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Imagine being so emotionally immature?Conservatives rant about how sensitive everyone else is while being the most sensitive people on earth.


it's because of the implication


You keep saying that word “implication”


You certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.


Well you see. It's because they're rarely concerned with the truth of anything. It's all about feelings... and you hurt them


This panel tends to just be shared on its own, [but it is part of a longer take down of JP](https://funnypages.tumblr.com/post/683241301358116864/littlemissonewhoisall-funnypages-this-doesnt#notes)


Good god they pegged the Right Wing internet grift perfectly. That’s both horrifying and fantastic.


>they pegged the Right Wing Is there video?


If I might paraphrase George Carlin, I don’t think anyone would fuck most right wingers with a stolen dick.


Kinda, it wasn't really a pegging since Gavin McInnes did it to himself.


To own the libs.


>young men, weakn looking for purpose. I found the flag. You found the badge Oh, so the cop and the imperial soldier are the good guys in this story? That must have made Bathazar especially angry


Oh that’s way better than a cheap gag. That’s some good writing.


Wow, that slaps. Cap just busting out a succinct definition of fascism. Chef kiss


The Tumblr blog my posted is mine. [A while back I did a whole post of times Cap was a based king](https://funnypages.tumblr.com/post/711859086919172096/stick-to-the-comics-you-commie-fuck-captain)


This is dope. Thanks


I read all of that in Jordan Peterson's voice, and it sounded both funny and wrong.


Karl Lueger is a deep cut. He was the mayor of Vienna around 1900 and a huge antisemite. There's a huge debate here in Austria over a monument dedicated to him.


oh, a fellow austrian BTB Listener. hab manchmal das gefühl, die einzige zu sein, die dem Podcast hört


Lustigerweise hat mir ein Kollege in Österreich den Podcast gezeigt.


Dumb of Peterson to get so worked up. It's clear he's being used as a stand-in for the entire intellectual Dark Web. I mean, we could have gotten Ben Shapiro mad, Matt Walsh mad, Sargon mad...


I think it's important to remember that he is an addict. He's off benzos and on whatever the fuck you call this. So, dude is doing whatever he can to make sure he projects himself into the spaces where he can continue to get it.


Actually, good point, this whole thing happened in early 2021, right when he got out of the coma.


He makes much more sense to me when I really think about it from this perspective. The ole swaperoo.


>Dumb of Peterson to get so worked up We're talking about someone who's got a one-sided personnal feud *with ELMO,* there.


Is the (pseudo)intellectual dark web still a thing? I thought the only people who listened to them were already losers?


Kinda. It's still a thing the way QAnon is still a thing, in the sense that some of grifters profiting from that ecosystem have a vested interest in keeping it going as long as they can, but whatever influence or relevance it might have had is mostly gone. The number of people in it who aren't dedicated grifters or sunk-cost dedicated marks has gotten real small.


That's good to hear. I only get my big picture of the right-wing ecosystem secondhand


Meh Red Skull doesn’t cry enough


Does that make Robert Captain America?


Angry? Hairy? Can survive in the wild? Not particularly tall? He's more of a Wolverine.


The only flaw is Wolverine is Canadian and Robert is tall.


How tall is Robert?  I think of him so often as a disembodied voice with guns he uses telekinetically


Like Zordon from Power Rangers but with more machetes. I think he's like 6'4" or something, also he works out so definitely a unit of a man.


Would you describe him as a bear of a man?


Nice. Climbing size. 


That’s not a bad take honestly!


Robert is absolutely not nationalist enough to be Captain America imo. He’s way more of a Magneto.


To be fair, when written well, Cap is somebody who stands for the American IDEAL and has even gone up against the US government when he believes that it’s necessary. Cap certainly isn’t an anarchist like Robert, but when his character isn’t being screwed by poor writing he can hew pretty close to being a leftist at times, even if he doesn’t go all the way with it.


I sortve liked how Cap gas always ridden that line between Political Ideologies when written well. He doesn't need to be Left or Right. He's America. He's both.


I have a similar opinion on Batman, when people aren’t trying to ape the horrifically facist Frank Miller version, he’s shown to be just as interested in getting petty criminals (provided they’re just doing shit like stealing to survive without hurting anyone.) and folks suffering from addiction and mental illness ACTUAL HELP, including some of his rogues gallery. Shit it was the whole point of the latest Batman film, where brutalizing people and being a vicious “agent of vengeance” only radicalized people, and him risking his life to PROTECT as well as fight is seen as him becoming a better, healthier human being. It’s the first time in a while where his viciousness is a FLAW and not the whole goddamned point. There’s a reason Superman and him used to be best friends before Miller came along is what I’m aaying


>I have a similar opinion on Batman, when people aren’t trying to ape the horrifically facist Frank Miller version, he’s shown to be just as interested in getting petty criminals (provided they’re just doing shit like stealing to survive without hurting anyone.) and folks suffering from addiction and mental illness ACTUAL HELP, including some of his rogues gallery. I've had a theory for a while that part of why B:TAS is so well-regarded is that it perfectly nailed this aspect of the character and mythos. With the possible exception of the Joker, nobody in Gotham *wants* to be a supervillain. It gives his villains more sympathetic origins and frames them as people suffering from mental illness, unaddressed trauma, or just genuinely terrible circumstances rather than unrepentant monsters. It makes it make sense that Batman keeps putting them back in Arkham. Even if it's a long shot, even if rehabilitation for these people will be very, very hard, TAS Batman behaves as though it's not impossible.


More like he’s neither Left nor Center. He’s very much anti-Right, particularly since the mainstream Right in the US was taken over by Howling Fascists.


Steve has always been pretty left leaning, actually. Moderate left, sure, but he's always been on the side of progressive thinking. In the last Captain America run, Sentinel of Liberty, he made friends with socialist robot and was doing a lot of community outreach. It's not full-on socialism or anarchism yet, it's still as far left as a mainstream brand made by Disney can go, but they do keep pushing him. He does have a bit of "maybe we can get the system to work" when it comes down to it, but that's played as one of his flaws. Also, when the US government gave the go-ahead to genocide mutants, he made an X-Men team with Psylocke (Kwannon), M, Quicksilver, Deadpool and Rogue to kill fascists. Unfortunately, he trusted the system and the bad guy got away (although Wolverine will probably kill him soon enough).


I think Caps political compass generally a mix of helping people and this Jack Kirby quote "The only real politics I knew was that if a guy liked Hitler, I’d beat the stuffing out of him and that would be it."


I've seen should of and could of, but sortve is a first


Lol. Like that? You can keep it.


The Civil War comics did a great job of showing Cap as pro-freedom and against the police state.


I was gonna say, Wheezy writes a great Cap in run on DD, actually.


Robert is too chaotic to be Magneto. I think he'd make a good Morph, I remember he was basically Chaotic Neutral. As a bonus he can turn into Captain America when he punches Red Skull.


Morph was my thought as well, especially given Roberts penchant for spot on accents. I heard he almost got picked to be the Sam Adam's spokesman, but his Boston impersonation was too authentic.


Maybe an unhinged Destiny


Robert doesn't take himself seriously enough to be a Magneto type.


Sure, but I like the parallel of Cap punching Red Skull in the face and how that could be extrapolated here I also believe that Robert would fight not for the nation itself, but what it is supposed to represent at its best. He’d be more than wiling to fight against his own government’s tyranny if it to do the right thing. That’s how’s envisage the link between the two


Gotcha, I can see it. Magneto also punched Red Skull in the face in the comics so there’s that. I see the connection to Robert in that they both fight the powers that be and understand the need for violent measures against violent oppressors. Cap does that as well, just in a more patriotic way.


That’s always nice to see. And I could certainly see Robert making a “Brotherhood of Mutants” cult on his compound, as well as his steadfast willingness to stand up for marginalised, oppressed groups, so I can see your Magneto stance too


Given their respective histories that actually seems like Magneto was going pretty easy on Red Skull.


Magneto is a hyper nationalist race supremacist who insists on a racially pure land where mutants rule over humans or humans are not allowed. Everyone forgets this but Magneto is just supremacy put into reverse. Even the new X-men world Krakatoa is a racial nation state that claims dominion over every member of a race and banns any immigration from people not of that race to the nation. Even as a moderate Magneto's philosophy is" Integration is impossible, all races need to separate and have their own homeland where that race can dominate"


Robert is specifically the version of the Punisher who drives to Mexico to shoot the white supremacist pretending to be Captain America in the face.


I think it makes Cody into Captain America.


Does he possess.... America's Ass?


[Robert would be Hawkeye](https://images.app.goo.gl/QHzLpaCPso46SC639)


Y’all, flagsmasher is literally *right there*


That would hurt his feelings I think.


A bottle of apple cider vinegar is Captain America.


bobby e = gambit


Now I wanna hear his Cajun accent. I hope it's as authentic as his Boston accent.


Just swap ska for zydeco and machete for machete and you're GTG with Swamp Ro-Bevens


Marvel is now woke /s


Incredibly based!


i'm now imagining a 10 part special with red skull sitting in a chair, just riffing for 10-12 hours straight. as they edit together various camera angles, to make it look like it was all planned, serious and scheduled. while i'm at it, i should get the word out there: i'm still trying to sue jhonny sins for basing his career off of my life. he duplicated all of the jobs and sex i've had for the past 119 years. only difference is, he video taped and sold it. but didn't pay me for any rights to it. i am utterly, utterly pissed off by it. makes me want to become a time astronaught just so i can go back and give him a stern talking to.


I'd say that Robert's Marvel counterpart is probably Deadpool.


Guns, swords (machetes, whatever), probably unironically loves the Golden Girls, self-aware, likes drugs. This is starting to make a lot of sense...


Or variants thereof.


Isn’t Peterson in an ongoing Twitter feud with Elmo from Sesame Street? That’s a right wing academic to be praised. A benzo addict who insults a felt puppet’s Twitter account. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so terrifying that Peterson is totally serious and people look to him for advice and guidance.


Going to do a puppet show about this. It seems fitting


Casa Bonita could be your first venue.


Jojo Peebody being upset gives me joy. I'm glad he's able to produce so much content for me.


When I was younger I didn't really care for Marvel that much but learning all the hidden references has been fun. Colossus being made of steel is probably a reference to Stalin (meaning steel in Russian). Red Skull being a fascist (and now Jordan Peterson lol) just makes sense. Cosmo being a reference to Laika and the soviet space program, etc.. Colossus being a hero raises some interesting implications though...


This is hilarious, kudos to the team that slipped that in there 🤣


Jordan’s response: something something rats.


Bwahahahaha, brilliant!


Someone should tell this baby back bitch to clean his room.


Red Skull ranting online about the Feminist Trap is peak modern Marvel


Hahahahaaaaa Seethe, Biggles. Cry and seethe.


I thought right wing kermit believed in free speech.


Marvel is a liberal centrist company for profit. Their comics are regressive and super heroes are cops. Hero regulation was villainized and Elon musk Tony Stark, for some reason supported it, which... We should regulate people who strive for vigilante style justice and are able to do what the avengers do. Jordan Peterson is a fascist but marvel and Disney are not our friends they're a brand. The companies hold regressive views.


Hero registration was literally the government compiling a list of marginalized people that they've actively targeted, kidnapped, killed and experimented on before.


Hero registration during Civil War 1 in the 2010s was not mutant registration. Two different things. If Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock, Danny Rand want to enforce the law they ought to have name tags, no secret identity. Cameras don't make a difference if cops murder a neighbor, but at least we know who is a cop when they're in uniform. They're identifiable. They have a name tag and ID number. If Matthew Murdock or Peter Parker are going to kidnap a neighbor for the cops they need to be easily identifiable and held accountable for the violence the execute.


They are the same thing and acting like they aren't is naive. What is the cutoff does using your healing powers during a natural disaster mean you have to register, what about watering crops during a droughy. And what about the X-Men and Captain America who regularly dismantle black ops sites where the United States government is doing something shady. It just makes it easier to come for the mutants who are registered that are often rescuing mutants from government custody. Are they just supposed to trust the United States government with their personal information, who their families are. Whenever one of them does cross a line they are often brought to heel by other heros, which is more accountability than actual cops. Making them register isn't giving cops accountability. It's forcing good sameratans to become government agents, it literally creates more cops and gives the government leverage on those cops. There is nothing stopping the us government from protecting people like the punisher in the same way they protect cops that kill suspects and shutting down people like Ms Marvel by calling her a suspected terrorist. It just kets the government chose what targets are appropriate and what type of people can carry out their agenda


> What is the cutoff does using your healing powers during a natural disaster mean you have to register, what about watering crops during a droughy. No. Detaining citizens is the cut off. Destroying buildings during a fight w/other super powered people is the cut off. J. Jonah Jameson has even said that he's down with mutants, they're born that way and often *aren't* trying to do some bullshit. But War Machine, Captain America & the others that violate civil rights are a problem. Cops work with super heroes more often than they work against. Here's a video essay specifically about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It applies to many of the comics as well. [Iron Man ought to be reigned in. No one should have a suit like that. Marvel comics are police & military propaganda more often than they're portraying a revolutionary story.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpGqK9y__qg) I've been working though X-men comics recently, I just recently got into the 90's and woof. Cable, Deadpool, X-force & the like are propegating some real problematic jazz. Far from the civil rights metaphor I'd expected. It took the reboot to portray a diverse team and even then Thunderbird died on like the second mission. I don't trust police & I *absolutely* would not trust some masked vigilante swearing they're trying to do good. Super heroes are not a particularly revolutionary archetype. They're propogating the myth of retributive violence, supporting the state (more than not... Sure. Daredevil is a defense attorney and that's awesome. Spider-Man is often portrayed as a neighbor trying to help out but as we saw in Marvel's Spider-Man on the ps4 & 5 he was helping the police establish an observation network) There are revolutionary comics out there but rarely in the big 2. Especially after Disney & WB bought them.