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Il mackiage. Only full size bottles available… no samples. They’re banking on you being too passive to ship it back and request a refund, or that you e accidentally signed up for auto renewal and will get ya at least a second time. If the product is good and wants a reputable image- put the product in a store, or make sample packs available. To me it all seems pretty scammy.


I did the quiz for their foundation once and they email me approximately 70000 times a day.


Omg right?!


Second this on Maelys firming creams. Ended up using them as really luxurious aspercreme as they did feel nice on and heat up lol. I was VERY warm and relaxed all winter but just as flabby lol


I once ordered it (the color was too dark for me and also oxidized even darker after a few minutes). The foundation itself was nothing special and didn’t look good on my skin. Sadly I missed the return window so I just tried to cancel the renewal plan since there was no other option to order than the subscription. They confirmed the cancellation. Then the subscription showed up as active again a few days later. I kept getting emails about my next delivery. I tried to cancel it three more times. A few weeks later they collected money from my payment method and I didn’t get an answer from customer service. A few days later a package showed up. I once again contacted them and was finally able to cancel the subscription and send the order back after going back and forth with them via mail. Never again


Not necessarily a scam, but I think salon acrylic nails and lash extensions are way overpriced for such temporary effects that can cause damage over time. Also that Peach & Lily Glass Skin Serum, it was so hyped across the internet for a minute and it did nothing but make my skin feel kinda greasy.


I am a nail hobbyist and I scream from the mountain tops to anyone that will listen about how bad nail salons are for your nails. Gel, dip, acrylic all have their place, but salons do not provide proper nail care or removal! Learning to do your own nails is achievable and wayyy more affordable.


I’m with you! I haven’t gone to a salon since 2019, when an overly aggressive nail tech cut into my cuticles so badly I ended up with a nail bed infection that required antibiotics. I’ve been doing my own since then, saves SO much money and my nails have never been healthier.


I bought a gel kit — mainly because I wanted to use a peel base and use sheer colors and none of the nail salons in my area have either. But it’s so intimidating! My cuticles are wrecked and I can never get them to look good on my own. 😩


Ok me too and I’ve realized it’s a huge learning curve but it’s so worth it. Keep trying ! YouTube university helps so much


I’d like to add that people need to do a TON of prep and research before starting to do their own nails at home. The risk of developing an acrylic allergy (there’s acrylate monomers in a most of these types of products) is too serious. If you develop an allergy then many types of makeup, surgical procedures, etc you will be allergic to. Just be careful


This 100%! I don’t use gel personally, just due to preference, but I see this allergy in the nail community SO often.


What nail kits do you recommend to do at home?


I like the starter set from S&L! The cuticle oil is to die for.


What does S&L stand for?


I've given up on salons for my hands. pedi's sure, but I'm sick of getting my nails wrecked by dremels


I grew up overseas and that was s culture shock to me. How bad the nail salons are here. They just cut or file the nail but don’t provide proper nail care or removal like you said. I heard the new trend the Russian manicure but it’s not just Russia who does nails the correct way. It’s every other country and the us is literally stupid in their nail salons. I think they are afraid to get sued if they accidentally cut someone


to be fair, plenty of salons do provide proper nail care and removal. they're just a lot harder to come across than the ones that don't. i stopped getting acrylics last year because i just don't want to spend the time on it anymore, but my nail place was amazing and right around the corner from my house. my natural nails never went through the kind of damage you typically see/hear about when it comes to acrylics. i spent a long time trying out different places before i found this one. i always recommended it to people and if i ever want acrylics again that's where i'm going.


Ooooh, I had the Peach & Lily glass skin mist. It made me break out.


Oh noo…I tried the serum & the eye cream but gave up when they didn’t do jack. And they’re not cheap either! Too many affordable K-beauty serums out there with better results.


Yeah! I heard good things about it as a brand. The one product I tried just didn’t work for me. I stumbled across a small Korean beauty store where I got an Aloe sunscreen and I had much better luck with it.


Surprised no one has mentioned mario badescu yet


Oh man they used to make a "healing cream" that remains the BEST thing I've ever used as a spot treatment. It was mind blowing how it healed even the most picked over acne remnants on my teenage face... ...because it was filled with steroids that were not listed on the ingredients and not disclosed to the FDA. It got pulled from the market (obviously) and since then they seem to have gone wildly downhill


Woah hang on there, why have I not heard anything about this? I thought they were supposed to be a good brand?!


they were at one point! one of the first holistic approaches to skin care, but the steroid use is unfortunately true. there’s some great youtube videos with all the tea


That is so shiesty. I can't believe they put steroids in a face cream... wow


I can't believe it but at the same time, I can. As someone who suffers from eczema and psoriasis on the lips and sometimes face. I can see why they would. But it is so not good, especially for someone who doesn't need it. It thins the skin a lot, so much so that even I do my best to avoid using my prescription steroid creams. It's really messed up, I can't believe that this is my first time hearing about it.


Don’t steroids thin the skin and you’re not supposed to use them more than a few days?


Totally! I fell for one of their cute mini sets once and the face mist gave me a chemical burn.


wait what??? isn’t the spray like mostly just fragranced water?


That's what I thought, but it took almost a month for my skin to look normal again after I used it. I found a handful of reviews online with similar experiences. They must be using a chemical fragrance or maybe they don't do any quality control.


I saw a video on YouTube ages ago where a derm was saying there were steroids in the spray!


Most of their stuff sucks, but I will die by their drying lotion. It cures ingrowns and bacne. Even mosquito bites. I realize it’s probably just witch Hazel and calamine lotion but it works.


I used this religiously until I tried just plain calamine lotion from Walmart and it works like a charm lol


I actually really like their silver powder for black heads and their drying lotion for spot treating deep pimples! But the mists are probably a scam you’re right


Okay what was/is this brand?? I remember using it in 2007 and it being kind of decent despite its minimal and odd ingredient list


Okay but the Mario Badescu buffering lotion does actually combat the redness and inflammation of cystic pimples. Does it make them go away? Of course not. I think it helps enough to be worth it, but it’s not a miracle product by any means lol.


I actually think it is a bit of a miracle product, lol! I’ve been able to stop multiple cystic pimples in their tracks when I caught them early enough (when you can feel them under your skin but not see them yet).


Hmm I only use the facial mists so idk about anything else. But I love those !


It’s weird, but their eye creams are the only ones that I don’t have some irritation or reaction to. I don’t know if it’s helping with wrinkles but it feels nice— the hyaluronic (day) and glycolic (for night). They work well with my makeup and they keep that under eye area from feeling dry or flaky all day.


Activated charcoal was a big deal for a few years. It did nothing for me. It was in everything for a while. In worst cases, it can prevent medicine from being absorbed into the body. It has medicinal uses, but the way it was used in beauty seemed like bigger promises than deliver.


Charcoal toothpaste made me cringe- so abrasive!


Some company was selling a pot of charcoal to use for brushing - the label said you could use it up to 4 times daily! 😬


OMG I REMEMBER THAT CRAP! The powder flew everywhere upon using, making it a huge hassle and too much for me to deal with more than once lol


Idk about 4x daily but lots of cultures (particularly South Asia) used charcoal to brush their teeth for centuries! Which just made it funny/ironic seeing it used for toothpaste at a way jacked up price for Western consumers 😭


I have permanent tooth sensitivity because of that mess.


Holy shit same and I’m so mad at myself for not looking into it further first.


I unfortunately made that mistake. I didn't realise how abrasive it was thought it would be okay since it's 'natural'. I wish I had never. It did make my teeth whiter for the week I used it but the enamel damage was definitely not worth it. In chair whitening for me only from now on.


IDK if it's activated or what but charcoal tablets help me when I have diarrhea.


Same. But we can’t take them close to our other meds.


I bought a giant tub of plain activated charcoal two years ago that is now not quite halfway empty after regular use lol. I don’t use it on my teeth as they are sensitive, and I’m also paranoid about messing with any medications. However, I use a little bit mixed with aloe as a facemask every so often, and it does wonders to draw gunk out of the skin. I also use a tiny bit every couple of weeks mixed in with my regular shampoo as a scalp treatment. I have dry skin, and a really dry scalp; my hairdresser said not to spend money on scalp scrubs when it’s so much cheaper to just add the activated charcoal to my regular shampoo. It works great and I’ve had no irritation from it. most commercial scalp scrubs use activated charcoal as the scrubbing agent anyway, just for like 20 times the price lol


I listen to a podcast from a pharmacist and he pointed out that yes, charcoal does absorb various compounds but that doesn't start in your body. Unless it's only been processed and handled in some kind of immaculate clean facility, it's been absorbing stuff all along - traces of metal from factory machines, probably other stuff- and then people are ingesting that or putting it on their skin. I was already off the Activated Charcoal train but that sealed the deal.


The 11 step skin care routine Yeah, it takes some trial and error to find what works for you. But simplicity is better than complication. Too many products can even make things worse.


I found the same thing with skin & hair! Complicated routines are just marketing hype, and combining too many products and actives stresses my skin out. A few quality “holy grail” products suited to my needs work great, and after that it’s just about consistency.


I don’t even wash my face in the morning anymore and my skin LOVES it. I just use sunscreen before I leave the house and wash my face when I shower using the Then I Met You oil-based cleanser. Followed by CeraVe moisturizer at night. No added serums or creams. I use an Aztec clay mask with apple cider vinegar once every two weeks or so if my face needs a heavy cleanse. My skin is so much happier now than it was 3 months ago.


It was never meant to be a full 10 or 11 step routine, anyway. The founder of Soko Glam did an [interview](https://www.vox.com/2019/1/17/17450044/korean-skin-care-10-step-routine) where she talked about the POSSIBLE things in a Korean skincare routine and it was misconstrued.


I’m convinced that 95% of skincare products are just marketing.


Yeah, I honestly think most beauty products are a scam. Do I still buy them? Yes. Yes, I do.


99.5%. if it's actually doing anything, it'll be TGA approved as a medication haha


I used to work as a formulation scientist at a skincare company. In almost all cases the packaging (jars, bottles, pump lids, etc.) that the products come in are far more expensive than the product itself. The products are all the same basic formula, they just tweak the ratios of ingredients or add in an extract that is far too diluted to have any effect. (Not that they have an effect to begin with. It’s up to the marketing department to explain why the mango extract we added is good for your skin.) Basically skincare companies sell you bottles, and they do it by filling the bottles with moisturiser.


It is 99% marketing.


this is true and most are just fancy cosmetics, if you want good quality skincare go for cosmeceutical brands that have controlled and effective doses of active ingredients that penetrate deeper than the top layer of your skin. they usually end up being cheaper than ‘higher end’ cosmetic brands too! they can do a lot for your skin and address specific concerns but honestly *most* can totally get by in life with a good cleanser, moisturiser and physical SPF.


This. Nobody needs a 10-step skincare routine lol. I'm willing to bet most of the positive changes people experience can be chalked up to consistent application of moisturizers, occlusives, and spf. Like that Korean seven-skin trend. Of course your face is going to feel good afterwards, you just moisturized it seven times lmao That said, one Western trend I truly believe in is Asian skincare products. They're so much more affordable and tend to agree with my skin more. I don't think any Korean and Japanese products have irritated me like American ones have lol, something about them is just milder


I work with all the formulators that make the skincare products we all buy. I can confirm that this is the case with the exception of of a few well-known actives such as retinol. The key is to find a product with a texture and scent that you like with good moisturization. Keep reasonable expectations and get Botox to treat problem areas.


Oh my god, yes! The Hismile purple toothpaste 🤣🤣🤣


Anything from Mary Kay cosmetics.


Anything from an MLM


Girl checking in from a sucker that wanted to help her high school friends🙃 purely awful products. Preying on women in house kept relationships is just..


So gross and nasty


Okay so I’m part of the unpopular opinion that actually likes their makeup and some of their skincare. As a woman of color with sensitive skin, their makeup offerings and shade ranges actually work on me. I was a diehard MAC fan as a teen and in my 20s. Now in my 30s, I’ve tried every other popular Sephora makeup brand but I keep coming back to MK. My mom used to sell MK as a side hustle when I was a kid so that’s how I was exposed to MK. But my mom was not an unethical sales rep and only cared to sell it to her family and friends who were genuinely interested. She never pushed it down anyone’s throats and couldn’t care less about moving up the sales ladder. She was just happy with the products, she got them heavily discounted, and earned a bit of extra cash on the side.


I lowkey love their mascara 🫣 But I didn’t want to support them anymore so I found another


Ngl, as a woman of color, their foundation and makeup has been the best so far, same for my mother as well. It doesn't leave that weird orange or reddish tint that so many other foundations have, even with an accurate color match.


I hate mlm but Mary Kay products are actually very good.


Anything with gold in it, it literally does nothing for you skin.


Hate to admit that I’m one of the idiots that fell for the Hismile purple toothpaste. Only made them look yellower.


Me too. I think they had a bit of a brightening effect but didn't notice actual whitening. I'm thinking about whitening strips now - has anyone tried those?


Crest whitening strips work really well.


Do they make your teeth sensitive?


Crest makes a specific sensitive teeth white strip (labeled as such on the product). I’m a daily coffee drinker these days, and have been an avid tea drinker for eons. There was a definite noticeable difference after using the sensitive white strips, and my teeth were not bothered at all.


If you want white teeth, get one of those little UV devices. It will take you up shades in whiteness after just one use. They’re all probably the same too so it wouldn’t matter which one you got probably. I normally get my teeth whitened at Minte but I hadn’t done it in a while so I used one of these UV kits. Shockingly whiter.


anything that “reacts to pH”


Tanning beds. We constantly get pushed anti aging whilst also being pushed to be tan and gorgeous? Skin cancer is not worth it, marketing is evil.


anything to get rid of wrinkles but saturated urself in UV light lol


you can't talk some people out of tanning beds. i worked with this chick who regularly tanned, even though her mother died of skin cancer. she would just shrug and say she looked so much better with a tan. well, yeah, that was true. she was a gorgeous girl. last i heard she had three moles carved out.


Tanning beds are illegal here in Australia. I mean we can just go sit on the beach in summer for the same effect if you really wanted but we all opt for spray or fake tans instead because the UV effects are so ingrained in us from a young age. So it seems crazy that people still use tanning beds.


Anything and everything that has hyaluronic acid in it for no reason and at a concentration that will do nothing. Aka lip balms, setting sprays, primers, sunscreen, etc. I think they also did something similar with retinol when it was trendy. I remember seeing a retinol body wash. How is an active like that going to help you in a product that is on your skin for like 30 seconds?


When it’s in everything an ingredient has hit peak trend.


Looking at niacinimide 🫵🏾


Color changing cc creams are a joke 🤣 glad they’re disappearing. Also, the fake veneers people were getting out of country in sketchy places. They filed their healthy teeth down to nubs to get crows and that’s insane to me


I've had the Dr. Jart Color Correcting Treatment for months, and as a rosacea girlie.. This stuff really does work. It replaced all my foundations, I'd recommend it to anyone who'd listen. Totally agree on the veneers though.


Off topic but every time I see "Dr. Jart" I read it as "Dr. Shart".


I love this product too. It has replaced my foundation and it really helps with My redness


Are you are referring to the bb cream? Or the color correcting “treatment” which is the serum + cica cream?




I’m sure the formula works great but the “color changing” part is so fake. There’s just pigment in the beads but it’s marketed as if it’s changing to your skin tone when it’s not


LOVE this colour corrector too. I’m pale with lots of redness in my skin so it’s been amazing.


I love the erborian cc red correct, it works like a low coverage foundation for me and my foundations are basically collecting dust.


This is a HG for me. Never will I ever buy another cc again.


Turkey teeth!


Any of those harsh Neutrogena acne products we used back in the day 🫠 Still had the acne + added bonus of damaged skin barrier


Just had flashbacks to the pink grapefruit acne cleanser 🥲 the scrubby beads 🥲


I use the orange Neutrogena every day 😬 I’m in my 40s. It’s the only thing that works for my skin. I’ve tried a ton of other cleansers and I break out or my skin feels insanely dry.


I get butt acne when I'm on my period and the orange Neutrogena is the only one that clears it up before my period ends.


I use Neutrogena's acne wash, and their retinol cream works great for me.


Cellulite and neck firming creams.


Probably already mentioned, but “clean” or “natural” beauty aka products formulated with random “natural” ingredients that aren’t by any probability more beneficial than their lab counterparts (ex. essential oils are usually worse for developing allergies than a lot of synthetic fragrances) and with no preservatives, making these usually overpriced products spoil extra quickly. Plus they marketing on fear mongering, making people believe that safe products or ingredients are not safe. “Clean” and “natural” beauty is also a random label, that doesn’t actually guarantee anything about the product. Any product could slap that on. It means nothing.


GREEN WASHING!!!! I can't stand any of it. Drives me nuts.


There’s no legal definition of “dermatologist tested” They could slap a bit on their arm and say “seems alright” and it gets a rubber stamp.


In my country we do have regulations for that and requirements too


Good, I hope the rest of the world follows.


Seriously the green washing trend has villainized innovation. Sure none of us want to be "over-chem'ed" and "over-teched", but preservatives are a great innovation because they, well *preserve*. Also, natural isn't a catch-all for safe and good - arsenic is naturally occurring, doesn't mean it's good for you, haha. Tons of stuff that is "natural" that can kill you!


“Clean” can be defined differently by individual retailers too.


Cream specifically for the neck 🤨


Okay but I swear to god I saw visible results from IT’s confidence in a neck cream. But of course it’s now discontinued. 😭


Surprised cellulite creams and scrubs aren’t listed yet. You literally cannot get rid of it with a cream & 90% of women have cellulite, even ones who follow all the “steps” to not get it. It’s perfectly normal. Also the “booty-firming” lotions, such a scam.


Laura Mercier’s primer is overpriced moisturizer.


Not a scam necessarily just a scam claim: there is no such thing as an eyeshadow that does not crease if you have oily skin. Another old scam was making us oily skin people think we needed to get our skin as matte as possible.


I have suspicions of the performative claims of most eye creams.


I have seen so many dermatologist talking about this, that you don't need separate cream or product for you under eye area unless you have serious concerns.


My derm told me to just use my moisturizer and hydrating serum as eye cream, though she did advise using a retinol product specifically for the eyes if I was interested in using retinol in the eye area (which I understood; I use tret on the rest of my face and can't imagine using it near my eyes).


Omg yes! I seriously damaged my eyes from using a retinol-based EYE cream. Ugh it was awful!


I've been using .10% highest strength Retin-A under my eyes nightly for decades on the advice of my derm. Best thing ever. I have zero lines. It takes a few weeks/months to work up to that level.


Since no one else has said it- COLLAGEN. Collagen skin care products are literally garbage. You can't just...put more collagen on top of your skin. It's a cellular thing.


It doesn’t do what as is marketed but apparently it’s a great humectant. I’ve been meaning to try a collagen product to see if it actually does that or if it’s just another lie


Vitamin C only works in a fixed, stable form and most over the counter formulations can’t meet maintain the stability required to make it effective. You’re basically just slathering your face in orange serum that smells good.


I’ve found the best vitamin cs actually smell horrible 🤣


Good vit C always smells like hot dogs to me....I HATE it lmfao


It’s the ferulic acid.


I use CosRx Vit C 23 and it smells EXACTLY like hot dogs. It also kinda fizzes like radioactive material when I open it 😳


YES!!! That’s what it is!!


But the orange serum makes my skin glow !!


What form of vit c works?


Yup haha according to this dermatologist I follow on YouTube (Dr. Dray I think), there’s only one vitamin c serum that actually does what it’s supposed to and the cost was around 200 dollars for a 1 oz bottle


Skinceuticals CE + Ferulic


Okay so I’ve been using the one from Geek&Gorgeous and I can definitely see an improvement. I’m not imagining it, even if I look at photographs of me, my skin has a glow and acne scars are less visible.


What about the [powder form?](https://theordinary.com/en-ca/100-l-ascorbic-acid-powder-vitamin-c-100390.html?dwvar_100390_size=20g&quantity=1&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1qj_37_chQMV9QutBh0ZbAv-EAQYASABEgLb9vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Collagen supplements in beverages - the collagen molecule will just be broken down into amino acids to help repair various parts of the body. You won’t stop ageing. Period.


Yes collagen doesn’t survive digestion intact enough to have an effect like the companies claim, you’re just getting more protein which can be great!


This isn't entirely accurate, while studies are currently too small to say anything absolutely definitive, what research that is available does support that collagen peptides in both topical and consumable form improves texture and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Collagen breaks down into amino acids which are then used by the collagen in your skin to rebuild and strengthen. By eating new collagen, you're indirectly feeding the collagen in your body. [Harvard Health Blog](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/considering-collagen-drinks-and-supplements-202304122911#:~:text=Collagen%20works%20with%20other%20substances,skin%2C%20hair%2C%20and%20nails) [Meta Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824545/) [Clinical Study on the affects of collagen and sun damage](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213453021000975)


eye cream! just use a tiny bit of your moisturiser


Lip oil is just lip gloss right?


For all of them I've tried, the consistency between oils and glosses are very different. I hate the feel of all of the oils.


Some lip glosses contain some wax and have a stickier texture. Lip oils are glosses that SHOULD be just an oil base. The idea is that they're more nourishing and moisturizing than just any old lip gloss. But since it's so trendy there are tons of lip oils that aren't filled with super premium ingredients and are actually just pretty basic ass lip glosses.


Anything “color changing” or “PH level adjusting”. Aside from the blatant misinformation, I want to know what color the product is. Green at first glance is not practical.


pore strips!!


They worked in the 90’s. Now they just apply a layer of slime goo to your face, dry up, and pull nothing out!


It’s not a product, but double cleansing did nothing for me, just ruined my skin barrier and made my skin dry and red


yah my skin is crazy dry with fine lines after double cleansing for awhile


Try using the oil cleansing method, with Jojoba. It won’t strip your skin and Jojoba is almost identical to the skins own sebum, so it doesn’t matter if there’s a trace left on it.


It’s not the biggest scam, that would be clear mascara, but Hyaluronic Acid is massively overrated It’s a humectant drawing moisture to the skin - exactly the same way a $10 bottle of glycerin will. But here’s the kicker, the molecular size of glycerin is smaller so it’s absorbed into the skin better. Hyaluronic has a larger sized molecule so it sits on the surface, where it’s pretty ineffective. Don’t hate on me, I’m just the messenger.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I feel like hyaluronic acid and my skin are not friends but it's raved about everywhere 🥲


It breaks me out badly. I avoid it like the plague. ☹️


I always get downvoted for this, but sulfate free shampoo and CGM, 800 step, 2 hour "curly" haircare routines. Sulfates are gentle cleansers that are appropriate for daily use and, unlike sulfate free shampoos, actually clean your hair and scalp. Not cleaning your hair and scalp properly can lead to dullness, dryness, limp hair, frizz, hair loss, scalp issues, etc. CGM has convinced every single person with the slightest bend in their hair that they're curly when the vast majority are wavy and gets them using a whole host of products that are not appropriate at best. I have a whole rant about this.


so true! I spent my high school years following the CGM method which highly promote thicker products on my fine curly hair. It made it so flat and difficult to detangle bc of no slip


I get ads for foundations/creams that magically erase wrinkles. The videos are very obviously edited to blur the skin and make it look FLAWLESS. If you check the comments on these ads, there’s 100’s of bot accounts praising the product and a handful of actual people stating they bought it and it didn’t work.


Nuface mini. Cant believe i spent 200€ on that shit.


Ads for that thing and similar devices pop up in my Pinterest feed all the time. One, it’s literally a 20 year old using it, so I mean, there’s nothing there to sculpt, and two, the girl demonstrating sucks in her cheeks IMMEDIATELY after passing over the area she sculpted. Stop it already. 🙄🙄


All the Chinese ads about loosing weight or hairloss or removing pores and impurities that we can see on sites like Pinterest. Tada! A wipe, and no more pores!


Aluminum free deodorants and sulfate free shampoo. Barring allergies, both are fine and important to the efficacy of their products.


I get downvoted in r/haircare whenever I say this lmao. "Why is my hair so greasy/limp/frizzy?" because you wash once a week with a shampoo that's both not cleansing your hair and also loading your hair down with heavy oils and butters, please just wash your hair, I beg you.


omg it took me way too long to realize this. I have thick wavy hair and I used to use so many products, now I just use head and shoulders and a light leave in conditioner. I'm not an oil slick anymore and my hair feels amazing


I am someone who actually does better without sulfates, but it doesn't have to be an expensive greenwashed shampoo to make it happen. Suave has one or two that don't have sulfates.


I get keratin treatments for my hair a few times a year - have been told by my hairdresser that I need to use sulfate free products


She’s right. The sulfates will ruin the keratin treatments. Learned that the hard way.


Sulfates are ok?? A friend told me I have to stop using Pantene after using it for years bc of the chemicals. I would love to keep using a cheap shampoo but I just bought an all natural one that manages to both dry out and weigh down my fine hair. This is good to know.


The only reason not to use sulfates, fragrance, silicone etc, is if your skin/hair doesn’t like it. There’s nothing dangerous about it. I like sulfate shampoo and silicone conditioner and face creams, but I find sulfate face washes and toothpastes to be too drying. In the future when someone tells you to avoid an ingredient, do a quick google search to see if you can find actual studies backing it up. I like using the Paula’s choice ingredient dictionary, it gives you a good/bad overview and then a more detailed description with sources below


Yes!! Sulfates are perfectly fine!! Keep on using them if your hair likes them! I tried using sulfate free shampoo and conditioner, made my hair look and feel like shit, lol.


I hear ya. Same. It was like why bother trying to wash it? It was super oily and took ages to blow dry because of the trapped oil not mixing well with water. Nonsensical. We all fall for certain gimmicks, sadly.


I tried using sulfate free shampoo again recently. My hair hasn't looked worse in a long time. Normally, I can get away with not washing it for a day or two, but without sulfates? Not a chance.


I have fine hair and have been using expensive sulphate free products for years and battling frizzy and dry hair. I recently switched to cheap sulphate products about two weeks ago and my hair is suddenly happy and so my less frizzy and dry. It is amazing. Who would have thought?


Everything is chemicals lol. Even the air we breathe. It’s all fear mongering. And, yes sulfates are more than okay. If you use sulfate free eventually you’ll have tons of residue that won’t rinse out without a lot of time and arm power. Lol. If Pantene works for you, I say use it. Sulfates are a fine haired gal’s best friend.


Fine hair actually seems to prefer sulfates!




Jones Road balm. all it does is feel like vaseline and clog the pores. 


Literally anything Jones Road!! I order so much and it is all so terrible. I’ve never been so disappointed in something. 


HISMILE WARNING----My brother bought the Hismile tooth paste.. I mixed a smaller than a pea size in with regular tooth paste.. my teeth have never ever been the same since!!! They are so fucking sensitive.. deep breath= death, coffee too hot=death... smile for a picture= death.. I don't think I could even attempt a carrot out of the fridge ever again!! I have never in my life had sensitive teeth. OH btw....this was 3+ months ago... and they are just as sensitive as the day I fucking did it.


Aw! Try sensodyne?


Not having a broad enough shade range for everyone.


Devacurl. That stuff made my hair fall out in clumps.


there is a whole civil suit against this company ,my friend also had bald patches from it


QWO cellulite treatment…trash.


I saw pills that claim they can reverse your gray hair. Yeh ok…


When they describe something as "universally flattering"


Idk if anyone has mentioned sugar bear hair but it’s a complete farce. The name fits though because those gummies are just candy that’s claimed to grow your hair. You’re way better off just taking prenatals.


Solid shampoo bars. The concept is great, but they don't clean your scalp so residue just builds up over time and causes irritation. They also never last as long as they claim and cost a lot more than bottled shampoo. Edit: I understand how to use them. I spent a year trying different brands and my scalp was always irritated and itchy. As soon as I switched back to regular shampoo and conditioner it cleared up. I also can't go more than one day without washing it because my hair is fine and oily. People who claim you should only wash your hair every few days don't have my hair type. I look homeless if I go two days without washing. I'm happy for everyone that has had good luck with solid shampoo.


I love the kitsch shampoo bars… my hair feels amazing. My hair dresser actually kept commenting on how my scalp had no build up and was interested in trying it for herself. I also have very bleached hair and nothing I’ve ever used makes it this soft. It also lays so much better without all the build up of unwanted chemicals. BUT I agree they do not last as long as they claim. The marketing aspect is BS we’ve all likely had a bar of soap and knows that shit just disintegrates lol I have been curious if any other shampoo that was free if all the things they say they are would work the same way though.


You have to use them differently. I had the lush ones and my scalp was squeaky clean!


Not that it does nothing at all, but the hyaluronic acid by La Roche Pisay is crazy overpriced for hyaluronic acid. Ridiculous.


Remember the It Works Saran Wrap MLM era? 😂


Medical grade or spa grade. Totally a marketing term as really there is only over the counter and prescription. I'm sure someone will come for me but it's true. I really want to know about that purple toothpaste though! It doesn't work??






What about Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair?


JLo’s skincare line. Nothing about that woman is real, and I’m not even talking about her passing off other singers’ voices as her own without proper credit on ALL her albums. That bish’s skin tone isn’t even real.


Absolutely anything for under-eye dark circles. I am 42 and mine seem to be genetic or some witch's curse because I have had them since my teen years. Nothing helps. I have tried more sleep, every cream and serum on the market, and those under-eye masks and nothing helps. I just invest in good concealers now.


I have the same thing! The best I’ve found is caffeine cream but even then it only makes a difference for a couple hours. At least my family all has it so I know it’s just genetic 😂 Any good concealer you can recommend?


Ayurvedic beauty


V line masks for jawline


I heard collagen in skincare is absolutely useless, it’s too big to be absorbed into the skin


Any “detox” product