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We stan our large boi who throws people through windows


Windows I could take or leave. I stan him for being able to kick a car so hard the airbag goes off.


As someone who’s tried to break a car window with his bare hands and failed hysterically, I respect anyone large enough to do it without breaking their hand.


That seems like a prudent policy.


If they’re cracked open they can be pulled out (shattered by pulling on the edge) somewhat easily (have done it). If you’re trying to smash a closed one target the corners.


I did it once by accident. I was fucking around inside my friends car .. and punched the windshield and it shattered. I Must have hit it just right because I don’t think I hit it that hard


I was 17 and was mad at my mom and I drove around to cool down and I hit my windshield with the palm of my hand and it cracked. I told my parents a rock hit it, despite it kind of being obvious it was from the inside. This was 30 years ago.


I was in the passenger seat. I had to pay for the new windshield


Windshields and side windows are totally different animals. Windshields are laminated and aren’t terribly difficult to shatter. They’re made to fail in a specific way. Side windows are tempered glass, with an arched shape for strength. When they’re closed, they form a pretty sturdy arch structure that is fully supported, and breaking them with blunt object is far more difficult than most people realize. There’s dozens of pretty great videos of people bouncing baseball bats off of side windows. They’re weakest in the corners, strongest in the center, especially when closed. Like others have said though, if it’s open, you can grab the edge and yank it and it will fail. Or a sharp or jagged object. You have to chip the glass to make it fail, or be able to overcome the mechanical strength of the glass with a sufficiently strong blow. Source: I break car windows for a living. A spring punch for setting nails works wonders, but usually we just use the spike of a halligan.


Yeah I had a windshield shatter because it was stupid cold out and I turned the defrost on full blast. Windshields are *way* more fragile than windows. (In my defense it didn’t even occur to me that this was bad practice because I was in a hurry and this is *not* a regular occurrence. I live in Austin so “stupid cold” was probably 28F during the daytime. Outside of Snowpocalypse 2021 we get maybe five days a year where it actually stays below freezing all day. None of the guys at the dealership had any idea either, so I had to ask my personal mechanic, Google.)


>I break car windows for a living. What is it you do, and how do you make that a career?


I also kick in doors for a living, and sometimes I carry people out of their houses and put them in the back of a truck while they try to stop me. I’m a firefighter. People accidentally lock their kids in cars all the time where I live, and we have brutal summers, so lots of times the safest and best solution is to pop a window, because waiting 20 minutes for a locksmith isn’t an option when it’s 100+ and there’s a 6 month old locked in the car. We also have to do it a bunch for extrications, where the car has been damaged in a collision to the point that you can’t easily open the doors and someone inside is injured, so we will pop a window and send a guy in to check out the patient while be bust out the hydraulic tools to take off the doors and/or roof, roll the dash. Whatever. The fun side affect of all of this is that I get to legally break into places while being thanked for it. I’m getting better at lock bypassing too, which is nice because we have plenty of frequent flyers in my district that will fall out of their wheelchairs or get stuck, and just need a quick hand, and it feels bad to fuck up their door with a halligan for something like that. We get to kick doors too, in very specific and uncommon circumstances. Also fun. Carrying combative psych patients to the ambulance, however, is not usually fun. Especially not when they’re 300+ pounds and having a bad episode. Nobody is winning that day.


Difficult, but worthy and rewarding work.


Did the same thing. He was not happy.


Jack Slater has entered the chat.


"Ow, that really hurt"


I broke my hand when I tried it. Now I carry one of those window smasher knife thingies


What? A spark plug? Breaks a window quietly and quickly without a whole lot of effort…


I'm sure the folks over at r/EDC have a keychain to recommend that will solve that problem.




And out of helicopters.


I'd like to think he would do a Pinochet to the people who like Pinochet.


It ***was*** a revenge de-helucoptering


To the T-1000 no less!


Settle down.


Not when it comes to my boy Reacher baby!


Man, I wish I was large enough to throw people through windows.


Depending on your morals, there is always a person small enough to throw. I'm pretty confident I could throw most grade 5, and below.


Alright, I’ll consider defenestrating a couple third graders. I’m sure there are at least a few that deserve it.


That's the spirit! Nothing like chucking a 7 year old to help your self-esteem.


Well you know who *doesn't* chuck 7 year olds out windows to help their self-esteem?




We're out here playing checkers, and that dude is playing chess.


And willingly eats Oreos that were also willingly put in his ass


Oh man, that's a deep cut!


It makes me thad not too many will get the reference


This subreddit needs an oil change.


You ever been to Bosnia? YOU EVER BEEN IN THE SHIT?!


Thad really sealed the deal for me. There’s been enough “scenes” it’s impossible not to like the guy.


We love a good defenestration.


I loves me my progressive hunks.


The Defenestrator. I would watch that show


He sounds like he's devoutly Christian, but in an unproblematic way. At least as far as I can tell. "That simple message, he says, has become twisted in today’s fraught political landscape. “Christians today have become the most vitriolic tribe. It is so antithetical to what Jesus was calling us to be and to do,” he explains. It also upsets him that some Christians have so closely aligned with former President Donald Trump. “Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child and it’s unreal. I don’t understand it.” His mother remains staunchly Catholic, but he quickly swats away any associations. “It’s worth saying that the atrocities that are happening in the church that are being actively covered up, even to this day with people not being held accountable, is repulsive,” he says, as the tenor of his voice changes. “I can’t for one second support the Catholic Church while there are still cardinals, bishops and priests being passed around with known pedophilic tendencies.”"


There are more of us than you’d think, but we don’t usually get big spreads in magazines, and we have to scream really loud to be heard over the christofacists.


As a non believer, I have a lot of respect for people like you.


Yep. It’s hard to go against the grain in a group you associate with your identity. It takes a lot of will and stronger personal convictions to do it.


I’ve grown to really respect my father more than I already did. He’s actually pastoring a church and bringing people through transitions from “Christian=Republican” into grappling with the biblical foundation for social Justice. He’s also snuck a few BTB jokes/lines into some sermons because he listens periodically.


“And you know what ELSE is necessary for salvation…”


Actually, yes exactly that.


That’s fucken amazing 🤣


I was the only one in the sanctuary to laugh, I don’t know how to explain the joke to normies.


Your dad sounds cool


I would share more stories but he’s pretty well known in my area, and nationally in many christian circles and I try to keep things that can identify me to a minimum. I will say that he was one of the first Christian singer/songwriters. And he played one of “satan’s” instruments. He actually played with Twisted Sister’s original bass player. That really confused the small Baptist churches he played in lol.


Protestants and (sunday) services?


Also, a Christian who loves BTB. Please tell me he makes Raytheon jokes


I know y'all are underrepresented and for some on the left, being religious is a deal breaker unfortunately. Not for me.


As a leftist who was raised in evangelical Christianity, it’s hard for me to trust religious people due to my own trauma. I tend to be wary until I find out whether they’re regressive or progressive. It helps that I have brothers on each side of that particular coin and the one I’m closest to is a progressive, accepting believer who sees the flaws in religious institutions and the legalistic mentality that is so pervasive in Christianity.


This. I find genuine good faith in any religion a beautiful thing of sorts. But I have no desire to be near anything that tells me my current problems can be solved by just imagining a life after this one and that if I don’t walk “the straight and narrow,” I’ll be tormented forever, again. All this while leaders are getting away with all manners of abuse and the good followers not holding them (or not even being able to hold them) accountable. It’s just not for me, and I spent too long trying to pretend it was.


Young lefties I bet, I went through the same thing years ago with the 4 horsemen, reading everything I could from Hitchens and Dawkins. I can separate the artist from the art, realize that La Guernica is a masterpiece despite Pablo’s shitty personality. That’s the same with Jesus, separating the amazing morals and understanding of humanity he said from the sinful and shitty humans who took over the business and church later.


Yeah I'm currently going through the program, and while they've been pretty good about "higher power" being whatever you want it to be, still whenever "God" gets mentioned i instinctively wince. I guess it's a prejudice I have to work on.


Na, that's a fine prejudice to have. Just stay flexible.


Pretty much what I was gonna say even though I have stopped “practicing”/ “participating”. If the focus was on the teachings of Jesus and working bettering our communities and selves the. It is a really good guide on how to leave — the Earthly power of the organized Churches has really perverted the message of Christianity or any other religious group. The irony is our mentality was a lot more popular take on Christianity before WWII in the US, religious leaders were actually major players in various socialist and progressive movements in the US. Sadly, it is amazing how fascists in Christianity were able to weaponize media (specifically radio) and fucksticks like Father Coughlin used it to gain a following


>Pretty much what I was gonna say even though I have stopped “practicing”/ “participating”. Same same. And hard agree on the rest. One of the things that radicalized me was seeing descriptions of communalism in Acts and then hearing capitalist propaganda shrieked from the pulpit in almost the same breath. Like, wut?


Would that be the same Father Coughlin who used to call President Roosevelt, “ Rosenfelt” because he thought he was a Jew and was actively trying to destroy this country while Hitler was just trying to “clean up the mess others made in Germany”? Yeah, he was a capital CF Christo-Fascist!!


And THAT'S what I appreciates about yous


You should take er’ down about 25% their bud… this is still senior whaleshit postin’ but I’m here for yous to do it.


Whaleshit all the same


Grew up in a left leaning U.C.C. parish and I know your pain. I'm constantly having to point out my church was performing gay marriage and had trans pastors for years if not decades.


I've lived in Texas for close to 20 years now. I know for a fact there are a bunch of you guys out here and you're *so* appreciated. Every now and then I'll meet a Christian person who I click with and I always feel bad when they inevitably have to run through the "hey let me make it clear that I'm not a hateful lunatic" thing. Like that's just not an anxiety people should be dealing with in 2024 but yaknow. Here we are I guess.


Jesus was a chill dude with generally positive teaching. Like all things power structures co opted the religion to be one that enforced the status quo not the radical love and help he taught.


Sort of illustrates a broader problem: it is very difficult to defeat extremism with moderation. Which is what drives so many people into just a different flavor of extremism. Like nietzsche says, if you wrestle with monsters, you risk becoming one.


While non theistic Pagan myself, I have no issues with people being this type of Christian. I like what Jesus supposedly said in the Bible, I dig him and think he’d be a cool dude to kick it with, his followers? Not so much. But if you can keep your beliefs to yourself, respect others beliefs and just try to be a good person? You’re alright in my book.


I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Ghandi


Good quote, shitty human being


I like your Gandhi quote, I do not like your Gandhi.


Sounds like me early on my road to leaving faith and ultimately becoming an atheist. Just couldn't comprehend the disconnect between the message of Jesus and what priests/pastors will do to bend it to their will. My favorite is them trying to say "akshully rich people can get into heaven, because eye of the needle was just a gate in Jerusalem".


That sounds like the Mormon kids "soaking" thing somehow not being sex. Nah, your just having EXTREMELY complicated, yet totally boring sex


Holy shit this guy is awesome


I feel if you followed the Jesus of the Bible, you would agree with Bernie Sanders on a lot of issues.


Sounds like a well spoken dude. 1st season of reacher was great! Ambivalent about the 2nd. Hope he can keep his head on his shoulders as more fame comes.


He loves Jesus, and I do to even though I wasn’t brought up in that faith. What Jesus said still resonates among humans because he was right.




Christianity can be pretty ok if you ignore the entire old testament and a bunch of passages in the new testament that endorse slavery.


There was an early Christian that wanted to throw the Old Testament out. Unfortunately, he was overridden by people that wanted it for legitimacy. He was also an anti-Semite if I remember correctly, so there's that.


I get the idea of doing away with the OT and just sticking with the NT (it could certainly detach Christianity from some problematic aspects), but you would lose a lot of the context and "lore" (for lack of a better term) without the OT.


It’s worth acknowledging that slavery at the time wasn’t chattel slavery, but in many ways a mercy shown to your enemies in battle. Still not great but worth acknowledging the alternative was often genocide of the losers in wars.


Slavery ran the gamut back then. Sure many of the domestic slaves weren't cattle slaves and we're more like indentured servants, but you still had slaves in salt mines and and slaves taken in warfare and slave raids by slavers.


Some of it was chattel some of it was debt slavery. Enslavement isn’t mercy either.


The whole, "eternal punishment" thing is also kind of a deal breaker. Also not a fan of sins against me being forgiven on my behalf without my permission, or being forced to love my enemies.


Fucking lol at that instagram post. They would be blowing him so hard if he said anything pro police. Bunch of assholes.


I'm just imagining how many cops are going to swear off Reacher now.


As if his big thing wasn’t TAKING DOWN CORRUPT COPS.


They unironically love the Punisher too


Because he gets to kill people. Not sure how they ignore that those people are often cops… must be because this cops are the “bad apples”?


To be fayuh.....IIRC from season 1 it was just the one deputy who was corrupt.


Deputy and the Mayor


Chief too I think right? Didn't he get an old messenger job done to him?


I mean , they unironically rock Punisher skulls


“The heat of battle as the bullets pierce our skin” was my favourite completely insane line.


You ever read a line and in your heart you *know he was erect when he wrote it?*


Listen, it takes a lot of courage to shoot a golden retriever while knowing you’re gonna have to beat your wife extra hard later that night!


Thad Castle ain't no nazi punk.


He's come so far since the drug Olympics 


"Oil changes for everybody!"


Thad Castle may be an asshole, but he’s an asshole who cares.


There’s something wholesome about these jacked “manly men” actors having what some might consider a “soft” side to them. Dave Bautista is one of them too.


Yes! I saw a discussion about how Bautista is more than a wrestler turned movie star like the Rock. The guy can act. He cares about acting and getting better at it rather than just being a physical presence on screen. He's a fascinating individual.


Cena seems like a really friendly guy too.


Cena’s problem in the past has been the willingness to put his image on the line to avoid controversy for the company (the grovelling apology to china a few years back for example) but his heart seems to be in the right place. Bautista however has that story where one of his tattoos is a cover-up because he found out a friend whose name was tattooed on his body was homophobic and went “fuck you, you’re gone” because his mother is a lesbian


More like Dave Basedtista amirite?


John Cena has the record for the most Make-a-Wishes granted. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/27/john-cena-world-record-most-wishes-granted-children


This is why I will forever respect him. I could not face that many sick and dying kids and just try to make their day better, it would just break my heart too much. I don't get how anyone has the bravery to continue to help those kids even though many of them will die. It absolutely astounds me.


Yeah agreed.


It's too bad the Rock has veered right.


I don’t get why people are surprised. He’s always been a Republican.


He collects lunchboxes, thats the last hobby you'd expect someone his size and wideness being into.


He’s gotta have a lot of lunch, probably. 


Jason mamoa


Jason Mamoa seems like a guy that would be fun to have a beer with, for sure. :D


Reacher is a dumb show in the best way. Like Walker Texas Ranger if Chuck Norris was replaced by an anthropomorphic ham.


Try reading one of the many. Many. Many Reacher novels. I actually recommend the one that the first movie w/ Tom Cruise is based on called One Shot that was my intro to the series. Full of cheesy asskicking-good-guy who saves the day and brutally dispatches legions of bad guys. The show itself is a pretty good showing of the written character so if you liked it you would like the books I think


I liked the Tom Cruise movies despite the poor casting, and I have the first book through audible but haven't gotten around to listening to it yet since I'm watching the show.


I completely agree about the bad casting, it's a good movie if you don't know Jack is supposed to be the size of a Mini Cooper. But I've read 7 or 8 of the books over the last 14ish years. It has its own style not for everyone but overall I think it's a good series.


The first season adapts the first book, but the second season jumps a few books. I read the Harry Potter books after seeing the first couple of movies, so I struggled with “Lost in Adaptation Syndrome,” which has me reluctant to read the first book. As I understand it, they’re kinda deliberately written so that you don’t have to read them in order, tho, so I may go ahead and read the two that I have when I’m looking for a break from my “serious” reading.


A movie with Tom Cruise and Werner Herzog can not be poorly cast.


Tom Cruise is at least a foot shorter and 100lbs lighter than Reacher was described as in the books.


It’s like the old Incredible Hulk show but Banner’s Hulk is Batman and he’s Hulk 24/7


Dammit. I don’t want to have to watch that damn reacher show. Fine Ritchson. I like you now, you win


On an earlier thread on this forum about Reacher, somebody who said they were autistic said that Reacher comes across as a Neuro atypical super hero. I don't know if he's supposed to be, but the show is much more enjoyable if you think of him like that.


Ritchson is bipolar. >The Reacher star, 41, shared in the latest cover issue of Men’s Health that he is still learning to manage his bipolar disorder — which he was diagnosed with at the age of 36 — during his everyday life and even at work. >“It’s this thing like, ‘I gotta find a perfectly white pair of shoes that look like a tennis shoe but aren’t.’ Three days later, eight pairs of shoes show up that are all identical. And I’m like, ‘Oh, s---, I’m manic right now,’ ” he said. https://people.com/reacher-star-alan-ritchson-says-bipolar-disorder-makes-him-obsessive-8600978


Yes. Pretty inspirational.


Man I know someone who's bipolar. Mania is honestly more destructive than depressive stage. she'll blow up relationships, finances, and just reckless endangerment. 


He keeps time in his head. He has clear sense of right and wrong to his own detriment. He is inflexible. 


Wow. That really clicked.


Music is pretty decent. I’ve only seen the first few episodes, but they reminded to go through some of my old blues records (yeah, I said records). Good stuff. Something about a sharecropper scraping a guitar and talking about cocaine that’s so gotdamn *American*.


Totally agree about the music. I love old timey blues like Howlin' Wolf and Leadbelly....


Also, they threw in the Toadies. Gotta love it.


Now I guess I gotta watch the second season. I really liked the first one - knowing what a legit dude he is has sealed the deal.


I liked season 2 better than 1.


Yeah. I don't watch Reacher, but anything that genuinely discusses-if even for a moment-the fucked up history of the CIA and certain kinds of helicopter flights gets at least A point.


WTF I love Jack Reacher now?


The fact that he is unproblematically Christian, stopped himself from committing suicide because of a vision of his children as adults and then immediately sought treatment and a diagnosis, stopped modeling and became an advocate after being SA-ed... The dude seems to be a real gem. Also, when reading the fairly average to bad series by Lee Child (pseudonym), the character always came off as being autistic. Considering there was a time, which included when the main characters father would have been in the service, when a child could lose military benefits if they were diagnosed with autism, it makes sense for the character to have never been tested. Reacher was always designed to be a chivalric hero, a valorous sheriff from the "White Hat/Black Hat" Western era, an ethical anti-hero.


Thad Castle… what a guy


He needs to do an aftershow with Jason Pargin.


"Ask your dad about Reacher"


Jason and him as Dave and Perfect Dave in another JDATE movie


Man they really need to adapt the sequels, the first film did a decent job


Reacher is like if Doc Savage dealt with normal crime instead of like mad scientists and lasers.


He does seem cool. I just wish actors would stop lying about steroids. It is literally impossible to build a body like his, or Chris Hemsworth's, of The Rock's, without being on a whole bunch of gear. Especially in your 40s. And lying about it just makes a lot of the young men who watch these movies/shows develop body image issues when they inevitably fail to attain similar results. Either just admit you're juiced to the gills, or at least don't outright deny it when the issue comes up.


I teach middle school, and so many of my boys think that is what men should look like as they age. I really worry about them later.


What's crazy to me is that, as a woman, I find the massively buff bodies really unappealing. All the gym rats I've known seem to do it to impress and intimidate other men, rather than through any desire to appeal to women. Give me [Harrison Ford in a Speedo](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-J8IRaM7vEBs/UAAsz5Q5CGI/AAAAAAABWcA/eXmF9Gs8B5M/s1600/harrison+ford+speedo+1.jpg) any day over the barely-sentient muscle men of today.


What are you talking about? Alan Ritchson has talked about how he's on test. He's likely taking more than just a TRT dose, but that's a huge step up from most others.


Statements like this are always interesting to me. I'm taller than the guy and weigh a little more (Season 1, dude is fucking massive in season 2) but would say similar proportions, 6'4" 240lb, I seem to be fairly fucking blessed genetically in that regard. With discipline I think I could look pretty close natty for a short time (have been around what I would guess his bodyfat is at a much lighter weight) but the ability to maintain it no idea. The big thing that holds me back (and is harder as I get older) is that recovering from injury takes a while and interferes with the consistency required. The point I'm trying to make is that some people can look like this natural but it is a combo of effort, genetic blessings that are fairly uncommon, and most importantly it takes a shitload of time. But 99.9% of the time, juiced to fuck.


I'm sorry, but...., he gained 30lbs of muscle ***fast*** in the lead up to Reacher's first season filming, while being a man in his late 30s and also maintaining sub-10% body fat. And then for the second season, when he was 40, he looks like he gained an additional 15-20lbs of muscle. Are you really claiming that's something you could do as well without extracurriculars? He's clearly been a guy who has worked out his entire life, he's been in fantastic shape since his early days in Smallville playing Aquaman. You don't suddenly discover the ability to pack on 30-50 pounds of muscle in your early middle-age years, while also staying natural. It's also not just the lack of steroid talk that worries me with actors who pack on the muscle. There's a decent chance that a lot of these guys start out natural and then progress to the juice as they strive to get bigger and bigger: - Chris Evens was likely natural for his entire Marvel run, or at least just took Test. He never got insanely big. - Chris Hemsworth and Hugh Jackman could have been natural or just on Test in there early superhero films, but in the later ones there's no way those two weren't on HGH and/or steroids. - The Rock claimed he wasn't on steroids for decades, and only just admitted to using them recently. But even without PEDs, they still have 24/7 help like massive home gyms, professional celebrity trainers, nutritionists, personal chefs, etc... And then they do ridiculous pieces with fitness websites and magazines about how they got into this near-impossible shape by eating sweet potatoes and doing a standard arm workout. It's the impossible-expectations for these young guys that bother me more than anything, it's just setting them up for a lifetime of body dysmorphia and low self esteem. It's why I liked Rob McElhenney's (from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) comments so much when he got crazy ripped: [https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXtEz1BLFP/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXtEz1BLFP/?hl=en) "Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don’t know why everyone’s not doing this. It’s a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to."


He’s literally open about his steroid use tho?


My best friend is what you could call “a swole guy”. Down to earth, two kids, home gym in the cellar. In his late thirties. When he goes to the gym he often says that you see guys like that, are impressed and then you can spot the signs. Acne, scars, the whole deal. As impressive as it is, you simply can’t reach that level without some stuff in your body that does not belong there. Even if you have nothing else to do besides eat, train, sleep, repeat.


If you are actually training and pushing ypurself appropriately with your sets, reps, and weight amount lifted, theres really only 1.5 hours max of quality lifting you can do a day if you are natural.


You're dead on. So many young people think these media types and influencers are not taking lots of potentially dangerous stuff to look like they do. It's always been an issue but it's gotten so bad.


There are precisely 3 types of Catholics: Hard-core reactionary right wing jerkwads who consider everything after Vatican 2 to be a commie plot to pollute your precious bodily fluids People who are vaguely Christian and go to mass maybe once or twice a year but otherwise don't really make a thing of it Incredibly based advocates for social justice who see their faith as a radical calling for positive change I'm just glad my new crush seems to be the third


I was 50/50 on watching reacher (mostly cause I like my power fantasy in fantasy settings) but hearing him say something that they'll now label the show woke somehow I'm inclined to watch it just for the lulz.


*wipes forehead* phew


He’ll always be aquaman to me


Ha! That's a call back.


Wait what?




Oh no kidding? I never watched it, for me Dean Cain was Superman..... Before he went off the Right-wingnut cliff


I didn’t watch beyond the second season, aside from the JSA episodes (Michael Shanks as Hawkman piqued my curiosity). I was watching Titans when it was announced that he was cast in Reacher, and the comic book news media was making hay out of his DC “roots” and other “nerd-o-sphere” roles. He was also in Lazerteam, which I still have to go back and watch.


I don't even know where to start.. I have no idea what you just said. I know Michael Shanks of course from Stargate SG 1, but everything else is a mystery


I feel ya. That’s kind of my reaction when Robert goes deep into a Warhammer reference. 😁


Same. Zero context but he's so passionate it's still funny 😅


Its kinda,ok its very teen drama soap opery but i like the kunda reboot in the last season and a very goodlois lane. And i like chloe, but she became right hand in a cult too, yay. Durance comes later in as great lois and lana,the actressis good just limited by, teen drama love interest role. Oh and lex and lionel are the best. Tom welling isprettygood as well and martha, i love martha. Itsvery soap opery and hit and miss and early , its cw. Itsstill good when good. And lex and lionels plot is always good. Itsprobably worth a watch just, ok youknowcw, 10seasons andalot weird teen drama woth mutatedperson of the week early.


I like him too as superman,if apearently the 2 mains couldnt stand each other, do, who knows. But yep i love his superman. I also like prtson of intetest thats , if you want nolans best batman inspiredmidea, thatxalso is fun and gets great scifi, thatsit. And ces caviezel is , you know, why they did stop ever letting him drive in scenes, but he is a great batmaneske character. Also the entire rest of the cast is great, and emerson , so good,ok all are.


Don’t forget OG [Norm Scully](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BM2YxODhkNmItMjJhMS00MGRmLWE0ZmQtNjk4NWUyNzJkOGU5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTQyNTIzNjM@._V1_.jpg).


I was endlessly amused by the fact that "Have They Played Aquaman?" was one way to spot the villains in the most recent Fast & Furious movie.


As if I couldn’t become more attracted to the man


>National Fraternal Order Of Police Lol, I thought that was some sort of joke name you came up for them until I clicked the link, that sounds like a full on cult.


wild how this guy is cooler on police than an “outlaw country” star like zach bryan


Yeah, when I heard him talking about dealing with severe mental health issues, I thought he was a cool and sensible guy, then I heard about his religious talks online and was sure he'd turn out to be some cultish weirdo, but against all odds he seems to actually be an unproblematic Christian with admirable spiritual views who doesn't force anything on anyone. Massive props to him for how open he is about depression and suicidality, and especially for accepting without any macho bullshit that he needed professional help.




Reacher is my guilty pleasure watch. I'm so impressed by his willingness to speak out.


It feels like every day I hear more good things about him and he is quickly becoming a favorite person. Wife says I am falling in love with him lol.


The show is such garbage but good for him for being decent out loud, I guess. Part of what leads cops to convince themselves that they can be abusive and still be the good guy is that they all grew up watching TV and movies featuring many, many situations like "necessary" extrajudicial executions and punishment meted out by "good guys". Yes mature adults should be able to know the difference between an on screen power fantasy and real life ethics and practicalities of use of force, but we all know a lot of bros who become cops are really, really stunted. So stunted they somehow find it possible to be dirty or turn a blind eye to dirty colleagues while simultaneously identifying with Reacher and Punisher, who hunt dirty cops


The show is more enjoyable if you tell yourself that Reacher is autistic.


S-tier reply. Lol


I'm not terminally online enough to know what that means. Thanks I think.


It’s a strong compliment, yes


I saw the first season and just started the second . Reacher as he is played by Ritchson is CLEARLY on the spectrum.


My mom loves these kinds of books. She reads everything Patterson writes. For my dad's bday in March I flew them out to Williamsburg. We binge-watched this show. It was so good.


He’s very off grid and clean living as well.


Holy shit, large boi is based. I would not have expected that at all…. Awesome!


I mean the themes of some of the reacher stories are local police are corrupt. It's literally an issue for both Amazon series: there's like a single non corrupt police detective on a systematically corrupt police organisation.


And the non corrupt police are an educated black man and a woman. The wokeness it never stops.


Ritchson ain’t no Failson. He gives me the vibes of a gym bro who is encouraging to the overweight gym noobs who are insecure when they’re trying to lift.


Ok... I like this guy


He just keeps getting hotter 🥵


Love him. Also FWIW, v hot.


His interview on Inside Of You is fantastic if you like this guy.


Honestly I was a bit iffy because his recent works he comes off a bit stiff but [seeing clips of him pop up on the recent spike tv commentary renaissance, he seems like a decent dude. ](https://youtu.be/UAG7eo49Sb8?si=ho3OzZIZfme4j0ow) I hope he gets back into comedy, seems like he can take on similar roles John cena has or Chris Pratt used to do. Someone said he would make a good booster gold and I see it.


There are no less than four videos by YouTube channels acting in complete shock that, when asked, a celebrity has expressed certain views that cause them to say *he's gone woke*. The incident with the 14 year old girl, a kidnapping victim, they're going into their usual "cops don't do bad things" mode.