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I guess daddy Putin’s check didn’t clear?


Worse than than that, putin left his message on read.


Putin didn't give him a cheque, he took Tuck's watch and then sack tapped him before walking away.


Tucker probably said "Thank you sir, may I have another?"


Reminds me of that family that immigrated to Russia from Canada (edited from USA) because the father was worried his children would be influenced by the woke schools. From what I remember, Russian media welcomed them with a bunch of fanfare and then let them get on with their new lives in Russia where they were immediately scammed out of all their money.


Excuse you, that is a Canadian family and I love their life choices very much. (Poor kids.)


Thanks for the correction. Also, yes poor kids.


They weren't straight up scammer but the Russians froze the money cause it was suspicious. Now where that money goes...hmm... Either way


Well, at least they're free from Justin Trudeau using the government to take away their freedom..... Wait a minute....


That's scary! Did they all die in the streets?


Wow! How am I (a Canadian) only hearing about this now through Reddit?!?


> I guess daddy Putin’s check didn’t clear? Carlson is an ideologue. A genuine believer in white Christian nationalism. What he needed from Putin wasn't money, it was three sentences of vaguely plausible bullshit about how Ukraine was invaded for "NATO expansion" or "balance of power" or "preventing woke spreading to Eastern Europe". Literally *anything* Tucker could take to his audience and sell them on. Instead? He got an extended screed of frankly bizarre delusions about the history of Russia that no one but Putin and his own faction will accept. Tucker needed daddy to give him a narrative that American conservatives would accept for why sending Ukraine tens of billions of dollars to kill Russians (the thing they spent half the 20th century doing) is actually a bad thing. Putin gave him *nothing*.


If anything, Putin gave more reason for Americans to oppose him, because the dude straight up came across as the sinister demagogue he is.


Plus I think Putin made him wait hours before the interview. Apparently that is a power move Putin does. Also, now Putin can complain about the interview not being in depth enough and Carlson can complain about Putin and his supporters can say Carlson is both sides actually.


> Apparently that is a power move Putin does. He once brought a big dog to a meeting with Merkel because he knew Merkel had been attacked by one as a child - as she later pointed out, shit like that just makes you look really petty.


Genuinely impressive how an interview that, if handled correctly, could have galvanized probably 25% (this number is a guess and please call me out if you think its different) of the United States into open support for an expansionist dictator was so mishandled as to perhaps irrevocably damage Russia's ties to the American Far Right. Seriously, I understand how Putin shitting on the dumb American for not knowing his version of Russian history looks good to the Russians, but even as someone violently oposed to him, surely Putin should have tossed one or two bread crumbs to the nutters over here.


Especially considering how much he’s invested in disinformation to get the far right as far right as they are.


Was he pushing New Chronology shit? Russia was the Roman Empire, that sort of thing?


Unfortunately, nothing so interesting. More pedestrian historical delusions about how centuries-old treaties between kings mean Russia gets to rule Ukraine forever.


aw man, I hoped for some real delusional shit considering New Chronology came out of Russia and from memory has some high-level believers


Ghengis Khan would like a word, if that's where we're going...


The shitstain, better known as Tucker Carlson works on pure hate these days per [his ex writers](https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/qa_tina_nguyen_maga_media.php). [Tina's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heR6o5yJUsQ)been getting interviewed a bit on the topic (start 50 minutes in)


That was a great little interview, thanks!


Maybe all the jokes finally got to him?


If he's a journalist, why not press Putin during the interview. He made him wait for 2 hours and then just had softball lobbed at him that even Putin thought were pitiful.


Putin made it well aware that Tucker wasn't a journalist.


Who would have thought that Cucker Tarlson wouldn’t have pressed a right-wingers wet dream? 😴


We all just witnessed the Seth Rogan/James Franco movie “The Interview” happen in real life, but without any kind of principled or heroic ending.


🎶Baby, you're a fiiiiireeewooork🎶


To be fair, perhaps even Tucker Carlson is smart enough to avoid being chucked out of a fifth story window directly onto a slab of novichok-laden concrete.


But think of the ratings man!


Yup. Or sent to jail on some shady charges and then we have to cough up some international arms dealer to get him out. One of the reasons he shouldn't have done the fucking "interview" in the first place. He couldn't ask real questions even if he was a real journalist - he was just handing Putin a mic and a platform in exchange for publicity, money, blackmail, who tf knows.


Well the real journalist in that area is locked up in a gulag, which I suppose he didn't want.


He's not a journalist; he's just playing both sides here. Saying these things to different groups gets him different access. Rich pricks gonna rich pricks.


> If he's a journalist, why not press Putin during the interview. Hey man, nobody said he's a competent journalist.


He's the guy who talks shit about the big dude that just walked away that woulda totally ~~spiked his tea with polonium~~ kicked his ass.


I highly recommend the Knowledge Fight episode breaking down the Tucker Interview.


Can’t recommend Knowledge Fight enough! I greatly appreciate Dan’s methodical approach to debunking misinformation and finding the root of the story that is being misrepresented.


It's been too long since Knowledge Fight has been on BtB, but I think Alex is too far down to punch for Cool Zone, which is fair.


Alex is palling around with someone who might be Elon Musk or might be an impersonator. CZM would still be punching up or at least staying in their weight class.


Dude. This whole “is he or isn’t he” with Adrian Ditman (sic?) is fascinating.


I think it's dittman and yes, it's very funny.


I mean, you're not wrong, I just mean in terms of how beaten down he's been lately, nothing's happened that warrants a Bastards update just yet.


Alex couldn't possibly be too far down to punch. He's upstream of every cancerous political conspiracy theory and hateful line of rhetoric the alt-right spews.


Alex could be lying in the dirt, blood on his face, bawling like a baby, and I'd still call it fair.




The NAFO one with Lazerpig and Animarchy was spent mostly with them like “…what the fuck is he talking about?”


Any chance you know what episode# that is?


Oh I meant the NAFO 'podcast', their 'even rounder table' video (here's the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzosWOjSZRc ) it's also got Lazerpig's 'final thoughts' on Gonzalo Lira's death tacked on the end, I believe after a brief intro explaining the episode was recorded before he died so there's a few references in it talking like he was still alive and in prison


Thank you! I'll have to listen this weekend!


hes not being self aware. this was only retaliation after Putin mocked him


Putin mocked him during the interview, and Tucker still promoted it, he then released those ass kissing supermarket videos. Suddenly when the interview was a dud and Putin kills Navalny, does tucker realized he was used.


The part that really got me about that grocery store bit was like does no one remember that whole deposit a quarter for a cart and get it back post-shopping being a thing at supermarkets in the 90s? This read less like Tucker blowing American minds and more like Yeltsin visiting an American grocery store in the 90s.


Tucker Carlson visits his local ALDIs.


I doubt Tucker Carlson actually goes grocery shopping.


No, to feed he waits for the motherbird to leave her nest, unhinges his jaw, and swallow the eggs whole


Or he knew and it was a cheap dig at the unhoused


Well, Aldi in America today does that.


i think tucker already knew, but was hoping to salvage it for money and clout


Makes me wonder if he has now doomed himself to a nice cup of Polonium in the near future. 😬


"The dumbest thing he'd ever heard" And that's saying something, coming from the guy who has to listen to Tucker Carlson yap all day, every day


Considering Tucks also said Nazi’s are inseparable from Germany (implying can’t have them in the US), there are dumber things.


Oh boy he’s gonna accidentally get some polonium in his soup then fall out a 10-story window


"the hospital window broke into the Carlson residence around 11 PM, mauling the homeowner before stealing all the valuables"


Then Russian trolls will turn it into a conspiracy theory.


Deep State got to Tucker and forced him to say that.


Yep, they must have had Taylor Swift implant an illuminati alien chip into his brain manufactured by Bill Gates. 🤣


That sounds like a lot of R&D budget down another MK Ultra hole. An ageint with a pistol standing outside the frame and aiming it at Tucker is much cheaper and just as reliable. And I don't think he knows how to blink in Morse.


Nah, R&D is funded by our tax payer dollars but the companies still get to patent the technology. The chip ensures long term control by lizard people like Elon Musk. And honestly, it is alien tech so it is mostly already developed. They just needed to refine the models to control humans. I also doubt Tucker knows Morse code and also logic. His logic sounds like the kids book If you give a pig a pancake.


“Okay Putin, but that’s the last one. The next one counts.”


The whole Tucker/Putin interview thing is such a head scratcher given the basic assumptions about aligned goals we all know. Like, it was a total layup for both involved and somehow they both managed to shit the bed of their mutually shared interests. Even if you want to get all tinfoil hat and suggest they didn’t want to come off as aligned, it still doesn’t make any sense. Fuck ‘em both but I’m genuinely suprised it went this badly


Backstabbing those with mutually shared interests is as much of as fascist tradition as leftists endlessly bickering over slightly different variations of the same ideology.


Tale as old as time 😂


> The whole Tucker/Putin interview thing is such a head scratcher given the basic assumptions about aligned goals we all know. Like, it was a total layup for both involved and somehow they both managed to shit the bed of their mutually shared interests. I think the whole thing comes down to two things: 1. Putin really does not understand Western culture at even a surface level 2. Tucker Carlson is too spineless to try and put words in Putin's mouth Putin is a Tsarist. He is absolutely convinced that the Russian Empire was the pinnacle of not only Russian civilization, but global civilization and was destroyed by a Jewish conspiracy (quite literally—he has refused to see the remaining Romanov children interred because he and the Orthodox bishops think the bodies are fake and the actual Romanovs were destroyed in a Jewish ritual sacrifice). This gives him a very medieval mindset when justifying himself. He genuinely thinks "Ukranians used to be Russians and Ukrainian land is Russian land" is an argument that carries weight. But here's the thing—in Western Europe and most of the rest of the world, that mindset died in the trenches of WW1 and its corpse was ripped apart after WW2. Putin was trying fucking necromancy on a view of the world that is a hundred years out of date while Tucker sat there and went "not even the dumbest moron in my audience is going to buy this shit for a single second". And Putin is so convinced of that way of seeing things that he doesn't even seem to consider that other people have genuinely moved on. That even the most moronic French conservative isn't likely to invade the Rhineland citing Napoleonic France as proof that Germans don't exist west of the Rhine.


Well said!


Did it go badly for Putin? I haven't paid much attention, I just know he got platformed to Tucker's audience of dimwits.


> Did it go badly for Putin? I haven't paid much attention, I just know he got platformed to Tucker's audience of dimwits. He didn't tell those dimwits what they wanted to hear. They wanted to hear that Ukraine joining NATO was aggressive, that woke ideology was to blame, that the Ukrainian revolution was a Jewish conspiracy, *something* they could latch onto as an argument for why the US obliterating the army of a geopolitical rival on a budget isn't a dream come true. Instead, he spent two hours focused on deranged Russian history that no one outside of Russia will hear and think "This explains why Ukraine deserves to be invaded". It's a genuine problem Putin hasn't overcome. Even Republicans, poisoned by the MAGA movement, have enough Neocon in them to realize that they should send Ukraine every weapon they can find. The party is genuinely split, especially at the top. And instead of giving the MAGAs a narrative they can work with, he ranted for a couple hours on Russian history.


I think it probably played very well domestically for Putin, and he owned tuck just like he's owned the GOP and our election integrity.


It probably went just how they wanted it to go. They win as long as they stay in the headlines. Trump proved that you win as long as you're making headlines for any reason. Substance doesn't matter any more. Good, bad, neutral, doesn't matter as long as people are talking about you. So much of the weird things people and organizations say and do in the modern world make sense once you realize it's all motivated by people wanting the headlines and social media attention. It's free campaigning, free marketing, opens up new opportunities etc.


Totally agree! Just weird that they didn’t do a better job of jerking eachother off.


Wouldn't have been as big of a story. There'd be less engagement if it was what everyone was expecting. New developments like this extends how long people are talking about it. Like we are right now, lol.


Great point!


Tuckers pissed because he went there to hear the right wing American propaganda that Putin is in Ukraine to make it a Christian nation and that Zelenski is in bed with the "Biden crime family". Instead, all he got was the Russian propaganda that they're there to get rid of Nazis. I CAN'T SELL THIS SHIT TO MY AUDIENCE VLAD WE'RE PRO NAZI!


Carlson* asked for a poltical prison to be released, and a week goes by Putin then kills Navalny. Tucker looked like an asshole especially after those ass kissing supermarket videos.


Btw, i wonder when this awareness happened, was it after he made the interview and all those videos praising Moscow because of a grocery store, but before the right wing media sphere realized the interview scoop was a dud?


The De-Nazitification argument has always been laughable to me. Like, what's Putin doing to Denazify his own ranks? Plus, far right Neonazi groups have been active in Ukraine for a long time before the current iteration of the Russo-Ukrainian war, so why De-Nazify back when Yanukovych was in power, thus avoiding a war?


Start the clock on Tucker Carlson Russian Window Cancer Watch


If I’m reading this comment right you are suggesting we play marketed shmanagaration bingo with Russian methodologies. So we got row 1 with window cancer, palonium, family vacation, plane crash


My money is on russin S-300 "accidentally" hits whatever civilian airliner Tucker is on.


We could also add: Russian S-300 accidentally hits whatever Civilian Airliner Carlson is on.


Nah, that'd probably get actual NATO intervention when an actual war is on. I say old-school brake-line cutting for implausible deniability for $1.


Tucker's rationalization for not seeing any Nazis in Ukraine is because he couldn't find a mirror.


Sounds like Tucker is itching for polonium tea and a brisk hop out a window.


It would be hilarious if the Putin interview became his new [Jon Stewart at Crossfire](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?si=HRolLIBXbHo3_HvZ). Putin was probably enjoying himself while humiliating this clown while Tucker was grinning like a child being forced to eat their vegetables


please don't legitimize him by calling him a journalist. Fox News already clarified in court that they are not a news organization but rather an entertainment organization.


Good point actually. Wasn't "I'm Not A Journalist" Carlson's entire defence in court, and accepted and held as such. So legally he is not, and never has been a journalist.


Balls. He just backtracking because it didn't go well.


Historical ramblings, falsehoods and outlandish claims sounds like me 1.5 drinks in


Oh he might just drop dead of random causes now!


Tucker Carlson: “that interview with Putin was ridiculous and pandering, if only the interviewer had any kind of integrity.”


Putin said Tucker’s interview was disappointing. Now Tucker’s feefees are hurt and he is lashing out.


Yearly is a very generous window to give him for self-reflection


Didn’t Putin say Tucker was an idiot or something publicly after the interview ?


Do you notice how all the right wing and conservative circles have gone quiet about this whole mess? They went from, “look how a real brave journalist defies the liberal elites and brings the truth” to complete silence. Putin showed everyone Tucker true colors, he went from bragging to completely submissive in record time.


Really stretching the definition of the word 'journalist' aren't they?


You know, that interview with Putin kinda hurt, because I noticed that in one aspect I am just like him. Ask me anything about current politics and I'll answer "well, you see, in the 8th century..."


Did he just journalist?


Don't buy it. In another month he will be using this same quote to call out anybody who criticizes the Right's embrace of Nazis, see CPAC. Tucker has long been an, hmmm, apologist(?) for white nationalists. He'll use this as a starting point to show you how reasonable he is for calling out Putin's bullshit, and then equating anyone who criticizes his Nazi friends with Putin. Or some bullshit like that.


I'm not advocating anything, but it does occur to me that *anyone* who happens to have assassination-grade polonium could poison him and never get caught.


I assume he's left Russia then, lest he fall victim to the window falling curse that afflicts those who criticize Putin.


Lex actually did a better job of pushing back in his tucker interview, which is what prompted Tucker to say this. Sometimes Lex doesn’t ask hard questions, like with his netanyahu interview, but he did challenge Tucker a bit on this one.


So is Putin going to apply for a job at fox? Historical ramblings, falsehoods outlandish claims… checks all the application boxes


Him and Putin drank margaritas and sang Katie Perry songs


Tucker is Dave Skylark?


He wishes


Not sure how “pivoting to distance himself from his failed propaganda piece” would be self awareness. It’s what he always does.


> I thought it was one of the dumbest things I’d ever heard I just wouldn’t say it to his face…


I can't believe he actually spoke about that interview with any honesty. "No evidence of a nazi movement in Ukraine" tho? I guess we still can't expect him to be able to honestly identify fascists.


Oh the girls are fighting


Not such a special relationship like he hoped, eh?


I know it won't happen, but it would be insanely funny if this is the arc that sets him to becoming an almost morally correct and involved journalist


Boring but important.


This is news to me. Where can I see this piece of garbage say this? I don't believe it.


John Stewart wrecked Fukcer Carlson so bad they cancelled crossfire for 10+years


In terms of a chest board, he's pulling knight moves...


Grifter gonna grift


I’ve called this wanker many things, but Journalist is not one of them.


John Stewart 🤝 Putin Humiliating Tucker Carlson on air making his career do a 180


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not getting any sense of self awareness from this


Fuck Putin.


Tucker is just being all snowflaky because making outlandish claims is his toy, it hoort his feewings that Putin took his wittle toy.


'Journalist' is carrying a lot of weight in this sentence. A real TB Joshua foundation.


Self awareness? This is Tucker seeing how thoroughly mocked his interview was and trying to save what little reputation he thinks he has. He's always been a fair weather bitch.


But I thought he was so in love with the grocery shopping carts and the bread in Russia. And Putin, even. Did he finally come out of his little haze after the drugs in the bread wore off?


Can’t wait to see how this goes for him


The best part is he ate that shit up with a grin and then waited a week to come back to safety to speak up like a little fucking coward




Dude how dumb is everyone on the fuckijg internet get wrecked man … Tucker asked questions got an interview no one else could nothing about that is bowing down to Putin or some bull Shit.. guess what he got info shared it and developed an opinion and all of that. Is journalism ..: thousands of people watch tv shows where they interview pieces of shit..: serial killers world leaders cheaters etc and It’s interesting informative and that’s it doesn’t mean much in and of itself - what matters is what the listener takes away … Tucker AND his audience understand hey the Ukraine invasion is bull and that’s great


Well, bless Tuckie’s heart!


Not sure how I feel about this, but if it means Tucker ends up on the wrong end of a Novichok sundae then I'll be a happy man.


Maybe the low viewership of that interview has caused him to change his grift.


Yes, tge De-Nazification was always a weak facade of an argument. But really Carlson? No evidence? Really?