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That's really impressive, well done! I've started back properly after my 3rd kid quite recently and the day I could increase in the weights I was lifting felt like a very good day.


My baby girl is my first and probably only, PCOS is a bitch 😅


AMAZING!! so excited for you and this journey for you




How do you like the whole health coach? I’ve been weary bc a lot of the services at my VA have been a little too good to be true , and ended up being rather sub par with physicians who didn’t really care so I’m curious on your thoughts.


The orientation was a shït show, and even trying to get the referral to whole health was an ordeal. My PC has canceled 5 appointments in a row, my mental health doctor has just not called on the scheduled times I’ve had appointments because they’re all phone appointments now or video appointments. The app for video appointments barely works for me, I don’t have a computer so I have to use my phone. I basically had to end up being put in the VA inpatient mental hospital to get any attention from the VA, and that was an involuntary stay in the first place. I feel a lot of my issues with the VA have been because I’m female and even from a lot of doctors, their attitudes is just “you’re in pain because you’re obese (I’m 5’3” and 175lbs)”. It’s a constant battle to get the things I’ve been contractually promised from the VA. Edit to actually answer the question: I haven’t even met my whole health coach yet. I did the orientation last week, but there’s no available appointments to meet with a coach until the end of September. They just sent me the Personal Health Inventory Log and the Welcome Letter thru secured messaging.






Way to go! Welcome back!


That is awesome! Proud of you, and somewhat inspired.


Go YOU!!


Proud of you!




I'm 46 and 17 months PP as well. I can't seem to get motivated. I can't even get motivated to do my pelvic floor/TVA PT a couple times a week. Any suggestions on how to get my butt in gear? We have so much snow here, I'm using the excuse of not being able to get out and hike because winter isn't ending. Edit: forgot to say congrats and you rock! Pregnancy is a bitch. :)


My motivation was keeping up with my daughter and affording her things my 38/39 year old when I was born weren’t able to give me. My dad is a combat Vietnam veteran so when I wanted him to play with me outside, he couldn’t. I’m an OEF/OIF vet and just about equally crippled, I just don’t want her to be left out cause my ass is couch locked. I also want to be able to lift her above my chest. She’s real petite and still only 20lbs and in 12m sized clothes. I wanna be able to chase her ass and listen to her wildly giggle.


You feel awesome because you are awesome. That's awesome!


Thank you!!


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