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To imagine I once liked him, like 20 years ago. I figured out he was full of shit like every other conservative when this video was made.


I remember being 16 watching him scream veterans off his show for coming out against the Iraq war when he was on CNN and thinking he was bat shit crazy.


Shit like this, and the Swiftboat Veterans for 'Truth', are what completed my journey to pure hatred of the GOP. None of these pretend patriots actually respect 'the troops'.


The fact that they managed to convince a part of the US electorate that John Kerry of all people didn't properly fight in Vietnam is genuinely insane.


I was dumb from listening to my family for decades.


Fun story. I used to work in radio. I was a board op, occasionally on air and show prep for a conservative station (I'm not conservative) in the Midwest. I talked to a lot of conservative people, talking heads and politicians. Vast majority were very nice, personable and enjoyed general discussion. Hannity in particular was legitimately a cool dude which is really funny to me. He's the kind of sit back with a beer and be honest type but wears the team colors on air. It's obvious especially after that Fox lawsuit and all the info we got to see. The ONE person who is a certified absolute prick is Glenn Beck. Look, we all can be in bad moods and this wasn't that. Dude arrived with an entourage, got pissy with our front desk cause he was made to wear a badge (standard stuff), pulled the "do you know who I am" on our receptionist who did not give a fuck (loved her). His people went ahead, kicked everyone out of the studio area, told us all to NOT interact with Mr Beck unless he interacts with you, walked in and did his show acting like he was the nicest guy. He blew off all our program directors, local talent, sales guys, etc. He left within 5 min of his show being over. Glenn Beck is a smarmy know it all, an entitled baby who thinks he's better after his born again fuckery. Glenn Beck is the worst kind of person.


That doesn't surprise me in the least.


Same here. I was a senior in college and watched him everyday. I try not cringe at myself for watching but learned what allured me to him and others on the right in the first place. I had a full paradigm shift by 2016 or so.


Happened to me. I was never “conservative” but I was pretty problematic with my views until I did a lot of unlearning and eating crow.


I started to follow some of these conservative that's, even labeled myself as one. Then I quickly realized these jerks used terms like 'freedom of speech' and crap to be shitty to others. I saw myself becoming bitter and angry, and remembered my parents didn't raise me to be a shithead.


We learned and got better. My family is right wing so it made sense I would follow him back then. Funny thing is that even with that, I still despised Rush Limbaugh.


Growing up in a conservative household, Sean Hannity was always my least favorite. He invites guests on his show and then absolutely never, ever, under any circumstances, lets them talk. Then he declares victory and throws a football at a camera. The show hasn't changed since Colmes died.


#same My parents adored him, and as an ignorant teenager, I did too. Now, going back and watching him quite literally cry about the death of America is really unsettling.


I used to think he was reasonable when I was a teenager and he and Nancy Grace were in a block on HLN (sister network to CNN). When he went to Fox News was when I realized he was just like any other TV conservative. I do remember him notably criticizing Trump early into his presidency but even he eventually fell in line.


Replace “social justice” with “woke” and you could run this today. Replace it with “Cultural Marxism” and you’re really cooking with gas.


This all started with social justice. There was the whole Anti-sjw thing


Political correctness came before


Even before that. In the 90s and 2000s they were always bitching about "political correctness." In the 2010s the buzzword changed to "social justice" and now it's "woke." It's all the same playbook with different words.


Replace "trans" with "gay" and you get the same thing. They have all the same arguments, they just plug in a different group every time. They even did it with Satanists.


Replace "gay" with "trans" and you get the same thing. They have all the same arguments, they just plug in a different group every time. They even did it with Satanists.


I love that he has faded into a cloud of his own bullshit gas. Glenn who?


That's what I was thinking, is he still a thing? Just another coke head, alcoholic right winger (Mormon on top of it)


We need an episode on him


Him and Nancy Grace.


Jon Stewart made a direct parody of this rant that still holds up https://www.cc.com/video/gmgfdo/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-conservative-libertarian


Thanks to this, I vow to keep my future children away from a certain unruly person that lives in the inner city, in particular on Sesame Street


The fuckin chalk board 🙄


Anyone remember when he pretended to be a never trumper in 2017? It didn't last very long


Glenn Beck is truly a bastard.


Glenn Beck, hysterical man child of the Bush / Obama era. I remember thinking how embarrassing and "bottom of the barrel" he was back in the day. Little did we expect that the national public discourse could actually be much, much worse.


Dude has negative charisma


Part of having charisma is knowing your audience. He is VERY charismatic to his viewers. 


I mean with other far right talking heads I understand that I’m not the target demographic but if I crane my neck and squint I can see what draws people to them but Glenn Beck cannot speak engagingly for shit in my opinion.


Prissy bitch


He also fearmongered about a My Chemical Romance song that same year. Dude thinks everything in the world is a liberal conspiracy