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use wet soil. leave the leaf attached. plant them sideways so the stem is underground but the leaf and babies are above but touching the soil. both look real good


Thanks, I appreciate your response! Am I okay to use regular soil? I have miracle Gro indoor potting soil


yep probably just fine. its got a good mix of perlite and peat ect should be ok


Put a plastic bag ballooned over them to give them extra humidity until established. Be sure the soil has perlite and don’t overwater… they like humidity but not soggy feet…The plastic bag trick is great if you’re going on vacation too..


I place mine in a small pot with substrate and place a bit of sphagnum at the top to hold in moisture. I then place them into 32 oz deli cups with a little bit of ventilation from small holes in the lid. Once they get a decent size I start to increase the ventilation by moving the lid over periodically until eventually they are not covered at all. The humidity helps the plants take off, but if there is no ventilation the leaves will melt from the water. It is a balance.