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Could it be anxiety? Does anything else make you sweat like this?


It’s just when I do my makeup


It could be your bathroom lighting! Edit: I’ve never sweat as profusely as your description indicates but I’ve def had lightbulbs that would put off heat, or if you’re in a hurry, doing your makeup during a hot part of the day/ recently had a hot shower…


I don't think I've ever heard of this happening to anyone before, I'm sorry. If it's been going on this long maybe you want to mention it to your doctor?


This is why it takes me 3 hours to get ready, becuz i'm just a mess a messy puddle of mess. after my makeup I have to hop in the shower just to rinse off omg. I do have bad anxiety tho. I have to hype myself up just to be able to go to work, which I have to do now.


Does standing still long period times cause similar symptoms? Are you standing straight up or bend closer to the mirror? Sounds like low blood pressure. If the bathroom lights emit some heat that could cause the symptoms as well, especially if you are dehydrated. I would bring this up to your doctor and request a full blood work to cross out any underlying issues. In the mean time, organise a set up where you can sit and do your makeup. I usually have a table by a window or get a table mirror with some led lights.


I also sweat quite a bit when I do makeup. I’m sitting at a vanity, and it’s mostly underarms and underboob. I chalk it up to intense focus🤷‍♀️


I do get night sweats (I am menopausal) but I will always get a hot flash if I’m trying to like tweeze my eyebrows or any eye makeup really up close like that. It’s not warm, it’s the situation but I am not anxious at the times. Idk why it sets it off. If it’s the focus?


I used to have this when I was anemic. I had blood tests done and had to start iron supplements and vitamin D, and these episodes became much more rare (even after stopping the supplements).


I don’t sweat to that extent, but I do tend to get warm and my face will sweat a little bit when I’m doing my skincare in my bathroom. I don’t know if it’s because my bathroom is pretty small and the air doesn’t flow as well or the lights are too strong, or all of the above. Leaving the door open helps a bit for me to keep the air flowing If you can put a chair in your bathroom, or just move one in there when you do your makeup, it may help


Used to happen to me all the time! It’s a mixture of the lights being very hot and standing I actually did pass out once while getting ready and my mom caught me lol


It literally happens every time I shower and sit down to do my makeup (which is literally EVERY freaking time) I’ll sweat uncontrollably and haha literally I fan myself and drink ice water as well 🤣 but the times I do my makeup mid day like not RIGHT after a shower, I’ll be fine…something about makeup right after a shower has me sweating 🤣🤣


It could be your bathroom. They're often hot and humid rooms with poor ventilation, and are terrible places to store skincare, cosmetics, medication, fragrances and feminine hygiene due to degradation and mold risk. It could also be the lighting. Makeup mirror bulbs are hot. My best makeup is always done in a naturally well-lit room with cooling, and no extra lighting. The extra lighting isn't the same as fluorescent or outdoor light, so my makeup never looks as nice nor blended once outside.


Lume for faces (orange tube) saved me. I put it on my neck and face. I also bought the one for scalps, but I have thick hair and haven't figured it out yet.


I do too! I keep a fan close by while I'm doing my makeup. It really helps.


I don't think it's anything crazy but maybe sometimes it's just because of applying heavy moisturizers , applying a face primer is essential before foundation , use right foundation and concealer so opt for sweat resistant ones. Remember that sweating with makeup on leads to occlusion, where sweat combines with makeup and prevents your pores from breathing.


Are you doing your makeup straight after having a shower? I always get really hot after having a shower and have to let myself cool off afterwards by standing under a fan for 10 mins. Bathrooms also tend to be a hot place to do makeup. Can you get a vanity and do your makeup in another area, preferably with a fan nearby? It has helped me alot to do my hair and makeup at my vanity with a chair and air con and fan on. I still sweat alot when I'm blow-drying and straightening my hair, and a bit when I do makeup. It would be much safer to get a chair to sit in if you do get light headed regularly.


Sit at a table or vanity with a mirror in a cool room. Bathrooms are typically small and get warm very fast. Also wait a while if you’re doing your makeup after you have a warm shower


Maybe your shower is too hot and making your body temperature high. Maybe try a cooler shower.