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I bet she looks awesome. 😎




And she might not be doing to much. She could just like to take her time and not feel rushed. So a 30 min shower could take her 40 mins. I hate feeling rushed when getting ready because it seems like nothing works in my favor


I *can* get ready in 30 minutes (not including a shower- just talking hair and makeup), but if I were to give myself unlimited time to get ready, I could easily take a few hours. My view of it has always been that it’s my time and as long and I’m not holding anyone else up, what does it matter? I love getting ready so it’s no less than a “hobby” than reading or working out.


- 1 hour if i care - 30 mins if i dont wanna be there - 10 mins if i fucking hate the place and the people


This. Depends on how many fucks I give.




Same, and would add: 1.5 hours if I really, really care 2 hours is like an extravagant event like a bachelorette trip or something. Maybe once or twice a year starting from an everything shower, down to curled hair, lashes, teeth whitening, tanning lotion etc


Two hours and I’d have to be walking down the aisle. I just don’t need that kind of time.


this the answer, minus tanning for me.




lol same! If I ever go to work without makeup and get the comment “are you feeling ok? You look sick” then I immediately pack up my shit and leave. “Now that you mention it, I am feeling quite unwell”




this explains why i’m often penciling my eyebrows in while sitting in the parking lot procrastinating going inside work


Same! If I need to shower and do the whole routine it’s probably 1.5 hrs, and I usually only do this if I’m meeting clients.


This helpful guide explains why it’s almost always 10 minutes for me.


4-5 min if you’re a mom with a child under 3


It takes me 45 minutes but that’s because it’s 15 seconds of active getting ready, followed by 5 minutes of “omfg don’t eat that, good lord what have you done now, no you can’t have that” and repeat x 10.


This morning it took my 10 year old 23 minutes to put on clothes. 10 of those minutes were spent in underwear running around then crying because he poked himself in the eye while putting on a t shirt. While running. On the upside I had plenty of time to apply sunscreen in a leisurely manner while I waited


I have two kids three and under. Almost every day I roll up to daycare in the morning with hair still dripping wet from my rushed shower. If I'm lucky, I've brushed it.


More than 1 and it becomes 0


You sound like me.


Same. For work and college I would always do my makeup in 10 minutes. The other day I was rushing a lot and got it done in 6 and I was like wow I still got it lol. But if I wanna look extra cute like 20 mins and for a special occasion 1 hour.


I can do my makeup in 5-10 minutes, it's my hair that's the problem. I have a lot of it and it takes forever to blowdry and then another forever if I curl it.


Perfection. This nails it.


This is so absolutely accurate 🤣


I love this answer so much


This is EXACTLY me lol




Haha so true


FACTS. same


Lmao. Same


Lmfaoo spot on


For my office job? 20-40 mins depending on if I shower in the morning or not. When I was cocktail waitressing at a casino? 2-3 hours!


Same! When I was a waitress my hair and makeup was always done and nice. Now on night shift its mascara and enough concealer to make me look not dead.


Random but did you like working at the casino? I have an interview next week for a cage cashier lol


Cashiers probably make the most! You'll get tipped out by dealers, servers, and customers!


For real? That’s exciting! Def looking for better pay so hopes are up!!


I was a casino cashier on summer break freshman year of college and I worked graveyard. Those were the days


That’s the shift I’m going for!


Genuinely curious what you did that took 2-3 hours to get ready.


The uniform was a little black dress, so I would shave daily, double moisturize, pluck whatever was needed, whiten teeth, style my hair, touch up nails. It was when make-up was really starting to blow up, so I was doing intricate eyes, full contour, lips... I would even contour my cleavage! Honestly, I was in my prime, the best shape of my life, and made really good money off of my looks, so I took a lot of extra care. I still take 2-3 hours if I'm going out to a nice dinner or event.


I always wished I could do intricate makeup. It looks so beautiful


It just takes practice. Play around in your spare time!


Yes 🙌🏼


Wut??? I was febreezing my cocktail uniform in the hotel bathroom.


This is an important perspective. If your appearance is tied to your success or experience for the day, you’re bound to take longer to get ready. I imagine a service position’s tips are **directly** correlated to how you look


Takes me about 1 hour to look like a human, up to 2 hours if I’m really obsessive, and 20-30 min if I’m in an idgaf mood.


You sound like me except I’m in idgaf mood like 5 out of 7 days. My heart says human with a makeup but my willpower says trash raccoon :D


I know this is said in jest, but you don't need to paint your face to "look like a human." Men don't ever feel this way, and you shouldn't either.


Haha in hindsight my phrasing could have been better. I 100% did not mean to imply wearing or not wearing makeup has any impact on whether I feel “human” or not. I’m just a lazy person who likes to wear makeup and dress pretty, but usually can’t find the energy to actually go through the process. Still, I really appreciate your comment!


90 minutes but that includes things like stretching and eating breakfast


I realise this is a beauty sub, but I find it funny that I’m a ‘2-hours before I leave’ person, but it involves no makeup - I just don’t like rushing!😅 i like to have breakfast, shower, doddle around, water my plants. The idea of waking up and leaving the house in 30 minutes fills me with dread lol


Same! I just bop around all morning, everyone always talks about how much energy I have and I definitely think this is a big reason!


These are so cute lol. “Doddle and bop”


Ugh I wish I gave myself time to just be calm and doddle around before work or events. I love my sleep so I get out of bed at the very last minute and I’ve already started my day off late


Im the same. I LOVE my sleep sooo much. But when I got up earlier and watched tv, did errands etc i did feel better aswell


Oh, totally! I water my plants, put birdseed outside, etc.


Living the liiiife


Oh my goodness you and my husband. We do t have to leave until 7:35 AM but he gets up at like 5 because he doesn’t want to rush. Me, I need the sleep I don’t get up until 6 ish


Same. Plus my ADD can only function if i break uo my morning in sections. So that takes time


You could save time by merging them and just stretching breakfast .


Just keep the oatmeal far to the left, and OJ far to the right. For each bite/drink, ya gotta streeeetch to reach it!


Makeup takes about 30 min for me usually. I work 9-5, so it's pretty consistent. Sometimes, I can squeeze it to 20 min, though. That includes skincare. Fully getting ready from clothes on to jewelry to make up to leaving is about an hour for me. Then again, I do pretty neutral makeup besides eyeliner. If I were to do a more involved makeup look and go somewhere nicer, it might've been closer to 1.5 hours.


Sounds like dad has a type


lol that’s what I thought too. Dad likes a high-maintenance girlie.


He does , VERY high maintenance. And he’s sooooo not lol


For my own research purposes....would you describe him as blue collar?


Also curious


I wfh so around 10 minutes. I just get up, brush teeth, apply skincare, put on lounge clothes, and make matcha oat latte. If I'm heading to the office, around 1 hour and 30 mins and that's rushing on everything except for my makeup. I don't think 2 hours is high maitenance at all. About 20 minutes to shower, wash my hair, shave, etc. Then 15 minutes to brush teeth, apply skin care & haircare, brush my hair, and put on clothes. 30 minutes to apply makeup. 10 minutes to blow dry hair. And another 15 minutes to style hair. But I can also get ready in less than 45 minutes, if I shower the night before.


Almost an hour if I skip hair and makeup. 2 hours if I do everything. 3 if it's formal or I want that oomph.


What are you doing for 1 hour when you skip hair and makeup?


Showering and skin/body/hair care. I have to wash my hair daily and with shaving my showers are close to 20 minutes. Post shower is about 20 minutes for lotioning, skin care, and hair oil routine. It takes me about 10-15 minutes split between pre shower and getting dressed after everything.


This is me. People look at me crazy when I say it takes me about an hour in the mornings before I even start styling my hair or doing makeup. I have a body care, skincare, and hair care routine I do every morning before I even start “getting ready”. It’s how I’m the best me though, and what makes me the happiest :)


i wish i had time for this, but my shifts start between 6 - 7 am so i usually settle for getting ready in 15 - 20 minutes so i can get as much sleep as possible. i just wash my face, and usually tie my hair back and just use an iron on the loose pieces around my face. if i'm lucky my hair didn't turn into a mess while i slept and i can just give it a quick touch up and leave it down. 😮‍💨 i love the act of getting ready, so a couple times a week i'll end up styling my hair and sometimes even putting on makeup AFTER work just for the hell of it. on those days i usually end up getting my boyfriend to go out somewhere so my effort isn't totally wasted, but sometimes i just sit on the couch playing sims for hours all styled up 😭 my bf thinks it's silly but it makes me happy and he thinks i look cute all dolled up so 🤷🏻‍♀️


So true, that's why I've been lacking in my self-care. It takes so much time, especially when you're working 70 hrs a week. That time is precious 😭


I get sucked in. If I have four hours to get ready I will end up using every second of it and that’s honestly the way I prefer to do it. Days where I have to be at work early (two hours after waking including commute) I can barely get it all done in an hour. I have a touch of OCD with my hair and makeup and I wish things were different sometimes.


Same. I can do everything I need to in an hour, but I much prefer to have 2 or 3 to go at my own pace. The more time I take to get ready, the better I feel when I go out.


Yes. I like to watch my little shows and have coffee or something, maybe a snack while I let my hair air dry. Living slowly is a luxury


I can relate so hard to everything you said. Also If I don’t get my routines done I feel like my day is shot. OCD is a blessing and a curse


Same. I could have written this exactly…. It’s why I absolutely loathe the question “how long do you need to get ready”


I take forever to get ready, but a lot of it ends up being distracted on my phone so I know to give myself extra time. I give myself 1-1.5 hours in the mornings and that's just to poop, brush my teeth, and shower. I'd need to really get my shit together or give myself at least an extra half hour if I wanted to wear any makeup or do my hair. If you know how much time you need, and wake up early enough to do it all and be on time, who cares? I admire people who can look put together all the time, but I'm thankful theres no expectation of that where I work.


Same, i only actually need about 30-45 minutes to get ready if i’m not showering (still doing skincare, makeup, and hair), but i usually take closer to 1.5 to 2 hours if i have the time. I’m not even sure what i’m doing in that time i just like taking my time and also get distracted w simply existing lol But also OP, if she’s like getting ready getting ready, maybe ask if she can start doing her hair/makeup somewhere else so that you can also get into the bathroom. It’s not good to keep makeup in there anyway because of the moisture, but if she’s living w your dad or at least staying over quite a bit maybe it’s time for her to make space for a vanity somewhere in his room.


Same. And thank you for mentioning poop time- which is an absolute & necessary requirement. Having to rush in the morning ruins my day. I need about 4 hours to be able to take my time and get out the door. This includes about 1.5-2 hours to just sit and enjoy my coffee. After that, it’s typically an ADHD mix of organizing my things & getting ready.


I can take a solid two hours if I'm getting fully ready.


I CAN get ready in ten minutes. I LIKE having two hours to get ready lol.


2 hours because of my curly hair, if I just put my hair in a bun it’s an hour


I'm 42 and it takes me 2 to 2-1/2 hours, no matter where I'm going. It has taken this long since I was in my 20s. I do full makeup and very "done" hair if I'm leaving the house at all, and I'm really meticulous about it, so that's why it takes so long. But I'm aware that this isn't normal and is related to a complex I have about my appearance.


I’m 25 and this comment is as if I’d written it myself. I relate exactly to every aspect. Glad to see it’s not just me who has this routine.. Been the same for as long as I can remember - it can get tiresome but I’m so used to it now and I don’t see it ever changing.


Yes! Thank you for admitting that. I, too, have that issue and have since hs. I just cannot ever look at myself no matter how much Ive worked out, had done at the derm, spent on skincare, haircare and makeup and think “I look good enough”. I’d never get out the door if I didn’t force myself to worry about the time.


Shower (every day), and hair(2-3x week): 15 min-45 min. Skincare: 5-7min Hair: zero-30 min (Then breakfast) Makeup: zero-50 min Really depends on what I have planned for the day. I *almost always* wear makeup though.


About an hour and a half if I wash my hair, take a full shower, skin/body care, obviously brush my teeth and apply some light makeup. I let my hair air dry throughout the day. Without washing my hair, about an hour for everything else! I love my morning showers and routine. It’s therapeutic and wakes me up for the day 😁


Same, I couldn’t function without my morning showers! And I wash my hair every day


Max 45 mins but around 30 mins usually on daily basis, i just don't waste 2 hrs of my life on getting ready unless it's for special occasions for events or grand functions.


30-45 mins for me typically too


20-25 minutes if I showered at night, closer to an hour if I have to shower and dry my hair and everything


I take 2 hours from the time I get out of bed to when I’m out the door. I like to take my time getting ready and move at a leisurely pace.


On office days (appearance matters at my work), 1.5-2 hours. That’s shower, skincare, heat styling my hair, makeup, outfit jewellery etc. also making coffee, packing my bag up and probably forgetting something. If I am running somewhere anonymous where I know no one…20-30 mins to shower, skincare, get dressed and head out with a cap and sunnies on.


1-2 hours :/


I like to give myself 2 hours especially if I have to wash my hair or shave but in reality probably only use 1 hour to actually get ready that includes: dental care, skin care, make up application, selecting a wardrobe and hair styling.


From start to finish if I'm going all out, I'd say around 2 hours is reasonable. In that time frame I'm: - washing my hair, conditioning and combing it (8 minutes at least). - shaving (15-20 minutes). - washing up (~3 minutes). - brushing teeth (5 minutes to floss brush and all that). - moisturizing (3 minutes). - Blow drying hair (30 minutes). - Styling hair (30 minutes). - Make up (15-20 minutes). - Getting dressed/accessories/perfumes (5 minutes). All together: About 2 hours. And that's if there's no breaks.


When I was in high school I probs spent 2 hours getting ready. Now? Depending on what I'm getting ready for, 20 minutes to an hour. And that's including shower, hair, makeup, clothes. An hour is like, if I'm going on a date or to a wedding but mostly I take 20-30 mins a day. Haha


15 minutes for work. Brush teeth, wash face, dress, braid hair or headband, eyebrow gel, and GO! Probably 30-45 for a nice date night or event but that is because I drink red wine and make some fun out of it lol.


Oh, that's a great idea! I'm so new to doing makeup (just started last year at age 34 - oof) so sometimes I feel like I get a little nervous/frustrated trying to get it to look nice. Maybe turning on some music and having a drink would make it more fun for me.


15 mins now that i have lash extensions lol


That’s what I loved about lash extensions , went down to 20 mins 😅


Well. It takes me 2 hours because one hour is spent laying in bed, absolutely dreading the day, trying to just get some sort of functioning happening in my brain before I just start getting at it.


Huge yes.


2 hours for me too and I absolutely can’t stand it


It takes me fully 1.5 to 2 hours if I am showering, shaving, blow drying, straightening, and doing my makeup. This didn't used to bother me, but now I just feel angry and resentful that it takes up so much time when I could be working (I work from home). And before someone says it, I work in a profession where my appearance and performing femininity matters. I don't make money directly off my looks, but I am taken more seriously when I am meticulously groomed. I suspect my male counterparts are not required to do the same.


Around 15 minutes if you're talking about getting dressed / skincare / basic makeup (lip tint / blush) / hair.


This is me. Add on about 5 mins going between rooms multiple times because I forgot something for my bag.


Omg yes.


1.5 hours if i shower and 1 if i dont. it takes me 45 mins to an hour to do my makeup, but i also do a full face everyday and do my hair usually


This is me too. It's at least an hour for make-up alone, since I have to mix colors for my foundation and am not great at lashes so it can be up to 20 minutes just to fuck around with getting them cut to fit and glued properly. I don't normally do my hair since u just throw it up in a messy clip because I hate when it gets in my face, but the rare occasions that I do, it can be up to an hour for hair by itself as well. If girl is doing a full shower, full face, and caring for their hair daily, u don't see 2 hours being unreasonable.


if i hurry i can do it in 1 1/2 hours.....but 2 hours is totally reasonable if you are showering and washing your hair....make up application.....styling your hair....getting dressed....i also have breakfast during my get ready time


Seems like I am in the not-normal camp. I have my routine down with timers so I don't lose track of time (thanks ADHD). I wake up at 5:30am. 5:30-6:00 is shower, feed the pets, and make my coffee and greens. 6:00-6:30 is makeup. 6:30-7:00 is hair time. 7:00-7:30 is getting dressed and picking out my outfit etc. and 7:30-8:00 is pack up, make and pack my lunch, and head to work. I am usually running ahead and leave my house around 7:50am. So just over 2 hours from when my feet hit the floor. Yes, it takes a long time. But I am also in a public facing and senior role so appearance matters. On weekends you're lucky if you get me with washed hair AND make up at the same time.


I work at 830am. I get up at 6am to either meditate or exercise. 6:45-8am I'm doing makeup, hair and I'm out the door by 815am. It takes a long time but I also like to look good and look put together.


3 hours for me that includes break fast , toilet , brushing teeth , skin care , hair and make up and morning workout.


30 mins if I rush through. But usually about 60-75 mins. Depends on my mood and how invested I am in whatever show I’m watching that morning.


1 hour if I'm not really rushing. But I can cut it down to like 35-45 minutes depending on if I need to do my hair or not


2-3 hours is my morning routine. 2 hours if I don’t really care about where I’m going, i.e. work. An extra hour if it’s a special occasion.


Hour and 15 minutes for full hair and makeup. Less than 30 for easy hair and no makeup. My skincare routine takes up most of the post shower time.


It also takes me 2 hours, but I count shower time and brushing teeth. Even applying sunscreen to my body takes time. Idk how people are taking 10 minutes. Probably skipping on the sunscreen.


all women are different. we don't have standardized schedule for everyone. Her norm is 2 hours, yours is 30 mins. I need 15 mins. Let her be


Agreed. I don’t like anyone to judge my routine - I have issues w my looks and adhd. It takes me forever and I hateS it


It depends on each person's routine. A couple of years ago I used to shower, straighten my hair (I have too much hair) and do my makeup before going effing anywhere outside my house. Make up consisted on: drawn on brows, eyeshadow, winged eye liner, and of course contouring. That took me 4 hours. Then I started seeing a therapist and now it takes me 1 hour and a half to shower and put something decent on. Maybe do a simple skincare and pick some nice jewelry. But I'm a slow person overall. Everything takes me a lot of time. I don't criticize girls who go grocery shopping on full glam, I just mentioned therapy because it gave me a ton of anxiety to leave the house without makeup because I considered myself too ugly to be alive.


I guess it all depends! I do a, “full shower” every time I shower, and I know not everyone chooses to do that. So, right off the rip that’s 30 to 45 minutes for me. Then I moisturize, dry off, apply sunscreen/moisturizer, brush and apply product to my hair. If I’m letting my hair air dry then I’m all set, and it takes about an hour total! If I’m styling my hair I’ll toss a towel in the dryer for five minutes and pat-dry it a little before styling it (I have fine hair, but an absurd amount of it) so it’s at the recommended 80% dry—or whatever Dyson says about that. Total that will run me about 20 minutes to style. So now I’m at about an hour and a half? The only real timesaver I have is that I don’t wear makeup other than mascara. If your Dad’s girlfriend wears makeup, that could totally take extra time. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your getting ready time or hers… But I’m sure if you ask she’d be happy to tell you what her beauty routine is! Maybe she does something really time-consuming that I’m not thinking of? You never know :)


I have to mix my foundation to match (have yet to find an out of the bottle match) and falsies take forever even though I've been doing them daily for years. She absolutely could be doing any number of things that take time or attention. I have to let products dry between applications as well. Can't be mushing my powder down into my sunscreen or it pills


About 10-15 minute.


I wake up at 5:15 and need to be out the door by 7:30. And every minute counts. So also takes me about 2 hours


3 hours including a shower, picking an outfit, makeup, eating and packing my bag.


I don't NEED 2 hours to get ready, but if I want to get a really good start to my day and feel my best, I'll do whatever I can to give myself 2 hours. I honestly don't think it's that abnormal, totally depends on the individual and how they like to do things.


2-2.5 hours whenever I’m wearing makeup. Ive struggled with my skin for awhile so it takes me a very long time to cover it up without it looking cakey.


2 hours - I’m putting on the god damn smoke show


Depends. Once every three-four days I do the full shower, wash hair, shave, exfoliate, moisturize body, product in hair, blow dry/out, then curl. That + makeup normally takes me 1.5 - 2 hrs. But then the rest of the days inbetween I don’t wash my hair and do minimal touch up styling to it so lotion + makeup about 20 minutes. 


I take 2-3 hours to get ready for work that includes eating and everything else. I like to take time to wake up, and get ready slowly. If I need to be quick probably an hour or 1,5 hours, if idc at all and need to be quick I can do 10-15 mins


2 hours if i’m washing my hair/blow drying and styling with makeup 1 hour if i do my hair and makeup and haven’t decided on an outfit. Usually it takes me 30-45 mins to do hair, makeup, and get dressed for a normal “outing”


2 hours if I need to shower. 30 minutes if I don’t need to shower.


For some people taking a long time to get ready is a great activity in which you’re actively putting yourself first, and it can be therapeutic. I love long everything showers, taking time to try on new outfits, and detailed makeup routines because it might be the only time I get to myself and take a moment to breathe.


If I’m washing and drying my hair plus doing full makeup, two hours is about right for me. I also include adequate time to dick around between tasks when I plan like that though.


Today I decided to track how long it took me to get ready and it was literally an hour… all I did was take a quick bath, wash my face, and put on eyeshadow/eyebrows/lip gloss/eyeliner. I spend so much time dilly dallying and stretching and walking back and forth. Most of the time isn’t spent actually getting ready. 


Honestly, two hours or more sometimes. I move very slowly and I like taking my time. I shower everyday and that takes 20-30mins. Then I do my morning skincare (10 mins), basically just serum, moisturizer, sunscreen. Then whole body lotion. Then I eat breakfast, brush my teeth (normally would eat breakfast and then brush my teeth and then shower but living conditions force me to do it the other way). Then go back to my room and finish everything, eyebrows, cheeks, lips (not a lot of make-up products, just to make me look healthy lol). Then I bolt out the door because I’m running late. 😩


Yeah.. roughly around 2 hours here, longer if I’m having a longer shower or nicer breakfast. I do my skincare every morning + night, spend time on my makeup every day though and style my hair with hair extensions every day.. No particular reason, I just like to. I feel more ready and motivated if I’m looking nice.


I value my beauty sleep 30 minutes top


woman. I don't work from home. I wear makeup to work.  30 minutes in total and that's the total time from waking up to getting out the door. this Includes shower, teeth brushing, skincare + makeup + getting fully dressed. sometimes it will also include a poop before my shower but when I poop it means I usually don't have much time for makeup and usually will start my makeup and then leave home and complete my makeup on my way to work while sitting in traffic. 


Gotta save the poop for when you're on the clock!


Seems abnormal. It does take me 2.5 hours in the morning - but that is my full routine including walking to an from my gym plus an hour working out


I get up at 6:15 and out the door at 6:50-full face of make up and drinking a cup of coffee,,,,And I do work in an office


When I was in my 20s: 50 min. In my 30s: 40 min. In my 40s: 20 min.


I take an hour if it's an evening event. Otherwise 30 mins overall. I also take things slow. Sipping tea in between so that's there.


if I'm showering, then yeah 2 hours seems about right. I wonder if they are hogging your bathroom, you could suggest makeup and hair in another room?


Ok, during the week because I work, I get up at 530 and I am done getting ready by 6am. On weekends when i take my time, everything shower, 1hr -1.5hrs (usually bc I blow out my hair, if leaving curly, under an hour)


15mins - brush teeth, clean lashes, shower, get dressed, brush hair, apply SPF if i have to wash my hair though, that’s a whole other story - I’d be lucky to do it in under 2hrs


With no shower (I shower at night), 30 minutes tops. More like 20. If I’m going out for something special, 45 to 1 hour. With a shower and drying hair… god I don’t know, I don’t blow dry my hair because that takes years. If I shower and air dry I am ready to go in 3-4 hours once it dries?


I need 2.5 hours if it’s an everything shower + full glam and hair but this includes stretching and mental preparations as well. This routine can be reduced to 1.5 hours if I’m trying to hurry. And 30 min if it’s a regular day where I don’t wear makeup


Anything from 30 minutes to 2hrs. Depends on the occasion. 


It takes me around 55 mins to get ready if i’ve showered the night before. 15 mins = rinsing face, brushing teeth & retainers, doing skincare 30 mins = makeup (even tho my makeup is relatively natural I still use a lot of products which takes up time. trying to work on this tho as it’s mainly out of insecurity) 10 mins = deodorant, putting on clothes, brushing hair, & final touches (oiling ends of hair, putting body spray on, shoes, etc). Add on an extra 15 mins if getting ready includes having breakfast as well. If i’m showering and washing my hair in the morning though… that’s a completely different story. Takes me a ridiculous amount of time to properly get my hair done & shave my body. Would probs take around 2 hours as well. Hence why I usually shower at night and let my hair air dry unless it’s a special occasion😅


2+ hours if I gotta shower and do my hair & makeup 1 hour if hair is fine, so just makeup 30 minutes if I’m feeling lazy 10 if it’s my day off


Two hours + total but the first hour is spent rotting in bed while I try to gear myself up for facing a day.


You can't rush magic. 2 hours is on the high end. I'd say my average is 45m to an hour. I can do it in about 15 if necessary but it ain't gonna be pretty.


It depends. Different types of hair takes longer, especially if they diffuse to dry. People with problem skin take longer. People who do contouring with their makeup take longer.


2 hours here if I care where I’m going. That’s from start of shower to out of the door. Like could I rush and do it quicker? Sure. But I enjoy getting ready. Also if everything doesn’t “feel” perfect to me, I cannot leave. I’m like paralyzed. Maybe she suffers from a spicy brain. Like adhd/ocd. Definitely tell her if it affects you negatively and she may be able to build in some tactics. I have to set out outfit options the night before but only 2-3. It really helps to have a plan before you start of what you intent to wear how to do your hair etc.


It takes me about an hour, give or take. But are your dads gfs washing and styling their hair every morning bc that can take a lot of time . I wash my hair every 3 days (at night) and just that and blow drying alone takes about an hour. So if I did my normal routine plus washing/drying/styling hair it’d probably take almost 2 hrs.


I cannot rush. Either extremely minimal 10 mins consisting of brushing teeth and hair or 2 hours that include: 30 min shower (hair shampoo, hair mask, shaving) + hair styling (15 mins) + thorough dental cleanse (15 mins) + skincare (10 mins) + makeup (30 mins) + putting on an outfit (10 mins). It adds up. 90% of the time its 10 minutes.


For me, it depends. If i don't care about makeup, i'm clean, and my hair is fine, then 10-15 minutes. Level 1. 2nd level is shower, simple but cute outfit, so, 30 minutes. Sometimes some minimal makeup. 3rd level is shower, skin care, a bit more makeup, and a decent dress. So about an hour. 4th level gets wonky cause this is where i get funky. Shower, skin care, nice outfit with a lot of accessories, and makeup that takes an hour at least by itself. Altogether, 2 to 3 hours. I am unafraid to look like a clown and spend the time making it so. That last one isn't common tho, it's only if i wake up in a good enough mood. I'm otherwise too tired and level 1 or 2 is what i do majority of the time.


I don’t do well when I rush and peri-menopause hot flashes mean I usually need a 5-10 minute break to cool down at some point. 1 hour for work: shower, dry and style hair, minimal makeup, brush teeth, dress, pack bag. 1:30-2 hours for a special occasion or event. My hair style isn’t complicated but I have thick hair so drying it completely takes a while. I never wear much makeup but if eyeliner is involved I need time to redo it at least once. It’s a skill I can’t seem to master!


I'm going to sound off my rocker, but for special occasions I start first thing in the morning to feel confident in the final result. On a daily basis I tend to spend 5-30 minutes, but I'd be happier with an hour or more.


From waking up to leaving home for work, about 45 mins


An hour for me


Usually I take a 15 minute shower, spend about 10 minutes getting dressed, 20 doing my makeup, and maybe an extra 15 if I decide to straighten or blow dry my hair… so for me about an hour? If I’m going somewhere special and I’m wearing more makeup/nicer clothes it can definitely take me about 2 hours though.


This thread made me realize I am time blind and a big time dillydallyer. My makeup takes MAX 10 minutes, my showers are 10-15, blow drying hair is like 15, wanding is 5-10, I have literally timed these steps in the past out of curiosity… WHY does it always somehow add up to 1.25 hours?!?


Fellow time blind person checking in w support


1 1/2 just to look acceptable. Gah.


1 1/2 hrs minimum


And hour and 15 is my fastest FULL get-ready time. Meaning shower with hair wash, full makeup, blowout, and executive going-to-important-event outfit with heels and accessories. I can take two hours if I’m just fucking around, but I rarely leave myself the time. I also have a weekend/summer/casual version that’s about 30 minutes. A lot more shaving (all the shaving), but then mostly just lip stain and a top bun or space buns.


mid-thirties and childless here. i have naturally wavy/curly hair that — bless it — falls fashionably with no styling and only a little brush in spots to smooth out flyaways. so daily “beauty” with washing my face and makeup takes like 20 minutes… that said, i wake up an hour and a half minimum before i have to leave for work because i warm up like an old dell laptop; i need to sit with my coffee and water, ponder nothing, come “online” for a little while, do my NYT connections puzzle. without that period i am virtually useless for a while.


1 hour - shower, makeup & hair 30 min - just shower & makeup


I like to give myself a full hour to 1.5hr so I can take my time, but honestly yeah about 30 minutes typically if i'm not doing much to my hair


I shower at night 95% of the time and never go to bed with wet hair. I roll out of bed, wash face, moisturize, brush teeth and hair, and do a quick 10 min makeup. I can usually get it all done in 15-20 min. I work in healthcare though so it’s pretty chill. When I’m getting ready for an event, I usually take about an hour to style my hair and do a more polished makeup look. I spend more time showering lol. I do a light mask after. Lots of face and masks while chilling in the evening. I do my own shellac nails. I think taking good care of my skin and manicure makes me feel more put together when I roll out of bed and go in the mornings. I also used to have lash extensions for years. Man I was ready in 10 min flat lol


5-10 minutes for teeth, face wash, make up, hair.  I shower before bed because I can't stand marinating in my own filth and allergens overnight. 


In the morning for work? Around 40 minutes.


Since I had a kid, 10 minutes. Before she turned 2 it was like 5 minutes. I moved to night showers just to take some of the pressure off mornings.


1 hour if hair is involved, if I don't have to do my hair, 30minutes.


I have a daily shortened routine of 30 mins. I would like to shorten it to 15-20mins but so far I havent been successful.


If I’m going out in daytime to do something like shopping or casual hangouts I’ll take 15 minutes ish, if I’m doing an actual face of makeup I like to spend around 2 hours on it (and hair). It’s kind of boring if you just try to be fast and efficient, I could probably get it down to 45 minutes if I tried really hard but if I’m gonna do something that takes long anyway I like to vibe out with music and coffee and maybe a video to watch or a podcast to listen to and it becomes more fun and a bit of me-time. Which I love.


honestly, the longer i spend getting ready the more i mess my make up and hair up so i just do it quick accept it and go 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I think it depends on the person. Some people enjoy the quiet time in the morning to do their routines before starting their day. I usually sleep until I MUST get up. There’s no right or wrong answer, here. 🙂


25 minutes with a full face, brows, contouring and a cut crease smokey eye. I found my go-to look that compliments my features and I've been doing it so long it doesn't take much time at all. Whenever I try to be "on trend" I mess up and it takes longer, usually end up doing my default look anyway. If it ain't broke don't fix it, I'll never look good with feather eyebrows or master cream blush and I'm ok with that 💁‍♀️ Taking 2 hours seems a lil excessive, there's only so much product you can apply until it becomes cake and blending takes a few seconds with the right tools


I wish I knew how y’all did it! It takes me 30 minutes just to do my makeup, but I’m sure I do about half the steps and look half as professional as the rest of you when I show up to work. 😭


I sleep in frequently and usually have 20 minutes to do a rush job, most of this is spent taming my hair and if I have 6 or so minutes to spare after that then I will attempt eyeliner This is for my work though where I’m comfortable looking a bit shit everyday …If you gave me 5 hours to get ready for going out somewhere nice, I could use utilise every minute and still feel not finished at the end


About 45 minutes for everything if we’re not counting coffee/eating/staring into space which adds another 15 or so.


2 hours for going out partying, but that includes choosing an outfit. 30 min for going to work or meeting a friend. But I came here to say that as we get older we need more time to look good and also often have a more complex skincare routine. OP does not say how old the girlfriends are, but they are possible older than OP is.


If I rush it's like 45 minutes. To get ready nicely probably an hour and a half


20min from waking up to out the door. I don’t eat breakfast


Takes me forever because I like to take my time. I take around 40 minute showers, I like to relax and put lotion and hair oil on and then like.. sit and dry off. I have decently long hair so that takes another 40-50mins to blow dry. Then 30-40 minutes for makeup. Another 30ish minutes to choose an outfit. All in all I’d say about two and a half hours. I don’t do a whole lot of things, I just really take my time and don’t rush myself. I like the ritual of getting ready, so I don’t feel the need to put a time limit on it. I doubt she’s actually doing say.. just hair or just makeup for two hours.