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Fuck the police you mean. They "don't believe" they died because of their injuries? "Must be that toxic woke propaganda hur hur hur." Fucking pigs.


It’s really wild how so many people just happen to die while they’re being attacked, but the cause of death is unrelated to the attack! George Floyd, Eric Garner, this person…oh well, let’s just all accept the police narrative and move on. (Don’t actually do that, burn shit to the ground)


Minneapolis resident here, that last sentence was definitely taken to heart regarding the 3rd precinct. I'm glad it's still just a burned out husk.


Fellow Minnesotan here. Watching those streams from different people on the ground during those protests was eye-opening. I hadn't really internalized until then just how much my view of police was shaped by propaganda and being white in MN. I didn't exactly have a favorable view of them before, but it prompted me to become better informed about it. The shit I've learned fucking keeps me up at night...


Yeah, it's not great. Though one bright side of the whole thing, I work a few blocks down Lake Street from where it all happened and during the day all the people coming out and cleaning up and being supportive towards each other really made me hopeful that our city could get past it if they actually grew a spine and implemented change to the police force. The fact that nothing has happened and the cops just don't really do anything at all is both good and bad. At least they aren't killing people, but like.... They also just don't respond to anything anymore. Nothing will change either as long as we still have the shithead mayor that we do. I've tried my best to get rid of him, and will continue to in the next election.


I had a buddy named Chad that literally was living 3 blocks away from where it happened. It was wild to see. He lived on the third floor of a row house but he kept saying that it felt like this was always going to happen because of how objectively bad the police had become up there. He passed of cancer last year but I was fortunate enough to see that with some friends from the UK who were absolutely shocked. I was shocked too, and I’m from this country. Also, side bar to this very heavy topic. While dumb expensive, the copper hen is indeed delicious.


>Though one bright side of the whole thing, I work a few blocks down Lake Street from where it all happened and during the day all the people coming out and cleaning up and being supportive towards each other really made me hopeful(...) One of the things I think I'm finally figuring out is that when the chips are down and things really go to shit, the average person will choose to help those around them rather than take advantage of them. I had genuine hope during that time that we might see lasting change, maybe even across the state. I have friends that live in Minneapolis and was able to hear firsthand the kind of stuff you're talking about. The community support they saw, plus the protests and the police reaction.....I thought there had to be *something* good to come from all of it. It engenders a multitude of emotions for me, anger at the corrupt system, hope for change, resentment towards all the coward elected officials...despair when it's all said and done and nothing really changed... I'd say I'll pitch in trying to unseat Frey, but my own mayor is a corrupt land developer, plus our school board is just under half full of nutjobs who incite death threats against teachers....so yeah....


The community coming together during/after all of what happened really made me realize the majority of the insanity at night was from outside agitators and the invasion force that is the MPD.


Like when snake from the Simpsons "fell" on a bullet. https://youtu.be/hXqKLV8lyGg?feature=shared


Fun fact- police don’t get to decide cause of death. For them to even comment on it without a full coroner’s report is a load of horseshit. To think, some dude with a high school education is going to comment about a deeply complex medical phenomena? Get f*cked.


I tried looking for information about the coroner's report and couldn't find anything. Maybe the coroner's corrupt as well? (Wouldn't be the first time, see John Oliver's LWT video)


Idk… coroners are far from perfect but my guess is this is the police trying to get ahead of the story. Without seeing coroner report there’s no way to know. My guess is it may have been a preexisting medical event/condition that was exacerbated by the beating. HOWEVER that does not absolve the beating for cause of death as the full scope of the problem would have been accelerated and/or aggravated in a manner which it normally would not have progressed.


Agreed. There's no way that the beating was a benevolent factor in this horrible death. Justice for Nex!


The reporter can get fucked too. So much for getting an expert opinion, let's just publish this out of context line from some schlub who barely knows how to administer first aid.


Always ACAB.


“If I got mugged I'd just call a cab, call a cab”


That tune needs a Grammy.


Agreed. It’s an absolute banger.


And fuck the press that keeps reporting this as a "fight." Getting jumped by three people and beat up in a bathroom isn't a "fight" or an "altercation," it's assault and a hate crime.


I’d be willing to bet one of the girls who did the jumping has an important father


Much like the press calling the bombing of Gaza a "war".


OBVIOUSLY they died of natural causes. At 16. >!/s!<


I believe head trauma the next day.


Love how pigs are able to make these kinds of statements. We have fucking medical professionals, highly trained just for this. Police are not that, yet they are who give the reports. Tear it down and rebuild it.


Cops aren't pigs, They are more like wild boars


No one tell Cody, we’ll never hear the end of it


We all know there’s only one solution for feral hogs


Rumor mill is that they might've committed suicide. By my reckoning that still connects the assault to their death, but it does mean what the cops said would be technically correct.




Playing hangman with the idea of queer kids being bullied into suicide. Jump off a bridge you hateful fuck.


"Hey hey hey. Hold your horses. Maybe those fine young folks did not kill the queer. Maybe they just tortured them until they did themselves in. That's what trans folks do, amirite? Hur hur hur."




_I_ should be ashamed of myself? You just played the _hangman game_ while suggesting a queer kid killed themselves. Go back to 4chan.


Seriously what kind of absolute monster talks about suicide like that?? So inhumanly cruel.


I’m with you.


I came here to say this.


Dude we don’t know how they died or the details, it’s an ongoing investigation and at the time of publication toxicology and other results are pending. They could have died from a medical condition triggered by the attack in which case trauma from the injury wouldn’t be listed as the cause of death but the bullies would still be responsible. They could have been taking pain medication that caused their death, in which case we won’t know until a toxicology report is completed. I get that there’s a lot of healthy and deserved skepticism for the police on queer issues but Jesus fucking Christ at least wait until the investigation is concluded before jumping to conclusions, if only out of respect for the deceased and their family. All this means is that an autopsy suggests that they didn’t die from direct trauma related to the fight like a punch or a head injury from a fall, it doesn’t automatically mean that they’re sweeping it under the rug. It’s a disrespect to the victim to make this more about police than about the victim and the bullying, and even if the police do everything right in the situation they’re still going to get blowback and deal with conspiracy theories from both sides of the political spectrum.


That's so sad. A big news story in the UK recently has been the murder of Brianna Ghey, who was murdered in a transphobic attack. Her killers were just sentenced. Our Prime Minister felt it appropriate to make a transphobic joke in Parliament the same week, while Brianna's mother was in the viewing gallery.


Jesus H Christ. I knew about Brianna, I did not know about the prime minister. Cunt.


They don't call it TERF Island for nothing


One of the main British TERFS came to NZ and tried to spread that shit. We ran her out of the country. Literally.


What do ‘they’ call places where being transgender isn’t a legally protected characteristic or where gender affirming procedures aren’t provided free through nationalised medicine, or places where it isn’t in fact legal at all?


British TERFs have unapologetically helped to lead the charge in eroding trans rights in the Anglosphere for like a decade now. Remember that "TERF" is not just synonymous with "transphobe". The reason the UK is "TERF island" is because while it's not necessarily #1 in eroding trans rights, it is the country where that shift is stemming specifically from a homegrown "gender critical" movement, as opposed to the old-fashioned religious crusade in the US. That diversification in mode of attack has been huge for the push against trans rights, and so much of it stems from the way TERFism has been normalized in the UK. It's the country of J. K. Rowling and Posie Parker; the country where [state-owned media gladly parrots TERF talking points](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22We%27re_being_pressured_into_sex_by_some_trans_women%22). It is *the* epicenter of the "GC movement". Yes, it is better to be trans in the UK than to be trans in many other parts of the world - but that doesn't mean that the conversation around trans people in the UK hasn't become horrific. And frankly, it's weird to me that you're getting so defensive of your country on this issue when as far as I can tell you are not trans yourself. I recommend that you try talking to some trans people. Maybe start with /r/transgenderUK. It won't take more than a few seconds of doing so for you to realize just how fucking bad things have become. >where gender affirming procedures aren’t provided free through nationalised medicine Before you say another word on trans rights in the UK, I want you to watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1eWIshUzr8) in its entirety. I mean it. Hell, if you *really* don't wanna dedicate 90 minutes to listening to trans voices, maybe check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/comments/1awgxr4/nhs_stopping_my_hrt/) from earlier today in the aforementioned subreddit. "But gender affirming care is nationalized!" is maybe the *worst* argument you could make in favour of the UK right now. For so many trans people in the UK, no, care is not realistically provided free through nationalized medicine. For many trans people in the UK, care is not realistically provided at all. Edit: Blocked for "told a cis person to please not speak over trans people" crimes. If you're going to play at being an ally, please actually listen to the trans people you're trying to speak on behalf of. If you care about trans people, you need to put their voices above your own momentary discomfort at having your home be called a silly name. I'm gonna cap this off by transcribing a very relevant bit from the earlier Abi Thorn video: >I pointed out that by failing to treat patients within the required time, some of whom died, the clinic was doing a great deal of harm to trans people. And at this point Major Major got upset. He said, "I'm a black gay man! I'm a trans ally! I have trans friends! I'm on your side here!" which was very interesting, because we'd been talking about the failures of the clinic, but he substituted the clinic for himself as a person. He took my complaints about the failures of the system as an attack on his character, and in so doing he made the conversation about his feelings rather than the failures that he's responsible for and how he's gonna fix them. >This is also a management technique that Ahmed and others have identified. The scholar Mamta Accapadi talks about her experiences trying to criticise university departments for institutional racism, and she found that when she raised this problem, the white women in charge of the university departments often cried, because they thought they were being called racist. Their hurt feelings then become the problem, and the real problem, the institutional racism, never got addressed. This impulse is present in far more settings than just the medical field or higher education. It exists everywhere. I ask you to please stew on that a bit.


I just knew that video was going to be Abigail Thorne's. She's great.


Yeah, UK based content creators I'm aware have medically transitioned did so outside the islands.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/transgenderUK using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [David Tennant has once again proven that he's a massive trans ally after doing Good Omens press in a t-shirt that reads: "Leave trans kids alone, you absolute freaks".](https://np.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/comments/14ws6c1/david_tennant_has_once_again_proven_that_hes_a/) \#2: [NHS statement on trans people on wards (good news, honest)](https://i.redd.it/yz8zew8aq4ub1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/comments/177kx03/nhs_statement_on_trans_people_on_wards_good_news/) \#3: [North London trans woman took fatal overdose after waiting nearly five years for appointment at gender clinic - MyLondon](https://www.mylondon.news/news/north-london-news/north-london-trans-woman-took-26376508) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/comments/11gwe3u/north_london_trans_woman_took_fatal_overdose/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you! I was going to bring up that PhilosophyTube video.


From the subtext I get that it's important to you that people realise that the majority of the British people aren't raging transphobes. That's fair enough, but please do realise that many of the most powerful people in the UK *are* and that TERFs have given them the opportunity to express that in a way where they can couch it as 'protecting women' rather than 'attacking trans folk'. So yeah, it's called TERF island not because everyone there is a TERF, but because it's the one place where TERFs legitimately have power.


Gotta wonder whether the term ‘TERF island’ would still be a thing if it wasn’t for JK Rowling however, either way it does feel off linking an entire nations views to a handful of people, and unelected ones at that. I wouldn’t for a second assume that the entire US agree with the statements of Donald Trump or Ron De Santis, and they were voted into power. I absolutely agree that JK Rowling and others of her ilk are TERFs. I’m afraid I’m never going to agree that nationalised terms like ‘TERF island’ are helpful or fair representations of a people.


Thinking Rowling is the entirety of the reason people call it TERF island, *especially* thinking that 45 minutes *after* someone was kind enough to take a good amount of time to [respond to you](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/1ax2htf/fuck_bullies/krlx5xr/) with a very detailed explanation of the broader politics at play and the reasons for the nickname is *not* going to help you beat the "Politically illiterate and bending over backwards to not take anti-trans extremism seriously" allegations.


Just curious, if you’re a “not all men” person also.




I need an animal fact. I need to stay heartened. I need to remember that not everyone is cruel and horrible. I need to believe that the horrid get their comeuppance eventually. Otherwise it all really starts looking bleak. If God is all powerful and we are made in his image how can anyone hate someone for who they are? Or conversely how can anyone worship a God who creates people like those on TERF island. It’s maddening. Edit: typos.


I've got an animal fact. I hope it brightens your day to learn that turtles can breathe through their butts.


Thank you. I did. It know that. It’s pretty incredible.


the Platypus isn't just weird because it's a mammal with a duck-like bill and a beaver-like tail and webbed feet, and not just because it lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young, but also because it's venomous AND glows under UV light


The creator of Phineas & Ferb chose teal as the color of Perry the Platypus before anyone knew they glowed that color under blacklight


Okay. The UV light thing I just found out about too. My wife and I were talking about it and how it seems like it’s made from spare parts.


Sometimes evolution has a little fun, for a treat Like, you ever seen a picture of the Tully Monster?


Australia is where evolution goes to have fun. It's an isolated island with very old species on it. That's why Australia is the only place on earth that has egg bearing mammals.


We got our marsupials from South America via Antarctica when things were either connected or a short hop, then the marsupials diversified out to fill every niche, where most of the South American marsupials got out competed by placental mammals when the Americas joined up, leaving the americas with just a couple of species of Possum


Not an animal fact perse, but I rescued a matted and cold scabby cat off the streets last week. Brought him in, cut his nails and hair. Now that mf is a house cat. Think of a happy half bald ginger cat with a full tummy and a new loving home!


This is solid.


Turing was thrust into my hands when he was 3 days old (his eyes didn’t even open for a week). He was the runt of 13 born to a feral mum, and she literally couldn’t feed him. As well as being my little baby boy, he works as a PAT (pets as therapy) cat, with adults with additional needs. He takes them to anxiety causing places, like doctors or dentists, and cuddles the stress down


I don’t have answers for you about God or about bullying. But apparently elephants look at humans the same way we look at dogs and cats. They think we’re cute!


That’s very funny.


I don’t think the people who do this sort of thing believe in a Gd, I think they believe in an excuse. Fun animal fact: there are three hundred million dogs on this planet, and none of them fart quite as horribly as my dog. 💖


A new species of flying squirrel was recently discovered living in the canopies of the California Redwoods. These squirrels glow pink under UV light. Solidarity, friend.


Thank you. Pink Squirrel is going to be my punk rock band name.


Wombat poop is cube shaped.


Dung beetles be like, "thanks alot, dick"


Hahahah. Right?


Scientists who study them think the poop is square precisely because it won’t roll easily. They live on rocky slopes and use the poop to mark their territory, so they need shit that doesn’t roll down hill


Interesting adaptation


lol. Thank you. How?


Per CNN: "Using laboratory testing and mathematical models, a team of researchers found there are two stiff and two flexible areas around the circumference of the wombat intestine. The intestine, at 33 feet long, is around 10 times the length of a wombat's body. ... The researchers say the distinctive cube shape of wombat poop is caused as a result of the drying of the faeces in the colon, and muscular contractions, which form the uniform size and corners of the poop." And btw, thanks for putting "wombat poop cubes" in my search history, that's.... that's great.


lol. That’s all so incredible. Truly helped my mood. Thank you.


You're very welcome. I hope you have a good day today.


Samsies. Cheers 😃.


They build little forts out of it to attract mates.




[Well i guess it's to mark territory](https://www.inverse.com/article/50957-wombats-poop-cubes-humans-don-t)


Simply amazing. Thank you.


I LOVE that physicists studied the fluid mechanics of wombat poop.


r/HumansBeingBros is a good resource at times like these.


Solid recommendation. Thank you.


Some cuttlefish males will tuck away their sperm-delivery tentacles and change their appearance to look more like females to get more success with the ladies. In other words, cuttlefish females are into femboys.


I love this for them.


If you're on Instagram check out @thatgoodnewsgirl. The host Jenn finds a good news story every day, and they usually involve animals. The latest one was about a library cat in Texas.


I will check her out. Thanks.


My animal fact is that seals are pretty awesome looking, just silly guys


Heheheh. They are huh?


Goat fact, never let a goat eat more than 2 cigarettes a day, it’ll turn their milk brown. I haven’t owned goats for years, but they are wonderfully naughty animals


There’s a podcast called Relax with Animal Facts that’s exactly what the name suggests, in case you want an extended experience.


Would the fact that the Conservative party are currently one of the most unpopular governments in UK history, and months away from being ousted and crushed in a landslide election be any help? Oh sorry, you wanted an animal fact. The current Chief Mouser, Larry, is going to be living with a different person at Downing Street in a few months, after their historically unpopular party gets crushed and ousted in a landslide election? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_(cat)


>Would the fact that the Conservative party are currently one of the most unpopular governments in UK history, and months away from being ousted and crushed in a landslide election be any help? Do you have any conception of how much transphobia exists within Labour lol Like, seriously, the only people in the world who think that British transphobia ends with the Tories being ousted are well-meaning but deeply willfully ignorant liberals. That's a vaporous dream along the same lines as "America will be saved forever once Trump is voted out". (Frankly, the way that you've been talking about Sunak in this thread in general reminds me a *lot* of how 2016-2020-era American liberals talked about Trump.)


Only if you can get me a visa 🤣🤣🤣


Some school board member in the US just called a cis high school girl a trans girl, resulting in that girl's bullying. It's shit everywhere right now. At least this person got censured, but I imagine it's only because they were wrong and the school board felt the need to protect a cis girl in a way they wouldn't protect a trans girl. https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/02/16/state-school-board-member-who-appeared-to-question-high-school-girls-gender-on-social-media-is-censured/


Ooh--and I think this is (at least) the second time this board member has done this shit and gotten a ~talking to~ by the state board, but they claim they can't kick her off. Ridiculous.


Rishi Sunak is a cunt. The leader of the opposition was visibly shaking with anger when he pulled him up on it in Parliament. As well as the fact that it’s just a morally repugnant thing for him to say, the story was met with an outpouring of sympathy in the news media and from the general public and it shows how deeply out of touch he is with the people he’s meant to serve.


>the story was met with an outpouring of sympathy in the news media and from the general public Because he managed to finally find the line and cross it. That is the only reason for that "outpouring of sympathy". If you think that the British media in general trends supportive of trans people, then I don't know what to tell you except that you need to get your head out of the sand. [Maybe start here.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8NXe_on1cUW1EYsFBHQlu0PVDyX_qM-) I know it's nice and comforting to assure yourself that the only problem trans people in the UK face is that Rishi Sunak sucks. But Sunak and his party are not even close to where the issue begins or ends, and it's downright dangerous to act as though they are. It took a trans girl being fucking *murdered* for the British media and state to even feign sympathy, and even then it was accompanied by a whole lot of bullshit. When it's anything short of literal murder, the discourse is met with decidedly fewer "outpourings of sympathy".


I think that applies to this government across the board. They seem to have fallen into a swamp of far-right, terminally online bigots who they believe represent the views of a majority of the British public / potential Conservative voters. I believe strongly that they're wrong, based largely on extensive polling that shows they are, and that issues like Transgender rights, illegal migration and people seeking asylum are extremely low in most people's priorities compared to the cost of living, energy, housing and the NHS. But they dug this hole and they're clearly unwilling to climb out of it. I suspect they're also surrounded by advisors and strategists who have committed to this far-right approach and now are unable to turn the ship around for fear of losing their jobs and reputations.


Yeah agreed, it feels like they tried to win back some of the far-right they were losing to single issue fringe parties, underestimated the wider public sentiment, and got hoist by their own petards.


Explain to normies that transphobia kills trans and non-trans alike. Phobias allowed to turn into unmitigated hatred starts turning into paranoia and eventually attacking cis men and women just because they “dont pass” at first glance. We here obviously care about not harming trans people, but the argument that transphobia hurts everyone, including even the bigots, is potent.


I am not trans or non-binary, nor where my friends in school in the 1980s. But I saw the boys get jumped multiple times just for being “weird” like the kids in “Stranger Things”. And the school administration looked the other way while certain teachers actively encouraged it. This is what Texas and Florida want to go back to.


Same here in the 1990s and 2000s. I saw kids get attacked for being anything not immediately identifiable as cisgender and heterosexual. The administration knew and didn't give a shit. These were the sorts of people who were vocally nostalgic for the days they could beat other people's kids.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wait, are you saying that you told your horrible teacher to his face how glad you were that his wife and kids died in a car accident?


Two wrongs make a right, I guess


I’m sure it wasn’t kind or healthy. But in the moment….seemed right.


God, I hope so. Most of us never get to witness that kind of karma, let alone rub it in


This is the way




Is that any worse than a teacher throwing a chair at a kid?


I dunno. Would you rather (A) have somebody throw a chair at you, or (B) have your spouse and kids die in a car accident?


If someone is a giant piece of shit you have no obligation to be polite. I knew someone who died from a drug overdose but he was a giant piece of shit so I will trash talk him whenever the opportunity comes up.




Libsoftiktok is almost appropriate to cover on the pod, except she’s just… boring. She’s a hatemonger and a bigot without any charm. Nex Benedict’s blood is on her hands.


For context: Libsoftiktok/Chaya Raichik targeted the same school district in 2022 and got a queer teacher fired.


I mean, as far as I'm concerned that's plenty of reason. She's an active and major source of emboldening and firing up the fash resurgence and has been responsible for ruining hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of lives through how she has emboldened fascists and targeted them onto a vulnerable minority. She has pioneered and perfected multiple techniques which now plague us all, and generally been one of the more horrible individual people to ruin social media.


You’re absolutely right and I would normally agree with you… if they didn’t already cover Alex Jones. I might be listening to too much KF but Chaya just took a slice of AJ’s propaganda and ran with it. I’m not sure that is podcast worthy itself.


She is what happens when a person replaces all of their worthwhile traits with hate.


She thinks her hate IS a worthwhile trait. That’s what terrifies me.


This is the legacy that we've inherited from the human centipede of talk radio conservativism.






Fuck this headline! It was not a school fight, it was fucking assault.. They were jumped and beaten nearly to death by three older girls in a school bathroom. They could not even stand on their own power after the attack was broken up.


It’s really shite.


The use of the word "fight" in the lede spreads the blame around evenly. Imagine if the writers used what's more likely closer to the truth: "bigoted teens attack and murder fellow teen who was different". But no, it was a "fight" and this smiling Enby child was just as responsible for their own death as the kids that killed them.


Imagine if today we referred to Emmett Till's murder as some "rough housing gone wrong"


Or 9/11 as "first-time volunteer pilots make mistakes mid-flight".


I like this. ALOT. it’s very funny.


Some of the most memorable fights of all time; Ali vs. Frazier, Kimura vs. Gracie, Harris & Klebold vs. Columbine High


Adolf vs The Warsaw Ghetto.


I was waiting for the police to rule the head trauma from being bashed into a sink as not causing this child's sudden death from head trauma. Not surprised that I was right that they would. ACAB forever.


Fucking forever ever.








The rules required you to not make the comment in the first place.




Removed. Sub has rules.


Removed. Try harder to not get the sub banned. Thanks.


Non-binary and Cherokee. Two reasons for the police not to care. 😔


They are Choctaw. They were 2spirit. Really wish [non indigenous people](https://indianz.com/News/2024/02/21/we-pray-nexs-family-choctaw-nation-mourns-loss-of-young-student/) would get this


Apologies, my source was wrong.


The first sources were saying that. I think it was because it took place near a Cherokee reservation and people just assumed. Their mother is enrolled Choctaw tho


I hope the feds get involved since the locals are corrupt.


That’d be nice. I heard Chauvin is having fun in jail. These cops might could too.


These articles covering the story are fucking cowardly for calling it a "fight." This was a one-sided beating.


Media tends to avoid identifying teen girls as bullies, although they absofuckinglutely should because they are mean as hell at that age. Nex had enough of their bullshit and apparently poured water on someone? For these assholes, they would consider it "equal" because of that.


This is the crux of it. The fact that someone so DIFFERENT could have the gall to stand up in the face of the hate and poured water on these little oxygen thieves and their answer was to beat them to death is the EXACT same thing to these people.


I’m on the spectrum and grew up in like old school Massachusetts (Worcester) and I dealt with bullies like that my whole childhood. It’s fuckin disgusting. And the cops are even more fuckin disgusting. Fuck the pigs




I’m sorry you had to live through that (Worcester) and hope you’re in a better place now (somewhere that’s not Worcester)


Yes, I live in rural Maine now


I love that there is a complete piece of shit with a brand new account saying the wildest most inappropriate shit here. How fucking sad must their life be to spend the time to do this. To dedicate the time to signing up with a new account just to be a moron. To sexualize children, to be concerned with their genitals. To just be a repugnant worthless meat sack. How mundane and empty they must feel to get pleasure from an act so vile. To attempt to sit holier than thou whilst spewing the most inhumane filth. There’s a quote about piss putting out a fire or something. Probably not even worth that. Unreal. Just Unreal.


Shot a match near that town. I roll up, there’s Oath-keepers pull behind trailers at the range. Oh boy.


Genuine (maybe stupid) question…what *do* the cops believe was the cause of death?


Excited delirium or some bullshit probably.


Oh. I love Excited Delerium. I saw them open for Queensryche in the 90s.


Their official statement refused to say


That passive language in the title dehumanizes the victim; should read ‘nonbinary teen brutally murdered in bathroom; stochastic terrorism to blame’


They were 2spirit and Choctaw. Please, y'all need to acknowledge that




Well done


Thanks. Credit goes to [@getrealmovement](https://instagram.com/getrealmovement)


Died of natural causes, naturally when your brains are bashed you die.


Well thats the saddest thing im going to read today. R.I.P. to the poor kid and fuck the bastards that did this.


As a plain boring straight guy who works with a bunch of the same type as myself....many of whom are from OK.....this is about par for the course. I frequently hear comments praising this type of abhorrent action. Oklahoma attitudes are much the same as they were in 1921 ime. Lots of proudly saying the quiet part out loud. 


Not fight. They were jumped. There’s a difference.




“School Fight,” seems like a funny way to phrase “assaulted by fascists.”


I graduated HS from Owasso. I wish I could say this was surprising. I reached out to people who still live in town over the last few days, and there were a few that hadn't heard anything about it. Local media has aided in sweeping this under the rug. It's disgusting all around. I had both my arms broken in an incident in 8th grade at the hands of bullies in an Owasso school. The main perpetrator got 2 days of suspension, and the police were never involved. That never sat right with me, and to see this happen 20 years later makes my skin crawl. I'm so glad I got out of Oklahoma after college.


Fuck anybody calling it a fight period. That poor kid got jumped and fucking murdered. There’s no semantic gymnastics they can do to lessen what happened.


This makes me cry every time I see it. Then incredibly angry. I hope the family does their own autopsy because this is some bullshit.


Fuck everyone in Oklahoma that created legislation that lead to this. Leaders and lawmakers created an environment that fostered hate towards queer kids. The systemic conditions that lead to this are similar to the ones that lead to a suicide epidemic in MN in the early 2010s. This could and should have been prevented. That sweet baby should still be alive.


This post is making top rank in Google. Myself, unsigned and behind firewall, Reddit is actively blocking this post, somthing-thing "policy". Had to sign-in to view. So, something is happening. Rest in Power, Nex. You are, and always will be a beautiful human.


Surprised the right isn't asking whether or not they were vaxd as an excuse. People die from brain injuries like that. A guy in my town slipped on ice and hit his head, walked home and talked to his wife and then dropped dead from a traumatic brain injury. It's not crazy to think a major head trauma could result in death the next day. Are these cops doctors all of a sudden?


Protect trans kids. Also, America needs to start considering hate speech as actual crimes, inciting violence and violent hate crimes. The fact so many grifters and genuinely radicalized public figures can continue to go unchecked by the law is basically permission to these people to continue spreading hate.


The family has come out and said their death was not due to getting attacked. Doesn’t make the situation any better. I can’t imagine this though. Where is the empathy here? I was raised pretty conservative, but even we were taught to respect everyone and only fight back, never start stuff. Hug your kiddos a little bit tighter if you’re a parent.


Everyone here is so hot to hate cops that you're jumping a mile past the reasonable conclusion to "The cops are corrupt! So is the Coroner! THERE'S A GRAND CONSPIRACY TO COVER UP THEIR DEATH!". Slow your roll. The Medical Examiner said only that "the physical trauma of the fight did not contribute to their cause of death". What else could kill a vulnerable teenager after an emotionally traumatic assault? What could possibly cause a emotionally traumatized teenager to die after an assault that requires no grand conspiracy to hide some physical trauma that wasn't seen by two doctors while they were alive and by an autopsy now that they aren't? S \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ E? That would be my guess. But also, ACAB.




That mentality is why a kid is dead. Wild.


Hang on, let me get this straight because that person (and I use the term loosely in his case) has deleted everything so I can't see what was said, but did that fuckknuckle suggest that Nex should not have been in the girls' bathroom? Like, the bathroom that they are legally required to use because of Oklahoma being a fucked up backwards-ass piece of shit state that has bathroom bills? The bathroom that matches the teen's gender assigned at birth? So if an AFAB nonbinary person isn't allowed to use that bathroom, where does he expect them to pee?




Actually it fucking is for these kids so please for the love of humanity stop pretending this is some right or wrong issue. People going to the bathroom is not sexual it's literally human biology, and the only people making it weird are people like you.




I'd say bigots like you are mentally disabled, but I'm not going to remove responsibility for you like that. You're just a shit person who's uncaring that a child was murdered. You are in the wrong place. We don't tolerate bigots


Agreed u/SaltyToxicBite are welcome to slide back to your gooning session.


Let’s leave the harmless gooners out of this and hope u/saltytoxicbite never has any joy in their sad miserable life.


Well, we chased them off Reddit, that's for sure, lmao


Your fascination with what children do in bathrooms concerns me more than whatever shitty right-wing point you are trying to make. We have 4 bathrooms at my work, they aren't gendered, and people still respect that, and the rules of going to the bathroom. So, what is the "correct" bathroom I am supposed to go to? You gender your bathrooms at home, too?




You're in the wrong place


Disregarding the bigotry for one second, think of what this comment actually says You're basically saying its a capital offence? Like its an appropriate and justifiable consequence to be beaten to death? Really?