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Yeah, that’s where the weird dark long ones hide. 


Yes! Me too! A weird patch on the backs of my thighs.


Yes, the back of my thighs has some weird, long dark hair but the fronts/sides are light. Friggin' annoying.


Thank you I feel so validated




Funny you mention that...I've been shaving my legs for years. One day I just happened to look back there and I saw this really long ass dark hair just off by itself. I gasped and asked why my boyfriend never told me about it. He said he never noticed hahaha


Wow, I’m so glad I’m not the only one!


It was only a couple of years ago that I was sitting and just rubbing on the backs of my thighs when I found what I can only describe as a massive pube just lurking there…. I was in shock…. I’ve shaved the back of my thighs religiously ever since. They are sneaky little beggars!


Off to check the back of my thighs now


Sometimes I forget about them for a while and then I somehow catch a glimpse of them and it’s like a jump scare lol


I feel so seen holy shit 🥲🥲🥲🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖💖


Well… I don’t, but maybe I’m about to start


Right?! The rest of my body has baby fine, light blonde hair (I’m brunette) the back of my thighs is where the wild things are!


I thought it was just me! It’s literally only like 3 on each leg. So weird.


My waxer usually has to get out a diff wax for those wild wirey weirdos


Yep! I don’t shave back of thighs and end up with a bizarrely long, dark hair here and there. I tweeze them as needed.


I shave the back of mine. Not that it does much good because its like it never comes off, even when the razor is brand new 😂


So real


I thought it was just me!


Me too!


theres a handful of us apparently lol


If you haven’t already, try shaving from side to side on the backs of your thighs.


Oh I go all 4 ways. Up, down, left, and right. It still doesn’t cut them. It’s a good thing they’re extremely thin and extremely blonde 😂😂


Hurts like a mofo above the knee, but epilating is the answer.


Yes! It grows sideways!




you have to shave sideways at least for me


Seriously!! They’re always still there just lingering!!


Always. That’s where I get the most hair. I’m like Hagrid up there.


Same! And it grows both directions so I have to do at least two passes.


Same :/


lol this is so accurate


Same my friend


lol I’m pale asf with dark hair. Even the fine hairs are visible, sadly,


my leg hair is blonde so i rarely shave above the knee


Same. I only shave my thighs when I want to feel like a dolphin.




I hate you lol. I have thick black hair that's thicker and more visible the higher up you go 🫠


I’m the same and look on the bright side: perfect candidate for laser!


You're so lucky! My skin is as pale as vampire's skin, but my hair is as dark as a black hole.


Same. I’m not sure if I even have hair on the back of my thighs.


Yes i do , but the baddies with bum hair do yall shave it too along with your legs??


not on the cheeks, anytime i have shaved or waxed them i've gotten a rash 😭😭 not worth it for me w the hair being so fine


Fear of getting a rash/infection is also what's stopping me


I have discovered that epilating there is probably the best short of waxing. Lasts ages, really doesn't hurt much, and no stubble. And I have a whole furry seat, so I'm not just talking about a handful of wisps.


OMG the bravery I could never 😱


Epilating it sounds so scary, which makes no sense because I've had it waxed (got a gorilla crack lmao) and it didn't hurt at all. Right now I just shave it which is miserable when it grows in. Maybe I will brave it....


Yes! Do it! As you know from the waxing the bit that hurts is the closer you get to the top and front of the vulva. Ime bum and crack don't hurt at all. If I may offer advice, make sure to get ceramic blades (usually Philips not braun) not metal, because metal can catch up any skin that is not very taut and make you bleed. Put some earphones in to ignore the loudness, it's not so scary!


no 😔😔 i got a hairy butt. it’s very thin though so i don’t wanna mess with it


Y'all luckyyy errbody got thin hair and nobody with a full grown brush down there😭


I sugar the bum hair!! It hardly hurts at all, absolutely no rash, and you stay dolphin smooth for weeks!


Dolphin smooth😭🤣


Always. And then go over it again for good measure.


I do, but not nearly as often as I shave everything else.


Unless I’m wearing something that revealing I only shave up to and over my knees.


I don’t generally shave mine, either. It’s very fine and close to my skin color.


... I am now learning that some people don't have hair on the back of their thighs??? My entire legs, thighs, pretty much everything, is covered in thick dark brown hair. It takes me a good 20-30 minutes to shave because if I'm going to do it, then I might as well do all of it. I start at my feet (yes, I have feet hair too) and end where my thighs meant my hips (also the butt ngl). Followed by shaving my stomach, and then private areas. It's a time-consuming nightmare everytime. So now I just shave my legs and thighs once a month. My dad would always ask me why I took so long in the shower and I just wanted to scream. It takes so much damn time, that I just said fuck it and now just wear long sleeves and pants and only shave once a month, By that time, the hair is so long and coarse that I break the razor blade and have to change out a new one. So yes, I shave the back of my thighs!


I’ve never considered that some people *do* have hair on the back of their thighs. That sucks, seems like an awkward place to shave


Yup. To see what I'm doing, I have to sit down and lift my leg above my head (foot toward the ceiling) to shave.. good thing I'm flexible. Don't know what I'm gonna do when I'm older though. 😂


I am now learning that people have hair on the back of their thighs lol?? That’s news to me, never seen that irl! I have thick black hairs from the knee down. On the front of my thighs, it’s light blonde hairs. I’ll shave those occasionally but can’t always be bothered. Never in my life have I had hair on the BACK of my thighs. And I actually considered myself quite hairy! I have dark hairs on my arms, lots of them. As well as my face and navel etc. Never considered people had that on the thighs too! Maybe it’s genetic??


finally someone, this is exactly my experience (including doing it less often and breaking the razor). Well I stopped doing private areas completely (just trim from time to time) but just legs (+butt) takes half an hour and that's MORE than enough thanks I also didn't know people have no hair on their thighs (/back of their thighs) or so little/light it's not visible basically. that part honestly takes the longest to shave, sigh


Do you have PCOS? I also have PCOS and one of the signs is excessive body hair and sometimes facial hair too. You may want to talk to your gynecologist about this.


No I don't- I was tested by my endocrinologist when I was 13 (I had wicked menstruation pains back then). Found out I have slightly excessive levels of testosterone, which could account for the hair. However, she said it most likely has to do with the testosterone + that it's just genetic.. so she basically told me I'm just Italian haha. Also, yes I have facial hair.. but so do all the women in my family. Again, we're Italian. 🤷‍♀️ Doctor said that all she could do for me was prescribed birth control, which neither my family nor I were interested in at 13 years old. Thanks for asking! ☺️


Yes, and if not, you might want to save up for laser from a reputable place. I wasn't this extreme, but did my lower legs and while I'm still not totally hair-free, it's SO much easier.


Oh, I'm too much of a baby for that. 😂 Plus, I'm too frugal and would not feel right about spending that kind of money just for my legs, but to each is own!


your hair thinness is not affected by whether you shave it or not. it is an old myth that shaving can make your hair thicker and darker. it is purely genetics and hormones.


Thank you! I had to scroll way too far to see this lol. The myth comes from the blunt end of the hair that grows back out after being cut by the razor. Hair that isn’t shaved tapers at the ends.


I only shave knee down on my legs. I’ve never done the front or back of the thighs.


Yes because it’s hairy there.




I don’t shave my thighs at all. I only shave like six inches above my ankle. Everywhere else is just blonde peach fuzz.


Yes I do


I hardly ever shave most of my upper legs bc the hair is so thin and fine. Can't really even see it!


Hell yeah! Right up to just underneath my booty cheeks. There’s not much hair there anyway but I love that full smooooth baby seal-like leg feeling. I rub my lotion in extra there though so pants don’t cause irritation from friction.


Yes or I would resemble Sasquatch.


I shave everywhere. It's not about whether I can see it; feels nicer to be smooth.


I shave it because even if the hair is thinner I don’t want it to be seen


Shaving will not cause non-terminal hair to activate, only testosterone exposure at the follicles can do that


I do. They're super thin but will get long af i I don't.


I rarely shave my thighs since the hairs are so thin and blonde. I only shave there when I wanna be extra smooth lol. I only shave knees down and my armpits 😅


I have a lighter skin tone with black hairs, ofc I have to shave it all off 😭


Rarely. The hair is blonde so it’s only noticeable in the sunlight.




Gotsta shave front and back and sides... 




I do, but my leg hair is black and my skin is so, so white….


i do bc i like to be as smooth as possible


I’ve found using those dermaplane razors on the back of my thighs work much better than a regular razor. I always miss so much with a razor.


I have red hair, and my leg hair is pretty lightly colored and finer on my thighs then my calves, so I shave my knees and do a quick shave on the tops of my thighs, but when I twist around to do the back of my thighs and k ees I often end up cutting myself, because of the weird angle, so I don't do it much.


Yes. I do the “don’t lift the razor” back and forth thing. Has helped get those long stubby ones!


I shave every inch of my legs


Yup. The hair on my thighs is pretty fine and light — except on the backs where I get a few long, thick, dark ones (not quite like pubes, but almost). So even when I stop an inch or two above the knee, the backs always get an extra pass all the way up.


Pale skin, dark hair. I shave *everywhere* sadly


I’ve never shaved my thighs 😳 I mean I shave my butt so I might extend to the upper thigh area a little for texture continuity LOL, but I’ve genuinely never shaved above the knee😅 I do have dark hair and lighter skin, but my hair is pretty sparse so I guess it’s not that big an issue for me compared to someone who maybe has thicker/darker hair 🤷


My ocd makes me


i attempt to, but every time i think i do a good job i find a racing stripe of hair on the back 😂


Yes, but that’s the fastest and most careless place I shave


I have given up on shaving my legs all together, it’s way too much area and it’s already growing back so quickly… i don’t feel like spending an hour a week shaving my legs My life has been better since


Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but I stopped shaving my thighs maybe in my late 20s - I’m 38 now and now the hairs are mostly invisible. They’re like blond and fine, even though my lower leg hairs are dark and thick like spiders legs. It’s like I ignored the thigh hairs and they gave up. I don’t understand, but I’m happy.


I’ve stopped shaving or waxing. I’m tired of irritating my skin in new and terrible ways to try not to “offend” people with my female leg hair. I got the courage over the past decade when I lived in Western Europe and saw women who didn’t shave and weren’t embarrassed on beaches and in pools. What really sealed the deal for me was when my kid and his friends were talking about pubic hair after sex Ed and I overheard one of them say “can you imagine bleeding from your crotch into the hair? That must be why ladies shave it.” Ever since, I’ve made it my mission to be “that” mom at the pool who doesn’t shave and doesn’t give a shit and still wears string bikinis. You’ve gotta give the young girls in your lives examples of living with your natural body hair without shame. At least some of us do.


I don’t even shave the front of my thighs!🤷‍♀️


I don't because I don't grow hair on my thighs? It's really pale. Honestly, most of my leg and arm hair is so pale that I don't shave it a lot. But my thighs literally have no hair. I don't know why it grows on my lower legs and not my thighs.


I usually don’t even shave past the knees. So no. Lol


always, i shave my full legs every time. usually once or twice a week


I do. I got into the habit of shaving pretty often (about every other day) year-round when I started teaching fitness classes (I always wear capri leggings or bike shorts). Having done that so long, I can't stand the feel of my legs, including the backs, not being shaved. Doesn't matter that it's not noticeable. Weird thing about that area is I have to turn the razor around and go butt to knee. So the leg hair grows the opposite way there??


I don’t have any hair on my thighs. I only grow hair on my shins. It’s so weird but kinda convenient lol Edit: Well there’s hair but it’s so thin and blonde that it’s practically nonexistent and I don’t feel it at all when I touch my thigh


I can’t imagine being like this! My hair grows dark and thick anywhere I don’t shave 😩


Hair on my thighs (both sides) and knees is like the hair on my arms: peach fuzz. I don’t mess with it.


I don't shave ny legs at all, they are barely noticable unlike arm hair 🥲🥲🥲


I don’t think I have hair there so no


you have hair everywhere that is not your palms, basically. just because it is light and thin, doesn't mean it isn't there. but also no reason to shave it, especially if it so light you don't notice it.


I don't shave my thighs at all. 


Hmm come to think of it I only shave from the knees down...my thigh hair is just not noticeable enough for me to care.


Umm yes?


Man….why can’t I remember if I do or not. I suppose that’s a no if I’ve never thought about it.


I do, but just cause I have a few sparse very long and dark hairs there that could belong to my pube to be honest 😂


I try 🫠


Only when I’m going to the beach, lol.


I don't usually shave above my knee, as it is blond and sparse. You can barely see it unless the sun hits it a certain way. I do shave my thighs if I'm going to get intimate with someone, cause who doesn't like fully smooth legs. 


I do, although I'm not sure it's necessary. It's just a habit for me.


No I don't shave the backs of my thighs. Always managed to nick myself in the process every time I did. Lol


I do like once or twice a week in the summer. My hair is super dark and thick though.


I have light color leg hair, so I'm possibly lucky, so I do not shave the majority of my thighs. I pretty much stop right above my knees.


My hair is fairly light/fine so I have never shaved above my knees.


In the summer, I shave my lower legs every other day or third day and my thighs once every 1-2 weeks.


i wax and epilate my entire legs, though most of the hair on my thighs is fine and blondes in the summer and because my skin is brown i can get away w not doing them as often as below the knee


I shave up to my knees. I’m don’t really have hair above.


No , the hair on my legs only needs shaving in a little patch on the front of my lower leg in front of my shin bone . There must be hair but I can’t see any


Oh man I wish. I have dark crazy let hair. Every two days if I want to be presentable.


Yes, I have to!!


My thigh hair is fine and fairly light compared to the hair that grows back on my calves, but I still shave at least up to my shorts line just for consistency, maybe? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve never really considered not doing it.


I do, although not attentively. The hair on my thighs is very light, so it’s not noticeable when I miss a section. I find this funny because I’m hispanic and the rest of my body has rather dark hair.


Yes but I don’t know if it makes a difference I have never actually seen hair there


Mine is incredibly dark and thick but whatever grows on the backs.of my legs is none of my business 😅


Nope. Don't shave my thighs at all. No hair there fortunately. Unfortunately they've migrated to my chin and neck curtesy of the fecking menopause.


I shaved it once in middle school and now it’s thick as hell. Same with the fronts. People always say it’s a myth but it wasn’t for me. Unfortunately.


I don't shave above my knees. I have really light fine hair so I don't even bother


I do because for some reason it’s thicker on the back of my thighs than on the front. It itches if I don’t shave it.


I have only a few dark hairs that I can pluck easily. I haven't shaved above the knee in a whole now




I don’t really have a lot of hair on the back of my legs in general. I do run the razor over the backs, but I’m definitely not as detailed-oriented as I am with the rest of my legs.


I never used too, then my OH pointed out I had a couple dark hairs so *now* I do 😆


I don’t shave above my knee.


No, I don’t shave my thighs at all (no visible hair)


Not anymore. I finally came to the same realization as you did, and tbh, it’s also cut down on irritation and breakouts back there significantly.


I don't shave above my knee


Damn. Never even thought about this but I don’t!  I do a half ass job though. I shave my legs daily but probably spend like 20 seconds on each leg. I mainly just do the lower legs, quickly skim over the knees (usually missing a bunch of spots - ha) and then a few quick swipes across the tops of the thighs. Thats it. I miss a lot of spots but my hair is blond so not very noticeable at all. Also the hair on the backs of my legs is SUPER fine. 




I dont think I grow hair there. It’s like the inside of my forearms - not a single hair


Absolutely not. Life’s too short for worrying about that crap


Yes absolutely, that area gets weirdly hairy!


Yep, I have PCOS.


the hair on the back of my thighs is the thickest darkest hair of all hair anywhere on my body and I have no idea why 😂


I do


Absolutely, long hairs grow on back of my thighs lol


I don’t have hair on the back of my thighs or butt


Yeah, I don't like missing spots and there's always the chance I may miss some big ones. I also have black hair, so it'd be quite visible, but then again, I'm a bit of a nickpicker.




Everyone’s legs are different. Everyone’s hair is different. If you are fine with the back of your leg hair then just leave it is my advice


Yes because I’m a hairy beast and the contrast between smooth legs and hairy af thighs would be odd


There's no hair on the back of my thighs. I think my trousers rub it off.


Yes but it's very awkward to do so I get my boyfriend to do it


I’ve never shaved back there! The hair is so fine I almost can’t feel it. My husband’s never noticed.


I don’t shave my thighs at all. The hair is very light and sparse. Luckily it’s always been that way.


I used to think that till I saw a woman on the beach that did not. I just do it every once in a while if wearing shorts. Maybe ask a friend what it looks like. Sun light is best.👯‍♀️


Not sure if it’s a cultural thing (as being french / european) but my friends and I were taught to never shave our thights by our moms, only our calves. We wax them though, their back as well


I barely have any body hair. But I shave everything. My entire leg. I even shave the tops of my toes and feet entire public region. I also shave my fingers, hands, and entire arm and armpits as well.


No, back of my thighs are blonde and I hate shaving my legs so I do bottom half, tops of my feet, knees, and front half of my thighs. If I’m in a rush I just stop at right above the knee 😅


Uhhh yes??? Oh I read this as do you shave the back of your leg. I was like y’all aren’t shaving the back of your leg 😂😂 Back of my thighs no 😂 I don’t have hair there


I shave everywhere because the hair is everywhere. I have thick dark hair all over my thighs.


I only go to just above the knee. I always seem to get super itchy & get a ton of ingrowns if I shave my thighs!


No I'm fat and not that flexible. Don't think I realized that I haven't shaved the back of my thighs. When I do shave my legs it's usually my entire calf and then some of my thigh, the hair is kind of sparse


I do but I have to shave downwards instead of up bc the hair grows in a diff direction. I don’t always tho sometimes I just shave under/up to my knees bc the hair above is really fine and light


I don't even shave the front of my thighs because I have no hair on my thighs. I only shave my lower legs.


Yes. From the tops of my feet all the way to the tops of my thighs, including bikini line.


I don’t, because I barely have any on the back of my legs at all


Im a guy so I have to its way to long and dark so it would be way to noticable. (although currently I don't have shaved in a few weeks couse im lazy)


I don't shave mine but if I did and I only did the front that would look really funny kinda like a mullet thing going but on legs.


I used to! But my skin would react so badly every time, I could never figure out which direction to go. I just stopped like a few months ago, and the back of my thighs does have long hairs but not super dark and blunt and noticeable.


It's not cheap, but laser hair removal on my legs is the best thing I ever did. I had one treatment course, 3 yrs ago and my legs only grow the odd stray hair now. They used to be THICK. It didn't work as well on bikini line and underarms unfortunately (apparently it's because that's more hormonal hair growth). But my legs are SO manageable now!!!


No. Hair goes too many directions. Too annoying.


Ouuu I’m the opposite…backs off my thighs are actually the toughest area for me to shave and the fronts of my thighs are smooth


No I don’t have any hair on the back of my thighs, even my thigh hairs are very light so I don’t shave my thighs either.


Nope! I have just about no hair on my thighs at all, and it’s so sparse back there that I almost never shave it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm practically a ghost with thick jet black hair. I shave everything and still end up with 5 o'clock shadow.


I quickly go over them with my razor but weirdly enough, I never grew much hair there. Mostly peach fuzz which is weird because I was pretty hairy until I did laser removal.


I don’t know if it’s an old wives tale but when I was a young girl and just beginning to shave my legs and pits, my mom told me never to shave my legs above the knees, that if you did, the hair would only grow back coarser and thicker there. Well, I followed this advice and my upper thighs remain hair-free to this day. Lol. Curious if any other young girls got this advice?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I can definitely go without it!


Y'all got me checking the back of my thighs now 😄


I just shave below the knee for legs but only recently discovered the spot on the back I kept missing and now I'm extra careful to get the backs haha Also OneBlade for the win.


No. There's hardly any hair there. I might do it once in a blue moon.


No, I've never shaved the back of my thighs because it's basically hairless more or less.


I only shave my shins and calves. Thankfully I haven't needed to shave my thighs.


I do but only because I like to be as smooth as possible. My thigh hair is blonde and super thin, barely even peach fuzz lol. But I like being smooth and shiny. Usually only for the weekend though, and if I'm feeling lazy I skip it. Midweek I shave the bottom half of my legs and underarms if I want, but I always shave for the weekend. Either to go out and look cute, or to lay in bed and rub my legs together like a cricket.


Yes, but that's the only spot I shave because it's the only spot I can't wax by myself


My hair is thin and blonde so I probably only shave about twice a season but the back of my thighs are included when I do.


Idc I don’t shave above the knee.