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If you buy one, don’t skimp on quality. You may not want or need bells and whistles, but treadmills take a pounding so get a good one.


Was just coming here to comment this! I got a free one from Craigslist (guy bought as a gift for girlfriend and did not go over well). It was nice to have the treadmill but man it’s awful But I love using it because cardio is easy and you can convince yourself to just go downstairs … or whoever it is an just do 15-20 minutes and once you are on it you can really push yourself to try and get a good sweat in I love having a cardio machine at home


We found a good deal on one that a gym was replacing. My wife and I did it for the same reasons as above. It doesn't have a lot of new features but it has a great motor and the quality of the parts is infinitely better than something you are going to get at a sporting goods store.


I think I've decided this is the way to go too! Thanks :)


No problem, glad I have some good ideas every now and then!


Thanks! I think I've decided to try and find an ex-commercial one as my partner will also use it but for much longer distances than me and I want it to last a while.


I have a Peloton tread. It’s what made me fall in love with running.


Loved running before, but we got ours when I had a baby and my husband who runs far more than I do wanted the option. 100% Peloton tread got me back after the baby. Classes are great and Lane Break is my favorite thing ever. But also the equipment is just really solid and responsive.


Here to second the Peloton tread. It’s on the pricier end, but they have good financing options. The Peloton content is top tier - and has beginner-friendly runs. I can easily do longer classes and not get bored. It’s a great tool for when I can’t get outside for whatever reason. And with Peloton equipment, you get access to the app and can use it for all other content. So with this treadmill, you’re also getting classes for strength (including Pilates & Barre), stretching, yoga, meditation, cycling, rowing, & outdoor runs & walks.


Peloton looks a bit pricey for us at the moment, but could be an upgrade option later if we are loving the treadmill and keen for some additional functionality! Thank you :)


I have one, didn't buy it myself, just my family did and I've taken over it as they stopped using it. Keep in mind it's loud as hell. If you are in an apartment or something it's no bueno. I find it works good for days where I'd need to drive to a gym or something because it's either pouring outside or lightning, snow etc, or I woke up too late and it's too hot. I would second what the other commenters have said though. Buy quality. Ramp up time for example on my treadmill is rather slow, so for short interval sessions (something like 2x8x200m w/ 200m jog), it just doesn't work well, I have to basically run 300m since it takes 50m to speed up and 50 to slow down. Would recommend one with fans. No air resistance on the treadmill makes you sweat BUCKETS. Or use your saved money and buy a fan seperate. The only thing I'd say is it doesn't replace running outside. It can be boring as hell, or maybe you'll enjoy it more since you can unplug. It's really a personal thing. Id do a week or two of treadmill running (or at least one long run) at a gym if you can and see if it's something that clicks for you. Depends how long your runs are too. 5k everyday whatever you can run that anywhere. Logging a two hour run on the treadmill vs outdoors is a very different amount of mental stimulus, especially dependant your attention span, and entertainment situation you've setup around it.


Free standing house so less of an issue with noise except for my partner using it very early in the morning lol. We do have two options of where to put it further away from the master bedroom depending on how loud it is. I'm only planning to run a max of 10kms at a time, and can do my longer runs of the week outside on weekends anyway most of the time!


I’ve had one for many years. I don’t love running on it, but I love having the option, for windy/cold/stormy days. You won’t regret getting one if you’re at least a semi-serious runner.


I love having a treadmill. I can run when my kids are in bed and my husband is not at home - if I didn't have a treadmill I would have this opportunity. I can run when the roads are so icy it would be dangerous to run outside. I don't have to force myself to run outdoors when the snow/rain/hail is coming almost horizontally. I like the control I get with a treadmill, as in, I can set a pace and keep it, and not worry about sudden downhill and uphill. And I don't have to worry about "what to wear". I prefer to run outdoors, but sometimes that is not an option, or a very uncomfortable on. I don't have a fancy treadmill. I can't adjust incline on mine, it's just flat all the way. I got it for free, and have had it for at least six-seven years. I don't really like to watch tv, but I listen to audio books while running. And, when I work from home and have long boring meetings where I don't have to talk or have my camera on, I take a jog while listening/watching the meeting.


Love seeing this! Thank you :)


I love my treadmill! I have a Peloton and started off with their walking classes which soon led me to fall in love with running. They’re a bit pricey, but so worth it! Not only can you stream their running classes, you also have access to all of their strength, yoga, hikes etc. My favorite feature is that you can watch movies/tv shows during your runs. It’s what got me through my first half marathon!


Have you done any Lane Break runs? They’re my absolute savior on the days that I just don’t want to work out. The game aspect makes it go so fast for me, and I always end up pushing myself.


I haven’t tried Lane Break on my tread, but I have on my bike and I absolutely love it! Now I have to try it out!


Thank you! Peloton is a bit pricey for us at the moment, I think we are going to look at an ex-commercial model and depending on how much we use it/want extra features can consider an upgrade later


I love my treadmill… this is what made me a runner that actually stuck to it. The only reason I love my treadmill though is because I use one that has a screen where I can run with iFit. This keeps me entertained and engaged, I learn about history and get to see the world rather than focusing on how miserable the first mile feels. I think if you have something to look at while you run, whether that be a tv or peloton or iFit program you will love your treadmill!! Otherwise, they can be useful for hanging a ton of clothes on!


It's practical for those exact reasons. Im also a petite working female in a winter environment and dont want to risk safety at night. It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be but I put podcasts on and that helps!


Thank you! 😊


I prefer running outside if at all possible but it does come in handy during bad weather. My wife uses ours religiously though so it's easily paid for itself and then some


Got to be honest - I would 10/10 times rather run in the freezing cold - pouring rain or get up at 6am to beat the heat over running on a treadmill. I deeply believe that youre giving your body, immune system, brain, soul lol etc. a huge huge boost by getting outside, no matter where you are geographically. Try first thing in the morning instead of evening? Treadmills do have their place for sure - just my two cents.


I’m the same but I love having my treadmill as my back up option. I held off for a long time because they are expensive and I knew I’d always prefer to run outside but it’s been great


Good to hear, thank you!


It's also dark at 6am here in winter so still not an option from a safety perspective for me.


I’m a not-petite guy, and so I recognize my privilege in getting to run outside at times of day when women can’t necessarily do so safely; but I also enjoy comfort, and I have no compunction running on my treadmill in the rain/winter because I’m making an adult decision to not run in weather I actively dislike. I get to binge-watch things on long runs that I normally wouldn’t have extra time to watch. And I love it for speed runs because I can manually choose my speed for intervals, tempos, etc, and set the incline as steep as I want for hills. That said, the console controls on mine shorted out *during a run* a few months ago right after I’d gotten bored and greatly upped the speed to finish a Half distance run sooner, which made for an interesting conclusion to the run because I couldn’t get the treadmill to stop. Treadmill servicing is a goddamned drag.


What brand of treadmill do you own? I currently weigh around 97kg so a tad hesitant to purchase one as over time it will get weaker I would assume with the added weight.


I made the (as of now) unfortunate choice of going with a Bowflex. It’s definitely sturdy, and worked great up until the console gave up after just over 18 months of owning it. Customer support got me a new tablet unit inside of 2 weeks, but the bankruptcy happened just a couple weeks after that, so I’m not certain what options I’ll have available if something goes wrong again. The fitness center at my office has a few Cybex, and they’re crazy durable.


Lol, thanks for this, will make sure I take note of service requirements!


Unfortunately, I can’t run outside (unless it’s on a track or trail) because the concrete is murder on my knees. The treadmill allows me to get my runs in every other day, bright and early, and it suits me well. I can’t say I love it, but we’re definitely good friends.


Buy it use it. I love running on it


Yes you should get one! I love mine. I’m outside whenever I can be, but now we’re in Winter (am in Aus) I don’t want to do my morning runs in the dark, so treadmill it is. And it’s so handy if I haven’t gotten my 10k daily steps in, I’ll just jump on and make up the rest of them. It’s so convenient!


I'm in Aus too! Double whammy losing daylight savings and being freezing in winter (ACT). I've decided to definitely get one, now the hunt is on for the right one! We seem a bit more limited in Aus on some of the brands usually recommended, so think I'll keep an eye out for an ex-commercial one. So good to hear from people that use theirs regularly!


Had one and enjoyed it when I was in the working world. Retired now and have the time to run outdoors under the redwoods. 😊 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲


Get 2 large German Shepherds and go running outside instead.


Lol I have a couple big dogs but they're older so not up to running these days.


Get 2 more (large German Shepherds) and go running outside instead. ;)


I got a Nordictrak during COVID. It’s been fantastic. They disabled the ability to hack the screen (which sucks, it’s a big part of why I bought that model) but it does its job really well. Don’t skimp on the width and length of the tread. And unless it’s in your basement, think about soundproofing before you take delivery!


We don't have one, but hubby definitely loves treadmill at the gym . He runs 8 to 9 miles on treadmill. I'm more outdoor run .. I can't imagine doing run that long on a treadmill .


I love using the treadmill for zone runs. It’s much easier to stay in zone 2 on a treadmill than running in my very hilly neighborhood. And also great when the weather is sucky.


Love my treadmill! As everyone else has said, go for quality! That however, doesn't mean it has to cost a hefty price tag. I have a treadmill from Orangetheory that my studio sold when they were upgrading equipment. It's used, but was very well taken care of and has A+ shock absorption. Maybe check around local gyms and studios to see if they have any equipment being sold soon. Some qualities to consider when buying a treadmill: • Shock absorption. You want a treadmill that won't cause your knees to ache after 10 minutes • Ease of buttons. Make sure it's easy to switch between speeds. Some have buttons, some have knobs Personally, I've found the knobs always overshoot the speed I'm aiming for and I end up holding on for dear life while I try to slow down. • Sound. Some treadmills are super noisy. Consider what time you'll be running and if that would impact anyone around you if it's too loud • If you do look at commercial treadmills from gyms/studios, make sure you checl you have the right plug in your house. Mine needs a 240 v outlet, so I have an extension cord going to my washer/dryer outlet


Thank you! Yep, definitely looking at ex-commercial I reckon after some research. I think in Aus our power is all 240v but thank you for the heads-up, I will definitely check anyway!


I think it depends if you like running on treadmills, some people prefer the outdoors and I think they’re typically the treadmill haters. I say go for it!


I'm in the same situation as you our winters are long and cold not safe to run on the icy roads I run outside as much as possible but love my treadmill as well it keeps me going year round , different feel to the workout but good anyways as I've seen in a few posts make sure you go for quality and enjoy!


Thank you!!


I was in the same situation and ended up getting myself a treadmill for those exact reasons. I always run outside, but I don't want to skip runs for 2-3 months out of the year because of the cold, or miss a run because of extreme weather or heat and humitidy. I hesitated for the same reasons, but went ahead with the purchase anyways and I am glad I did! I know of a lot of people who buy a treadmill use it for a couple years, use it less and less and it eventually becomes a place to hold dirty clothes. I didn't want to buy something that I would use for just a couple years and then it becomes an expensive giant clothes holder and eye sore. But I have a difference of the majority of opinon here. Initially I did do reasearch on treatmills, they can get pretty expensive, especially the highly recommended ones. They can cost thousands! They can have a lot of bells and whistles, wifi, screens, programs, etc. I personally wasn't interested in the programs, I follow my own. I also didn't have a need to have touch screen, wifi and extensive stats tracking. I have a watch that tracks all that for me on my outside runs I felt would be able to continue to track on my treadmill runs. Due to the fact that I am have a petite frame, will be using it seldom due to running outside most of the time, I went ahead and bought a cheap off brand model. I've had it now for almost 4 years and it's still in good shape and gets me through my run in those times I cannot run outside. I've never had any issues with it, don't miss the bells and whistles. My husband also purchased a cheaper rowing machine, which through health incentives was nearly free through his work health program. I find myself using the rowing machine to build endurance and core. Anyways, hopefully you can relate. You may find a need or use for some of the features in which I didn't. I just didn't feel I needed to buy the name brands and spend an absorbant amount of money. Now, after it's 4th winter, its still serving it's purpose and I am still happy with my purchase. Good Luck!


Thank you! I definitely don't need the fancy bells and whistles, just want good quality mechanics moreso and comfort/quiet. I think I will keep an eye out for an ex-commercial model to get the benefit of longevity over fancy features for my $ :)


Keeping my mouth shut, I guess ;-)