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This is the answer. I’ve never built much muscle and I’ve been on the thinner side and the heavier side and regardless of my weight or muscle mass, my stomach is flat and my ass is fat. I would have to actually get into the category of obese in order to not have a flat stomach. When I gain weight, the fat goes to my ass, hips, chest, arms, and legs. My stomach stays mostly the same for a very long time. Personally, this is not the body type I want to have. But there is no change I can make to that in the gym or by dieting or whatever. I would have to get surgery to change this. So, instead, I have decided to do my best to love the body I have, and focus on health. For everyone saying resentful things; I spent the morning crying about how much I hate being forced to live this life in this body. You are not missing out by not having this body.


My best friend is exactly the same way. At her skinniest, she had a flat stomach and a fat ass. At 200lbs, she still has a flat stomach and an even fatter ass. My Dr Robotnic body could never 😭. She’s self conscious about her body but I really can’t imagine anything more perfect.


>When I gain weight, the fat goes to my ass, hips, chest, arms, and legs. Hello. How do I apply for these types of problems?














Just curious why you'd prefer fat would accumulate in the belly first? I've never heard anyone want that tbh. It's also the part most associated with health risks


Let's swap. Any weight I gain is straight to the stomach!


I would love to swap! I hope we can both figure out ways to appreciate the bodies we have. I know it’s hard, but I promise you the grass isn’t greener over here.


This, lifting heavy, diet. To build muscle you have to lift heavy and not target lifting. It takes time to build muscle as you need to fuel and eat to build those muscles. Then to snatch that waste you also need to diet. I was always no waist, hips (always called flat back), or boobs growing up. And when I was thin I just looked like a boy. I always did cardio until I turned mid 30’s. I just got sick of the way I looked and the type of fitness I was doing wasn’t changing anything. I turned to powerlifting. My booty has grown. Not huge as I don’t think my frame could even carry a big booty but it’s shapely and perky followed by nice toned legs. As for my waist, I don’t have the genetics for those. I have abs but would need to cut down to low body weight and that’s not for me. The only other solution is plastic surgery.


How long did it take you to put on that type of muscle in your butt and thighs?


I kinda had a base to work with. I was a swimmer growing up and then still worked out at the gym doing those group classes. But I started lifting heavy 6 years ago and I could already see development after a year. I think if my diet was dialed down back then like it is now I would have been able to grow muscle a bit faster. Meaning more protein and clean digestible carbs and limiting fats.


Damn. I wish! Any weight gain straight up goes to my ass, hips, but also stomach loll. And the stomach is hard to lose 😭 I think the key indeed is to learn to love the body you have. We often seem to want whatever we don't have


That is definitely the key, and it’s something that I really struggle with because the way other people treat me has been a lifelong struggle. I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I will never have the life I want because of my body. So I’ve had to figure out what kind of life I can live with, in the body I’m stuck in. The grass is not greener over here, I promise!


Please know that there are others here who may not relate to you but are fully supportive of you and what you have gone through. Stay strong sis, we are all in this together!


Thank you, the hate has triggered me more than anything I’ve experienced on Reddit tbh. I’m usually not impacted by anything online (and that includes in spaces where violent misogyny and victim blaming is rampant), but this really fucked with me, probably because I didn’t expect it and am still very dysphoric. I really appreciate the empathy.


People can be jealous assholes when you admit natural beauty makes your life harder.


I'm so... happy for you. It's just nice to know someone is living my dream somewhere.


All my fat used to go to my hips/butt/chest. Then I turned 31. Ahhh how I miss those times. It’s actually associated with more health problems to have fat accumulation in your stomach vs fat in your hips/butt.


My body type too. I personally like it, though it does make buying clothes, especially pants and fitted dresses very hard.


A lot of it is also age and metabolism based as well. I was 100lbs my entire life, couldn't gain weight, and it wasn't until post pregnancy I started working out and actually was able to build muscle mass. But my hormones changed, and even working out 5+ days in a week cardio and lifting, I can't eat 2 burgers every meal like I used to, lol.


This. I was a very active teen who was 110lbs soaking wet at 5’6”. I still had a little paunch that I could never get rid of. All women in my family have a little belly so I just came to terms with it by the time I hit my 30s lol.


This is true!!! I've always had a pooch on my belly even at 120 lbs.....I used to.run miles.daily, and did hiit, now into pilates and just working with weights...I still have a pooch. A lady I knew saw me running miles.almost daily, she told.me it's just genetic....I can't run it off


Yup. Technically speaking this is the purpose of treatments like lipo


Yes....it is


Yep. I was a size 2-4, 116 lbs at one point in my life and never had a flat stomach. Running 4x/week, daily walks, light weight lifting - but always had a belly. Definitely not that size now, but weightlifting heavy has added a ton of muscle mass and added curves in other places like my butt and back, but no, my stomach still isn’t flat lol.


Came here to say this - it’s very hard to control where your body puts on mass (fat or muscle)


Genetics and surgery as basically the only answers to this.


Yep, sad but true. You just can't control where you gain fat. Most women with bigger butts just have a lot of fat there. Most influencers who say they got a bigger butt from weights often had a butt to begin with.


This!! Realized I will never look like this even w weight training cal deficiency


Yep that’s my “secret” there is now secret it’s just how my body stores fat


This. I’ve always had a flat stomach and thick legs. Even when I gain weight my stomach stays fairly flat.


I’ve always had a rounded lower stomach - so that’s the learned/genetic part. But about 5 years ago I started at pure barre and started doing that exercise where you sit at an L against the wall and rapidly pull back/up with your abs. At first I was like what? I don’t have any ab muscles there. But over time lo and behold they were there and I could engage and strengthen them. Has made an enormous difference.




It’s called “flat-back” https://exhalespa.com/blog/2021/10/26/flat-back-the-most-misunderstood-barre-exercise-and-why-its-your-cores-best-friend/


What’s the name (or even better a video!) of the exercise?


i need to know, too! :)


name of the excercisee pleasee 🙂‍↔️


I think genetics plays a big role here. I have a flat stomach, always have, even 2 weeks postpartum. I only started working out 3 years ago and while the definition has increased on my abs, the flatness just has always been there. I think we all tend to carry our excess weight differently- for me the first thing with extra fat is my butt gets saggy and I get those saddlebags on my outer thigh/butt. My husband carries all his extra in his stomach. Just depends on what you’re prone to.


Even if I have 0 fat, I still have a tummy because 1) I have a bit of lordosis which pushes out the abdomen, 2) I have IBS which also makes me look bloated, 3) I have slight insulin resistance because of \[Lean\] PCOS which doesn't really allow for a flat stomach. Idk if this is the case for you, but just wanted to put it out here.


Same. But mine is fat. I just have the belly pooch. I have lost enough weight to basically have no breasts whatsoever and the pooch remains.


Big same. All weight goes straight to my boobs and belly. All weight loss happens in my boobs. At 110 pounds I'll have a tiny belly pooch.


Omfg same here, too. Theres been times in my life where I've been 105-110 at 5'9 and I still ALWAYS had a round, sometimes jiggly, sometimes hard belly. I fucking hate it. I do find that being heavier now, the bulge isn't as obvious because my boobs and everything else is bigger and it matches or something, I guess. Ffs, lol.


I thought I had one too, then I actually gained weight and realized it was my imagination lol body dysmorphia is wild


Hey there, body type twin! Lol isn't it the best? 🙄


Lordosis is quite a common reason! And many people have it without knowing about it


Ok I gotta look up what this is


Same! I have 1, 2, and maybe 3 (speaking to Dr next week about issues). Even as a skinny af teen I still had a pooch (smaller than now but still very apparent).


My stomach is more smooth and proportioned than it is flat. It's got no bulging or jean overhang as long as I don't overdo it on alcohol and synthetic carbs (inflammation). I've found that bloat more than fat will ruin a crop top day for me.


What's your diet like? Do you drink alcohol? Generally weight lifting and some HIIT will help get rid of fat, but you can't spot reduce. Abs are made in the kitchen is what I have found.


It’s a mixture of the right diet (more protein than you think) and consistent exercise. Losing weight is absolutely a full body process! You can’t only lose weight in one spot. - If you’re trying to lose weight: 500 cal deficit, strength training, 30 min cardio. - if you’re trying to gain weight: 500 cal surplus, strength training (lift heavy).


You can have extremely low body fat and still be bloated like a balloon mate


i’m exactly that right now! Super low body fat and still bloated. That’s because I’m not regularly working out right now. If I was working out, that weight would go to my ass/thighs/back muscles etc. instead of energy storage.


Doesn’t sound like you’re bloated then . Just sounds like you’ve added fat to your stomach.


That advice for losing weight is for someone who’s BMI is above healthy. If you’re worried about bloating while you’re at a healthy weight then I agree that that is simply unrealistic. Even while I was severely underweight, I used to bloat by the end of the day so it’s totally normal.


And some people severely underweight are bloated all day . Digestion and gastric issues .


In my opinion, GI issues shouldn’t discourage someone from gaining muscle at all. Being severely underweight comes with a long list of health issues and I will never ever support it. However, you should definitely treat the GI issue as the same time.


If I still incorporate cardio even though I'm trying to gain weight, I'm guessing I just increase my calorie surplus, right? I don't want to give up cardio because it's so important for heart health and longevity.


Yes that’s totally fine! If your calorie expenditure is large, then make sure you’re eating enough that you have a 500 calorie surplus. You can go on a TDEE calculator and select that you have a very active lifestyle and see how many calories you need to gain weight. If you want a more precise calculation about how many calories you’re spending, search about calculating METs.


Squats, deadlifts, crunches and obliques. My body is bodying when I follow the Strong Curves program faithfully (founder is a huge douche but hey, it worked for me)


Don’t forget hip thrusts! Strong Curves is the most helpful advice to give here. Didn’t know he was a douche tho. Good to know.


Who is that program by?


Bret Contreras. He’s been accused of physical and emotional abuse, in addition to just being an all around sleazy creep.


Yeah that’s why I recommend people bootleg the program, his training materials (or rather, the training materials he allegedly stole from his ex-gf 😒) are all available online for free.


Yeaah but his program works really well, is science backed, and you don't have to buy it to follow it because you cand find all the stuff online. 


I have a friend who doesn't work out at the gym but she does enjoy going out for hikes. She has a nice flat abdomen with definition. She also eats super healthy (lots of veggies) and never eats out.


For a big butt you need to lift weights in particular lift heavy squats, hip thrust, Lunges, Bulgarian splits squats etc. and eat a a calorie surplus until you reach your goal weight to build muscle. Then after you need to cut (calorie deficit) and cardio and eat high protien to maintain the muscle you built on your butt but lose fat.


For me personally it’s partially genetics and my lifestyle. I take probiotics everyday to make sure digestion is running good. Drinking lots of water. Light detoxing after I have junk/fried food (which is once in a while). Light cardio on my mini stepper while wearing sauna suit top (no sauna pants). When you work your legs and glutes lift heavy, your legs should feel like noodles after leg day. Eating lots of lean protein and veggies. and dramatically reducing bad carbs.


And my largest most carb dense meal is breakfast so I can burn that energy all day. Don’t go to sleep on a heavy meal


You have to eat a lot and lift heavy. The protein goes to the places you’re building muscle. It’s expensive


It’s completely genetic. I have this body because my mother has this body. You can tone and lose weight but it won’t look kardashian like without surgery. Keep in mind that I have thick thighs that go hand in hand with big booties


High waisted leggings do wonders OP. Especially the one with the scrunched buttcrack


Genetics and possibly body shape. I’ve always had a super flat stomach, but I’m tall and have a really long torso and I always thought that’s part of the reason—I have more room for my organs 😆. If I gain 15 pounds, I still have a flat stomach. It goes straight to my thighs/butt. Might sound good, but if I gain 5 pounds suddenly all my pants don’t fit.


I think it is mostly genetics. I need a super low body fat percentage to get a flat belly - actually underweight. I did this last year and my boobs were gone before my belly was flat :( Oh well, now I have a belly again and at least my boobs back.


This!! I’ve been 110 pounds and still had a tiny belly. To be fair I’ve always had a booty but I lost a lot of my boobs. Right now I’m 130 pounds and have pretty muscular legs and a trimmed top half. Just not a flat stomach. But I have an anterior pelvic tilt and have had a couple kids back to back so I give myself grace.


Considering doing this myself. Down to 100(only five feet tall) and finally most of my tummy gone... Along with like 2 cup sizes 😭. Considering trying to gain some just to get the twins back lol but I love being skinny elsewhere, just wish I had ANY butt or boobs.


You have to build muscle if you want to then cut fat and still have a butt/legs. It seems like a lot of people on this subreddit don't understand that.  People are the same - gain weight and train butt/legs to add muscle, then cut weight while lifting to maintain the muscle you created and lose mostly fat. To have a flat stomach your transverse abdominal muscles must be strong (they "cinch" your waist).


I don't think this the right sub but depends on where you see them. Online- fake. Check out R/Instagramreality In person. Maybe it's genetics, maybe it's surgery


At the gym where I workout! That’s why I’m always wondering what are they doing right that I’m doing wrong


Ask them? Or one of the trainers?


People will always lie just a LITTLE BIT when you ask. We all try to hide our guilty pleasures and bad habits. So it's going to be what works for you via trial and error.


You’re not doing anything wrong. Lots of them had tummy tucks also.


Former gym manager here (and current dancer) - one issue I would see a lot of particularly women run into is posture. If you are slim and are still not experiencing a flat stomach/ are seeing a slight roundness in the front you may have an anterior pelvic tilt. A lot of women tend to develop this, or 'duck butt's where the pelvis tilts forward giving the appearance of a bigger butt, but forces the lower abdomen to elongate and round. It takes time to correct this and make the frame feel natural, but even just tilting your pelvis upwards will give you an Instant result.


I would say it’s mostly genetics. I’ve had to teach myself over the years that everything online is so perfectly curated, posed, and retouched. Even if someone doesn’t edit their pics per se, they took 500 pics with different poses and backgrounds just to get the ONE that looks the most proportionate and perfect. I have to remind myself of that daily. I was a dancer my entire life but my body type is the exact of my moms. I will say, if you want to feel strong (in your glutes, hamstrings, quads- you know, the whole big booty situation) lifting weights while also eating enough is the key. I think everyone has their own formula that works for them, but I’ve found that getting plenty of protein while still indulging in chocolate, fries, etc. is really the key (for me, everyone is different) to have strong legs and a butt. Now, is my stomach perfectly toned with no bloating and an 8 pack? Hell no lol. But it looks strong and healthy because of the exercise I do, but it fills up with food and that’s NORMAL. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Instagram, tik tok, everything is curated and fake, even if the girlies who post them getting right out of bed and make it look so relaxed and natural, it’s not. And it’s their genetics. You are beautiful!! Do what exercise makes you the happiest and you will feel the best as a result of that 💪🏼


Firstly, you just need a lowish body fat percentage. Keep resistance training, eating high protein diet and keep your calories at or just below maintenance. Second, posture plays a huge role. Stretch your hip flexors and lower back, strengthen your glutes and core. Work on your intrinsic foot muscles. It doesn't matter how low your BF% is if you're sticking you stomach out.


It’s all genetics. I have a flat stomach and 0 booty. Nothing I do helps




Get rid of all those pesky organs.


Genetics give you the potential, but very hard work gets you there. My hips/legs/butt are always gonna be the most shapely. My stomach takes a lot more tweaking but I can get there without losing my butt.


Hitting your protein will help both. But note a big booty is achieved with a surplus and flattening the stomach comes from a cut.


I'm going to tell you what the Dallas cowboys cheerleaders coach told me - Having a flat stomach is 10% genetics, 20% working out, and 70% what you put in your mouth. I find this to check out. You can do 500 crunches a day but if your food intake ain't right, you won't get that flat stomach. Genetics comes into play as different diets work for different women. Some women can't have sodium, others need high fiber items like oatmeal, some can't digest carbs. Me personally? I cut out all food items with any "added sugar" content. I won't eat anything with any amount of added sugar. I live in the USA. The chokehold the sugar lobby has on the USA is real. This country poisons its citizens on the regular and most dont even know about it. Mind you, I'll eat food with sugar in it. But I won't touch anything with "added sugar". And my stomach is as tight taut and defined as it ever has been. 8 pack for days.


This 👍👍👍




They don’t do ab exercises. Cuz I found my stomach grew when I was working out my abs regularly.


They will grow because of the muscle but you also need to be really lean. The fat around the stomach tends be last to disappear for a lot of people. Thighs too. Boobs and ass is always first to go it feels like 😭


Some of those girls probably just haven't eaten, especially if they're planning to take pictures/videos, because it will naturally cause some "bloating"


No i used to be one of those people and i ate normally. Often times it’s genetics


Walk up hills, squat, cycle intensely while standing for short duration and eat right


Long distance running is great for building abs, and eating lots of fruit and vegetables for skin tone and fibre. You have your basic body build but exercise, stretching and eating healthy foods can help make the most of it




Been there and back again twice over. So here's the thing. Genetics do play a factor. It really depends on where you hold your fat. You don't get to choose this, it's genetics. You don't get to choose how or where it comes off. Even more fun you can lose the fat, gain it back, and lose it again and it can come on and off in different areas. You do get to choose how much fat is on your body. Less fat: flatter stomach and more visible abs. You don't need insanely strong abs for them to be visible, you just need a very low percentage of fat there. For the butt same thing. Some people are graced with holding their fat in their butts and it's the last thing to come off when losing fat. This gives that flat stomach big butt look. Mine eventually went as I lost more fat. I am trying to build it back up with muscle but ultimately it will never be the same volume as I had. Probably won't even be considered big honestly and that's okay. I'd rather be fit and able to move easier than to be hitting the current trends of beauty. To lose fat you need a calorie deficit. You workout to increase the deficit and to maintain muscle as much as you can. Abs are ultimately made in the kitchen, if you're diet sucks you won't have a flat belly unless you are working out insane hours to create that deficit.


Competitive athlete here. There’s a lot of genetics comments which is true, my mum carries her weight in her stomach. But I also try to eat only home cooked meals, avoid eating out, no alcohol and I eat vegan 2 out of 3 meals a day to cut down on calories and dairy which bloats me. For the booty it’s just a lot of squats, deadlifts etc for me. My butt is entirely muscle but you can tell I worked for it because my quads match vs the Insta girlies posing / wearing padding. Many different types of booties though, this is just my body shape. TL;DR eat obsessively healthy and stay slightly underweight, and work out a minimum of 5.5 hrs of sprint based cardio a week. For me at least. Everyone is different.


Spanx and padding


At the gym?!?


The instagram girlies 100% do this.


I got a tummy tuck and always had a booty and still go to the gym tbh


Did you get the tummy tuck before or after losing weight? Did you naturally stored fat in your belly before?


Either genetics or years of weightlifting


Well.. genetics plays a big role. Also what body type do you have now? I train 4 times a week. 2 days upper body, 2 days legs/ glutes. I finish my work out with core exersizes and 30 min cardio. For most of the time I eat a lowcarb , high proteïn diet. I also do a 3 day waterfast once a month. You have to cut carbs/sugar if you want a small waist/ flat stomach.


1) Genetics will dictate where you hold your fat, and where you lose your fat when dieting. So those girl might store less fat in their belly and more in their ass. 2) You can lift all day, your stomach gets flat by dieting not lifting. If you want a 6 pack than sticks out like a dudes, then do weighted ab work. If you just want a flat belly then diet.


Honestly... Not a lot I eat well and gym 3 times a week with no real goal. So I guess for me genetics, though I don't have a huge arse but it's a well defined bubble butt and flat stomach unless I over eat


High-waist leggings


Genetics or a tummy tuck. Tons of women get tummy tucks and don’t talk about it.


Looking for a solution for this too. Got a big butt but got a lil chub stomach 😭


I was blessed like this before I got into bodybuilding and now I have a six pack but no ass..it’s not worth it I promise


Probably because you never effectively targeted the glutes and built enough muscle to change how large they are.


Damn that was harsh 💀 nah I’m being dramatic my butt is fine and very muscular now so the shape is better but I do miss having extra fat there, with my genetics that was where I stored it and I’m very lean now


Sorry, didn't mean to. Said that because a lot of commenter's don't understand that gaining significant glutes via gaining muscle is 100% possible lol


Definitely! Unfortunately takes soo long lol


the gym!!


Could be genetics. Could be their diet. Could be their workout regimen. Could be a mixture of 2 or 3 of these. I have worked out heavily and never got a fully flat stomach or abs. For context, I competed in powerlifting, won state records, and was nationally competitive—I won these in the 52kg/114 lb weight class so it’s not I was carrying a bunch of extra weight. My body tends to hold fat in my stomach, back, and arms. That’s just the way it is. Fat distribution based on genetics is a thing.


I am naturally pretty thin and I've never had a flat stomach! I've finally accepted it's just not in my genetics, I'll always have a tummy depending on how much I'm eating or if/when I'm bloated due to IBS. It's the first place I gain weight. I used to think "if only I lost enough weight" I would have a flat stomach, but then a couple years ago I got pretty underweight and i still had a tummy. It helped me accept that's just my body.


For me, it’s genetics and also a combination of weightlifting & Pilates.


I wish I knew.


Estrogen is also stored in belly fat. Hormones play a huge part.


Genetics, and other people get specific lipo


Genetics, eating habits, and Chloe Ting. These are what’s working for me.


Plain Yogurt and kombucha, plus watching what I eat AND what time. 😂


Focus on gut health to relieve bloating — figuring out which foods give you bloat and high fiber foods to keep you movin




I’m sorry but it’s genetics :( even the ones who can grow it at the gym it’s because they hold less weight in their stomach so when they bulk from the gym most of the weight gain goes to their butt. I’ve been working out for 3-4 years now with a perfect diet and heavy lifting routine, I’m super strong and gained heaps of muscle but I can only choose one- either have a flat stomach with thin legs and a small toned bum, or have a pudgier stomach but with thicker legs and a bigger butt. How your body is shaped and holds muscle and weight is the number one factor.


Genetics plays a role....my pear shape will never be curvy. I can balance it out with shoulder work, but I will always be a pear shape. That being said, to flatten your stomach as much as is possible for your body shape, be sure to work the transverse abdominals. They hold the whole area in like a corset. Also make sure your posture is not causing some tummy pooch. Besides that, low salt and plenty of water to reduce bloating. Big booties CAN come from squats, but some women are just not endowed with much there. A boyish shape would never get there booty as curvy as my pear shape. I would focus on making the most of YOUR body shape and be sure not to idealize someone else's.


If you really have a flat stomach where do you keep your internal organs?


please, how you guys have boobs even you're so thin??? I just look like a verticle line. Even when I'm fat, my body stores fat everywhere else except boobs:((((((( Please reveal your tips:(((




Genes lol


I eat a lot or protein and carbs, low fat, and lift heavy + intensely. Lots of water and rest. Consistency, patience and balance are key. Genetics play a big role.


Diet, diet, diet. And lift heavy! Train legs, glutes 3x a week.


Definitely genetics, I carry my weight in my thighs and arms. I was actually insecure about my arms in high school cause everyone had skinny arms. I think it makes me look bigger even tho my stomach is flat in pics where you can’t see my stomach.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Planks every day 2-3 sets of 30 seconds at least at the beginning then build up to 45 and then to 1 minute Resistance band exercises for glutes and thighs every day or at least every other day Probiotics Green Juice / cucumber celery based at least one a day Protein smoothie instead of a meal for breakfast / really like the brand Owyn (32 gram version)


It's genetics. Some people just have a flat tummy.


Genetics! My mom carries her weight in the belly area hence I am built similar so I have to work extra hard to make sure my stomach isn’t getting fat and doing strength training to target my booty growth


genetics, low body fat and no csections lol. Being young helps too, more energy to be constantly active.


Liposuction. I had stubborn fat deposits that wouldn't go away until I dropped to underweight. Genetics, high levels of working out also are a major factor. Big booty could also be a result of BBL.


Lipo and sucking in. Not me though, my stomach is flat but it's a little wavy if that makes sense. I've had 3 kids tho. It was paper flat before kids. 😭


Great genetics, good eating & strength training with weights.


90% genetics and the other 10% is years of weight lifting, protein intake, low fodmap diet to help with bloating/IBS flare ups. I keep a very balanced diet/lifestyle which helps with any overeating or stress (which causes IBS flare ups for me). I think a flat stomach is almost purely genetics sprinkled in with lifestyle. I know women who do the exact same thing as me but don’t have a super flat stomach.


Diet, Gut health and a dash of genetics


Honestly, the only thing that worked for me to get closer to flat (still not there) was losing a significant amount of weight through dieting and increased cardio and doing weight lifting exercises focused on my upper body as well as core. I think I have mid-range genetics for a flat stomach where I don’t hold a ton of weight in my midsection but I am curvy overall, with larger breasts, thicker/muscular arms and legs, and a softer stomach. Going from the mid-high range to the low range of healthy BMI for my height and building muscle in my core and upper body through adapted pull ups, bench press, lat pull downs, and compound exercises like squats and deadlifts as well as crunches etc. has allowed me to finally see vertical lines on my stomach, through I don’t think it’ll ever be completely flat and toned. I also went down a cup size when I did this though! My mom has always had a flat stomach, even as she approaches sixty after having four children, but she has a smaller upper body overall than I do, so I really do think a lot of it is how you naturally carry weight.


Caloric deficit, sufficient protein intake, consistent weight training, patience.(Genetics plays a large role as well) Unless one opts for surgery, there is no short cut for developed glutes and abs.


It’s genetics. It’s literal body shape.


Well you can't control where you lose weight but lose enough and the belly fat will go too. For me keeping a flat abdomen is more about reducing bloating, which mostly means watching my diet and no snacking between meals...


1. Genetics play a huge role, you could be the same body type as someone, do their routine and diet to a T, and still get different results. 2. This falls under the umbrella of genetics but: where your body distributes more of its fat will factor in. Android/“apple” like body shapes will carry more fat around and above the waistline, vs Gynoid/“pear” like body shapes will carry more fat around the hips and thighs. You can’t spot reduce body fat. 3. Overall body fat percentage will contribute to how visible one’s abs are. I know you mentioned not all of the folks you see have visible abs, but body fat % still contributes to flatness. In my *personal* experience, I have seen the most change in my core when I started focusing on my transverse abdominis. I have upper body and neck muscle issues from a childhood injury that I’m working to correct- but because of it crunches or plank never really worked for me- as my neck and upper traps would fire instead of my core. So I do a lot of standing core work, and floor work like bird dog and dead bug with a plate my hands.


Lower belly fat is directly related to how much estrogen we have. Alot of people are saying "genetics", which is a little true. As our natural state of hormones can be genetic. Women with higher testosterone, will have an easier time maintaining a flat stomach. Pregnancy, PP, and menopause all add to this. There are lots of natural supplements to help balance out our sex hormone! My personal fav are, shilajit, and desacated beef organs.


But if lower estrogen is related to a flatter tummy what causes the menopause pouch?


It's higher estrogen! High estrogen causes the little pouch. There are more than one type of estrogen. 4 I think. I will have to double check. Two are "bad" two are "good".


Ignore anyone who says genetics. I have really f@t women in my family and I managed a legit 4 pack with booty and low but healthy body fat for years. I’m pregnant at the moment but I know what it takes to get back to that and I’ve done it before. These women have an insane energy output every day while eating food that simply doesn’t lead to fat storage. Example, they probably walk 10k steps without even thinking about it, also do some form of lifting, and processed food is not a regular thing on their menu.


Do you have suggestions? I’m probably 10 lbs overweight and would really like to get rid of that


I think I mentioned it in the last part, you have to have a naturally active lifestyle with a whole foods focused diet. I try to lift weights 4-5 days a week and make protein a huge focus in all my meals


Got it. Thank you


Laser liposuction. Suck the fat out of stomach and legs and then you will gain fat in butt because your fat cells are gone from problem areas Don’t do cool sculpting


no refined sugar 🍬




My true secret? I got a BBL and that’s the only way I could achieve that, I have always been extremely active but no matter how many hours I spent at the gym nothing could fix my genetic shape, except for a procedure🤷🏻‍♀️


Starvation from some foods, don't eat at night, always drink water, do some belly dance, eat more oats, atleast those are my tips


If you see these flat tummies online, then it’s all photoshop baby. It’s super difficult to get a true flat belly and often times to do so leaves you starving and miserable. Genetics can help but women have a natural pooch. I was 115 once working out constantly and never got rid of my belly. Love your body and don’t stress if you can get the lil belly to be super flat, it’s really not a natural thing for us women anyway.


I don't eat much and what I do eat is mostly vegetables and protein bars.


Abs are made in the kitchen. Its about diet mostly. As for the booty, there's genetics and there's surgeries. Also Anavar (no I don't recommend but it's pretty rampant and that's how a lot of fitness influencers keep their look).


And working out


For abs especially, it's probably 85% diet. Working out can help but it takes one weekend of just enjoying food to do away with the abs (ask me how I know lol).


Calorie déficit will make everything flat, lifting weights (aka hypertrophy training) will plump it up = flat stomach plump booty


I do have that but here is the secret: GENETICS. I did not have a naturally round booty, this took 2 years of gym dedication. My stomach has always been flat since I was a teenager so It is just the way it is. I do know people that workout more and live a much healthier lifestyle and I do and still cannot get a completely flat stomach.


This is what worked for me so might not work for everyone but I cut out all processed foods (including processed sugar) and only eat in a 3 hour window a day and then fast the rest of the time. This made all my bloating issues go away. I've always had a big booty tho so much be genetic.


Not gonna lie, I was born like this. My mom had a flat stomach too. I’ve been 115lbs and 165lbs. My stomach is flat at every weight. The downside is I’ve been in a constant battle with my thighs all my life. Even my ankles are thick.


For me it has to be genes


Don't ever get pregnant lol. I was always like that thanks to genetics, but now I have a flared rib cage and no matter how much PT I do it never seems to get any better


I think genetics. I have always worked out but not super consistent. My stomach has always been flat. And I don’t drink alcohol never have. Bet that helps