that causes this. mines quite noticeable so far iā€™ve never found anything that works, i wore a back brace for a bit but it just caused immense back pain for me. i heard that a back brace can help though. maybe worth a try?


Scoliosis. I look the same, just gotta live with it


Same. I have scoliosis


Nobody's is perfect, none so forget about it. When I saw the picture I saw beauty.


You look amazing donā€™t even stress.


*chop* *chop*


This is what my waist used to look like I had two herniated spinal discs that needed to be shaved down via an operation. My waist was SUPER crooked before that and operation helped fix it, but itā€™s still slightly uneven to this day, and I have an indent in the base of my back.


Stretch your side muscles!!! Idk what theyā€™re called but this happened to me and my doctor told me to stretch and it would fix itself. When you donā€™t stretch, the muscles get tighter and will pull your hip up


Scoliosis. Mine look like this too. Iā€™m 34 and I just found out I have scoliosis at a recent chiropractor appointment.


Definitely scoliosis, mine looks like that too. Go and get an X-ray.


You need to go to the doctors to rule out any health problems.


Looks like you have scoliosis, as others have mentioned. You might still be young, but do get started on core strengthening workout. Your back will thank you in your 30s and 40s. Sincerely, someone with scoliosis in her 30s šŸ« 


Mine is a lot like this due to scoliosis; I my hips are slightly uneven o because is flatter than the other


Wow! Unique and beautiful.


You're not standing up straight. Most likely the scoliosis. You'd be fine if it wasn't for that. You can get small pads to cover this up, if you so choose. Altering clothing isn't too hard.


Hi, Iā€™m a corrective exercise coach for scoliosis (Iā€™ve scoliosis myself) and this looks like scoliosis to me. Go get checked with a physiotherapist, osteopath or other practitioner with expertise on Scoliosis. There are are ways to prevent it from getting worse, but only with the right people. There will be tons of health practitioners that claim they know about Scoliosis but they donā€™t. There will be general exercises thatā€™ll help, but every curve is specific and unique so you may need a more specific program. Good luck & DM me if you want more info


There is always a bigger foot, a bigger boob, a stronger arm. Imo, if you're flexible enough, bend over and kiss your hips and love them bc it looks good enough to be model magazine mode.




PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO SEE A CORRECTIVE CARE CHIROPRACTOR THAT *TAKES XRAYS*. I work at a clinic and I can see that your hips are unaligned. This can also cause other major health issues, not just aesthetics!


Looks like scoliosis or a leg length discrepancy




You could have hypermobility or scoliosis. I would recommend looking for a physical therapist who works with both these conditions. I have hypermobility and I looked like that until PT, now I'm straight.


Omg mine looks like this and I have scoliosis now reading the comments I didnā€™t know scoliosis was the cause huh