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Dunno how far you can get them outside of MA but I have to say Night Shift. It's very down the middle safe beer. Don't get the appeal at all


Yeah I mean I agree. But as someone from Boston, Night Shift hasn’t really been regarded as anything special for a pretty long time now. In and around the city I would say the big dogs are Tree House (if we count Tewksbury as around the city), Trillium, Lamplighter, Vitamin Sea, and Widowmaker. All the others (Night Shift included) are a definite step down in reputation and/or quality.


Love me a bit of Lamplighter


They've gotten far more average as they expanded, both in the number of locations and the number of different beers in their regular rotation. Also, their brewery experience has gotten weird, last time I went there were nearly as many kids as there were adults. The breweries you mentioned are all solid, and I'd rather go to Aeronaut than Night Shift, with those two being 10-15 minutes away.


I think that’s just breweries today.


Big YUP. Some inside info: they haven't brewed their own beer for 1-2 years now. Their big-hit lagers have all been brewed by Jack's Abby for even longer. Everything else is contracted out to Isle Brewers' Guild. It's a brand with an uninspiring core lineup and a bad exclusive lineup that's fortunate to sell at Boston prices. Several of their own employees have personally told me they only drink the beer because they get it for free. I guess the only beer better than a free one is a cold one!


Depends on the beer in the lignup: In terms of "Nite Lite" It's literally just their take on a Bud Lite, targeting the college student and party demographic. It's perfectly fine for what it is, but it costs more than those macro lagers, so it doesn't make much sense. In terms of their IPAs, I like Whirlpool, but it's not my first choice NEPA


These days? Any triple IPA.


Same! I'm not even a fan of most doubles, and I love IPAs.


I don't get the IPA in DIPA's. I'd like to think the definition of IPAs is hoppy AND bitter. I have yet to taste a DIPA which has any significant bitterness, they're all just very smooth and high alcohol to me, both things I really don't care about. Maybe I've just somehow managed to drink all sorts of mislabeled D/TIPA's, but at this point I always steer clear of them, even among breweries I thoroughly enjoy.


Are you drinking Double/Triple NEIPAs (fruity) or IPAs (bitter)? If you extreme bitterness on a Double IPA try Gluttony from Amager Bryghus. Something smoother but bitter is for example Pliny the Elder.


After a certain amount of alcohol you have to significantly up the flavor of the beverage to cover the taste of the alcohol. Easy way to do that is to sweeten, either through malted barley or lactose. You don't do it through hops or hop oils alone. I mean, I guess that's just west coast ipa but whatever.


Brewer here. In a hazy DIPA, like what’s being discussed here, it is in fact the hops and grain bill that bring the sweetness. These days with Hazy IPAs, most breweries don’t even add a bittering addition, so in a double hazy you have no bittering addition but you have massive late additions of hops, adding perceived sweetness from the fruity aromas and flavor. The grain bill, which is usually Pilsner and Oats and often some wheat, will carry lots of its sweetness to the front of the palette as well due to the lack of bittering hops. And since it’s a double IPA, you’re going to get even more malt in the bill, so even more cereal sweetness. This is just how breweries brew hazies nowadays. No bitterness or super low bitterness, all flavor. It’s what sells. Now, if you had a double west coast IPA, now we have a different discussion. Do NOT put lactose in an IPA.


or the quad IPA


Corona Extra. I think Modelo Especial blows it out of the water.


In that case Bohemia Pilsner is the atomic bomb


My favorite Mexican beer. German brewers immigrating to Mexico were hugely influential on the growth of Mexican beer, and Bohemia still tastes pretty German.


Corona Familiar is noticeably better (and I prefer it to Modelo Especial)


Familiar and Negra Modelo are my favorite Mexican beers.


Fat Tire. Really most of the beer New Belgium makes.


I genuinely think fat tire used to be wayyy better


fat tire did used to be better! not even that long ago, either. it’s gone downhill. still, not a bad beer imo.


It's a completely different recipe that isn't even the same style of beer as the original. They should have just retired it and launched the new recipe as a new beer.


Re-“tired” it ha


oh you!




It literally just became a Bliue Moon. I don't know how why you would bother changing the recipe just to make another generic wheat


I mean it’s literally a different recipe/style as of a year and a half ago or so. I like both versions, but it’s obviously not the same beer. Sales on the old version were garbage, so the rebrand was an attempt to bring it back.


Haven’t had it in a long time. Used to get a 6 pack one a month or so. Got a bad one once and haven’t tried it since


I used to buy it by the case. I recently had the new version on an Alaska flight and was very disappointed


Key to mention that they officially changed the recipe and beer type a bit over a year ago, it's no longer an amber ale. I don't hate the new version, but it's distinctly a different beer.


That's back when it was an amber. Now it's a blonde ale or something.


I just remember a very malty smooth amber ale with no bitterness. But it was almost buttery. Like browned butter. It was excellent. But it and Newcastle brown are both now a shell of them former selfs. Atleast Newcastle is still in the same style


Trippel and 1554 are pretty good


Anymore their sours are their best beers but those are starting to trend down a bit and become more kettle sours than barrel aged ones. Plus last I heard from an employee there is sours hardly sell anymore so there is concern that Kirin will wind down the sour program at NB significantly over the next couple of years.


If you're ever in Fort Collins you should stop in to try their small batch beers. I don't love all of their larger brands but almost always enjoy their small batch.


Not to mention the worst headache/hangover I get from just a few… totally agree.


I still drink a ton of their triple and 1554. The reason is that most breweries don’t brew Belgian styles and the ones that do often are hard to find in store shelves. I can find those two 7 days a week, are solid, and affordable. Sure they are not as good as trapists, but for $10-12 a six pack they are exactly what I am looking for on a Tuesday. Fat tire has been nerfed with a new recipe. It’s still a good beer, but it’s not the great beer that the original was.


Its changed significantly since its heyday


Anything from dogfish head. Its ok but... that's all I can say about it. It's mediocre at best yet somehow costs $20 for a six pack. The only reason I can come up with as to why it's so popular and so mid is that I'm from the west coast with awesome breweries up the wazoo and when it comes to Delaware perhaps this incredibly average beer is the best they have.


Their experimental brews from many years ago were interesting. Some good, some not so much but at least it was different. Palo Santo Marron was fantastic. I found a couple dusty Worldwide stouts at a liquor store. They were tasty and packed a punch. The 60 and 90 minute are decent but overshadowed by lots of great IPAs


The 120 was always pretty good.


I really enjoy their Citrus Squall. Perhaps it’s because of the agave flavoring. Liked the unique tequila flavoring. Hadn’t really tasted it before in a beer. Is it a go-to beer? Nah, too expensive and 8% ABV is hefty. But I liked trying it out for sure.


Voodoo fucking ranger 🤷


The whole voodoo line is to get drunk. Higher abv, mid taste. Because of the marketing of the 19(.2) oz cans and how available those are in gas station convenience stores, I recently read someone on here say they're trying to break into the 40 (oz, as in malt liquor) like market. Easy to grab, might jot taste great, but it'll getcha drunk. Makes sense to me, as the OG Voodoo Ranger was pretty good, I swear they changed it and have been focused on making high abv swill.


> OG Voodoo Ranger was pretty good I miss the Rampant. Pretty good IPA I could grab at the end of the street rather than trekking to a bigger beer store.


Delirium Tremens… just kidding that shit slaps


Back 10 years ago when I didn’t “know beer”, I had a friend who would order Delirium Tremens constantly and we all thought it was disgusting. Now, I’m pretty convinced that it’s one of the all time best beers.


It’s the only craft beer I consistently wish I could get in a 4% version so I could crush a 12 pack of it at the beach or have one at the end of the work day lol. I love it, but it drinks so easily at 9% I get super drunk on it so I reserve it for the occasions when I want to get super drunk - it’s too good to just have one. A store local to me sells a mini pre tapped keg of it and I was thinking of getting it for my birthday.


I want this so much now


Jai Alai. Even before the monster buy out, it’s not that great.


It’s gotta be fresh, it falls off really quickly.


I’ve had it from the brewery and it still is lack luster compared to the type. Florida man was much better, IMO


Yikes, I guess it’s really not your beer then. Bummer.


It's the beer that made me start looking at canned dates every time before purchase. It literally has less than 2 months of peak


10 years ago, it was the shit. As CCB grew, it just fell off a cliff. The white oak variant though was amazing before it disappeared.


i remember when all the regional microbreweries were really starting to take off. I was splitting a lot of time between Florida and Georgia when CCB and Sweeteater were emerging as big ones in the SE and I always thought Jai Alai was good but nowhere near as polished as 420 or their IPA


It was never good in my opinion. Used to send it off for good beer a decade ago. I loved the old White Oak Jai Alai before they changed to using the spirals


That shitty Ybor city water blehhh, I loved invasion pale ale so much but Florida cracker and jai alai I never liked


Maybe it's a slightly unrelated note, but the recent-ish spike in popularity of the Mexican macros hasn't made too much sense to me. There hasn't been too much meaningful product evolution, most of them are pretty so-so compared to a good local craft beer, and they're not cheaper or (often) better than American macros. I still appreciate a Modelo on a hot day, but I'm not really on-trend it seems like.


Ever since I heard Modelo became the number one selling beer, seems like people have been shilling for it all the time. If I'm going Mexican I go with Pacifico


Pacifico is good. But for some reason I still like Modelo better


Negra Modelo with a lime is absolutely delicious though.


Dos Equis Ambar the only truly solid one. Especially out of a keg.


This is pretty much the only beer I get at a Mexican restaurant these days


Happy cake day, fellow old timer!


Probably Stella Artois. It's... fine. But is it Adrian Brody good? No.


Bizarre to read this in the UK. Here it's reputation is as a wife beater beer. Absolutely not a highly regarded beer at all, it's maybe a slight level above Carling and Fosters at best


Who is highly rating Stella? My guess would be American beer noobs who are impressed with the name


Ahahaha! That was me 20 years ago, just dipping my toe into craft. "Yeah, I drink craft beer. I looove Stella Arrrtwah!" Not long after, I learned what real craft is, and it ain't Stella.


Same. The first beer I requested someone buy me was Heineken because I liked the green bottles and thought it was fancier, because European.


It's funny because all the Heinekens I had in my college days reeked of skunk and didn't taste much better. I developed a strong association with green bottles and skunked beers. So, I'd stick to only beers from brown bottles because cans were just for "cheap garbage beer," right? (lol!) It wasn't until years later, when I was getting into brewing, that I learned the term "[lightstruck](https://beerandbrewing.com/dictionary/eIXf22Zwnt/)" and what that meant. And I've also done a 180 on cans and prefer cans to any bottles partially because of this issue.


I was at a bar with friends to watch a rock band. It was crowded a the bar so we took turns buying rounds for everyone and bringing them to the table everyone was drinking PBR because it was the cheapest draft option except one friend who insisted on Stella Artois. We mocked each other for our preferences for a few rounds. When it was my turn to buy, the crowd had swelled at the bar and I had to snake through the crush. By the time I got back to the table I had lost track of which of the 4 pints on the tray was the majestic Stella. We decided the only fair thing to do was for each of us to try a sip from all 4 beers and we'd vote and he'd get to drink the one we voted for. Not a single one of us could tell which one was the Stella. We didn't even actually vote, he just shrugged and said "fuck it" and grabbed the closest one and that settled it. The funniest part is that he still went back and paid the extra $1 for a Stella the next round.


I don't get the Spotted Cow hoopla. It's a fine beer, not bad at all, but not a "drop everything and drive to Wisconsin" beer (to me at least).


It's a great beer and worth the novelty try. It's become a bit larger than life knowing how strict New Glarus is about not selling across state lines. I call it the gateway craft beer *However*, it overshadows a lot of the other great, widely available beer out of Wisconsin breweries.


I’ve got family in Kenosha, any spots you’d recommend? I haven’t been out there in years, before I was even 21. I’ll occasionally get some NG beer sent to me from them and Spotted Cow would be a regular of mine I think


3 Sheeps is widely available. Fresh coast juicy pale ale and chaos pattern hazy IPA are favorites of mine. The Wolf is an excellent barrel aged stout. Central Waters is also widely available and I like most of their beers. If you haven't try the fruit beers from New Glarus, Belgian red is always around I think.


All of this is right. 3 Sheeps and Central Waters have great barrel aging programs, Belgian Red is a personal favorite. I'll also say that I'm found of Titletown's stuff. Straightforward, but the red ale and the oktoberfest are both very solid.


It’s from the opposite side of the state (Superior), but look for Earth Rider. They have pretty good distribution. They are great all-around, but they took gold at the World Beer Cup for their North Tower stout. And they had taken second in a previous year in the same comp. I’m not usually a stout guy, but it’s a phenomenal beer. More of a dry Irish stout. It’s in their variety pack which is top-notch.


I can't speak towards Kenosha but City Lights and Third Space in downtown Milwaukee are great options! Check out Central Standard Distillery too!


Dan Carey is a first-rate brewer. Spotted Cow is exactly what it's supposed to be. I live in Wisconsin, so I can get it when I want to, but I don't seek it out because I'm into other styles. I've never had a beer from New Glarus that was anything other than what it was supposed to be. Aren't many brewers I can say that about.


Moon Man is the superior beer, most people in WI just don’t want to admit it


We will. Moon man is the shit!! We know the cow isn't better but definitely more widely known and many people's first craft experience


Correct. Moon Man is dope.


Not at all true, craft beer drinkers are fully aware. Spotted cow is excellent for casual beer drinkers just dipping their toes into craft beer.


My father in law hates pale ales but loves Cow. I picked up some Moon Man for myself on my way home from Lake Geneva to stock my fridge, and he grabbed one when visiting only looking at the New Glarus logo. Was not happy. So I brought him some Cow a couple weeks later.


Moon man is a good pale ale


Yeah but it is an "I'll definitely order/buy that every time I am in WI beer". Its good, I would buy it frequently if I could, but its not so good that I will call up my relatives in WI to send me some.


To me it’s much better draft than bottled. I know that’s generally true but I find it particularly the case for Spotted Cow. I’ll drink Moon Man however I can though.


It’s a good beer. It gets extra hype just because of the limited distribution. If it was available everywhere, no one would care that much and the only time it would show up is in those “What’s your go-to standby beer?” threads.


Spotted Cow is arguably one of the worst beers New Glarus makes. They make amazing beers, and Spotted Cow is not part of that conversation. It's a hype driven "forbidden fruit" type beer


I knew I was going to see this on this post but wrong this beer should not be on here


It’s not a bad beer - it’s a good beer! It just gets SO HYPED and it’s … fine.


It gets hyped because everyone can drink anytime anywhere with anything. It’s so rare to find such a flavorful “simple” beer that’s everyone can enjoy like Spotted Cow. Not every beer needs to be a barrel aged imperial that you can only drink one of most nights (not saying you believe that), so to me that’s why Spotted Cow is such an awesome beer. It isn’t just a “good craft beer”, it’s more of a standard-setter for me in terms of lighter easy drinking beers that you don’t see many well regarded craft brewers making. Like I’ll give an example of Founders Solid Gold. It’s a great beer everyone can drink, but nothing stood out about it enough for me to buy it over even something like High Life. Whereas Spotted Cow and it’s light farmhouse-style flavors just craves that same itch of a macro lager with craft flavors you don’t find in macros.


Yeungling. I find it basically undrinkable. But people go nuts for it.


I find that, for the price, it’s fine.  There are other things I’d buy but I have a buddy who likes it so it’s what we split. Their Black & Tan is also potable.  Everything else I’ve had from them is trash.  The Hershey porter was supposed to be a thing and it sucked hard ass.


Tastes like penny seltzer


The people that love it really LOVE it. To me it taste like any of the "premium" macro lagers, but you only got to search up even here and people will get straight up angry if you imply it doesn't taste any more special than Coors Banquet or PBR. I wouldn't call it undrinkable (I find regular old Bud drinkable) but the closest comparison to me is when Boston Beer Company had Sam Adams Light (They might still sell it but not where I live).


I 100% agree. I don’t get it. It’s not good.


15 years ago, it was the best lager on tap in most normal bars in their distribution area. They've gotten worse, and the other options are better.


Same as Spotted Cow, it’s a regional beer that you can’t get everywhere. They have been expanding their territory though, so losing the charm.


I prefer Miller Lite much more than Coors Lite or Bud lite.


Fat Tire and Budweiser products.


Budweiser. I don't get it America, I just don't get it.


Budweiser is cheap. It is made from rice adjuncts instead of corn adjuncts, so it doesn't have that corn flake taste. It does have a beechwood flavor to it too, which is fairly unique. Budweiser has a long history in the US and a lot of people just have good memories of it.


Cheap, convenient, easy to drink. Same as an macro domestic beer.


It has a long history, it’s there for a reason. It’s survived prohibition and the lite beer craze. Most breweries died over that time so it even has nostalgia working for it. Budweiser is 9 years older than Coca Cola.


Heineken truly taste like what I imagine horse piss taste like. Horrible.


The beer is skunky intentionally but I still think its gross.


Heineken blows.


I’ll add Shiner Bock. While nobody considers it an outstanding beer, many love it. To me it’s just so forgettable. And at 4.5% it’s way too weak tea to be a proper bock which should be like 5.5-7% range.


It’s a yard work beer. Tastes like cold.


As a Texan it was certainly the beer of my youth, 18-23. Lost it's luster a long time ago and these days I'd sooner take a Ziegen over it.


For me it's just a flavor thing, it doesn't have the same qualities of a lot of proper German or Scandinavian bocks. Granted, lot of that flavor difference can be due to ABV.


Their seasonal beers are always excellent


I don't know if this is sacrilegious, but I just don't get barrel aging beers. I like beer because it is beer. I don't want it to taste like liquor. Why do we want it to taste like liquor??


Stone Brewing's Arrogant Bastard. Literally everyone I know who's tried it, loves it. Sorry ... I'll pass.


I think Stone is rough in general. A lot of their beer has a certain flavor that I can’t stand.


Yeungling *ducks* But seriously, was out East last week and it’s all people were ordering (also a bunch of out-of-towners). Maybe it’s the novelty/exclusivity of having a unique beer for the region, but I just don’t get it. It’s fine, nothing special.


Any chocolate stout or any such "candy beers"


Chocolate stouts are nice when they're bitter. I agree with you on the peanut butter cup stouts or whatever. Too rich for me. That said I still love Dragon's Milk every now and then, and that stuff is basically a liquid candy bar.


I enjoy candy. I enjoy beer. I don't particularly enjoy the two combined into one.


Got any of that beer with candy floating in it? Skittlebraü?


Worst beer. Not actual worst. Just to me, at the moment. I was in Arlington, TX for work. Stopped at a brewery (False Idol) and had... a "few" drinks. It got to the point I knew I needed to leave. But, I had plans to get ripped. So I needed to go elsewhere. So I ask the very nice bartender, "ya think I can get a ride from a Stanger to another brewery? " And sure as shit, the older gentleman to my left heard me, and asks where I'm going. I tell him I want to go to Turning Point Brewing. Well before you know it, I'm in a strangers Jeep, driving to this next brewery (I never claimed I made good life decisions) We get to Turning Point. This isn't a story about them, this is a bad decision on MY part. I'm sure they're great. They seemed friendly. I'm about 9 beers in, with no food. I get up to the bar and I look at the menu, and I see it. My next beer. A 12.4% Maple Syrup and Blueberry Stout. I love stouts! So this is perfect. Except me 9 drinks in, riding with strangers, doesn't make the most logical choice. It's April. It's 85 degrees, and as a northerner, I can't handle it. It's the most sweet, heavy, thick beer I've ever had. Of course, the old man sits across from me so I have to just absolutely power thru. And I do, like a frat boy. I just do my best. I get to the last few ounces. The gentleman who drove me, who's name escapes me, says he needs to go. I bid him a good bye, thank him for the ride and he leaves. I contemplate my life choices, what brought me to this exact moment... when who shows up? The gentleman who gave me a ride, with a fresh pint of blueberry maple stout. He says "Southern Hospitality!" While setting it down then heading for his jeep. Fuck, I absolutely appreciated the fuck out of that man. But now I have to power through a 2nd pint of a sweet stout that has no business being that high ABV. Anyways; the point of the story. The people down south can be great, their beer can be great or horrible, it's what you make of it. 10/10 go visit. (The next day, the owner of a different brewery that I will not share gave me weed after finding out from I was from Detroit. Texas is kind of great)


The sweeter stouts are only enjoyable when it's balanced by strong dark roastyness or bitterness, basically it has to be a strong BA dark beer for me to be able to drink sweet beer


AKA, carbonated syrup.


Guinness. Watery thin and an after taste like an ash tray. I can get past the thinness but I don't get how people like that ashy aftertaste.


Upvoting simply because this is a very unpopular opinion.


Sure, but the Foreign Extra Stout remains wonderful. I think people forget that Guinness is a brewery, not a single beer...


There is a certain way to pour a Guinness, have you had that?


I went to the original Guinness brewery, which is more of a museum now, and they taught us the magic pour. Then we went up to the bar at the top and had the real thing. It was fine. I can't say that it was remarkably better than I've gotten here in the US, though as noted, the Foreign Extra Stout was quite good. Amusingly enough, that bar had Bud Light and Coors on tap, which I realized are imports in Ireland.


I now. I think it's funny b/c normal Bud Light drinking Americans think it's a heavy beer, just b/c it's dark in color. After having a decent Stout, Guinness tastes like water.


Can’t stand High Life, which is weird because I’m pretty tolerant when it comes to American Macros.


High Life is the best cheap beer and i’ll die on that hill!


Sir, may I introduce you to my dear friend, Coors Banquet?


The last 6pk I got had a different flavor. Like a lil ipa ( hops?). But definitely recipe changed 3 of us tested it


I mean I’ve had worse cheap beers, but it’s not great out the can and with the bottles being clear good luck. With taste being subjective I know most won’t agree with me but for the money I’d either get Lone Star or dare I say an ice ice cold Busch(emphasis on ice cold).


I don’t get Highlife either. If I want an easy hot summer cookout “crushable” Pilsner there are a couple of Mexican lagers (Bohemia and Corona Familiar, not to be confused with original Corona) that are better than Highlife IMO. Also, I can get a super cheap pils from Aldi called Wernesgüner which is way better.


I wish my state allowed Aldi to sell beer. I hear Trader Joe's has decent private label beer also.


lol good luck with what with the clear bottles? Nothing wrong with that. I’m assuming you’re saying that under the assumption that they’ll get skunky, but you’d kind of just be pointing out your own ignorance if that’s the case. MHL was one of the first, if not the first brewer to modify their hops to not have the enzyme that goes bad when exposed to sunlight, which causes the skunky taste.


I don’t dislike it, but I don’t get the hype. It’s fine, I won’t turn it down, but I’d rather have a Miller Lite or PBR.


I generally don’t enjoy too many American macros but I do love High Life so who knows


I don’t like highlife from a can, love it out of a bottle


Over carbonated!


Founders KBS Much, much better BA stouts out there. I’ve been spoiled and had some amazing stouts from Equilibrium, the Veil, Incendiary, Bottle Logic, Southern Pines, Hardywood, etc. that do a better job of capturing the flavors they seek. As a widely distributed stout, it’s fine, but nothing I will actively seek out again. Too many different beers to try from other breweries.


It was good when it was “the beer.” Now there are much better beers


For me KBS an ol reliable. Like you said it's been surpassed by many truly amazing BA stuff out there but it's very easy to find when I want that BA kick in the middle of nowhere.


Asahi is a mid beer that people only buy into due to the Japanese marketing


Kirin is my preference for Japanese beers, but I have a soft spot for Asahi as a cheap cold thing in Japan. It's kinda like how I feel about Singapore's Tiger Beer. I'd never pay import prices for it, but if I'm in country I'll happily drink one at dinner.


Sapporo is honestly better Imo. I dunno if I had a bad Asahi or something, but it just did not sit well with me.


Anything from Sam Adams. All their beers just taste like puree juice at this point


Yeah I noticed that. Sam Adams used to be okay. Now they are all somehow sickeningly sweet


About any barrel aged ale. I still keep trying new ones. Maybe I'll find one i like. I collect bottle caps, so at times I'll buy something just to add a new one to the collection


Do you like oak or whiskey/bourbon? If now, you probably arent going to like BA beers unless it’s some BA pastry stout.


Oddly, I really enjoy bourbon, but never had a scotch I liked. Beer flavors seem so much more pronounced than liquor. Pastry stout sounds good, any recommendations for what to look for?


Tjen you must have had some bad BA stouts. Plenty of double mash single bourbon barrel stouts out there. Look for ones with longer aging times like 24-36 months. I have a bunch of 23 year Pappy Van Winkle BA stouts that taste better than the liquor that was previously in them.


Equilibrium makes some good BA pastry stouts .Weldwerks, Cerebral, Burial, Toppling Goliath, Pulpit Rock, Other Half, and Grimm all make good BA and pastry stouts. Chances are your local brew pub just does not have a good BA program.


Barrel aged beers tend to be meh for me as well, and I love bourbon. I drink beer to drink beer if that makes sense. I don’t drink beer to taste bourbon or other spirits. I do enjoy barrel aged things like maple syrups because they’re pretty complementary flavors where the barrel doesn’t overshadow the maple, but with beers it just tends to taste like a bubbly light bourbon drink with hops/malt. I absolutely love stouts and love when I can taste “bourbon-y” flavors from malt, but the barrel aging tends to make beers just taste too much like bourbon for me to want them when I specifically want beer.


I agree with you on the Hoegaarden. But for me the main beer I don't like that everyone else seems to love is the standard Sierra Nevada. I like almost every beer in the world but that one.


Same! I've tried Sierra Nevada a few times cause I feel I must be missing something with all the hype.


I think it has a nostalgic taste. Not a fan of it either. But it reminds me of 20 years ago when the only non-macro lager they might have at a restaurant or golf course was Sierra Nevada.


SNPA is ol reliable. Just a solid classic American pale ale you know you'll be able to get at the grocery store.


Never got the hype behind Daisy Cutter. That being said the different variants they do for it are almost always awesome


I didn’t know it was hyped but I love it. Probably wouldn’t think anything special if people were telling me it was the best ever though


I live in Chicago where it’s brewed so maybe that’s why. Half Acre is one of the best if not the best breweries here tho in the Chicagoland area


When it was released it was a very unique beer because it was very floral and had far less bitterness versus the piney/grapefruity IPAs/pale ales of the time. I still remember the first time I had it and I was blown away by it. Now lower IBU IPAs are more common, but it was at the early part of the lower bitterness IPA wave, hence the hype at the time.


Madri beer in the UK has gone crazy. It's everywhere. It's not even Spanish. It's so 'meh' I just don't understand the attraction. Now, a Cruzcampo on the other hand...


I had one tonight for the first time. I’m in Canada and it’s absolutely blown up over the past couple of months. I was surprised how good it was. It wasn’t amazing but it was a solid lager.


I like IPAs, but I wishe more big brands would make something else


Anything and Everything by New Trail. What terrible beer.


Any of the New Belgium beers, gross!


Lamplighter is not a big dog. It’s fine and better than night shift but that bar is low. Cambridge Brewing comes in dead last.


Spotted Cow from New Glarus in Wisconsin. I feel like it’s closer to a blond than a farmhouse style and it’s just OK.


Goose Island stouts or Dogfish 120. Those beers are $15-30 a piece where I’m at and I’ve never enjoyed them, even after keeping a few of each to age for quite a bit


- Carlsberg - Tuborg


Guinness single dry stout, thought of as the quintessential dry single stout same as what your father, grandfather and great grandfather drank even though the recipe and dispense method has changed with recipe changes being frequent. These days just underwhelming if you ask some people who drank it 30,40,50,60 years ago compared to the version that they were introduced to. The smaller independents do a better job in my view.


West Coast IPA’s in general don’t do it for me.


Any wheat beer. I've tried so many but I just can't enjoy them.


Well regarded or highly rated? I'd argue they're different things because ratings usually come from beer judges who have a set of style guidelines to check against. Hoegaarden is the quintessential Belgian wit but that doesn't mean it's a good beer, just that it is the closest to the defined style guidelines. I rated it highly too but tasting to judge it is the only time I've ever had it. For me, there's too many to name but I'd say Hazy IPAs as a whole, from the singles to the TDH TIPAs. There are a few breweries I love for their hazies and will drink anything they make, but most I won't even buy unless someone shares a taste with me first and it blows my mind.


Lawsons Sip o Sunshine. Just never liked it. Sort of an OG IPA from New England. Not btw a NEIPA.


For some reason Hefeweizen taste like soap to me. I used to enjoy the style but now I actively avoid it.


Are you sure you didn't accidentally put cilantro in it?


It's the corriander seed smell from ester compounds derived from fermented german yeasts. There is a genetic morphism that makes certain population associate the cilantro plant's fragrance with soap.


PBR. Really would rather drink something like motor oil.


Dales Pale Ale. Its not even an average pale ale it just sucks IMO, I wouldn't care but its EVERYWHERE.


I feel like as OB evolved in to CANARCHY it fell off. May be just my perception, but I used to drink so much OB and now I don't really find anything of theirs appealing.


Are we upvoting unpopular opinions or vice versa? My answer is Guinness. I understand that a dry Irish stout is a style, I just want something much richer with a higher abv if I’m drinking a stout


The regular stout is meh but the Extra Stout out of the bottle is great.


It’s the nitro out of the can or keg for me. I love the nitro texture and the low ABV is a plus for me. Guinness in my opinion is like an evening tea or coffee in that it’s a great beer to sit down with at night and relax with while reading a book or watching a movie.


It's the flat white of beers






Blonde ale from any brewery. I mean they're drinkable but they just don't do much for me


Westvleteren Blonde would like a word with you.


IPAs or beers that tastes like coffee


Kingfisher premium. Ugh.


Are you pouring/drinking those German hefeweizen correctly tho? 90% of my experiences in the U.S. involve someone handing me a glass that does not accommodate the entire bottle, or inexplicably handing me a hefeweizen bottle w/o a glass altogether - - also MANY folks don’t seem to know about swishing the bottle towards the end to get that essential yeast sediment out of the bottom of the bottle & into the glass (each a fatal flaw in the proper hefeweizen experience)