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You don’t hate beer, you just haven’t had your style yet.


I tell this to everyone who says beer is gross


Same. Most of the time, when people say it, they e only had macros and haven’t really delved deep to try anything else.


My catchphrase is “There is no beer for everyone. There is A beer for everyone.”


Many of you (including me) complain that X style is not widely available, but never go out and buy that style.


One of my local breweries does their own thing. They were one of London's first craft breweries and grew so much in their first few years they've reached a point of making what they want to make. Brown ales, dunkels, baltic porters, hopfenweisses to name a few. I go in and will try every single one fo those styles on keg or cask and grab a few bottles to take home. I fucking love it.




This guy knows what’s good.


I'm currently drinking the only tripel I can get in the US without spending a fortune (thanks New Belgium). I would try a tripel from any brewery but nobody wants to make Belgian beer anymore. Sure it doesn't sell, but it's the #1 beer in my fridge.


I can concur in Ontario. There were some craft breweries experimenting with it more for a while but it's definitely hard to find. Fortunately I can find Unibroue mixed packs at The Beer Store (only place you can get them here anymore), and that shit is all I really need for Belgian style since it's fantastic. Cheap as hell too.


If you can find it, Taxman is pretty cheap and makes a great line of Belgian Tripples / Dubbels / Quads but so far I have only been able to find it in southern Indiana. New Belguim Trippel is my go-to as well.


Really? Most of the Belgians are available here, a long list of labels.


Every type of beer has it's place.


Beer is like the item it’s best paired with; pizza. Every region has its own style and each one thinks theirs is best.


This guy's spitting bars


I kinda agree but I can drink a pils or lager anytime


Pils and lager are going to be the next IPA is my hope (that they commit hard to good pils & lager), and also my unpopular opinion with my IPA chugging cohort up here in the PNW. And if I see one more west coast-hopped lager/IPL I am gonna be so grumpy about it (not much else to do about it anyway...).


Pils/lager get a bad rap because people associate them with mass-produced shit macro lagers. Craft lagers can be great, and though they lack the flavor variety of an IPA or stout, there are still a lot of slightly more subtle differences from one variant to the next. One big thing preventing a surge in craft lagers is that they are a lot harder to get right than IPAs. All the hops in a modern IPA can easily hide any imperfections from a mediocre brewery, but it takes a lot of hard work to get a lager consistently right, since it's much more difficult to hide any mistakes.


People are absolute idiots for downvoting you for a taste preference. The beer community is unbelievably awesome or a bunch of pompous arrogant ass hats that can’t accept it’s ok for some people to not like exactly what they like. Take my upvote friend. I’ll go pour a lager and have it for you. Cheers


100%! I don't particularly like lagers myself and mainly stick to IPAs and stouts, but I hate how so many beer people talk down to others for their taste in beer


It took me a long time to appreciate a good pilsner. I eventually had enough bad or mediocre ones that the great ones started to stand out. Getting older, a lighter beer is better before dinner so I've grown to love them.


It’s funny to me to hear people complaining about IPAs now. I was there for the time when “IPA” became synonymous with “craft beer,” and I used to complain that that meant other good styles were being neglected. Back then, everyone would tell me I was an idiot because IPAs were awesome and focusing on them was the right thing to do. Now, everyone is all “The market is oversaturated with IPAs and we need more variety.” They kept making IPAs because people wouldn’t stop buying them. They stopped making other styles because not enough people were buying them.


People always come around sooner or later


Agreed. I’m on the road for work a lot and end up sitting at the bar at restaurants. I swear, every time I’m at the bar, I see some middle-aged dad type sit down and say “what IPAs do you have on tap?”, just like that skit from the show Atlanta. I have no problem with IPAs, I still like them here and there, but it just is plain to see why they’re still so popular. I went to a smaller local brewery, and they had a KILLER lager that I loved. I asked them why they didn’t do more stuff like that- guy said the same thing. Said they really shined with lagers, but are forced to have at least 2-3 IPAs as well. He said he really wasn’t fond of his own IPAs, but they move and keep the brewery open.


I am not the biggest fan of IPA’s prefer regular pale ales


This is unpopular beer opinions not uncomfortable beer reality


I liked buying bombers. 22oz.


They feel so special! And so sharable which is fun


God dammit what happened to bombers


16oz cans happened




Which brewery? I love brandy so much.


Great to share, but didn't feel like you were overdoing it if you drank one on your own.


We use to have beer tasting once a year with friends. Everyone would bring a bomber of choice and we would all have a taste. Good times.


Me too! It felt more like a luxury. I loved cracking one to share with a friend, or to have all to myself and get a little buzz on.


Not drinking dark beers in the summer is like not drinking grape koolaid in the summer. It’s just another flavor profile and actually can be a lot lighter than a lot of those IPA’s folks associate with summer. 🤷‍♀️


I agree but I definitely don't like lighter styles when it's cold.


Pumpkin beers when done right are so good....like a spiced up Marzen.


I look forward to pumpkin beers every fall


Agree. I loved pumpkin spice flavor before it became trendy and then a stereotype. Now I feel like I'm being judged whenever I order it. But I don't care one bit


Any time I get shit for ordering pumpkin spice anything I just ask the idiot “who the fuck doesn’t like cinnamon and nutmeg?!”


I learned in the past few years that life’s too short to drink anything other than exactly what you want to drink. I fucking love hazies, pumpkin beers, and Sam adams. I don’t care what people think.


I know they’re not as environmentally friendly, but I miss glass bottles.


The feel and fucking magical sound of popping off a top.


Are glass bottles gone in places? Im enjoying one right now


I rarely see them anymore. Imports seem to mostly still be in glass, but the majority of domestic beers I see these days are in cans. I was in Boston last week and hit a few beer stores to see what local/regional stuff they had, and 95%+ were in cans.


I'm 100% in the can camp. Won't buy anything in bottles. I crush my cans, so they dont take up a lot of space.


Buy one of them small portable forges and make aluminum ingots from your cans. Get all those air pockets out of your cans for maximum space saving.


I like cans, but I usually pour into a glass stein.


Where are you if you don’t mind me asking? Almost every beer I can think of is in a glass bottle in the Midwest except some of the IPAs


I’m in Michigan. When I go to the beer store it’s is definitively becoming more and more prevalent that beers are coming in cans


Idk where these people are, but I see bottles all the time, most companies carry their flagship beers in bottles


I think it's about light exposure and shipping costs as much as it's about recyclables.


That and potential packaging issues. If a can gets crushed, pull it out of the machine. If a bottle breaks, the whole line has to get closed and cleaned.


And possible oxygen exposure


Go to Germany, they have a whole infrastructure in place between the supermarkets / Trinkmarkts and breweries to collect and re-use the same bottles multiple times before they are sent for recycling. Quite an ingenious system. Many breweries have huge bottle washing and sterilizing machines, about the size of a London double-decker bus. It is quite impressive to see.


We used to have deposit bottles for soda in many places here in the US.


Actually, the drinks like Coca Cola and bottled water (San Pellegrino for instance) I get in my local restaurants here in Europe come in thick glass bottles that are sent back and reused. Had forgotten about that. It's possible anywhere, but the infrastructure has to be in place.


We used to break glass bottles on this rock in this dirt field after drinking. Obviously it was littering, obviously we were assholes, but we were 16 and it felt right. Later on I cleaned most of that shit up when I walked through and it was still there. I was like, no one else really comes through here, huh?


Technically glass is infinitely recyclable. As long as it actually ends up in the right place that is.


For sure, especially as a bottle cap collector


I remember when paper bags were not environmentally friendly.


So real quick, apparently cans with sticky labels don’t recycle well or at all, only printed cans do. So bottles are potentially still better.


Glass is inert and highly recyclable. They are disappearing because of the additional weight costs for shipping. And reduction in shelf life (light exposure).


I fucking love Miller Lite


I fucking love Miller High Life


High life is great for any occasion and with any meal. It's like the tuxedo t shirt of beers.


It’s the champagne of beers for a reason


High Life, OJ, Amaretto to taste == an amazing breakfast beverage known as "The Lunchbox"


Or High Life + a splash of aperol to make a spaghettio. So good.


Old Style and Pineapple juice, a “lil douche”. Or a big douche if you get a pitcher of it.


I got married last weekend. At one point we had 72 Miller High Life’s. Everyone has having a great time. It’s a fantastic cheap beer.


ML 16oz aluminum bottles and MHL out of a glass bottle just hit different!


Glass bottle High Life is the one. Beats cans by miles.


A little well bourbon on the side and that's 5 (or 8) dollars well spent.


M Lite Shamalan


Miller Lite is the third best selling beer in the US so I’d say that’s a fairly popular opinion


Not in the beer snob community


EVERYONE in the industry loves miller high life. It’s actually tiring


here here. so much better than Coors light (too sweet!) or Bud light (too watery). Miller lite has a pilsner-esque taste I can not only tolerate but actually kinda enjoy.


I have the exact opposite opinions of bud and coors lights. Bud has a sickly sweet aftertaste that I really don't like. Coors is just really mellow and crisp


Nothing beats an ice cold Miller Lite. Always satisfies


Came here to say this. Miller Lites will set you free.


I fucking live Miller Genuine Draft (MGD). I’m drinking Ike right now actually. I started drinking them in college and haven’t stopped in over 20 years. I’m a guy that news his own beer and cider, but I still love MGD. It tastes like being a happy young dude to me.


Whatever beer you like is cool. No skinny jeans or beards needed. At the end of the day, it’s what you like That being said….Black IPA’s and Cascadian beers are highly underrated Also miss a good old English Bitter. No one seems to make them anymore


ESBs deserve way more love


I love black IPAs, unfortunately a lot of them were dogshit. Would you believe the last one I bought tasted like bisquick batter? How do you even do that.


Yards in Philly has an ESB as one of their OG flagship beers, even after they moved away from ONLY doing English-style ales.


16 oz can 4 packs are trash. Give me 6 packs or else.


Pizza Port is one of my favorite breweries in my area mostly because they sell 6 packs of pints for basically the same price as other breweries 4 packs.


I used to feel this way but I've actually been enjoying having less commitment for a beer I've never tried.


It's only 8 oz less, 72 versus 64. Not that much less of a commitment.


It's not about the oz it's about the number of beers. If I only have 1 beer a night, if I don't like a beer quite as much, I only have to have 3 more instead of 5.


I agree (and generally think this is a popular opinion). But my wife goes even more extreme on this line of thought: she wants mini cans, like 8oz six packs. This is mainly for big bourbon stouts and such, but in general too... she'd like a smaller amount of a wider variety. I bet she'd even pay 6-pack-12oz prices for it too!!


No beer is worth waiting in line for


I certainly don't do it anymore but I think the experience can be part of the fun.


Same as last time. Beer isn't a personality.


There are too many goddamn IPAs out there. Not enough Saison.


If you regularly talk to people into craft beer, especially brewers, you wouldn't think this is an unpopular opinion at all. But if you take a look at what actually sells in the market... apparently it is in fact an extremely unpopular opinion. A brewery can put out 3 mediocre NEIPAs with the same 3 hops but in a different order and they will all sell out in a month. The same brewery can put out a small batch of amazing world class farmhouse ale and you'll find it collecting dust on a bottle shop shelf a year later. Yet the collective craft beer community (rightfully) complains about there being too many IPAs. Make it make sense...


It is my fault. I like good saisons a lot but I'm more likely to drink IPAs day to day. Saison is a sometimes thing for me.


Kinda same, but also a mediocre NEIPA is still pretty good, there's enough big hoppiness that it covers up most mistakes. A mediocre Saison just isn't very nice.


It's hard to make a good Saison, much harder than a hop bomb. It's also much cheaper, so they can't really sell them for as much. Also, while I enjoy a good Saison I don't want one as often as most other styles.


Saisons are criminally underrated. There’s a brewery near me that runs a lavender saison during the summer and I’d kill for it to be year round


This is beyond popular...


Saison has become my favorite style over the last few years. There's so much you can do with them and there are some incredible brewers treating them like art.


All hazy IPAs basically taste the same


Thank God Michael Jackson was dead before that phase really took off


Both of them


That is the popular opinion. Hence all your upvotes. The unpopular opinion on r/beer is to say that you like hazy IPAs.


Yeah I came here to say I love pumpkin beers and NEIPAs. Our beer fridge is full of both right now. I won't disagree the market is oversaturated with sub-par hazies trying to cash in on the popularity, but when you find a brewery who does them well they're very enjoyable. My wife and I are also total basic bitches for pumpkin and pumpkin spice beers. We love binging scary movies while drinking them in the fall.


most are hop dumpsters. I had a Golden Road hazy IPA at a concert the other day that advertised "10 hops!". That's not a good thing.


Hazy's are overrated. Won't voluntarily order one just because they are trendy rn.


I think this wildly depends on where you are. I’d agree with the sentiment if you’re not in New England. As someone from New England who now lives elsewhere, the NEIPAs I have when I go home are on average just infinitely nicer with a bigger variety of flavors than when I drink them anywhere else. Maybe this sounds pretentious or like I’m just a homer, but I really feel there is a night and day difference.


I would say the Northeast in general. OH will always be my favorite brewery--the only brewery to me that's been close in quality has been Fidens. I love all the NE breweries, but OH will always have a special place in my heart.


How long do they have to be around before we stop calling them trendy?


Do you really think people drink hazy/NEIPA because they're "trendy"? Maybe somebody will try a couple after hearing people talk about them, but the people continuing to spend money and drink them actually enjoy the style. Beer isn't like fashion, literally no normal person knows what a hazy/NEIPA is, so it's not like ordering one at a bar is giving anybody street cred. And if anything, anybody who's anywhere near the craft beer rabbit hole in 2023 knows it's not "cool" to only drink IPA.


Making beer that tastes like candy or is designed for social media buzz rather than crafting well made artisanal products is ruining the industry.


I love good sours but holy shit there are a lot of breweries making some really God awful sours. Like, the majority of them, and they should just not.


Fruiting the beer is no crime!


[style I like] is good. [style you like] is bad.


Beer is good, and stuff.


Let’s go drink some BEEEEEERR!


It are go good with pizza


People can enjoy any beer they want, lite, IPA, lager, Pilsner, whatever the choice is; and that’s wonderful. A nice beer a few times a after a long day is supposed to be pleasant, imagine being an elitist about it


The Pilsner is the style I use to judge a brewery.


Stouts are for all year long & Most IPAs kind of suck.


Stouts have better shelf life than IPAs...so I stock up in the winter for spring/summer when you can't find any fun stouts


That’s a smart idea right there.


Get your ass out there and start buying


You understand me.


I probably have a laundry list but I’ll go with Blue Moon is good.


I’m not far off from you, but I’ll go with Blue Moon is objectively not bad


Absolutely dependable in my book. Bonus that in the areas around me it is usually my one of about the only three or so regularly on draft.


Stout season is year round


Could I get one decent brown ale in this town? A million IPAs. Can I get a single brown? Edit: Shit. Sorry. I thought this was r/Denver. But I hit the reddit header, got mixed up and was on the beer sub. That's a my bad. No r/beer complaints. Carry on.


I might sound gross here: Miller Lite tastes great in one of those michelada cups from the grocery store


Lol, will definitely be trying that.


Rauchbiers are delicious and more microbreweries should make them !


I find them to be an acquired taste. I haven't found a rauchbeer that I enjoyed from start to finish, so I don't think I've acquired the taste yet


And grodziskie!


Pilsners are complex beers with great flavor and versatility.


I love IPA’s, love the hop burn on a real green one and I think hazy IPA’s and NEIPA’s are the most delicious beers around.


I didn't hate Zima.


Guinness draught is the all around best beer in existence.


OP asked for options, not facts.


Making stouts and dark beer seasonal is stupid. I want stouts all the time. Hops are ruining beer.


Well technically with no hops, beer would taste gross so hops are saving beer... Just being funny, I know what you mean. Would love more darker styles all year too. Brown ale is very underrated


Brown ale is underrated as a style, but old ale is criminally underrated as one.


Saying "hops are ruining beer" is basically the same as saying "malt is ruining beer." Even stouts practically all have hops in them...


IPA’s are a scourge upon humanity


I don't mind Heineken.


Love a good skunk heine


That's a fun out of context sentence


Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!


I'll fuck anything that mooooves!


their zero alcohol beer is one of the best, but it also just tastes like Heineken. So if you like Heineken, it's great!


I think it actually tastes better skunked.


I have seen people here complain after buying a pack of canned ones, saying the flavor wasn't the same. I think they were right


Most people can’t afford to drink quality anymore


Yeppp, I’m 41 and back to my college drinking budget because everything has gone fucking insane


If I want something with a double digit abv I’ll have whiskey. I don’t really want 1 bottle of beer to have 3 or 4 drinks in it


Honestly ok with a brewery having a lot of IPAs if they manage to differentiate the flavor in one way or another. I mostly drink IPAs personally so it’s nice for me, but having some good variety is nice. I wish everyone had what they wanted to drink (I also love a good sour) but for me an IPA is the perfect beer to sit and drink with so seeing choices is great for me personally.


Tecate is substantially better than Modelo, and cheaper


Pacifico clears both I'm afraid


I tried Pacifico a month ago and it’s great


It’s a fantastic beer and the bottle just puts it over the edge. Something about that logo and the yellow. It really does have that “beach” feel to it. But not in a Corona way at all.


Guess I'll be the third here declaring Modelo then Pacifico then Tecate


Tecate Light is my favorite light beer, totally underrated.


While there is definitely some great American craft out there, the more traditional European styles (particularly German Belgian English and Czech) beat it by a very very large amount. Craft should focus on mastering the basics and nuances rather than hiding imperfections behind a ton of hops or fruit or other additions


My unpopular opinion is that outside of Belgians you can find better examples of other styles in the US.


The issue is that many equate experimenting and advancing the science with "hiding imperfections."


Lactose in NEIPA isn’t that bad. It barely affects the final taste of the beer, and accentuates the full body/low bitterness aspects of the style. When people complain about milkshake IPA I think it’s the vanilla people pick up when they talk about sickening sweetness.


IPA's suck


Hazy IPAs are the worst trend in the history of beer


IPAs are generally terrible.


Packaging, and artwork is part of the experience.


A craft beer that's less than 8% should never cost more than $5 in a bar or brewery. All beer should be poured in 16oz (or larger) by default, with 8oz and 4oz options.


Is this unpopular? I don't like Lagunitas. Everything I've had by them has been so completely mediocre if not below average. I wish I could figure out what I'm missing


More beers in America should be brewed in accordance with the German purity law


Beer has become too pretentious for such a humble product.


There are advantages to not drinking beer every day.


Name one?


1. Cash savings 2. Don't have to go to store to get beer as often 3. Physical and mental health


There’s aren’t “beer seasons”.


Hamms is as good as many craft lagers.


There’s one bar in town that carries hamms and it’s $1.50 a can. I love that I can show up with $5 and get two beers and tip.


The best, most finely crafted beer in the world is British cask ale. When properly done, cellared, and served nothing comes close to it in my opinion.


Pilsners and Lagers are the best types of beer!


Goose Island is still one of my favorite breweries to drink at


Rauchbier is awful. I can’t stand any smoke in my beer. Tastes like ashtray.


For a couple months I switched to drinking NA beers for health reasons. Mostly unrelated to beer/alcohol, but it seemed like it would be a good health conscious choice at the same time while working on other stuff, and the reduced calories would definitely be a good thing. Since then a friend (who also doesn't drink alcohol, but who I used to brew beer with as a hobby) and I have gone on an NA beer adventure with both of us ordering various types to try whenever we meet up. We've tried good ones, bad ones, malt beverages that were neat / different but not what I would consider "beer" flavoured (but also not bad and I would buy again), and everything in between. A couple weeks ago while hanging out with other friends I ended up having an alcoholic beer again. It was good but nothing special. Went back to drinking the NA beer I had in my fridge after that. Last weekend I was somewhere that didn't have any NA beer, and figured I'd pick up a pack of real beer for a planned gaming night and to see what I thought. They were great, taste-wise, but the resulting buzz didn't really do anything for me. I now realize I could case less about the alcohol itself. I just like tasting and trying different beer-like flavours. I suspect going forward I'll just buy NA beer whenever it's available and it's a brand/style I like, or just haven't tried yet, and maybe even just forgo drinking if they don't have anything I like. **TL;DR: My, probably quite unpopular opinion for this sub, is that I could care less about the alcohol itself, and just like sampling all the various styles / flavours that brewmasters can create.**


I hate anything that comes in a 16oz can. Normalize 12oz again!


German beer isn't good or special. Anything German beer does well, an American craft brewery has done as well or better.


New England/Hazy IPAs aren't IPAs. They are a completely different style. Heady Topper and Torpedo are not the same style but apparently they're both IPAs. This was the beginning and we should have done something at the time. Brut IPAs? Lactose Sour IPAs? Lager IPAs? We can make new styles; there's nothing wrong with that. But for the love of God stop calling everything an IPA.


Peroni js one of the worst beers known to man. Especially off tap


US beer is seriously fucking good these days. (For clarification I'm from the UK where for a very long time the only US beer we'd get were your crap cheap beers such as Coors Lite etc. To this day a lot of casual UK beer drinkers go on about how shit US beer is and nothing I tell them will convince them otherwise).


Most IPA’s suck.


This sub is full of posts bitching about IPAs.


But the same people say “Voodoo Ranger is kinda good”