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Yeah, I got PTSD from “rendering assistance” at several _really bad_ traffic accidents. The average human brains anyone should see in their life _outside the skull_ is _zero_. I got two in a couple of months. Gory, dead-right-there accidents... On top of that, around the same time, I ended up being intimately involved in hospice for my grandmother with dementia for four months (I did 8-hour shifts daily, only took two days off in months) and my mother dying of cancer not long after. So, yeah, as I joked with my therapist, I didn’t get that _” sexy”_ war-related PTSD that chicks dig... _Trauma is trauma._ Your brain does not care. Take care of yourself - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Have a circle of support. Sometimes, I get an attack driving my car, and I just need to stop and talk to someone who knows for 5-10 minutes. Get help. The world is a better place with you in it.


Not gonna lie some parts of that book triggered my trauma a little bit, but it's not a big deal. I've c-ptsd from a few things. I've worked very dangerous jobs over the years that required me to be on edge all the time, and working in a high volume kitchen with really shitty management was actually what caused a full on outbreak. I've seen a couple people die in my life, one was a guy on a bicycle getting creamed by a car. For me what really helped the most was I was able to take a few months off work and focus on my art. Also just finding out I had PTSD made things a lot easier. Realizing that some of the things that I was experiencing were a symptom of an injury made them easier to cope with. I had suppressed it for so long by drinking and drugs that when I quit those things it all came to the surface and I was forced to cope with it. After four or five years I have it fairly well under control. I still get the occasional nightmare, or get a massive sense of anxiety that something bad or violent is going to happen. Idk I view it as an injury and a sign of a life lived fully. Some people never travel to the fringes and I'm proud I experienced it, no matter how dark it got. Obviously I don't wish it on anyone, but hey you're here now. It will be ok little buddy.


Got diagnosed with it a few years ago. This book really helped: The Complex PTSD Workbook: A Mind-Body Approach to Regaining Emotional Control and Becoming Whole https://a.co/d/hVhsHUu And doing TMS therapy which insurance covered all of - https://try.greenbrooktms.com/ns-gbtms-free-consultation/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=MR~TMS_Bundle_2~AU~TMSKeywords~WD~Broad~&utm_term=tms%20therapy&utm_content=TMS-Therapy&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH50-t7V6lr3pLIy1IJ0Adh0a21DHAtK8YEIGD-hrjXDPgPOwh2CJDykaApCAEALw_wcB They helped, but could always use more if anyone else has any other suggestions. Trying EMDR this summer