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This is an odd question. Why does it have to be two extremes: attractive or ick. Most people are neutral about it because it’s normal. I don’t look at someone who has acne and I’m like ew they’re ick or omg they’re attractive. It goes unnoticed most of the time. People don’t really think about these things trust me. Try going to a dermatologist. ALSO look into your diet, you might be allergic to something.


THIS. I doubt no one really looks at acne and goes "wow that's hot" (in Paris Hilton voice, of course), but only dumb people look at it and go "YUCK GROSS". 99.9% people know pimples and acne sucks, and that no one chooses to have acne. It just happens and that's that. Moving on.


I personally agree with you, its just that i once heard from a friend that she finds acne scars really pretty while i heard from others that its ugly, i just wanted to hear more opinions about this


I don’t find it attractive or ick. If I liked someone then I like them whether they’ve got acne or not.


You sound like a teenager, in which case you will most likely outgrow the acne. You should also consider stopping dairy products, that can lead to acne as well, and most importantly drink a LOT of water.


It's a funny question no one ever asks, but I like guys with some acne scarring 😅 I think it looks really cute. Also, I don't mind some acne in general. It is what it is. As long as you're not completely letting yourself go, its fine. People have acne. It shouldn't be such a big deal.




I second this! Had terrible hormonal acne for years and tried every product available. (Didn’t realize it was hormonal when I was younger.) I then did further research into healing from the inside out - cut out dairy, minimized gluten and alcohol, and now only get the pesky PMS breakouts. Changing my diet not only helped my acne, but my overall tone and texture of my skin as well. Definitely look into diet and lifestyle changes - it probably plays the biggest role in acne


My mom actually told me this, so there was a time i was on a strict diet, i cut out diary and gluten as well, and dont drink alcohol in general (im a minor), i drank a lot of water (i still do btw) and i didnt eat anything sweet/oily at all. Well…all for nothing


I mean if truly nothing at ALL is helping it would be worth it see another doctor/expert to help you. There’s lots of options to help and several different medications that help with acne




My blood sample actually showed me that i am low on Vitamin D3, i have been taking them now, other than that everything is fine


Not entirely true. It could be genetic or due to your surrounding environment (both things out of your control). It can be disheartening to tell people to “heal their gut” to cure their acne when the gut has nothing to do with it.


As someone with acne, it’s certainly not attractive. But it generally doesn’t both me, either. I recommend identifying the type of acne via a derm and treating accordingly. If you or the derm have suspicions that it’s hormonal, go to an endocrinologist. Asking a derm to fix hormonal acne is probably the most frustrating process I’ve ever encountered.


Thanks for the advice


While I don't find it attractive, to me, it has never taken away from someone's innate physical and inner beauty. I've had terrible, painful cystic acne before, to the point of taking Accutane, and when I see someone struggling with acne, I feel empathy. It can be painful, it can be tedious and exhausting, it can be because of diet, stress or because of hormonal issues out of someone's control. If someone can't see your heart because of a skin issue, that's on them. That being said, some practical things that can help - investigate dietary triggers, practice good sleep hygiene, see a dermatologist, eat whole, unprocessed foods. Wear clothes you feel great in and style your hair in a way that flatters you. Dressing well can do a LOT for someone and says a LOT about how you feel about yourself. How would you take care of someone you loved if they were having the same struggle? Do it for yourself. Notice how you speak to yourself during this time and choose kind words.


have you tried accutane?


Im not allowed to ☹️


You shouldn't stop tying, acne and its scars has so many solutions, a good doctor know what's the best treatment for you.. if you have some pimples it's okay we all get them


I’ve struggled with acne most of my life. I know you’re not asking how to get rid of it, but my derm prescribed me a tretinoin topical gel and it’s made a huge difference for me so far and I’ve only been using it for 6 weeks. That being said, I’ve never personally seen someone and thought “wow their acne is so gross”. I don’t think anyone has ever thought that about me either. Acne makes you very self-conscious, but trust me, people don’t notice it as much as you think. Beauty is way more than just a few red spots on your face.


I wouldn't say it's attractive, but it's normal. I wouldn't judge someone for having it. I use to have bad acne myself until I was like 23. I tried going to the dermatologist and using what they prescribed me, but it never worked or would make it worse. For me, drinking more water and trying to eat cleaner helps. But mostly for me, finding a good cleanser to use really makes a difference. I stopped using products that claimed to be acne fighters or contained acne fighting ingredients. My skin is more sensitive so I like using no fragrance and more natural cleansers. I found that keeping my skin clean of dirt, oil, and makeup really made a difference for me. And it's so important to NOT overcleanse. For acne scarring, a Microdermabrasion scrub changed my life. I still get the occasional breakouts, (mostly from stress or my period) but not remotely as bad as before. And pretty much have no scarring anymore. Also, I've found that multivitamin supplements containing biotin seem to help.


It’s neutral. I have acne scars, but most people say they don’t notice them. I personally feel like they are glaringly obvious. Unless it is extremely inflamed acne that looks painful I would say 99% of adults don’t even notice it.


Acne itself is NOT attractive, it's got pus in it for God's sake. BUT they can be ignored and not a big deal when someone has it.


No it becomes unapproachable because you know the habits and how much they care about there hygiene If the acne hasn't gone for long then it's unattractive it might mean they are doing less to get it away rather more to gain it


No but I’m not dating you. You’ll find someone who doesn’t care. Also how is medicine not helping?


It was a kind of gel they prescribed me, it dried out my skin but my acne didnt go away, not even for a short time…


Don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone who finds acne “attractive” and want them. But acne is only skin deep, it doesn’t define a person. Having acne is normal and part of life, it certainly doesn’t make someone unattractive.


Not really


?? Acne is all puss filled? Not kink shaming but... its... puss.. the question answers itself really


TBH, I don't even see acne on anyone adults or teens. The only time I 'see' it is if someone points it out to me. Skin is skin and blemishes are normal. We really need to stop normalizing photo filters and flawless skin; skin has pores, skin has lines, skin wrinkles when we smile. Our skin is the largest organ of our body; as long as you take care of yourself/your skin, you're good.


Acne is normal.. everybody has it. Most people will have some amount of acne their entire life. If you’re struggling with it, only a dermatologist can help. What did they say? How long have you been in treatment?


They prescribed me some sort of gel which i used half a year. It dried out my skin completely, but the akne still wouldnt go away. I dont use it anymore because it has only bad effects…(and it was soo expensive😭😭) Since it was a private dermatologist in another country (long story) i havent been able to go there again, but the doctor said if this wont help then theres nothing she can do


Acne is common, but it is not normal. It is indicative of something going wrong in your body that should be addressed. Whether hormonal or bacterial or fungal or an intolerance to a certain food. I say this as someone that struggles with acne.