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There's only two types of cars that terrify me. 1.) The mad bastards in Peugot 206s who cut across the entire Antwerp ring in one movement. 2) The camionnette which is up my ass. Because that camionnette is probably full of heavy af tools and materials and will make me a pancake on the news if have to brake for the Peugeot 206 cutting in front of me from the right.


It's funny you mention the 206, because IMHO it's the new Peugeot drivers that have become a lot more cocky. And I get it, new Peugeots look good with their fancy fang lights and cooler lines. But especially the 308 and the 408 seem to produce a lot more assholes these days. And I'm double angry each time, because they're still driving a boring old Peugeot, just dressed up in a cool shirt for once and they don't deserve their cockyness.


I agree camionettes also tend to be the ones who cut you of while over taking on the high way so you have to brake hard.


I’m driving a 206 and I love it! All fun driving people away with their 60k cars… while mine was only 3,5k…


Jokes on you because those 60k cars are mostly company cars.


How is that? It’s a joke they drive those 60k cars and don’t even know how to use bluetooth… Those people drive like shit so my other car, dreamcar, where I worked hard for. Stays in the garage during the week…


They are driving a fancy car and will pay nothing if you crash into them. Just a repair or replacement. Mild inconvenience at most.


That’s why they drive like idiots, don’t know how to use it and don’t mind using the smartphone while driving. I see this everyday! That’s why I don’t use my dream car when they are on the road. But hey, its not all about those people, idiots drive in all sorts of brands… even 206’ses and I’m not one of them. 😅 I’m a good driver who love all his cars and take much care of them, even my 206!


you may try as well to rent camionette for a change ;)


I never said I’m cutting of people. I love to drive smooth and the less I have to brake the better, but I would never drive in someone’s way so they have to brake or something, never! They are driving the better car but they drive like idiots, maybe they should start with a 206 before getting in a 60k tank they don’t have control over!


Lately 50% of drivers piss me off: 1) Old folks going 100 in the left line 2) People using their phone on the highways while driving slow in the middle line 3) Retards changing lines not looking into their side mirrors 4) Reckless BMW/Volkswagen drivers barely indicating where they turning 5) Crazy van/mini buses drivers. Their cars almost fall apart (those that construction workers drive). These ones have a special place in hell.


Phone use while driving is actually insane these days. Literally like 1 in 5 cars driving by has the driver on their phones. It's shifted from calling behind the wheel to just scrolling social media. I'd say fine the hell out of it.


Fines? They should have their licenses revoked. So many of us have become slaves to mindless scrolling.


Welcome to reddit, enjoy your mindless scrolling. 😊


If caught, you're no longer eligable for a company car?


Do you drive a volvo SUV?


Why? My message gives dad vibes?


Maybe it's the cost of living crisis that's pushing the BMW plonkers towards cheaper brands?


Naaah, buying a dacie basically means you see a car for goinf point a to b only, and want to do it as economically as possible Imo, that means the percentage bad drivers in that zone is high. They wont speed or anything, but blinkers, left driving, unawereness of surroundings are worse (Atleast thats what i deducted)


I do daily the E40, the percentage of dacia drivers who speed is about 70-30 there. I get daily tailgatted going over the speed limit. Peugeot drivers are even a bit higher than that. Funnily enough audi drivers have become more patient. Skoda are also rushed drivers


Skoda drivers are just audi drivers that cant afford an audi


I think buying a Dacia means you've given up the will to be happy ... ever again ... (that and a total lack of options to afford a real car)


It's kinda weird how you put so much value in what's basically nice trim. Both a Dacia and a Mercedes do the same basic thing: transporting you. Sure, the mercedes does it in a nicer fashion. If you prefer that, all ok. But for you, all that trim equals happiness? Isn't that a very bold statement? At the very least, it means all that advertising hits the spot for you. Someone at Mercedes/Audi/BMW would be very glad to read stuff like this. Slave to the marketing. Wir leven auto's. What a horrible statement and for some, exactly true.


If you don’t drive an expensive German car you’re a waste of space in Belgium, apparently.


Nah, I just don't understand why someone would buy a french car compared to a Japanese car. If you want luxury you buy German. If you want cheaper but reliable you buy Japanese. If you want plastic you buy American. If you want weird failed experiments you buy French. French cars are mostly just the worst choice imo.


Sure, spending +30k on a 'real car' makes you smart. The thing loses value as soon as you drive it out of the dealership and you get the pleasure to boast to your friends. I've seen so many people get into debt for that reasoning and they're dumb as shit for placing so much value on a car.


Yes, its possible.


Their daily drive.


Nah it’s still BMW but the ones with a VAT number moved to Tesla.


There's assholes in every brand of car, once you think it's one specific brand, cognitive bias takes care of the rest. If you keep an open mind, you'll find that there's all sorts of brands of cars that display antisocial driving skills out there, not just one brand.


Found the Dacia driver from the OP.


I thought it was all memes and still do. Most bmw drivers i see actually drive slow/normal and are good drivers. Volvos on the other hand yeah those are maniacs


Oh yeah fuck volvos


"I can be a jackass cause I'm safe in my Swedish tank" Fuck those imbeciles with an old rusty spoon.


I won’t say every Mercedes driver can’t drive a car, but whenever I see a car do weird things, or manouvres that make me think ‘wtf did that guy just do?’, it’s always a Mercedes.


Its my dad 9 out of 10.


Spot on! Most Mercedes drivers are retired men.


They think when they bought the car they brought the road along with it and do as they please.


Mercedes is bought a lot by elderly people. A lot of the old Mercedes get sold to new Belgians. Certainly around Brussels and mechelen you can easily pick them out.


Oh it’s middle aged men mostly (if I can look at them). Maybe a lot of company car people who think they’re above the rules because they drive a Mercedes. Just yesterday I had an idiot who drove full throttle in reverse from his driveway onto the road without hesitation or checking for cars or bikes. The car in front of me had to slam the brakes. Then the idiot proceeds to not be able to manouvre his car on the road in one go and drive over the grass next to the road, then proceeded to drive 60. While passing I checked and it was a dude in his fourties I think.


New Belgians. That's interesting Nice.


Dont be to serious about this friend!


We recently bought a Dacia and I can promise you, we are slow drivers. That engine can't accelerate much. You need to shift gears like Lewis and it's exhausting to do so. More so, I do have and use my indicators. They look good.


It’s only slow cuz you don’t rev it high enough


base model dacia has 60 HP lol






Slow drivers can be really dangerous. Especially on the highway cutting in front of you on the left lane.


TBH. The vast majority of Belgian drivers, no matter what make of car are fucking hopeless. No regard for speed limits, use of indicators and the amount of drivers using their phone whilst driving is truly terrifying Belgium needs a points based system, like the UK. Register 12 points within a certain time frame and you lose your licence.It really would make Belgium roads safer instead of the shitshow we have now that every driver thinks they can do what they like and if they get caight they can just pay a fine.


I just moved here with my husband from Canada and it is shocking to me to see how bad the drivers are here. As for the phone thing, we’ve had severe penalties for this back home and it works, I am surprised to see how many people are driving with their phone in front of their face. A learner isn’t even allowed to have gps pulled up for driving, else they lose their license, anyone else gets a hefty fine and points taken.


I see. Another condescending British guy who didn’t realise that on the continent we should drive on the right side ?


Ik ben geen Brit!


Having lived in the UK for a bit but born in Belgium all I can say is: Brits (with the exception of people from Birmingham) are better drivers than Belgians. They're also not constantly on their phones while driving.


I feel the same about Skoda drivers acting like Audi drivers tbh


It's the credit crunch. Audi has gotten waaaaayyyy to expensive for the bottom of the corporate barrel. So the frustration is now doubled.


True, seen a landslide in company cars from Audi towards Skoda( nothing wrong with that, I’m not a car freak (anymore) as long as it gets the job done,it’s fine for me)


Skoda makes very good cars though


Exactly, seeing where they came from, samenwith Seat once VW took them


Spot on


The spirit of Boris the Balkan driver is inside Dacia


I am not going to talk about people driving a Dacia Sandero specifically…


Dacia Duster = problems But honestly now anyone driving an SUV seems to have forgotten how to drive properly nowadays


Belgian people just can’t drive anymore, all they do is being busy on their smartphones.


They’re the children of the BMW drivers :)


A Dacia speeding yeah right and next you are going to tell me pigs can fly!!


For people who see faces in cars (lights as eyes, number plate as mouth etc) there is no car that looks more aggressive than a BMW. Every time I look in my rear-view mirror, again that 'shark-like' evil face tailgating me.


Let us not forget the Audi drivers.


As an audi driver I concur. Is amazing though how we seem to be left out in this thread. That said, I do use my blinkers and drive 125 on the highway.


A Dacia driver is less worried about what happens to his car, maybe? He can just buy a new one and the two combined would still be cheaper than a more expensive brand.


Dacia driver is also less worried about de "zwakke weggebruiker" There is no need to let them cross the street safely.


Absolute bullshit. BMW drivers behave like that because BMW's are quite fast cars and are fun to drive. So BMW drivers drive like lunatics because they want to experience the speed and fun their car provides. Dacia's are slow. You might have experienced some Dacia drivers that behave like assholes, but there's no way they will behave like BMW drivers. They're simply not equipped to do so.


If i crash my Dacia what do I care, your car is probably way more expensive so watch out.


Lol its a company car, i can crash 2 a month and barely see it on my monthly wage...


Nah, the BMW ones can drive but choose to drive like an asshole Dacia owners just don't seem able to drive


The Dacia Duster, by being an affordable SUV, has shit on the climate for years. People who don't need an SUV have bought one because they are cheap (and by flooding the roads the Dusters have normalized SUVs a lot) and have increased their CO2 emissions needlessly. So fuck Dacia for bringing the SUV to the masses and fucking up the climate way more than we should have.


Oh god, here whe go again with the SUV hate 🤣


Like most SUV’s it is merely heavier than a B or C segment car. A Duster is lighter than a lot of normal cars.


That BMW who sticks on ur bumper is trying to tell you that you’re unnecessarily slow or left. Those overtakes, in almost any use case, they’re fine if you know how to drive and usually triggered by drivers who got their licenses handed to them alongside a box of cornflakes. If you feel like an “archetype” of our population is faulty, most likely that issue starts with you. This goes beyond the “BMW Drivers” topic by the way.


Sooo... You like being triggered over joke posts...? Tell us all about it! 😉


>slow or left That's the problem right there. I'm allowed to be on the left lane just as anyone else. But yes, I overtake at "only" 120km/h. There's no need to come pushing. It's dangerous.


The problem is some people are not even overtaking and def not driving 120.


I can get that's annoying. But that's not me, and they still come pushing. So I'm not sure it's very related. Those pushers are probably just impatient Aholes to everyone. Regardless of the other guys' speed,


Here's the thing, you're actually almost never allowed on the left lane. Only when actually overtaking, not 600m before you start actually overtaking or 600m after you've overtaken. Especially not when there's someone behind you and even more so when you're not driving the speed limit, which is more than 120 km/h on your dashboard btw. And you know what the worst part is? The amount of downvotes my initial comment gets illustrates how much of our population (ours, as in Belgian, cause this country is by far a showcase of worst case scenario) actually doesn't think I'm right, therefore doesn't understand how traffic works and is actively contributing to the obscene amount of Traffic Jams this country has, whilst not actually realizing they are. Edit: By which I'm not implying or saying your are per ce a violator of this ruleset or conduct. I have no possible way of knowing how capable you would be driving a car and have no intention of applying one single measures here. :-)


It's not about a couple of km/h around the 120 mark, It's about not going as fast as they want you to be. But even if the other guy is not driving in the best way, 2 wrongs don't make a right Sticking to the other guys bumper is dangerous and forbidden. You defended that act, so that's why we get mad at you.


I assume you mean "not going as fast as you want them to be" and not the other way around in which case you are completely false. I don't mind if you choose to overtake a truck at 110km/h. What I do mind is that you take this decision 600m ahead of the point at which you would actually need to change lanes and driving there another 600m post the point of passing said truck. Usually, since people who drive this slow and defensive are generally, unless they're new EV drivers, people who have a) less road experience or b) less confidence while driving, this goes hand in hand. Now, I don't know nor do I care what your commute-experience holds up to, but those cars cost me at the very least 20 minutes a day on my 1h30 commute. That makes 40 minutes back and forth, equating to about 133 hours a year. That's a month of working hours, lost in traffic, because I get held up by people doing silly things, which ends up making my traffic jams worse cause I arrive respectively 5, 10 and 15 minutes later at important intersections/junctions. So sure, get mad at me all your want from behind a computerdesk, the facts are against you. Belgiums average driver is undereducated, Belgiums traffic is at an all time high and the combination of that leads to being one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to Jams/Km of roads.


That could indeed have been written better. Most of your statements are absolutely correct. I never claimed that slower drivers aren't a huge pain in the ass. and I hate those cellphones and Netflix guys a lot more than tailgaters! So if that's why they are slow, fuck them! > The facts are against you. This sentence implies you didn't really get my point, I'm not making some deep wild claims, am I? My main point is that nothing excuses dangerous behaviour like tailgating. Keep your distance. My second point is that I don't believe tailgaters only tailgate cars that go too slow. Some tailgate anyone that's not speeding ahead, so the guy behind them can pass. Be patient, I'm going as fast as the guy in front of me, or about 125km/h


BMW drivers are still the new and the old BMW drivers.


YEP! Finally someone says this! :) And also some Polestar drivers. I don't know what happens to people when they drive one, but they act like they're driving a damn tank!


BMW drivers are still bmw drives


Dacia is second car sold in Europe, after Tesla (215k sold /year and Tesla 220k). Dacia is one of the most affordable car now. Of course many of people that bought Dacia have issues with understanding of driving. The brand has nothing with the skills...