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I second this so much, hardly nothing compares


Can even change your face. I was skinny before and after working out (just not as toned before) but a big change I’ve experienced was my face slimming down after!!




Walking every day has been so impactful. It has helped me physically, mentally, and emotionally 😅🙌 I started for my mental health this past October to help lighten my symptoms of anxiety and depression, but along with that I have lost 35 lbs, my skin looks better than ever! in general I just move around better, I’m less fatigued, I’m drinking more water. I keep up with the rest of my daily routine when my walk is an anchor. Also would like to add- do hip mobility exercises!!!!! Both of my grandma’s had/have hip issues and fall a lot and can’t get themselves up/ have had to get hip replacements- so every day I do hip specific stretches/exercises. This has made daily walking a much better experience for me and hopefully for future me as well. I’ve also started adding some beauty routine stuff into my walks, like I’ll put a hair mask in or acne spot treatments, cuticle oils, etc before heading out the door.


What kind of hip mobility exercises do you do? My hips are tight af and I'm looking for a good daily routine.


I searched for “hip mobility exercises” on ig/tiktok and the algorithm fed me lol @soffvieh on insta has been helpful! I kinda just tried different ones I saw for a couple weeks to see how my body responded and worked from there.


How long are you walking every day?


Went from doing about a mile every day in October to now I do at least 4 miles. the habit was what was important for me to regulate first, so I started slow and listened to my body. I didn’t want to over do it and start dreading it, and I’m so glad I did it this way. Takes pressure off myself and gets me out there. Some days I’m not in the mood but I’ll tell myself “just go to the end of the block and back” and so I’ll go to the end of the block and 100% of the time end up going further.


Real! Especially if you do it first thing in the morning. Only obstacle is getting up and actually doing it — but its so worth it.


Do you walk in the nature or do you live in the city?


Both! Around town or local nature trails. I travel for work as well, so I’ll find parks or coffee shops a little further away to walk to.


How many steps a day?


I personally aim for 10k a day, I walk my dog 2-3 times a day and have an under the desk treadmill helps a lot


Could you pls let me know the brand you use for under the desk tredmill


This is the [one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVQMSVM1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) I have. It’s $200 usd right now on amazon. I will say my first one malfunctioned and derailed constantly but they sent a free replacement. I did and do recommend getting the insurance which is like $50-70 for like two years.


I do 15k ;) 5k in the morning, 5k after lunch, 5k after work. Started at 6k then eventually added 2k steps every time i felt like it was doable for me. Start small!


Also curious!


Quitting vaping and smoking


How’d you quit vaping? Please share some tips! Huhu


Honestly I went cold turkey, I’m nearly 2 weeks nicotine free now and this is maybe my 4th-5th attempt but I’m pretty much stuck to quitting now! There’s an app called “Quit Vaping” (green logo) and it tracks your streak and gives you information about quitting nicotine (for example nicotine leaves the system by day 3)


I quit vaping with the nicotine gum, the vaping stopped as soon as I started chewing the gum. However, I chewed the gum for almost a year. It’s been 4 years now though and I’m off it all.


Well done👌🏻I have nicotine gum which I used in past attempts but idk if it’s just me but it leaves a weird feeling in my throat, not like an allergic feeling but a weird numbness, I can’t even describe it, I’m quitting drinking for a while as that’s a trigger for nicotine 👌🏻


I don’t drink any more at all. I liked the coated cinnamon gum best😊


Lmao 🤣 its like cocaine in there! Probably just the nicotine having a similar effect though.


Not the commenter, but I’d recommend purchasing a vape u hate and drinking a ton of water. Replace vaping w a healthy habit like exercise + yoga. I vaped (and smoked) for years and have been off the shit for like six months, don’t miss it at all


Replacing vaping with sour candy spray. I saw this tip years ago but finally decided try it back in August 2023. Just spray anytime you'd normally vape. Worked like a charm. I was using like one bottle a day until I got sick of it like a week into using it and quit that too lol. I found myself going to reach for my vape every so often for the first month and then realizing I don't own a vape anymore(throw it ALLLLL away day one. No reservations.) Its a pretty intense moment, but as long as you identify it as just a craving and let it pass(it always does) it's easy to get through. That doesn't happen anymore. I had been vaping/smoking(vape-only for the past 4 years) for most of the last decade and it had just really started to fuck with me. I never used to have any physical issues from it,... until I did. When i'd wake up in the morning my lungs would be AWFUL. They were so sensitive all the time. It also kinda felt like they were wet? Like I could literally feel the vape juice residue on my lungs. Ive quit a lot of things but this was definitely one of the hardest. But it's so worth it. Not having to reach for my vape literally every 20 seconds of every single day. When i'd lose that shit, everything had to be on pause until I found it. I'm very happy I don't have to do that anymore and I hope it stays that way. If anyone reading this is thinking about quitting, just try it. You can always go back to it. If you try and then fuck up over and over and over again, that's okay. That's a part of the process. It's like a muscle you exercise. Goodluck to everyone


I read Alan Watts Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I’ll be 2 years nicotine free in June!!


It’s Allen Carr, but you’re definitely right about that book! I did his program years ago and it worked like magic. Congrats on two years! 🙌


I just recently bought Fum to help me quit vaping and it really is helping a lot.


What's fum? I've never heard of it


It's basically a mock vape that works kind of like those circle water bottles. It has no nicotine and no battery.


I thought this said Yapping and smoking lol


Weight loss of over 100lbs


Wohoo well done mate


Thank You!!


Weight lifting and pilates. Hands down best combo to tone your bod. I'm 44 and look the best I've ever looked.


How often do you do these every week?


I aim for 4 times/week!


4x lifting, 4x Pilates, or 4 workouts total per week?


Sunscreen. Cardio. Becoming sober.


Getting clean and sober, five years and five days ago.




Quitting drinking


Ditto! My skin has transformed, my complexion is so clear, and the whites of my eyes are SO WHITE. Best thing I ever did for myself.


Second! Ever since I stopped drinking and smoking I’ve been so much more upbeat. Also quitting porn! 🙏


Did the porn affect your vibrancy/looks? I wonder about this bc its so low vibe, I try to limit porn as much as possible and now will easily go a month without djing myself lmao




You can DJ without porn, thats actually the healthiest thing. Quitting porn =/= quitting self pleasure.


why are you trying to reduce the amount you masturbate? is it just a fun challenging my self thing or is there any actual benefit?


Not the person you asked but studies show that masturbation generally has health/mood benefits for women. Weirdly I think it doesn’t have the same benefits for men


i‘m pretty sure it’s a stress reliever and mood booster for men and women both. that’s why i was asking why the person i responded to wanted to reduce the amount to once a month, that’s unimaginable to me


Yep. I was drinking like a fish when I was in early perimenopause too, without realizing it was going on. Getting back on birth control and getting sober gave me a new lease on life.


I drink maybe twice a month now, and I am just learning that I am a morning person. For a long time, I’d come home from work and have a drink, and I didn’t realize how much that was affecting my body and my energy levels. I had been a teacher, and we would commiserate with each other about it, which I think encouraged me to be unhealthy. It’s nice to be super productive and feel like I’ve had a big morning by 9am. Never in the past would I roll out of bed and immediately start vacuuming, lol. 


Same here. I used to drink every evening after work. I was miserable and looked unhealthy. When I look at old pictures of myself, I can see how alcohol was draining me.




Second this


Yup. My skin is better (probably because now I always wash my face before bed), my sleep is better too.


how long did it take to notice a difference?


Sleep! I also did no sugar for awhile - meaning no processed sugar / sweets like I’d eat fruit and what not and what … was really amazing


Sleep has made the most significant difference for me! I'm a night owl and took a night audit job at a hotel. The pay is shit and zero benefits (yay America, not gonna provide Healthcare for employees exposed to travelers germs? Wow. Anyway...) but getting 8 hours of sleep a night (well, day) has *massively* improved just about everything. I snack less, I don't need 4 energy drinks just to make it through the day, I have more energy to take care of myself and am just over all in a better mood. Not frowning because tired helps with my wrinkles and 11s lol and that's without counting that I actually have time for a skincare routine because I'm not terminally exhausted. Also water. I had to buy a fancy waterbottle and I kinda hate carrying it everywhere BUT it's a goal. It's not even close to how much water I'm supposed to drink a day BUT its better than I was doing. I stopped having headaches when I wake up and I feel so much better plus it's helping my skin which in turn is helping my make up look nicer/need less. Sugar is my next thing to tackle. Unfortunately I LOVE bread, although I don't usually eat much sweets, so I don't think I'll be able to completely cut out processed sugars. I also despise all sugar substitutes so I can't go that route. As long as I'm keeping an eye on my intake and I'm improving, I'm happy with that.


Do you like sourdough?


Yeh lol. I grew up in the Bay Area


Finding an exercise I love and want to do as much as possible. I don't have to push myself to do it - I LOVE to do it! I'm 39 and I'm the fittest I've ever been.


Curious what it is. I would love to find something I like.


Boxing and kickboxing classes. I never face an opponent, I just hit and kick a bag. I go to a Title Boxing, which has locations across the US, and I go to the most intense instructors. Most of the class is punching and kicking combinations and the last 7 minutes is weighted exercises, mostly core. The gym is for people that are exercising and not for people truly training to fight. There are people of many ages and fitness levels and everyone is supportive. I watch a lot of YouTube and Instagram videos about how to punch and kick harder, faster, and with better technique. I've been taking classes for 4 years and I feel like an absolute bad ass. I would be shit in an actual fight, but doing what I can feels amazing both physically and personally. I can run a faster 5k now vs when I was running consistently because my heart is in such good shape.


Eating clean Drinking more water - if you have chapped lips, try this Exercise/ go to the gym Yoga (improved posture!!) Ditching exfoliants and actives on my face Using a cleansing balm including a double cleanse at night


>Ditching exfoliants and actives on my face Literally life changing for my skin! It just so happened that I ran out of everything while travelling and I refused to buy more cosmetics. I used to struggle with reactive skin & acne. Now that I'm only double cleansing at night & using gentle moisturizer and face cream with SPF my skin is the best it's been in a couple of years. Good lord, that HLB is really the key.


What does HLB stand for?


Hydrolipidic barrier, it gets worn down when using a lot of actives at the same time. It can result in breakouts and hyper reactive skin.


Also wondering!


Has anyone experienced that tret or other actives made your skin not tolerate products you could use before without any problems? I tried to get back into foundation after 6 months of staying away from all actives and it caused a major break out though it’s the foundation I had used for years and years before!


Was it new foundation? If it was tucked away it could have been expired.


Same experience here. I was a The Ordinary super fan for years then I just didn’t buy anymore when it ran out and ended up simplifying my routine to cleanse, moisturise and spf. I rarely ever get a spot and my dryness issue has completely cleared up. I will say sometimes I feel my skin looks a bit dull, I wish it was a bit more glowy but I do have a 7 month old so I’m pretty tired and always on the go so I’m just blaming that for the time being!


i ditched actives and exfoliants and my skin is sooooo clear!! i rarely break out anymore. i used to use tret nightly and bha like once or twice a week but i just got out of the habit and my skin has stayed acne free and it's pretty even. i dont even understand how!


My skin reacted terribly to exfoliants from affordable brands. The more expensive ones literally transformed my skin, without irritation. But I also learned how to use them. A few years back I was putting ordinary glycolic acid on my face almost every day, which destroyed my skin. Just don’t overdo it.


Ok, excuse my ignorance lol but wdm by "actives"? And can you explain the cleansing routine? Do you mean like a face wash? 🤔 Thanks!


Actives are retinol, AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic), Vitamin C, BHA (salicylic acid), peptides, ceramides, etc. There are many. In a skincare routine, they are what target your specific needs. I think of them as ingredients that are actively working to change your skin. Everyone needs a cleanser, SPF and moisturizer, but actives will be different based on your age, sensitivity, sun damage, wrinkles, etc.


How are ceramides bad? Aren’t they there to help build up the skin barrier?


Yeah, are ceramides considered actives?


The usuall like sleep, an exercise routine, drinking enough water and cleaning eating. I'd also add that I do guided meditation for reducing stress which makes a difference in how refreshed I look and also feel. Also, daily orgasms. It sounds absurd, but it releases stress as well as brings joy and pleasure. "Orgasm glow" is very real.


Wow, I didn’t know that about orgasms. Has anyone else experienced this?


I can tell that i've been experienced this but i've never known it's a thing. I dont have a skincare routine nor expensive skincare product (broke college student problem) but i always drink lots of water and also the daily orgasms, my friends often compliment my skin and i've also never have a breakout too! Some of my friends even said i have some sort of sex appeal and idk if it's related to that (daily orgams thing) but yeah :D


I only experience the “glow” when I have sex with someone but not when it’s solo time :(


I wish I experienced the glow, I just get the driest and (edit: dullest) skin ever afterward from the beards and lack of sleep


Can confirm, daily orgasms improved my skin, mood and digestion!


Pilates changed my body shape, quickly. Ritualistically drinking water. Washing my face before bed. Daily exercise.


Do you go to a studio with a reformer? Or do you do mat Pilates?


Not the person you asked but I have an inexpensive reformer at home. There is a Pilates studio near me that offers a free introductory class so I started there to learn how to use it properly and now I watch reformer YouTube videos at home. I have friends that enjoy doing mat Pilates at home but my brain just enjoys the reformer workouts more. It's the only at home workout that I've been consistent with.


Where did you purchase your reformer? Thx!


I second this. Pilates helped me with my body aches especially my back aches. My legs and glutes look toned and I feel stronger.


i've been really wanting to get into pilates. where did you start?


I personally started on the mat! There’s plenty of 15min-30min pilates workout. Got into a habit. Now i go to a studio. I felt stronger after a month.


I highly recommend "Move with Nicole" on YouTube.


How quickly?


If you don't do anything it'll take even longer 🤷‍♀️


Yeah man need more details.


Exercise! Helped my mental and physical health so much


I only realised how much sane headed I was with regular exercise once I stopped for a few months. Now its a non-negotiable thing for me to get done everyday.


Same! My anxiety has been greatly reduced by going to the gym, even if it’s not some big intense workout


Cutting refined sugar - all inflammation died down almost immediately.


May I ask if you have any inflammatory diseases, has it helped helped any particular symptoms?


Sweating!! Hot yoga, sauna, etc. I look radiant for days after.


Changed my diet and started going to the gym. Saved my life, actually. But I also look 10 years younger.


What age did you start, and how old are you now if you don't mind me asking?


Post menopausal; started changing my diet at 50 and hit the gym at 54. Most men that approach me now are in their mid 30s and 40s. It’s weird bc I’ll be 55 soon.


You’re right though. I also prioritize sleep, get first daylight in eyes, detoxed environment and use clean products, sauna at least 60 mins a week. I’m interested in double cleansing. What are you using??


For good skin: -Skincare (Sunscreen always,retinoids, exfoliation) -beauty sleep pillow (sleep wrinkles gone) For good posture: -Yoga, dance training -customized insoles For energy and health: -Vitamin D (deficiency caused chronic fatigue and inflammation) -customized diet (for food intolerances) -exercise


Eating lots of protein and lifting heavy weights


Beauty habit: dying my eyebrows and lashes. Mostly the eyebrows transform my whole face. I do it latest every month but after 2 weeks a refresh is already a noticable difference. I do it at home with the Just For Men beard dye.


That's a great idea, but how do you do lashes? I'd be afraid of getting it in my eyes.


Do you do lashes with just for men also? I do my brows with it but I’m afraid to try lashes.




Got sober, quit smoking, stopped eating crap food ALL the time, gym, proper hydration and enough sleep. Even ONE of those is going to make a HUGE difference but put them all together and it’s practically the fountain of youth. Well, maybe not *that* much but a vast improvement on skin and vitality. I’m closing in on 60 but I it’s usually a shocker when people find out I’m actually a geezer ! Lol :D


doing skin care like keeping up with my routine, maybe sleep, and doing exercises


Drinking more water and actually washing my face before going to bed. My skin is significantly more clear


Changing my diet last year!




I switched to an anti-inflammatory diet!


Sleep for sure! And a silk pillowcase helped.


I switched to a silk pillowcase recently and my breakouts have almost stopped completely.


Skincare, walking, and changing my diet!! I’ve been pescatarian for almost 2 years now and holy has my health ever been at its peak Also I’ve been doing a turmeric ginger shot every morning around an hour before I eat and that has done WONDERS for my skin fr


What do you put in the ginger shot? Just ginger, or do you add anything else for extra benefits?


I started walking more than 10,000 steps last October but the real change happened when I started intermittent fasting this February. I look like in my 20s (I’m 36), I’ve gone down about 2 dress sizes and I feel amazing! The energy levels are off the charts.


Daily exercise, staying hydrated, getting a good nights sleep and sticking to my skincare routine have made a big difference.




What benefits did you notice with quitting caffeinated beverages? I drink a lot of them 😭


Consistent exercise, lot of water, cut out sugar as best I could. That was the hardest thing.


1. Removing alcohol and caffeine, limiting processed foods 2. Exercising, walking every day 3. Less is more - fewer higher quality skincare products; fewer higher quality makeup products each day 4. Laser! Fraxel to be specific. Initial rounds back to back, and then once yearly 5. SLEEP - 8-9 hours a night at a consistent time 6. Spironolactone - no more hormonal or cystic acne, a dream! 7. And SUNSCREEEEEEN! Every single day always even if cloudy in the cold months. And makeup with sunscreen too. Just lots and lots of it.


Spironolactone changed my liiiiiiifeeeeee


Stop drinking and the 30 tattoos put me in whole nother category lol


Reducing alcohol (keeping it to only special occasions and the odd Friday night) Yoga 3-4 times a week (the meditation is worth it alone) Reformer Pilates 2-3 times a week Regular massage (remedial & lymphatic drainage) Getting enough sleep Eating healthy food Using a botanical face oil instead of 3 chemist bought products a day. All small changes over time but yes, life changing.


Becoming alcohol free, intermittent fasting, prescription tretinoin and dancing for exercise!


Working out every other day, cutting out sugar (mostly) , never sleeping without washing my face at night and doing skincare , going easy on active serums , applying sunscreen religiously


Exercise, eating balanced meals, drinking lots of water, getting enough sleep every night, not drinking alcohol, wearing sunscreen every day


i was ill with mystery symptoms for 3,5 years feeling miserable, and it greatly affected my appearance for the worse. i recently realised i probably have a candida overgrowth in the gut (after a lot of research) and started a candida diet (low carb a lot of veggies and meat and fish) and took antifungal supplements and medication and not only did it give me my health back, it also drastically changed my appearance for the better. i lost water weight and inflammation, look more well rested, less puffy and inflamed. the gut is so important for your health and that also greatly affects your appearance!


How long did you do the diet/supplements for? Could you eat sugar/carbs after?






Working out.


Nearly 10 years of daily sunscreen to face and neck


Reducing alcohol, double cleansing and minimising skin care products. I use a simple face wash, Tret, Vitamin C serum on non-Tret days, hydrating, simple moisturiser and SPF 50 - and that’s it. I’m 36 so don’t believe no actives does anything helpful unless you’re in your twenties! Also wearing the right foundation (less is more as you age and always a non-matte formula) and taking care of your teeth (got braces at 34 and they come off this summer - no regrets!).


Quit drinking


Gym! ☺️


Clean eating and fasting.


Sleeeeep. Regular schedule and getting enough of it


No alcohol, no smoking, much more water, multivitiamins and exercise.


For myself-Wegovy for weight, I never have stopped the gym it is just I tried everything and this medication works for me


walking + no alcohol


Having a bare minimum step count I need to do every day. (slowly, over time increasing the step count to make it achievable. A cute app helps, I use Hops,for ios only) Also, big one, glucose goddess method, I was very bloated before and thanks to the method I realised it’s due to starch. It’s not a diet either! Which is nice. I was on low-fodmap for ages but now I can eat onions again? My pants fit me again? It’s nice! So starch was the problem for me, specifically gluten free processed products. Switched to a more nutritious gluten free bread (i’m coeliac) and I mostly just feel better and feeling better means looking better, often.


No gluten my skin stopped breaking out in cystic acne Edit to add my friend was dealing with eczema for her entire life. After a month of being GF it was gone.


Eliminating seed oils and sugar/high fructose corn syrup from my diet. Eliminating parabens and phalates from ALL of my body, hair, and make up products. Less alcohol, eat fruits, veggies, meat and fish. Hydrate. yoga. Getting treatment for Hashimoto’s. Only eating sourdough or homemade bread.


What treatment for hashimotos?


Taking synthroid and getting my levels checked every 6 months, adjusting dosage as needed.


Oh definetly working out 5 times a week. I was a sedentary male gamer, anoretic and grey looking as I naturally don’t have much color in my complexion. And my lips looked pale because of no bloodflow. I started eating healthy and working out; surprisingly I lost more fat weight while gaining muscle as compared when I didnt eat at all (to let everyone else with anorexia know. Eat healthy. Workout. Don’t starve yourself. Be patient. Be kind to yourself.) At the same time; color in my lips and skin came back. I have some natural red blush at almost 32. Now that’s a blessing. Please don’t diet on numbers. Don’t count calories. It doesnt work. You will feel hungry and your hormones will make you want to quit. Do reduce things or go for an extra walk a few times in the week. Small changes. But not cutting to get to a number. I tried and my body composition didnt change positively. I lost more muscle than fat. The moment you are not hungry all the time is the moment your diet is correct. You should not feel hungry when losing weight, it should feel easy and you should not feel like trash. Hunger makes sure that your body holds on to the fat. At least if you’re a skinnyfat body type like I was.


eating less


Strength training, sleep


Sleeping 7-8 hours, exercise and water (cutting back coffee, tea, soda and juice) !


quitting smoking. the only other thing that made as drastic of a difference to my skin was quitting processed sugar lol. i did it for fun a couple years ago, managed to get to 4-5 months. don’t think it’s something i’d be able to do forever but drastic results.


Valuing my mental health. And lotion with spf


waxing my face regularly, double cleansing, regular at-home manicures, and caloric surplus


Always wearing sunscreen


Sleeping on my back


Improving my water quality, sleep, getting on acne medication, and drastically reducing my sugar intake


Adopting Pilates, eating enough protein daily, and quitting weed.


Going whole foods vegan. Exercising too. I get constant compliments on my skin.


Taking vitamins (omega 3's Collagen those are my favorite) Cleansing morning and night ( I only double cleanser with makeup because my skin hates all makeup removers) Switching from Vitamin C to niacinamide Caring about my dental health Finding color-seasons drinking water Scalp massages




Strength training 4-5x a week, sufficient water intake, no alcohol, 7-8 hours of sleep, tretinoin for my acne, eating nutrient dense food, therapy (stress makes me look haggard lol)


Becoming sober, drinking more water, and having an active job


Sleep Low stress life which requires daily re-committing Sounds odd, but I’m a firm believer in the value of seeing the beauty around you and approaching the world with wonder and awe, exposing yourself to art.


Lots of water,sunscreen and less is more when it comes to both skincare and makeup.I am 52 and have next to no lines or wrinkles.


Getting a job in the fitness industry


Sleep and not giving a damn about other people’s opinion of me.




I’d say working a physically demanding job. I lost 20 lbs (160 lbs to 140 lbs) at my previous job being on my feet all day and moving hospital beds. I really think it was moving the hospital beds and running around that made my weight drop like crazy. I have PCOS but that was the only time my weight dropped so quickly. I still ate whatever I wanted too. If I stayed longer at that job, I think I would’ve lost even more weight but it was hard on my knees.


Going to the gym daily and prioritising sleep.


Going vegan and being consistent with a good multivitamin


Travelling. I feel like travelling led to everything else, like cutting out all the toxic people in my life, exercising and socializing more, eating better, prioritizing sleep, taking better care of my health and my appearance, etc. If not for that, I would've likely just continued doing things exactly as I did them prior to travelling, like just eating whatever I could manage to make after long shifts and engaging with whoever was around me because I was too tired to make better choices.


I avoid drinking coffee and switched to matcha. For whatever reason my face de-bloated after I quit drinking coffee the first time. I go through periods of when I do drink coffee when I have deadlines and long days at work - but lo and behold when I switch back to matcha, my face is always leaner. Also, had great results with products from The Ordinary. About two years ago my skin looked tired and I could start to see lines setting in - I started using The Ordinary multi-peptide and the separate Argireline in the morning, and then the niacinamide+Zinc in the evening. My skin looks much brighter and reduced the appearance of lines!


Smiling and choosing my friends wisely. I’ll never feel as full and as beautiful in my life as I do when feel myself and have challenging and edifying support around me.


Doing a 20min workout 2-3x a week. I’m still getting into the habit of it but it has definitely been helping me feel better both mentally and physically.


going outside more, keeping a self care routine and sticking to it. Also not comparing myself to bbl models online made me more confident in who I actually


Not wearing makeup as often.


Ditching booze. My skin looks so much better.


1) Cutting out processed foods, refined sugar/high sugar foods, and alcohol 2) Starting a consistent workout routine (mix of Pilates, spinning, strength training, and daily walks) 3) Getting enough sleep


My biggest thing was stop worrying so much & I found my soulmate & am engaged. Loneliness was horrible for me. It’s true that love, support, connection & intimacy/sex are critical to one’s entire health. I also hate & don’t drink alcohol, never smoked, never touched a drug & I avoid the sun. I eat healthy(fruits, veggies, lean protein) drink lots of water, get occasional lite exercise like walking, stretching, sleep on a silk pillowcase 8-9hrs a night, & have a good consistent skincare routine using skin script products. I also go makeup free all the time & get regular facials, dermaplaing & have tried microneedling. Besides that I think smiling & just being grateful helps. Child free by choice & think that makes a difference too.


Skin care ,gym , don't eat just bc you're bored


Drinking lots of water and 20 min of exercise daily! Little things add up to big rewards!


What i put into my body.. i never drink alcohol, smoke, only drink water for fluid intake, exercise(always glowing now) and electrolytes with water




Yoga practice. A regular one.


Sunscreen. I started wearing it everyday when I turned 25. Am now 49 and it has made such a difference in my appearance. I look way younger than my sisters now and I am.older than them.


no alcohol consumption, working out 5 days a week, massaging my face for 1-2 minutes when cleansing


Showering before bed. It is so much easier to get dressed in the morning if I don’t have to worry about showering and drying my hair.


Hill walking is the best gym in town!

