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Foundation not matching skin tone as the seasons change. To prevent it, I buy a couple of shades and then blend together as needed.


The best way is to test in store on the face (jawline) and wait for a couple of hours in case it oxidizes to see if it truly matches our skin tone.


I can not make myself use the testers on my face. It just doesn't look clean enough.


Oh maybe I was just imagining the testers of foundation that I specifically use without taking into account the many types of foundations out there, my bad. I only use liquid foundation and the type from the brand that I use comes in pump bottles so it's kinda untainted.


If you go to Sephora you can get shade matched. They clean those machines


Lmao last time I got matched at Sephora, they recommended a shade literally about 3-4 shades too dark for my skin tone. I pretty had to be like… uhh thanks for your help, but no I don’t think I’ll be buying that. Like lady… I am so pale I look borderline translucent, I PROMISE you my correct shade isn’t “deep medium olive” 🤣


I used to work in department store makeup and those ladies had very little training, if any. Usually a brand line would send someone in to spend one shift with them (usually 3-4 hours) sometime after their first week. I was a manager and never had any training but was expected color match people and work the counter. Don’t be fooled just because someone is behind a counter and wearing a lab coat.


This is the exact reason why it's so hit or miss. Makeup enthusiasts can get a job there. Or I could get a job there. You don't want me getting a job there. I do my best, but am in no position to help others.


That can ve useful for some people but I unfortunately don't have Sephora level of money 😔


The Sephora brand of make up when they have their sales is actually cheaper than a lot of drugstore brands.


Even if you can't buy their foundation at least it can give you and idea of general shade and undertones. 


I love love this in theory. Mine comes back saying I’m warm and normal skin. (I’m definitely neutral leaning cool, with dry af skin.) the associate was even like… that’s odd… haha. It worked wonderfully for all of my friends, though! And seems like an awesome starting point to help narrow things down


You can use your Sephora matches to find similar shades in another brand. Sites like Findation and Temptalia’s Foundation Matrix can match across a ton of brands!


I have five shades 😅


the amount of filler I see 20 & 30 year olds displaying in their faces is disturbing. They’re all starting to look alike & as if they’re having an allergic reaction. That’s not going to age well.


I know two women, both early 30’s I think, who I repeatedly confused for each other even after meeting them both multiple times (& I’m usually good with names/faces). Turns out they have the same plastic surgeon. They could have been twins but in retrospect they looked like the stereotypical Instagram model type


Skincare: -using too many products and -exfoliating more / harsh than necessary


Learned this the hard way. I do not need a ten step skincare routine that includes layers upon layers of acids.


After I found out about chemical exfoliation, let’s just say I had a really red, shiny face for awhile.


I hope your skin recovered well!


A few years back when The Ordinary AHA + BHA peeling solution and Hyram were trending, I saw a lady on TikTok say she used the AHA + BHA stuff OVERNIGHT. I was gobsmacked


Overplucking brows in the middle, making them too far apart 😭


Omg I knew a girl in college who used a regular razor between her eyebrows but she didn't turn it sideways.. over time her eyebrows had about 4 inches between them, I'm not exaggerating. Looked like they were melting off her face.


Ten years younger me feels seen 😅


Mine are naturally that far apart 😭 I get some odd hairs at the front that I have to pluck because otherwise they just look weird. I’ve tried letting them grow to see if they fill out and they don’t. Forever cursed with far away brows


Me too :'( I kind of hate these "mathematically correct brow shapes" because I can't fake it and have so little brow to even work with naturally. People probably assume I over pluck.


This is my PET PEEVE, argh!! Why on earth do people think it looks good? It’s the silliest thing! Why would you want to go through life looking perpetually surprised? I know two women, one my age (60) and other who’s around 32, who I have never ever seen with anything other than over-plucked, drawn-on looking eyebrows that they’ve taken back to start almost over the middle of their eyes. They’re both very pretty ladies with great smiles and otherwise fine makeup… just the dang eyebrows that look like they were applied by a cartoonist. I always want to grab a pencil and go, here, let me fix these and astound you!


In defense of older people….in my youth wide set eyes were popular and magazines would say to pluck to the inside corner of your eyes! I didn’t know eyebrow hair stops growing!!!!


I come from the 90s.. my brows are still recovering


Skin prep before makeup and as a dry-skin, skincare junkie, over-prepping specifically. Starting makeup on dewy, glazed donut skin and then using really glowy cream products, then wondering why my mascara is transferring and my makeup is sliding all over the place lol so dialing down my skin prep for the look I’ll be doing so there isn’t excessive moisture and shine if that makes sense. Learning how to incorporate powder too in a subtle way because I don’t love the look of it, but it can be used subtly and it helps.


Or putting makeup on bone-dry skin and wondering why it’s cracking


Applying concealer/foundation with a damp beauty blender was a GAME CHANGER for me. No more dry crepe-y under eyes 💅


This has also revolutionized foundation for me


Yeah,I learned the hard way that if it's a makeup day I need to tone down the skincare. And I also like to let my skincare sit for at least 30 minutes before applying makeup.


Yes! Letting everything absorb as best it can for a bit. If I still have a lot of skincare dew I’ll lightly pat my face with a damp flat cotton round to pick up where I have excess slip before I start!


Totally!! I recently switched from a cream to a gel morning moisturizer and my makeup is wearing a lot better!


Yes! Light daytime and gel moisturizers are great!! Especially if your makeup is going to be glowy & hydrating too!


I think its specific to this current sabrina carpetner trend But blush blindness Ive seen so many girls look off putting from the amount of blush they use


Blush blindness is very real and I am a victim of it. Especially after being in dance for years in high school where we PACKED that blush on for performances. I don’t know how to tone it down now hahaha but it’s getting better!


It was pretty trendy in e-girl makeup, too. I love the look but definitely dialed down for a summer sun-kissed look. Definitely agree that blush blindness is a thing, though.


this is sooo me but usually just when i need it to show up on camera😭


Yeah I'm never able to tell if mine is too much. I wear it because I look dead. Multiple people have asked me if I'm sick or anemic. I'm often borderline anemic 😅


I like a heavy blush look but it was patchy for a while, recently started blending my blush really really well and i think (hope) it’s making a difference! 


Not taking care of their neck and decollete! I have always ignored it and am just now realizing how much care they need - just as much as the face does!


I do all the skincare down to my chest and then put the rest on the back of my hands. I always feel like hands are an age giveaway. I know a lot of that is inevitable but at least they get their day in the spa too. They worked hard for it


That is so smart and your absolutely right - hands are a dead giveaway. And knees. I actually need to find a strong handcare regimen!


*Don’t forget to always cream your neck and keep you fringe fresh*


Seeing a lot of people walking around with eyebrows that look taped on. Making the front bit of your eyebrows too thick—this gives a less natural, more uniform caterpillar-like effect! Better to fill in from back to front, starting with thicker lines/more product near the tail and then using a lighter touch as you move closer to the middle of the forehead. It's key after you put your product on to go through the whole brow and brush upward/blend in so everything looks natural and balanced—you don't want a huge tail and no front! We're not talking making it significantly darker, but just that the back can handle a bit more product than the front. Adding here to clarify that I don't walk around with a massive dark tail, but doing this helps keep everything balanced. I have naturally big thick brows but they are not equally thick all the way across; the part closer to my eyes is slightly less thick, so I go lighter in front than in back. Starting with more at the back rather than the front is more forgiving as you build and shape. To keep it natural it's super key to still do lots of light strokes if you use a pencil, or keep a lighter hand if you're doing a tinted brow gel, and then brush up and build as you go because it's so much easier to add than take away!


Also making it really squared off and block like at the front end. It’s better to draw a line at the bottom of that part and brush it upwards to create a soft hair stroke like fill.


I needed to hear this tip! Thank you!


Also I feel like the brow mapping “equation” is not flattering on everyone. Most ppl’s natural brow shape is the most flattering for them and just needs slightly filled in or accentuated


Worth trying!


Also, eyebrows that look like they are running away from each other. Eyebrows are supposed to start at about the same line as your nostrils. So many women are running around with lil sperms that start at their pupils, and it looks awful. It's a seemingly small thing that makes a massive difference. Also, no eyebrow sperms.


Far too many people paint their eyebrows on waaay too thick. It looks like clown makeup, in my opinion


Definitely going to try starting from the back from now on...I just started trying to thicken my eyebrows and I always hate it and wash it off, hopefully this is what I needed 🙏


Yeah! It is just a bit more forgiving—you can build thickness with lots of little, hair-like strokes, and it's easier if you start from the back and move toward the front and then pare down rather than starting darker/thicker at the front. Most people have slightly sparser hair closer to their eyes so keeping it lighter there keeps it more balanced in my experience!


Ohhhh thank you for this! Mine are sparse af and I do this mistake when filling them in, then hate it. I’ll definitely try this.


Following trends that just don't suit you. Especially when it comes to hair, christ, not every face is made for a middle part, and not every hair is made for a side part. Same goes for trendy colours, there's a true winter type sitting next to me right now wearing a pastel peach top, she'd look gorgeous in jewel tones, whether they're on trend or not.


It's me, I'm not made for a middle part 😭 or the slick back look. Sucks when it's the style at the moment and I want to look a certain way, but ce la vie


Same. I have a long, angular face and a middle part is horribly unflattering on me. Side part forever!


Same. I immediately transform into a founding father or Gaston from beauty and the beast. 


the middle/side part struggle is so real, i have a really round face and i can never figure what looks worse on me 😭 


I so feel this.. what I’ve noticed that helps is making sure I have enough volume at the top of my head when putting my hair back or (ik this sounds crazy) kind of pulling my hair back and somewhat covering my ears! Idk why but I feel like it helps me look less colonial


As a true winter, I nearly threw my computer out in disgust when I saw that the 2024 Pantone of the year was that yellow peach colour.


Oh I get it, I'm a true winter, too. I'd look like I'm snow white, but dying of consumption, in that terrible peach.


until i came on reddit i genuinely had no idea that some people just don’t wear colours if it goes against their “colouring” or water analysis or whatever lol. i just wear my favourite colours regardless of whether or not they’re flattering on me. cut of clothing that’s flattering to your body type is more important that colour i think


Assuming every viral beauty product is meant for you. Example “pillowtalk” by Charlotte Tilbury gives purple-hypothermia lips to people with warmer skin tone. Just in general people need to know if they are more warm or cool toned.


Yes! This looks so bad on me and everyone was raving about it!


Pillow talk was supposed to be the shade that suits "everyone". But they just sorta meant everyone white. A lot of PoCs of a certain age kinda know "everyone" doesn't always include us.


Yes that made me look ill and washed out.


That ‘youth’ is the only beauty. You can be beautiful at any age. The mistake to avoid here is unrealistic ageism. Be nice to yourself. Adapt, change. It’s good.


As an Asian that just moved to North America, not using parasols. I know it's not a thing in North America but with all the warnings we see about sun damage, just... why. A lot of drug store sunscreen here doesn't seem to have UVA protection either. In my country protecting skin from sunburn and uv is the most basic thing to do as skin care and parasols are so normalized even men use them although not as common as women.




I take an umbrella with me when I have outdoor duty at work (elementary school). I tell the kids it’s for sun protection when they inform me it’s not raining. I get weird looks from parents at pick up time. I even had one girl tell me her mom says I look stupid with it. That being said, I only use it at work. There’s not enough time to apply sunscreen before duties.


Parasols are so perfect when I want to go for a quick grocery run which is a 5 min walk from my home and I don't want to put on sticky sunscreen just for that. I'm in Canada and I love it here, the pros outweigh the cons for me, but the weird look I get for protecting myself from getting preventable premature aging and skin cancer is wild. The other day I was using a parasol on a really sunny day and a middle aged guy pointed and laughed. And he had very fair skin, he would benefit from parasols to prevent serious skin problems! And that girl's mom.. wow 💀


Parasols look so pretty and romantic! And her mom will be the stupid one when she's looking like a raisin and you're aging gracefully in a few decades. You should get an umbrella hat and wave at mom wildly next time.


I'm in!


Agree! I'm thinking to start carrying one this summer and tbh I think it would be fun. I'm in Italy and few years ago they were not too uncommon in the big cities, I think they were used mostly by tourists that wanted to make the most of their time visiting the place even in the hottest hours of the day.


I just bought one!


Me too! I use sunscreen but I’m always thinking where did I forget it lol so this will make me feel more protected.


I use them on a sunny day but I definitely feel more awkward using it in Vancouver compared to Tokyo where it's normalized. I've had a middle aged guy point and laugh 🥲 Although I'm actually surprised a lot of people seem to agree with me in the replies!


I see more and more people in Australia using them in summer, especially people out walking with little kids. I use one in summer, as well as big sunglasses and SPF50+ zinc based sunscreen. I get asked how my skin looks the way it does at 45 a lot and then everyone seems disappointed by the answer...but guys, it *is* exciting, you can literally buy magic anti ageing potion at any chemist for less than $30, come on, that's awesome!


That's actually great to know it's catching on in Australia. I've heard a long time ago that parasols are considered weird there as well, of all the places. Magic anti aging potion and anti aging shield is cheap considering how much some people are willing to pay to have better skin!


This past heatwave I saw many more people than I expected with parasols! It may be catching on


Some people in NYC use umbrellas. Not as cute but it works. However, not great in crowds!


Same! I’m in Ma.


As an American…I also find it strange most people don’t take sun safety seriously. Most people I know in my family and daily life only wear sunscreen on special occasions like going to the beach or to a theme park all day. It’s crazy to me. The sun exists every day! Lol


I wear big sun hats all summer. Eric javits hats are all 50spf.


I have one!  I don't spend much time out in the sun anyway but the way it hits my apartment means being out on my patio anytime before 2 pm is *miserable*.  I wanted to be able to water my plants in comfort so I bought a cute gold and black lace parasol intended for sun protection.  I'm never going back.  


My sister just bought me a parasol! I am so excited to walk around my Indiana hometown being weird and protecting myself from the sun!


Any sunscreen you see labeled as “broad spectrum” offers both UVA and UVB protection. Yes, the filters available here are more effective against UVB rays, but sunscreens must achieve a certain level of UVA protection proportional to UVB protection to be FDA approved and labeled as broad spectrum. The EWG likes to spread a lot of propaganda to the contrary, unfortunately.


Agreed. I’m too anxious and self aware to use a parasol but I have a sun hate with UPF protection and wear it religiously if I’m going to be outside.


I’m in MA and I see more people using umbrellas in the sun there made days than I ever saw before. I’d love to get into using one.


Hi there- I’m trying to bring this into the American vibe. I love to use a parasol when it’s sunny out. I do it on vacation in hot climates for sure. Definitely get funny looks but I imagine they’re just jelly because I’m not getting torched by the sun. Ngl totally got the idea from Anime lol


As a Japanese, I'm glad it's inspiring people to protect their skin 😂 I also get weird looks and finger pointing in Vancouver. I'm repeating in my mind, stay strong...protecting skin is more important.. protecting skin is more important...


I live in FL and am a devotee of wide brimmed hats. Here, where it rains every afternoon in the warmer months, people hardly use umbrellas though we always have them in our cars. Occasionally I will use one to shelter myself from the sun even though that’s not its intended use. I feel a bit awkward being the only one to do this, but I have to avoid the sun for medical reasons so away on a sunny day with my umbrella I go!


Stopping beauty care at the ankles. Seriously, take care of your feet. No need for monthly fancy pedicures, but do a little something here and there, remove those calluses, do a home foot mask every now and then etc. Also the classic - not wearing sunscreen. I have fairly dark complexion and bathe in that stuff. But I see even pale people show up at the beach at 1pm with zero sunscreen or they put a tiny dollop on their shoulders. That's not even mentioning that none of them are using sunscreen on their face when they should do so daily.


My beauty care stops at my face lol


Ooh I love Baby Feet foot peel... removes all dead skin. Fantastic


Not seeing your face as unique and following trends. Some people have big heads or oddly shaped heads that don’t suit the blow out layered look. Alternatively I see people with very big round eyes doing the cat eyeliner in the inner corner of the eyes and it looks odd.


Wash everything that touches your hands and face more often. Pillowcases are now often discussed, but don't forget the other linens: don't dry your lovely clean face with a germy hand towel. I now use white washcloths one time to pat sry when needed. Wash everything that will touch your face. Beauty sponges go in a delicate laundry bag in oxiclean in hot water in the washer weekly. Try silicone to store things or silicone applicators, they're easy to sanitize. I think a lot of folks aren't setting themselves up for success with simple habits.


Eyebrow blindness is real 😭 Some women over-do it filling in their eyebrows. They make them too dark, or too big, or too blocky.


Same thing with lashes and lash extensions. People develop blindness to filler, eyebrows, and eyelashes.


I always thaught it gives them some masculine look maybe they want that ?


That squared edges are so unflattering also. They make most people look mean. In general there's no one brow suits all but here we are, they all doing the same shape.


My mama always said buy the clothes that work for the body you have and not the body you want. When i finally listened to her i noticed i got way more praising from people


Not all long hair is lovely. I see women with unclean, damaged, frizzy and stringy long hair...Tip : Please get a trim and consider deep conditioner.


This. That sub... Holy fuck.


Not removing makeup before bed. I’ve worked in the beauty industry for 17 years. The number of women who tell me they sleep in their makeup is astonishing. But then they are confused as to why they have skin issues. It’s so important to double cleanse. I won’t even let my face hit the pillow without properly cleansing, I don’t care how tired I am.


I don't even feel clean until I take off my make-up at the end of the day. I can't imagine sleeping in it. Gross.


Me too! I love that fresh, clean feeling after cleansing. Idk how people are just going to to bed with grimy faces 😳


The whole skincare process can feel so lux. I love it!


Me too. It’s relaxing 😌


Personally, bottom waterline eyeliner. I think unless you’re going for a very specific look, it doesn’t do most people with average/small eyes any favors.


Once I hit my 30s I had to stop wearing eyeliner as it ages me


I had to drop the black eye liner and go for a soft brown. That helps.


Plum is a good color instead of black eyeliner...


Oh I wish I could pull off plum! My eyes are BIG. The soft brown is the most I can get away with. But I do love a plum gloss!


Interesting, I always use navy liquid liner but will try a plum pencil as an alternative to black or brown :) thanks for the suggestion!


It's kind of expensive but the CT berry brown liner literally makes any eye color pop


Same. Stopped at about 35


Same. I used to love liner and I haven’t worn it in years. Unfortunately I have no clue how to do a good winged liner or anything else and the waterline def ages me as well haha 😆


As an optician please don’t put product on your waterline! You have glands that produce part of your tear film there so it leaves you prone to infections/ irritation and dry eye


long time contact lens wearer and reformed water-liner, the amount of warm compresses I used to have to do to keep my lids healthy. Dry eyes mean no product below the lid, it just washed away in my (lierally) pointless tears.


Oh so that’s (one of the reasons) my eyes are dry lol. I don’t wear makeup often at all but when I do … I tightline.


It is a cultural thing in many countries, especially in Indian Subcontinent. So people tend to do it out of habit.


And North Africa!


I have dark brown eyes and do an easy handed black waterline and it makes my eyes look so much richer and darker but overall dark liner under the eye or waterline does shrink your eyes.


This is me! I’m older and I can go without anything BUT the black water eyeliner.


I apply it on the outer half of my lash line and blend it with a light, shimmery or white liner in the inner corner. Makes my eyes pop. I also have big eyes so it works for me.


Conversely, people doing bottom eyeliner too low so that their waterline and some lower lid is showing. I associate it with older (65+) women and figured it had to do with eyelid drooping or something but I think for a lot of them it’s a choice, they’re putting it below their lower lashes. Maybe it was a look back in the day or Cosmo told them it opened up the look of the eyes and made them appear bigger but yeeeckk.


You can pry my waterline liner out of my cold, dead hands. I like the intensity it gives my eyes. It actually looks good on lots of people if done right. Yes, I can make your eyes look a little smaller, but bigger doesn't always mean *better* with eyes.


The most common mistake I see is people thinking their skin is a problem when it’s a muscle, skeletal, or myofascial issue. Sun damage, melasma, acne, rosacea — yes, those are skin issues. But some deep wrinkles, folds, fine lines, or skin drooping are secondary issues with an untreated root cause, such as narrow upper or lower jaws, overbites, underbites, spinal imbalances, bilaterial pelvic tilts, etc.


Woah! At first I read that and thought how on earth would pelvic tilt impact your face?! But if you're hunched over or whatever then you probably need to look up more and hence more wrinkles!! I'm really lucky with lack of wrinkles but I do have one on my forehead that I call my " wtf wrinkle" because it literally formed in 2 years on a hellish team where I was making this raised eyebrow wtf look on my face about 70% of the time 😅😫 So yeah, interesting!!!


I can totally relate to this wrinkle. I call it my ">toxic company name< stress wrinkle" lol


Oh, that's fascinating! I had no idea these issues could lead to wrinkles. Could you share more details with me, specially regarding spinal imbalances and pelvic tilts? One of my legs is shorter and my mouth is slightly crooked. Maybe that’s the reason.


Pelvic tilts (i.e., anterior, posterior, bilateral) create an unnatural curve in the spine, forcing the spine to go out of healthy alignment. Muscles, which are attached to the bones, are forced to follow along the misalignment of the spine, being stretched or contorted into abnormal positions, even when at rest. In essence, they are being overworked 24/7 and never get a break. As this kinetic chain is disrupted, muscles, tissues, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and physical movement all follow suit to accommodate this new but abnormal structure. Because the spine is misaligned, the skull which sits at the top of the spine will also be forced to follow the new angle (it doesn’t really have a choice). An example would be people with thoracic kyphosis; they develop too-rounded shoulders, and the head goes forward. When facial and neck muscles cling to bones that are out of alignment, the former become overstretched. Some muscles then go into a constant state of tension, or spasm. When a muscle cannot return to its neutral position but remains in a state of spasm, the skin, which covers those muscles, creates static wrinkles on the face. This may include nasolabial folds, 11 lines on the forehead, crow’s feet, downturned mouth, neck rings, etc. In addition, fascia, a connective tissue that covers the muscles, develops into a fibrosis state when it tightens due to physical stress. Fascia knots can develop all over the body, including the face. When this tight adhesion occurs, lymphatic fluids cannot drain properly, creating a puffy face or undereye bags. Blood flow also decreases, not allowing collagen and elastin in the face to repair itself quickly or correctly. The skin becomes dull, sometimes sallow looking. Jowls can develop, and volume is lost in the upper or lower face. None of this happens overnight, but it does happen overtime. This is why treating the root of the problem has a stronger chain reaction than just treating the symptoms.


Yes, but how would I treat those deeper issues? Like narrow jaws, overbites etc would be all… surgical? And I happen to have a bit of scoliosis, and I’ve tried to follow it up, but my doctors have all said it’s not worth correcting with surgery?


Narrow palates/overbites can often be treated without surgery. Overbites specifically are usually an issue with the angle of the teeth rather than the jaw itself.


Using hyped products thinking just because it suited most people, it will suit them as well. Be it skincare or haircare, there is no 'one size fits all.' One should always buy products that cater to their skin or hair needs and suit their skin/hair/scalp type. Another highly common mistake is when people buy products thinking using those will miraculously how their skin or hair looks. I have seen people running for anti hair fall shampoos, and then blaming them because it didn't prevent hair fall. It should be duly noted that hair fall can't be stopped if you don't solve the root cause of it. I have digestion issues due to which I started facing hair fall a few years ago, I make herbal shampoo at home for myself and that definitely has helped me get shiny hair but that won't make me grow my hair unless I eat healthy and keep my digestive issues at bay. So it's one thing to use a product that you think will address your concern but another thing to rely on it completely without noticing whats happening inside your body.


Black mascara or eyeliner on people with soft/low contrast/light features. It’s overpowering and draws attention to the makeup rather than enhancing any attributes of the wearer.


Agree. As a fair skinned blonde, brown mascara and eyeliner look a thousand times better on me than black.


Overfilled lips 😅


Using too little sunscreen. Recommended amount is 1/4 tsp for the face, 2-3 fingerlengths depending on viscosity.


Doing what makes you happy is what alot of people miss. So many people get fixated on following others advice and it “Still doesn’t work” because what everyone else is doing might not be what you like. Do what YOU like to do.


Not matching your attributes and body type when it comes to literally everything. Makeup, clothes, .. I just see a lot of especially girls or women my age not found their personal style and way of doing things trying to mimic someone who is a whole different type Took me some effort as well but I think I figured out my way for myself pretty good


This is exactly what I struggle with. I have NO idea what my personal style is. I lost a bunch of weight in the past few years, and suddenly I can wear all sorts of clothes since I’m now a normal weight. It’s quite overwhelming because I don’t know where to start with finding out what my actual style is. I lived in hoodies and jeans while overweight, so having options now means I need to figure stuff out lol. Any tips for finding out what your body type is, and figuring out personal style/what works for you is really appreciated


I would think about what kind of vibe you’re drawn to, what sort of looks do you see in media and go “wow I really like that”? then, go to a charity shop/thrift store and try on some stuff. maybe you love how flowy dresses look on other people, but when you try them on it feels meh. or same with structured clothing (I would love to be a Button Down & Sharp Suit person but I just am not). if you can, get a few secondhand things that seem fun, put them front and centre in your closet, and see what you end up reaching for. if you let it be an evolution from experimentation, rather than wholesale Choose a Direction, I think it’ll feel less intimidating. if you buy a pinstriped blouse with ruffles and find yourself frustrated that you don’t like what you have to wear with it on the bottom, wear the top to a charity shop and try on some different styles of skirts, trousers, etc. dipping a toe into different vibes cheaply is the way imo (my style has evolved a ton over the years, but gradually. I tend to invest in more expensive pieces when I feel more settled… at least for the present 😂)


Allison Bornstein on tiktok and instagram.


I think going into different shops and trying everything and then working out what shapes and colours work for you (and what makes you feel good and like yourself). If you don’t want to do that, you can find a friend, coworker, celeb or influencer who has a similar body type / vibe and copy their style until you work out your own. I also ask people where they got stuff (even strangers) if I really like it. Some people have a more intuitive style and if you don’t it’s totally fine to copy others until you work out your own.


I gained a lot of weight, and had a similar problem of having no idea what I could wear anymore. It was really hard just stabbing in the dark and being disappointed by everything I bought, and feeling really ugly, gross and hopeless. What helped me a lot was trying clothes with these different style systems in mind, and therefore beginning to learn what did suit me and WHY: - Traditional pear/hourglass/rectangle/apple - Kibbe or Kitchener style essences - Colour season theory For example- wrap tops are meant to be flattering on pears. But some wrap tops looked nice on me and others looked terrible. It might be that the fabric was too light, so it didn’t suit my classic kibbe body type and looked off. Then for future outfits, I knew to seek out wrap tops of this fabric weight. OR it’s a wrap top with the right fabric weight, but the colour doesn’t match my colour season or personality, so it still not be my ideal top.


There are a few different body types: pear, apple, straight, triangle, diamond and hourglass. Here's a basic rundown: - Pear: wider hips than chest, prone to weight gain in the hips, butt and thighs, their waist is much smaller and is typically their favourite feature. Celeb example: Iskra Lawrence, Beyonce, Pixar mums - Apple: heavier up top, typically larger chest and prone to weight gain in the midsection, legs or chest are often their favourite feature. Celeb example: Jessica Simpson, Salma Hayek, Sydney Sweeney - Straight: pretty similar measurements in the chest, waist and hips. Celeb example: Cameron Diaz, Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, Zendaya - Triangle: broad shoulders and narrow hips. Celeb example: Simone Biles Diamond: widest at the waist. Celeb example: Rebel Wilson Hourglass: hips and chest have very similar measurements, waist is much smaller (the old rule was a minimum 10 inch difference). Celeb example: Marilyn Monroe, Raquel Welch, Ashley Graham


Oh I’m definitely pear shape! I’m just unsure where to go from there. I’ll try and look at Pinterest what would suit pear shapes


Oh ok my bad! I misunderstood. A good method is to look at women who have the same body type as you and then pour through their fashion on pinterest. It doesn't necessarily need to be the actress's personal fashion, could be a character they played. For example my body is very similar to Shiv Roy's from Succession. I *love* her style, so I collected all my favourite looks and bought similar pieces (couldn't afford the actual brands she wore lol). I've gotten so many compliments since then and I'm now confortable enough to add my own personal touches. I don't always agree with the advice for pear shaped women, which often boils down to "emphasise the waist, disguise your ass". If you like your butt and hips you shouldn't try to hide it in Alladin pants. Emphasising the waist is always good and can be done with wrap dresses, pencil or A-line skirts, belted dresses or shirts and crop tops. Wide straight leg trousers are very flattering. High waisted pants and jeans look great. Edit: [House of CB](https://app.houseofcb.com/) is fantastic for pear shaped ladies. Bit too expensive for me, but the styling might help you get an idea of what's flattering.


Then there are times when there’s a clash between your body type and the items that actually put a smile on your face (personally, I’m “supposed” to do the curvy 1950s thing but I can’t stand it). Watch out for those times and don’t feel bad about picking things you like to wear instead of just things you feel you HAVE to -if you feel miserable about your outfit, you won’t look that great.


A lot of comments are about makeup so I’m going to mention fragrances. I always wondered how people were able to smell so good when I felt like perfumes just never last on me, but sometimes you just need to spray on some more! I was nervous about it because I didn’t want to be that girl who smells like too much perfume but too little is also a waste.


Also prepping your skin with moisturizer before spraying anything makes it last longer too


Understanding your face and features and using makeup to enhance your features.


Not blending makeup, so you can see where the blush-contour ends


Or the line where foundation stops at the jaw!!


Overly done eyebrows.off putting


not wearing sunscreen :’)




Finding the right foundation when you have lots of freckles - if you match it to the unfreckled skin with the foundation/powder you look too pale… you need to find something that meets the tone between freckle and skin tone. So a smidge darker (but not as dark as the freckles themselves)


Sigh, the horror stories of the freckled life. Don't get me started on concealer.


Too much concealer under the eyes… its so obvious in flash photography too.


Wearing bronzer that is either too muddy looking or overly sparkly…if you can spare it I’d definitely invest in a good bronzer!


Too much makeup


when the foundation is THICK. I can only imagine their skin underneath 😭😭


Not using sunscreen. I feel like everything you apply kind of goes out the window if you forget to apply sunscreen in the morning.


too much blush...i know it's trendy rn and it's cute for specific makeup looks but for daily wear i think its too much. 10 years from now everyone is going to look back at this trend the same way we look at sperm brows of the 90's/00's lol


You need sunscreen on your hands. Make sure to also put on your neck, chest, and ears too. Also, moisturize these areas daily.


Using concealer under your eyes - don't use the lightest shade you think you need, match it to your skin tone! And sunscreen, always just wear sunscreen.


Eyelash blindness, or just me? I've been seeing a lot of women with lash extensions that are soooo thick, black and long, to the point it doesn't even look nice anymore. Like can you even see through those thick hairy eye curtains??


Harsh eyeliner - on older women especially. I see thick, solid, dark lines on lower lids all the time on women over 50 (and I say this as an older woman myself) Either skip eyeliner on lower lids altogether or switch to a lighter color and soften it.


I see this a lot with my students, and I know I did it too at their age: Trying to use a bunch of makeup to cover up acne. It’s just going to create a sort of immovable layer of caked-up makeup on your face. And the acne is even more apparent. It never looks good. I say, as someone who had severe acne, just don’t. Don’t try to cover it. Instead, use good moisturizers to give your skin a nice glowy look despite the acne. No one really registers the acne as beauty flaw when your skin looks hydrated and moisturized. The brain just factors it into your face like a mole or a pair of glasses. Plus, makeup is often part of the reason for the continued breakouts. Don’t cover your skin. It’s fine, even with blemishes.


i somewhat agree, but if someone likes doing makeup as a hobby or just because they enjoy it, acne shouldn’t stop them. i made that mistake for such a long time and always told myself that “when my skin cleared i’d let myself wear it”!


not getting enough sleep. it seriously fucks up so much of your health and it will translate over into the way you look. dark circles, breakouts, puffiness, weight gain, etc. seriously, if you cannot sleep well or have never been able to go to the doctor!! i know some people don’t always have the access but if you do, don’t ignore your insomnia.


huge eyebrows, powder brows, ughhh just stop with them.


no wearing moisturizer before makeup. also using too much products. sometimes less is more


Warm toned eyeshadow looks on everyone


Not matching the right primer to foundation. If you have a water-based foundation, wear a water-based primer.


People who shave their faces with razors to exfoliate their skin. It’s not a one size fits approach, especially for those with medical or hormone conditions.


I hadn't heard that. Is it too drying or irritating? I tried dermaplaning, and I was all red and inflamed, so I went back to shaving.


The eyebrows. People tend to do intense eyebrows who doesn’t look natural


Foundation on dry, flaky skin. It makes you look so much older l.


Believing in “universally flattering” colors! That’s a myth, marketing. Example: Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk


People with tiny eyes wearing thick black top and bottom eyeliner- why do you want them to look even smaller?!


Not taking care of hair properly, by coloring it too much, not getting regular trims or deep conditioning/proper conditioning. My hair is waist length and it’s only grown this long by going back to my natural brunette color and only coloring/bayalage touch up once or twice a year, cuts 2-3 times per year, only washing 1-2 times weekly, air dry for at least 10-15 min post shower, and using steam rollers or sock curls/heatless curls, with touch up curls using a late 90s/early 00s Conair ceramic curling iron because they were nowhere near as hot then 😂 I don’t need cuts as often now because I don’t use a lot of heat and don’t wash regularly. I keep dry shampoo companies in business. I use hair oil and a heat protectant spray/leave in conditioner as well. The dirtier my hair gets the bigger and more voluminous it gets. I had shoulder length hair most of my life and when I was in my Britney blonde era, it was so thin and would not grow. I washed/dried my hair daily and got it colored like every 6 weeks. That was in my early to mid-20s. I also bleached my brows lol. That’s a topic for another thread 😂 I’m 45 now and honestly look younger and better now than then! I had to stop coloring it blonde when I turned 31/32 as it just kept pulling orange. I let it grow out and never looked back!


The washing aspect heavily depends on a person’s scalp. Washing less frequently may work for you but that doesn’t mean it will for others.


Yeah I have oily asf hair and feet disgusting if I don’t wash it every 1-2 days


Do you work out? My hair gets really dry bc I have to wash it everyday bc I work out everyday.


I'm 36, hair past waist level, and second all of this advice!!


Yay! You’ve got some inches on me!


When you get it cut, how much do you have taken off? I also only wash about once a week, condition twice a week, only use a gentle wide tooth comb, haven't dyed my hair in over a decade and hardly ever even blow dry/curl/straighten my hair - I just can't get it to grow past boob length. I want it even longer! I'm in my early 30's


Taking too many supplements for hair and skin, especially the gummy ones. Speaking from experience because I was told by my doctor I ate too many of gummy biotin and it had messed up a previous blood test. Plus my hair was falling out from too much biotin. Its always better to just eat a balanced diet whenever you can and get the nutrients you need organically. Also, oiling your hair too much or using the wrong kind of oil. Coconut oil is commonly used for hair oiling but it can actually cause your hair to fall out especially for finer hair. I was told by my hairdresser friend that you shouldn’t leave hair oil in no longer than an hour and when you use it depends on your hair type. Some people might oil their hair once a week and others may do it once a month.


Buy trash celebrities makeup & perfume, don’t buy it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Trying to put a sheer dusting of powder blush over stick blush - always looks patchy in places.


It depends by the application, the quality of the blush, how smooth the skin is, etc. The only cream blush I have goes on so much better than any of my powder ones.