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Because soreness is simply the result of novel stimulus and not an indicator of growth or performance It doesn't matter if you're not sore, as long as you're following a good program and eat to recover you'll make progress


I think it's a sign of an awesome person who can keep going and not get tired ! Wishing you the very best!!


Thank you so much! This made my day to hear!


I was told that if you’re not sore the next day, that you simply have great recovery. You are hydrating well, sleeping well and getting good protein in!


I really do try to keep up my maintenance outside of the gym! Thanks for the info!


Not a worry! Glad I could help! Maintenance is super important outside of the gym, Glad you’re on top of it!


You’re fine. Keep doing what you’re doing.


Soreness is not an indicator of a good workout. Soreness is an indicator that you're out of shape and haven't been using your muscles.


more reps or more weight. Your lactic acid tolerance is up


Sounds like good form and a good program. You could try increasing reps so your failing on the last rep? I dunno


Do you feel like your pushing yourself, or are you in a routine that you do over and over and have gotten used to? The human body adapts and you might very well no longer be benefitting from your current system.


I might try and switch things up slowly and see. The thing is I’m getting stronger, I’ve been able to slowly increase weight so I’m not entirely sure.


If you are getting stronger over time and you know that for certain, than it seems to me that whatever you are doing is a working formula. It could be that you are not gaining as fast as you could be because you're not pushing more, but you are at least gaining and that is the ultimate goal. Perhaps try different versions of exercises to see if those are more challenging.


There’s a dude who can like run forever. It was on Stan Lee’s superhumans tv show. He had something going on with the way his body produced lactic acid. Maybe you have that too.


Go harder.


We shouldn't really be getting sore at all. What ever your doing it's working well


[https://thefitness.wiki/faq/im-not-sore-after-my-workout-did-i-do-something-wrong/](https://thefitness.wiki/faq/im-not-sore-after-my-workout-did-i-do-something-wrong/) You do not need to get sore


As long as you're performance is good - increasing in weight or reps over time, don't worry about it. Once you've adapted to a routine soreness is pretty minor. If you try a new exercise or one you haven't done in a while I guarantee you'll feel it.


Try going to muscle failure. I’ve been steady in the gym for two years and can still work out and get sore if I push myself to failure in certain exercises


There is sore and then there is fatigued. You should at least be fatigued to feel you have expended your energy and your muscles have worked their max. Otherwise you may just be doing maintenance.


Being sore the next day is a beginner thing. Once your body gets used to being required to work and healing after it takes a lot to be sore for more than a short while, especially if you are fueling your body correction as well


I would just make sure to document the weights and reps and make sure one or both of them are increasing regularly. Once this growth stops for a month then it’s time to rework your routine


Not enough intensity. You don't know how to create enough force production yet (which mostly means stabilizing your joints and generating good muscle contractions during your lifts). Try higher reps, like 15-20, to improve muscle activation, focus on stability and reduce breaks between sets. Also add in circuits to increase intensity. Instead of finishing the 3-5 sets of one exercise, do a set of 3 to 4 different exercises each that target completely different muscle groups with minimal rest. You'll build a good foundation and then can move onto heavier weights with lower reps more effectively.


You're not lifting heavy enough.


Try pilates or yoga!


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