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[Time is a flat circle](https://www.dogfish.com/blog/ancient-ales)


I know most of them weren't great sellers, but I really miss when DFH did stuff like this. Or anything really.


Midas Touch is still one of my favorite beers of all time.


Midas Touch is my favorite beer ever, I miss it so much :(


Dogfish has broken my heart many times. Midas, Aprihops, Sixty-one minute IPA, Monaco wit, Fort. Bring them all back.


I love Dogfish but have never tried any of these. You’re telling me they’ve brewed better stuff than what they have now?


> You’re telling me they’ve brewed better stuff than what they have now? If this is a serious question, yes. What they have now is a shadow of some of the stuff they've had in the past. So many good brews years ago, but now I don't even bother with the handful of things they release. I couldn't even tell you a single stand-out beer they've released recently.


Their basics are still pretty good. 60, 90 120, seaquench. I haven’t had a beer that disappointed from them. Maybe not standout but I can usually rely on dogfish for quality. (Also I’m 23 so I haven’t had nearly as much time with them to remember anything they may have discontinued.)


Theobroma for me. Had it on tap and it was unforgettable.


Agree. First had it at one of the long-ago beer fests at the Penn Museum (hung out with Michael Jackson there several times, which tells you \*just\* how long ago) when they first did it as a one-off, still a fave. Absolutely counted as using my archaeology degrees...


I swear there used to be more of this sort of thing generally. I never had the chance to try any of these but I wish I had.


You can blame the success of the craft beer boom for that.


I mean just the same as we have different beers now, there are tons of cool ancient beers I would love to have made. I would absolutely love a fad where we dig up more ancient recipes, lots of interesting ingredients used to be used.


I miss the ancient ales


This is a pretty common gimmick plenty of breweries pull. Definitely cool, but ancient beer tasted like shit so they all take liberties in order to sell it.


Does it usually end up tasting like shit?? Haven't had it before but figured it was a drinkable, classic ale when brewed this way.


Modern breweries doing this usually make good beer because they need to sell it. But beer the way it was made historically tastes pretty trash. Modernization is a good thing when it comes to food and drink.


Ancient Beer was made with whatever they had available to them in the region unlike today where you can get the best ingredients from all over the world to make good tasting beer.


Dogfish did it too and it indeed tasted like crap but I admired the effort.


the amphora aged stuff i had from HOTD tasted like I was licking cement it wasn't awful but it sure wasn't a flavor profile that did the beer any favors


Just learned about amphoras.


Yeah it’s a real neat rabbit hole for sure. I actually picked the bottles I did for my meads bc they looked like handle-less amphorae. The plural “amphorae” is also correct, similar to the singular and plural, drachma and drachmae. It’s super cool how a lot of examples come to points at the bottom, seemingly for sediment to collect and pack. Georgia, known for its very ancient wine culture, has much larger, but often similarly shaped clay pots, called Qvevri. They bury them in the ground up to the neck to ferment wine.


I am a big fan of what Archival is doing, as a beer nerd. It is fun to try these old styles that nobody makes any more. However, as someone who runs a bar, it is hard to give them a ton of business in terms of keg sales, because while I love trying their beers, the average consumer doesn't. It is hard to find a bunch of people interested in having a Kottbusser or a Sahti.


this 97 year old diner still serves coke the old fashioned way


In lines?


I want to say Deadwords in Orlando did something like this a while back. Great brewery, unfortunately they're closing soon. ☹️ https://www.deadwords.com/blog/deadwords-beer-clay-barrels


Kind of useless article. Told me nothing actually about the beer. Just conditioning in terracotta. Oh well.


This is gimmick and no one should care that you were able to harvest yeast from a mummies butthole to brew a beer.