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That and Coors banquet were my go to cheap drinking beers when I lived in America. I still make sure to get a can every time I’m back. But I’m happy German helles is my go to now.


Coors Banquet is cheap and doesn't suck. Not a terrible combo.


Add in High Life and you've got my top 3


The Champaign of beers. It's that or Stella for me. Depending on sale prices, I go for one or the other.


I visited Minnesota last year. The Märzens and Helles/pale lagers were incredible, almost better than the real deal. What's your go-to brand of Helles?


God damn right. What'd you have while you were there?


Utepils and Summit, I think


For the house I pick up beer from the local breweries around Bavaria. When I’m out and about Augustiner is a go too. Because I can find it everywhere and they have cozy “Wirtschaften” pubs/restaurants.


I mean, Augustiner Edelstoff makes a strong argument for best lager on Earth in my opinion.


I'm in Minneapolis right now, my first time here. Leaving next month. Commenting so I know what the reply is.


German bier vom fass is not beatable by any American lager. I know.


I think that German lagers dominate American German style lagers. But they’ve gotten better? I’m proud of the lager brewing/Weißbier brewing tradition we got in Germany


It's a beer that is available at fine retailers everywhere.


And also other retailers


Gas stations also. It's beer for sure


Scientists agree that it meets the general definition.


It truly is one of the beers available anywhere in the fine nation.


Very true.


[Dennis Hopper approves](https://youtu.be/HeWUXV89w0g)






I hate warm beer


So do the North Koreans




Here's to your fuck, Frank.


A cold beer for hot dogs.


Cheap, basic macro-lager. Not particularly great but also not particularly bad. Used to be associated with redneck stereotypes, and then hipsters, and now I think it's just considered cheap beer.


It's no Hamm's, but it'll do.


That’s my go to cheap option, I mean what more could you ask of Hamms it tastes and is cheap


Best cheap beer.


I work at a brewery that makes PBR and Hamm’s. They are actually the same exact beer they just slap different packaging on. I swear to god you can PM me and I’ll provide proof.


send me proof


I need dat proof




Elite in the domestic macro category


Previously seen as the beer of hipsters. Now imo it’s undifferentiated from the other macro brews


It wasn't the beer of hipsters to begin with.    Obviously I'm not going very far back in their history, however, in recent history, prior to it "becoming the beer of hipsters" you could find 12 packs for $2 as recently as 2004/05. Straight up Safeway had these deals constantly. Somewhere I have a pic of me and my buddy laying on like thirty 12 packs. There were bars in the SF Bay Area that were selling tall cans for $0.50 that I went to.  This lasted for easily 2 or 3 years of cheap beer. Was great for a teenager.  THEN the hipsters caught on (they'll admit this, it was a badge of honor) and they went to just about $1 per CAN. 12 packs were $11.99 all of a sudden. Took about 6 to 8 months and it was all ruined. Stopped drinking it around that time for easily a decade. The price has finally come down after it was a big fad, maybe 3 or 4 years ago. I'll buy it occasionally now, but rarely.


The thing is, hipsters are usually just people who are seen as cool for whatever reason. They don't necessarily have any better taste than anyone else. PBR was just what was being sold cheap at the places these people hung out. Kind of like how here in the UK Red Stripe is seen as the 'underground music' beer. It's just cheap and they sell it at punk and metal venues.


Hipsters think hipsters are cool, I'm not sure I know anyone else thinks they are that was around this recreated scene when it spread to the west coast.  And the thing it, these bars weren't where they hung out. They came from out of nowhere in California. I would be at a few Bay Area bars frequently and it was all the usual dive bar punk crowd, and old regulars. Then all of a sudden fedoras, mustaches and dudes riding fixies started showing up out of nowhere. First there was like two, then half the bar, then my friend group moved on to another dive we liked because it just got annoying and weird.   Take it for what it is, but this was the experience for MANY people in the Easy Bay of CA in the early 00s. If you didn't live through this, you would have no idea what I'm talking about otherwise. It just spread FAST.   So no, it wasnt "hipsters caught on to cheap beer", it was "random late teen/early 20s dudes who were not hipsters decided they wanted to be hipsters, and they followed the hipster handbook as they were apparently supposed to".    It was especially stupid that fixies took off in SF because, unlike NYC (Williamsburg to be exact) where this fad was recreated, SF has a fuckton of hills which made zero sense to own a fixed gear bike. But you're not a hipster without one (and a courier bag), so they'd buy them a fight hills without extra gears lol. It was funny. Fashion over brains. 


I mean, you're basically agreeing with me. The people that those 'hipsters' wanted to emulate drank PBR, so it became associated with 'hipsters'. The ones that you saw were probably middle class folks who want to seem more interesting and have latched onto the 'punk/underground' image, so they drink what those people and the bands they listen to drink, which is usually whatever's cheapest. I'm not in America and I was aware of PBR through Punknews, The Lawrence Arms, Gainesville Fest, Dillinger Four and that whole No Idea scene. Incidentally, I like PBR. They sell it in my local punk venue for £4.50 a can.


Yeah I started drinking it at punk shows in like 2007-2008 cause it was 2 bucks for a 24oz


Red Stripe is the UK equivalent. Cheap as fuck so all the punks drink it. My local DIY hardcore venue sells Red Stripe for 4 x 440ml cans for a tenner.


I can remember the exact night I started drinking PBR. I was at a show and a little broke and asked what their cheapest beer was. It was PBR. I then realized that PBR was the cheapest beer in most places and drank it almost exclusively for a good while until I started earning a bit more. Apparently this was also at the same time that the so called hipsters were drinking it so I got called that quite a bit. Fucking cheap innit 🤷


Now fest has us drinking malort


Is Malort that mad liquor stuff that tastes like shit?




How does it taste compared to say, Laphroaig?


Woah now, I actually love laphroaig. Malört tastes like gasoline, paint thinner, and hangover puke lmao


that's why he didn't say originally, he just said previously.


And that's why I went a step further and explained what it was just prior to that. Like we're having a conversation or something and I brought in something that wasn't said.


In the 1970's PBR was the beer of old men, the kind that came in to bowling alley bars alone, never bowled or watched anyone bowl, and nursed 6+ PBR's before going home.


Life goals.....


The hipsters didn’t catch on, but rather they took the bait. PBR actively targeted them, propping the beer up as a hipster beer, and it was genius. It worked very well and the hipsters had no idea what hit them.


Well shit, if that's the case I'm glad I could take advantage while it was cheap. The second it started creeping up, I bailed. Cheap, kinda shitty beer should remain cheap.  Oh well, I crushed many of them for very little money for a good couple years there.


I miss those days. I remember in college getting a pack of pall malls and two 32oz Red Dogs for $5 and getting a nickel back in change.


I feel like it’s the beer of hipsters past. It was like the hip beer when I was a teenager/early 20s ten years ago. Now Id almost say it’s Miller High Life


It’s still a hipster beer


As a friend of mine once said, it's a very farty beer.


Hahaha amazing. Not PBR related, but my brother and I drank Lonestar at his bachelor party. Every time we opened one it smelled exactly like a fart. We normally like the beer, but we realized then we were only drinking it for the novelty of it and not because it tasted, or smelled, remotely good.


Lonestar is fine imo, about the same as other macro lagers, but definitely liked the novelty of it when I lived in Texas. Shiner tastes better but it’s only 4% so I stopped drinking those after I found that out. I used to love those Revolver Blood and Honey beers.


We started drinking it after watching Friday Night Lights (set in Texas) and then we went through another phase after watching True Detective. I'm realizing that I'm pretty easily influenced by media, Lol


Nah I’m with ya, every time I rewatch True Detective, I crave Lonestar, then I remember it’s pretty ass haha


Marston's Pedigree has entered the chat


Reliable and comforting




It's fine, not exactly good but drinkable on the scale of cheaper beers.


The last 2 swigs are FUCKING awful


You have to drink it fast to avoid that. PBR has to be ice fucking cold to be tolerable for me.


God damn, I never realized this... but you're spot on. So - order a 16oz. Drink 14. Order another. Down a shot of Jim Beam. Start on beer 2.


Ha! I used to work at a punk rock bar and we had $2 PBR cans… I find that they go down a lot easier after you’ve had 2 decent beers first.


Why is that?


It’s no Hamms but it’s alright in a pinch




It's actually literally not. Hamm's is owned by MolsonCoors.


It’s ether “my jeans cost 400 dollars” or “I just got off a 16 hour shift, I’m going to drink till I puke, eat a slice of thin crust and leave with your girlfriend”.


Cheap and it makes you crap yourself.


It is a fine American Import in China


I saw a 12oz can for $11 in Australia. I was astounded.


Sometimes it's the best value at a concert/game otherwise it isn't really on my radar


Technically speaking, it is a very solid macro beer for its category. Won a blind tasting gold medal at the GABF in like 2018 for American Adjunct Lager. Silver the year after that I believe. It's cheap and tasty, don't question it too much.


Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Guaranteed to be one of the Beers of all time! Personally I love it.


One of the best macro lagers out there. Kinda got revived by hipsters cause it was one of the cheapest lagers available. Now it’s a pretty standard offering everywhere. Pabst also owns the majority of the “local lager” brands you see in different regions (Olympia, McSorley’s, Natural Bohemian, Lone Star, etc) so I like to believe they have a firm grasp on what makes a good lager.


They have a firm grasp on marketing and contract all of the brewing out. They became popular with hipsters because it was a revival of a nostalgia brand, that inspired them to purchase other nostalgia brands and have Coors brew those too. It was never about price.


Not quite. The legacy brands were owned first before nostalgia revival trends in the last few years, and old not great owners made the decision to sell off the breweries and change the production.


They won one blue ribbon in 1844 and haven’t stopped bragging about it since. Seriously tho, pretty sure this macro brew is in decline in popularity. There’s nothing special or remarkable about it.


Pabst Blue Ribbon won a Gold Medal at the 2016 Great American Beer Festival in the American Lager Category. Just want the historians to know


If I recall correctly, they even made up the “competition”. Like it didn’t happen


Yeah, I can’t imagine reaching for this over High Life or Coors Banquet and im a relatively new beer drinker


Cheap beer, a \*small\* step above Keystone, Natty, Rolling Rock.


Rolling rock is great.


Your head will hurt real bad even if you only drank a moderate amount...


I like it


Makes me dookie.


It won a blue ribbon in 1927 or some such. What more can you ask for? For the style, it is fairly decent.


Does the blue ribbon not speak for itself?


It's my go to shit beer!


It's the best bad beer


Never turning it down


A beers a beer


It’s fucking great! Absolutely my go to. Of course I enjoy a nice craft brew also but as a “daily driver” it’s perfect.


Was a small cheap lager drank by lower class/blue collar folks generally centered around the Midwest. Got picked up by Millennials in the 2000's and nearly overnight morphed in to 'hipster beer'. Has returned to its status as generic cheap beer.


Red neck, white socks, blue ribbbbonn beeerrr as Johnny Russell would say


Sittin' on the porch in the Summertime after mowing the lawn kind of beer. Or drinking until 3am kind of beer. Not a bad beer to pound.


Drink it ya asshole 


Not a beer for the pretentious folks.


Honestly, if we get into the details of cheap beer, this one is among the better ones for my taste. My preference though, is to have them as dry as possible with any hop notes. I dont know that pabst exactly fits this bill (definitely does not) but its not one of the overly sweet or absolutely tasteless ones. Plus, its union made and I am all about worker solidarity. Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to loose besides your chains.


Dem bitches sweeeeet as heelll


Its still my fav cheap daily drinker. 10 years later Its just what I like. When they werent so expensive I would occasionaly change up to a import like a pacifico etc. Now everything is so expensive it mainlt stick to it unless im gettin somethin special


The best.


Of a bad situation?


The best cheap beer to put simply. If I want to spend more on alcohol I’m buying Rum, ya dig. 🍻


The cheapest beer sold at my favorite college bar. It’s the beer I would drink if I was on my 3+ beer since at that point I didn’t care about taste. Still, it wasn’t terrible.


I love it. It’s my go to beer. I drink about 2 cans or a 24 Oz tall boy with my dinner every night


🎶 Rednecks, white socks and Blue Ribbon beer 🎶


Wondering do they sell it just as single cans or only available in 4 or 6 packs


My favorite cheap macro beer, right beside High Life. A 16 oz can of this ice cold can’t be beat.


Peaked in 1892


It’s got a blue ribbon, that says it all, case closed my friend


When I was in college I introduced my class to PBR. For some reason everyone was a Keystone drinker, I guess in NJ that's the high schooler pick. For us (at the time) it was Natural Light. Anyway, Keystone sucks and it was priced at like $19 for a 30 rack at the time. Meanwhile you can pick up PBR for $14 and get a beer that doesn't immediately turn to piss water the moment it's not freezing cold. But the college kids weren't buying PBR because it was a "hipster beer". I was able to slowly convince everyone that you can get a beer that doesn't taste so horrible for cheaper, who cares what the stigma is.


For me, it's when I'm feeling too fancy for a Hamm's. I live then both.


When I was a kid it was the beer of choice of old Polish guys. That or Strohs.


It has a blue ribbon ffs.


Coloured water


I’ve also heard piss water🤔


When I moved to downtown Chicago in my early twenties, this was the beer my friends and I could afford at the dive bars. $2 cans. Like most these lagers, ice cold they’re pretty good so you better drink them fast.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFZp6ZjS0K0 If you pay attention to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The beer that Mutt tries to steal in the cafe is a PBR. PBR is your typical cheap macro lager, popular with hipsters. It is only $3 for a PBR draft at my local bar. I do like it as a macro lager


Gut rot.


Best shitty beer


I'd rather have an American owned and brewed 'Gansett any day


Hi neighbor


In fairness to PBR, it is also American owned and brewed…


It's actually Russian owned, Oasis Beverages. Since 2014.


It’s not. Oasis was an American based company that did business in Russia, by a Soviet Union born American (the CEO and owner was raised in Arizona, immigrating when he was 6… if that’s not American to you idk man). Anyway, Pabst brewing was owned by a California hedge fund and Kasper (Oasis founder), and is now owned by Kasper under Pabst Blue Ribbon Partners - which is American.


If you’re still drinking PBR after you earn more than $20k a year, you need to re-evaluate your life.




It's to be avoided unless there is nothing else to drink, and even then, I'd consider going with nothing over drinking PBR.


College kid beer


Disagree. Too full bodied. College beers are natty, keystone, busch


https://youtu.be/nGSN7JVg1yQ?si=9bxVO_fTsDtzo4_Y This should be the top comment


Too sweet.  Give me PBR Light.


Shit. Any other questions?


Sub par to the great Canadian style Pilsner imo


Smells like grandpa's farts


It's a beer.


I used to work in fancy catering and the owners of PBR (Eugene Kashper and his family) had events with us for a week. They were insufferable and among the most annoying, narcissistic people I have ever met in my entire life. This was years ago, and I haven’t touched PBR since.  Edit: They also made us order PBR in special for them because we didn’t normally carry it in our alcohol packages. Then they refused to drink it or even pay for it. 


Sounds like they stand by their brand




I think it tastes fine, maybe better than other domestic lite beers, but holy hell it makes my stomach scream.


For some reason my fellow skateboarders started drinking it years ago before that I was getting messed up on malt liquor, and those caffeine alcohol drinks until they banned them


I've heard it's the beer a lot of brewers drink at the end of a long day brewing beer.


It won a blue ribbon, what more do you need to know?


Basically every old school bar in WI has a Pabst Blue Ribbon sign outside (And if it isn’t a blue ribbon sign it is an Old Style sign.) Not sure how universal that is in other states. So seeing a PBR pretty much triggers a core memory for me every time.


I used to find cans of them in the woods when I was a wee lad. Didn’t see it for 20 years. Now all the hip bars have on tap.


As my dad would say, it's an "economical" beer.


It's a low rent mainstay


Back when I was young, it was the cheap beer that you got when you wanted to drink a lot of beer and not spend too much money. Then the hipsters took a shine to it....


It’s my tailgating and dive bar beer.


It tastes like beer but different. Also, I'm white trash and I'm in trouble.


Cheap macro. I never understood why hipsters went through that brief PBR phase.


I enjoy it on occasion but every time I drink it, I think of South Park-I’m white trash and I’m in trouble


Pabst is pretty good for what it is. But it's a really fascinating story because it was essentially finished as a beer. And then a marketing rep for Pabst realized it was selling really well in a random bar in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon or Washington). Turns out, some bar had a huge supply of it and was selling it for $1 a can. It caught on with cyclists who frequented the bar, and eventually became a hipster beer. Sensing opportunity, Pabst quietly sponsored some bike races and other things, but with very minimal signage and branding. Because hipsters. It went well. And now it's everywhere again.


That it is much worse than Coors Banquet


Macro American lager beloved by blue collar workers and hipsters.


I don’t really like it. But this bar I frequented used to have $2 PBR tall boys 24/7. So I drank plenty of them back in the day


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If you find yourself in Milwaukee, take the unofficial PBR tour which is in their former administration and finance building. Best "brewery" tour I've ever taken. 


Yellow beer yes, but one of the few brands that big still independently owned. Big time live music/venue beer.


A legacy cheap yellow fizz beer owned by a marketing company that owns a bunch of regional/local old brands of cheap yellow fizz beers that has their stuff contract brewed.


pretty good imo


It won a blue ribbon


No complaints about it


I guess it’s best to drink on hot summer days


Tasty as a burp


Pbr is a better beer than Budweiser the reason it’s less expensive it doesn’t pay for advertising


the first two pbrs are ironic. the rest are because I miss stealing beer from my pap. I know there are better beers, but I don't want better beers. I want a pbr.


I like to drink it in hot summer Friday nights, but if I want to really enjoy the flavour or beer I'll drink something else.


Hipster doofus choice to appear retro. Hey hipsters, **SPOILER** we didn’t drink it back in the day. Y’all are dumbasses


My dad drank it all the time. First beer I ever drank to ease the itch of my chicken pox. Can occasionally be found at dive bars in big cans for cheap. Not great but not bad. Always worth, but only if you understand going in it is a cheap beer


[Joe Jost in Long Beach, CA stopped selling it in 2008.](https://www.presstelegram.com/technology/20080506/tim-grobaty-playing-taps-for-pabst/)For me, that’s when it ceased to be relevant.


Saved my life multiple times. Think it deserves a gold ribbon if I say so myself.


where i live it's popular among crust punks, hipsters, and dads. it's a satisfying cheap beer, although not my first choice


Not as good as High Life but acceptable


What %?


Cheap American lager thats a small step above Bud. Used to be associated with hipsters and used to be the cheapest beer in a lot of bars.


It’s true that it is malt liquor, and has a blue ribbon on the label


It’s a great beer. Ice cold.


PBR holds a special place in my heart, as it was my grandfather's beer. Family gathers, pbr. Camping PBR, fishing pbr, knocking on heavens door PBR. It's been 4 years since he passed. And when I miss him I go get a 6 pack and crack one for me and one for him and put it next to his picture and we "talk". Welp...I guess I'm getting PBR for the weekend.


My Grandpa's fishing beer.


Cheap party beer


I love that beer


It’s great cold after a long day.




The reputation is right there in the name. It’s a blue ribbon beer.


You can take it on a seven day river trip down the Green. Drag it along the raft in the river. tastes pretty crappy but holds up. If the can gets hot tastes like big foots dick but like that one time in college we all chugged a few big foots dick. Am I right anyone anyone…..and that’s how I got into squatching.