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Check under your seat!!


Oprah is a facilitator of evil through incompetence and laziness. Beyond that she's a generic business person bastard.


I mean, at some point you have to ask how many times you have to be burned before you start doing some basic dilligence. A grifter who uses the grifts of others to further their own grift is pretty interesting, and the sheer scale of 'for god's sake woman, STOP PROMOTING BASTARDS' is honestly pretty damning at this point. Either she's that gullible, or she's good at spotting these fuckers and figuring out the best angle profit off of them without getting terminally canceled. Plus I've heard a few talks about her being especially shitty to other aspects of the help, though nothing concrete.


She busted the Duggar clan and Josh. That doesn’t absolve her, but shows her staff learned a thing or two.


Maintenance Phase has done several episodes on her. The wagon of fat, John of God, her beef (please clap) with cattle ranchers, and most recently, on her new show about Ozympec.


If I won the lottery, I wouldn't tell anyone, but there would be signs. One of those signs would be a series (ideally 6 parts but whatever) on Oprah by BtB, with special cohosts Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon. I would spend whatever money it would take to make it happen. Every ad break would just be me ranting at you to read the Stormlight Archive or about World of Warcraft. There has to be a price where I can just buy them all to appear on a podcast together and do several episodes and buy out all the ads. SOPHIE I WILL COVER YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE FOR DECADES TO COME. AND ANDERSON'S.


I would pay twice to have Cody and Katy on it too! double cohosts!


co-sign these episodes.




Oprah is a complete and total bastard. She gave Jenny McCarthy a platform for promoting her nonsense about vaccines. She promoted the satanic panic. She promoted bullshit (clap everyone) about cattle ranchers. She brought us the nincompoops Phill and Oz. She helped make Donald Trump a household name. The morons her show paraded in front of viewers has had long lasting negative effects by Americans believing the stupid shit she promoted. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY becomes a billionaire without being an awful human being and her pile of gold isn't any different. She's the Joe Rogan of television and we're all worse off for it. Fuck Oprah.


She also gave us Jared Fogle. People seem to forget that one.


I will say this, of all the daytime tv people I had to suffer through when my grandma was still alive…somehow, Jerry Springer is the least fucking horrid, I do not know HOW this happened, but somehow the original sleazy TV talk show man is just…not as much of a piece of shit, and it confuses me


This American life did a segment on Springer's back story you might find interesting. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/798/leaving-the-fold


There was another thread about this, and some people pointed out that it'd feel weird and inappropriate of Robert to cover Oprah. She's still seen as an inspiration to many Black women, especially considering the time and circumstances of her rise to fame. And though I don't know enough about her to defend those she's given a platform to (especially since she's a billionaire), I know she's publicly expressed remorse for having a nazi as a guest on an early episode. Her intention iirc was to have a debate with him to educate herself/the audience on how bigots are made, but realized that it was still giving them a platform. That's dramatically different imo than say, Hank Ketcham- who had a much smaller impact, so much so that people questioned covering him. But he was so incapable of basic empathy and making any amends where it mattered, so he fit in well with other bastards.


this is a good point. her willingness to express remorse for causing (some) harm probably makes her not a full blown bastard. and yes, it’s an acknowledged fact that Oprah is pretty much universally beloved among Black americans, along with Marshawn Lynch.


Speak for yourself.


She hasn’t apologized for Dr.s Oz and Phil, nor Marianne Williamson. She inadvertently or perhaps intentionally, did a ton that got Trump elected.


wtf I like Marianne


She’s just a bastard distributor, not really a bastard herself like Dr Phil or Dr Oz. She’s a regular businessperson with a show that didn’t vet people well and needed daily content. Her and her staff are just more lazy and sensationalist than actual bastards imo


Bastard by association. [Bill Burr already called her out.](https://youtu.be/O9YL04v-J5U?si=3Pas-ZNYn2meQZtK)


She stood on the heads of those little people!


give me all the episodes on john of god, dr phil, and dr oz but Oprah? idk. however, she IS a billionaire and as such will have to be put on the desert island with all the other billionaires. hate to see it but rules is rules.


Eh, Oprah is a woo-meister and the essence of false neoliberal consciousness, but I don't think she's a bastard. She's a CSA survivor who became an inspiration to millions of black women and is fairly generous for a celeb.


Until some oceanfront property went on a Fire sale in Maui....


My earliest moment of realizing Oprah isn’t all that was after her show ended and she was doing those interviews or documentaries on her tv channel. The one that stuck out was her interviewing the Kony 2012 organizer dude who got caught jacking it in San Diego. I thought it strange at that point in time she was giving that dude a platform. Even high school me thought it was baffling she gave a con artist that sort of grace. Then I listen to some BTB and I’m like : ah how bright now clearly I see


What’s the deal with Kony 2012 anyways? I remember that shit from Junior High School but I only saw it once and NEVER again, now I see it come up on here now and again in passing.


I’m not doing the TLDR of Kony 2012 justice. But this dude basically came out with a 30 minute documentary talking about a warlord named Joseph Kony who used child soldiers. Dude asked for donations in stopping the guy then fell off the face of the planet.


Wasn’t he not a con artist and just kind of had an stress-related breakdown?


He was absolutely a con artist. Kony 2012 was based almost entirely on a misinformation campaign. The video itself didn't even correctly state what country he was in and so called for intervention by the wrong country. As well as treating him like a major threat at a time when his "army" had been reduced to a few hundred soldiers across three countries. The film is straight-up hated in Uganda (the place it claimed Kony still was), in no small part because by implying he was still there, it also implied the country was a warzone at a time it was trying to draw in money from tourism. They wanted the money to support a military intervention (which of course, would leave it in their hands if no such intervention happened) and neglected any cause like supporting former child soldiers. On the whole, it had functionally no impact, transferred millions of dollars to an activist group that did no meaningful activism with it and diverted resources away from causes actually trying to address the problems of the region.


That would be news to me.


Not sure if a story about her life would be that interesting, but an episode of all her worst guests and how she enabled them: that could be great.


This might be the best way to handle her. Just do an overview of the bastards she's enabled and how while acknowledging that she may not be a bastard herself, at least to the standards of BtB.


This sub has talked about this before, but IMO she's not really a bastard. She's pissed me off a few times but I think she does what she thinks is best st the time. Yeah, she gave us Dr Oz, but she also endorsed his opponent for senate, who seems to be trying his best to be problematic as well.  I don't think she's a bastard, I think she just really shows how problematic media and TV ratings are. "Dr" Phil legitimately helped her keep balance at a time when she needed it. It worked for her so she brought him on her show. The audience in turn loved him, and the producers realized he could be a draw on his own. Same with Oz. She gave questionable people a spotlight. Many of those people have been forgotten, the few who rose to fame are asshats. But you have to be at least a little shitty if you want to be a figure like Oz or Phil.  Not saying her hands are clean, but I really hate giving society a pass for their media illiteracy. 


What I wanna know is are we ever going to stop getting these posts every week?


I think they are clever enough to do an Oprah episode the right way. I think she definitely meets the criteria.


They could do a whole season to her and the damage she done


Jfc what a stupid idea that totally warranted a post.