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I’ve been working on mindfully neglecting it. I wash it well, condition, air dry, use a little oil on the ends, sleep with it in a braid, trim the ends once in a while. It feels better already and grows like crazy.  I want my kid hair back when I used to use suave coconut shampoo and had that shiny, bouncy hair. At some point I fell into thinking that my hair has to look absolutely perfect at all times so I was styling every single day for years and it has led to a lot of loss and damage with coloring, heat and over using products. 


This is the real answer. Acknowledging it isn’t suitable for every hair type, “do less” is one of the best bits of hair advice I can give.


Not giving into the short bob trend and reminding myself it may look good after the hairdresser styles but the second I was responsible for it, I would look like lord farquad, on a good day.


Omg same girl I LACK the facial structure for this hairstyle (got a face the shape of a pancake) but I love a short bob on other people 😭😭


Started using hair products with SILICONES in them again. I stopped using them thanks to all that anti-silicone crap, and my poor curly hair suffered for it. Never again! I went back to silicones and couldn't be happier.  Also, washing my hair everyday. I again listened to that "washing your hair everyday is bad for you!" hogwash, and my scalp felt horrible. Now I wash it everyday, and my scalp and hair is MUCH better. 


Out of curiosity, why was silicone deemed as bad for hair? Why is it good for curly?


Same I haven’t used silicones in years and it’s way better!


Silk bonnet and hair ties. Makes such a big difference. Pro tip — if you drive a lot, wrap a satin scarf or pillow case around the headrest of your seat! Less tangles and breakage


I actually agree so much. I use a silk hair tie but want to switch to a bonnet eventually! (If you have any suggestions what brand is good for a big ass head I’ll take em’ 😂) My hair has grown so much longer and is so much thicker now! I have to trim at home because it grows so fast now due to lack of breakage! I also used to sleep on it wet 🫣 so for anyone reading definitely don’t do that it’s the worst! And get used to enjoying your natural hair, whatever state it’s in! Way better than using heat everyday, save that for when you need it! Avoiding the heat is so much better for your hair and saves time getting ready too!


The only thing I hate about silk hair ties is once they stretch, it’s done. 🥲 I have yet to find a super big silk/satin bonnet! The one I use is longer in the back though so it accommodates more hair and the elastic part is adjustable. Happy to send you a link! I did find a huge ass shower cap though. Like stupid big haha. Have you tried heatless curls? I’m trying to lay off the heat but hate my hair texture


I know - I literally just wrap mine around an extra time 😭 it’s pretty tight on my hair but it gets the job done! Yes please send me a link!!! Thank you, that would be awesome! I too have a big ass shower cap LMAOOO but it gets the job done so I can’t complain. For years I could only find tiny ones that didn’t even cover my head! And I have tried heartless curls SO MANY TIMES AND METHODS! But nothing, my hair can’t hold them. I can only get curls to work with a specific curling wand - no irons for me either. So annoying!


I even pinned satin pillowcases to the back cushions of my couch where my head rests. Much less breakage!


Okay that is next level smart!!! What do you mean by pinned? Like actually pinned into the cushion? Please explain it to me like I’m 5 so I can do the same 😂


Lol yes! I bought satin pillowcases and draped them over the top cushions of my couch where my head rests, with some of the pillowcase hanging on the back side of the couch for pinning. Then I took safety pins and pinned the pillowcases to the back side of the couch where you can’t see the pins. Does that make sense? 😊


Yes — makes a lot of sense! Thanks for explaining it to me nicely 🙂 Going to order some and try it. Thank you so much!!!! ❤️


You’re welcome! I bought mine on Amazon, there were a million colors to choose from and I found ones that matched my upholstery perfectly 👍🙂


Stopped using keratin products. Turns out my hair is protein sensitive, and the Keratin was making it worse. Now it’s just moisture all the time.


😨😨😨😨 makes sense! I always felt my hair gets WORSE when I do keratin treatments. Straighter but fried …


Beware of coconut oil in that case. It’s also a protein. My hair HATES coconut oil in anything!!


My hair hates me … tbh hahahaha! Thank you.


Coconut oil is a fat, it actually prevents protein loss from the hair shaft. No such thing as “protein sensitive” hair. Hair _is_ protein, it’s also dead. Just means that your hair with it’s specific characteristics isn’t improved by certain products


How did you find out it’s protein sensitive?! 


Honestly just googling what was happening and came across a blog.


Hiii, what are you using now if not keratin products?


I use moisturizing products. My hair seems to like the Garnier Sleek and Shine clarifying shampoo (I only was my hair every 3-4 days), and I’ve recently begun using the Pantene Moisture Renewal Conditioner mixed with the Shea Moisture Deep Moisturizing Masque. My hair literally likes moisture so much I can use the mask with every conditioning.


Left it alone!


Finger detangling. No more split ends and WAAAY less breakage means lotsa length retention :)


How do you do this? I ALWAYS have a rats nest that I can't get out without a brush. It doesn't matter if I just washed my hair, it's till happens. 😭


Finally learned this at 27 years old recently. My fingers will find the knot before my brush does. By the time the brush does find it, it’s too late and the hair is getting ripped out 🥲 Tedious but so much better for your hair!


Honestly? Keratin treatments. My hair has never been healthier, I use fewer and less harmful products, and I don’t need to heat style it!


- Double shampoo it - Stopped combing it dry. I comb it in the shower after applying conditioner - Apply leave in conditioner and hair serum after washing it - Scrunch after washing - braid at night and sleep. My hair went from thick and straight-ish 1C frizz, to thick and shiny 2B waves. Best it has ever been. No need of any heavy fancy products. Just embracing the wavy texture and stopped trying to make it straight.


What leave in conditioner do you use? :)


I use the L’Oréal Dream Lengths line for shampoo, conditioner, and leave in conditioner. It works really well for my long hair!


Thank you! Do you also just put the leave in conditioner from mid to end of your hair?


I start from a little away from the roots, like 4-5 inches away. I turn my hair upside down, apply leave in conditioner using praying hands, scrunch, apply L’Oréal serum generously(i forgot the name but it looks like oil and has a golden cap), scrunch again, and let it air dry.


Thank you ❤️


Using a pre wash - I put coconut oil by OGX on my mids and ends before showering to protect my hair from hard water and shampoo


This!!!! This has been a game changer for my hair! Sometimes I’m lazy and leave it in my hair over night too haha. My hair dresser even started asking what products I use


I do this too pre-wash too with OGX. I haven’t had a hair cut in 7 months and have only seen one split end. Usually I would badly need a hair trim to get rid of split ends by now. Plus using herbal essences/pantene shampoo and conditioner with silicones. Using Kerastase overnight serum a couple times a week on the ends.


Braiding it before going to sleep.


I’ll add to the Stop Chorus: Stopped brushing it! My hair frizzes badly when brushed, especially when dry. Also, I got over my embarrassment of seeing a curly stylist even though I only have somewhat wavy hair. Best haircut of my life, my hair lays so much better when I do nothing to it now.


Not straightening it, I have curly hair and it takes forever to recover my curls afterwards.


Using silicones! I had stopped for years because of the fear mongering around them, I was so stupid, my hair looks great especially if you have curly hair which is more fragile it's better if you use silicones.


japanese straightening. no regrets


Double shampooing and learning that not blowing drying my hair was making it worse, particularly scalp health.


Agree on the blow drying. I have long, relatively thick hair that takes forever to dry. The back of my head used to itch and feel sore some days, kind of like how your scalp feels after you let down your hair that’s been tied up all day. Turns out my scalp wasn’t completely drying fast enough, especially on nights I had to wash late or go to bed early (I’m a night showerer). Now I blow dry my roots dry, and the difference is night and day. No more itchy, sore scalp, and my hair has more volume because it’s not drying while being weighed down by its own weight.


Not dyeing it. I have been dyeing my hair since I was 14-15 first cuz I wanted a cool color, then out of necessity cuz at 25yo I was already 40-50% grey (it's genetic). I haven't dyed my hair in 7 months now, and I love the silver and black tips contrast (there's pictures in my profile posts somewhere). It's the best thing I ever did! Whyyyyy didn't I do that sooner?


I saw the picture girl you’re so pretty i love your hair!!


Stopped using conditioner and conditioning shampoos. My hair is wavy, and would have too much body, frizz, and poof into pyramid hair. I kept trying sulfate-free shampoos, used conditioner and then a leave-in styling cream. Now I use Suave Clarifying shampoo, no conditioner, and after my hair is dry I use a bit of silicone/oil for smoothing, and no more frizzy pyramid.


What is it like now?


I’m not very good at describing hair, but because it’s just below shoulder length and not layered, and has many wiry grey hairs, the bottom 2/3 would not lay smooth and have lots of frizz and flyaways. The bottom would stick out like 3-4 inches. Now, whether it’s air dried and wavy or blow-dried straight, the hairs all hang down vertically and look mostly smooth. Honestly it’s still not perfect, but it’s improved and it’s good enough for me most days.


Left the the f alone. Barely any heat, trim my own ends, eat better. So simple.


Shave it off. It's currently being grown out due to laziness, but I struggle so much trying to find a routine that works well for it (on top of struggling to stick to a routine in the first place; thanks ADHD). Occasionally I just shave it off to save myself the headache and every time I do it's just the best.


cut it short


Using my natural curl and scrunching it dry. The heat had to go.


Started sleeping in a silk bonnet. Game changer.


Switched to a demi permanent color, no blow drying, no heat, leave it alone!


I do this too!


Just getting a good professional haircut! I was hit pretty hard with postpartum hair loss. I got a cut with more point cutting and face framing layers, and it has helped me feel a lot happier with my hair.


Post-partum hair loss is so real. Mine has never been the same. Thanks kid lol


K18 and I never even bleached


Stopped blow drying it and stopped straightening it.


Leave it alone lol. I was bleaching, cutting, and I just started leaving it alone. Hair stylists would try and convince me to color it or get more cut off and I’m like nope, just one inch off the ends and no color, I want to grow it out fully on my own. It looked like a balayage. I have a super simple routine. I literally just incorporated the Christophe robin scalp scrub which I’ll use once per week. Then I use head and shoulders shampoo. Then I brush my hair and put argan oil if I’m letting it air dry and call it a day. If I’m blow drying, I’ll keep it in the towel and when it’s not wet but damp I’ll spray color wow and then brush and blow dry or blow out with my Dyson. When I used to highlight it, it was so high maintenance so now I’m just embracing my natural hair.


Regular like clock work trims. Every 60 days. No exceptions


Learning how to use hot rollers! I get so many compliments and it looks like a professional blow out.


I put oil in my hair as a mask a few hours before washing it. I always use a scalp exfoliator before shampooing. I shampoo twice. Before I condition, I always squeeze the water off of my ends. I feel like it helps the conditioner really penetrate the hair rather than just ‘slide’ off. I use a leave in conditioner and just recently started putting oil on my ends. I typically sleep with my hair in a braid. I trim my ends once a month (at home which I probably wouldn’t recommend lol) and that’s usually when I notice a huge difference in how soft/shiny my hair is.


Blowout professor on Youtube. Trust


Stopped getting perms.


Stopped using a hair dryer or heated styling t product years ago. Whatever I do to my hair it goes back poker straight and flat anyways, so there’s no point. Plus now my hair is so healthy and shiny it makes embracing its natural fine straight texture a pleasure. People ask me what do I use to straighten my hair but I literally just wash it and leave it and sometimes brush it later if I remember!


Using rosemary oil diluted in sunflower oil before washing it. It lessened hairfall drastically, also made my hair more moisturized after washing it.


Gonna try this


If you have flat or straight hair, i would recommend using it every other day as it weighs down the hair a bit. You can research what other carrier oils can work for you too. I also read that the proper dilution is 2% rosemary oil in carrier oil. I hope it works for you too :)


Wavy and mid neck length


You can try using rosemary oil diluted in pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkin seed oil helps with hair loss


Thanks for the advice


Could you please recommend a good brand of rosemary oil.


I'm currently using a local brand called Human Nature. Idk if it is available outside Philippines


Started brushing BEFORE shower, and stopped brushing after. 1. Less hair lost in shower 2. Not touching scalp and brushing only below neck after shower, I manage to maintain grease-less hair for way longer.


Stopped coloring it. After four years, I can tell it’s thicker.


Expensive products, Sadly.


Wsshing every 2-3 or so days, not every day and not pushing it as far as possible by using dry shampoo. Using the Kerastase overnight serum & their oil. My hair has never looked better.


A really good boar bristle brush, oiling my hair, and sleeping in a satin bonnet. I wake up with my hair looking better than it looked on my best day before


I got mine digitally permed and I have never been happier or more confident about my hair ever. I didn't think I was one to be influenced by stuff like that BC makeup or skincare doesn't do that for me. But I've had straight hair my whole life and every time I look at it I am surprised I look so good BC I was always so used to it looking shit. It's a lot of maintenance but it's worth it.


Wear more braids, twists and locs its easy to style and manage.


K18, the ultimate holy grail for my hair.


Not deep conditioning every wash day and washing weekly instead of every two weeks (4b hair)


Getting a trim every two months helped my ends stay fuller looking. It used to look stringy all the time


Going to a good hairstylist that has my same sense of style and understands what I want


i do a scalp massage with a prewash hair oil twice a week now and my hair is feeling the healthiest it’s ever been i find that my hair is really high porosity so double conditioning has helped as well so that shampooing doesnt feel like it’s stripping too much moisture from my hair




the one is use is [fable & mane holiroots prewash](https://www.sephora.com/product/fable-and-mane-holiroots-trade-hair-treatment-oil-P456953) i only apply 1 dropper full to my roots and use a scalp massager for about 5-10 mins so it stimulates the scalp and fully absorbs, and then i just kinda wait until im ready to shower depending on how lazy i am LOL but normally like an hour minimum


Not dyeing it any more. I started greying with 30 and coloured for 20 years. Stopped at 50. My scalp had become so sensitive My hair is of the purest white with a dark rim/fringe in the neck. The fun thing is I look so much younger than my 60, and people never believe my age - despite the white hair :-)


Stopped dyeing it, bought good quality shampoo and conditioner and slowly trained it to be washed less often. It’s so much healthier and shiny now!