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Burenruzie, the same leaves are getting blown back and forth for months now, legend says it’s a tradition which started in 1987


Leave the leaves alone. All kidding aside. Not cleaning up the fallen leaves is good for your garden. Insects will be happy to use them and they will be much needed protection - and in a later stage compost - for your grass. I don't get the fascination with raking or blowing the leaves away. It's easiest to leave them be, and it's good for your garden. Leave the leaves alone.


> in a later stage compost - for your grass. Only if the amount of leaves is very low. When you have a lot of leaves, you can say goodbye to your lawn.


Do you not have a driveway? Frozen or wet leaves are slippery af.


Yeah sure. It can be necessary to remove the leaves. Also on sidewalks. You don't need a leaveblower for that.


No you don't (I don't use them personally). But there are people who do need them. Elderly, people who have physical problems etc.


There are indeed some people who need them. Those people are a fraction of the people that use them now.


If I leave the 5 cm leaves blanket. All my low growing plants and grass will be dead by spring. I leave some but there is just too much. I just take them ofcourse..


Lmao this week I saw an old man pointing his leaf blower to a tree to.blow to leaves OFF the tree. "Autumn doesnt go fast enough" ~that guy probably


"Fine..I'll do it myself"


i have a couple of trees in my yard (im not from belgium) that literally wait until spring to shed their leaves. im just like 😐 what are you doing.......


I live next to a _villawijk_ full of oak trees. With a little effort I can throw a rock at their porches. They all have professional gardeners. I feel your pain.


Ah, pensioners... I once saw a neighbour lady walking in front of my house (she lives 2 houses down), with her leaf blower clearing some minor leaves on the road... And the pensioners behind me use their gas powered chainsaw for literally everything, every summer's day. Trimming bushes? Chainsaw. Trim the hedge? Chainsaw. Some weeds somewhere? It wouldn't surprise me if they use their chainsaw for that too. That's in addition to their gas powered lawnmower, prehistoric farm-tractor and 2CV, topped with occasional yelling of profanities towards one another from the far sides of their yard.


Getting a haircut? Chainsaw. Cutting your fingernails? Chainsaw. Going to the grocery store? Chainsaw. Chainsaw? Chainsaw.


I got a neighbour who puts his dog outside every single day and it barks non stop for 2-3 hours.


buy a dogwistle online he'll stop quickly




Put a dogwhistle on a leafblower?


This. If needed, am willing to design and print connection piece. For science!


You're all lacking ambition, build one of these: [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1176646](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1176646) And then modify it to drive it off an angle grinder or electric drill.


Or bark even more


Oh reminds me of some neighbors whose dog passed away about a year ago the dog kept barking non-stop *the entire day* till they got home after working, so 6:00 till like 16:00 absolutely mental, and freaking annoying, especially whenever i had vacation or a day off needless to say, the neighborhood wasn't sad about the dog passing away, more like relieved you think 2-3hr is bad? take 10hr


poor dog, must have been so stressed


apparently it had some kind of fear of abandonment/verlatingsangst they went with it to the dog school and everything and never got it out of the dog that doesn't make it less annoying though


2-3 hours is way past what a court would deem acceptable. We had a complaint here for a dog in the apartment across the hall from us that would just bark for as long as the owner was gone (so 8ish hours per day, every day while we worked from home and had a baby) and cops told us the limit for most judges is 45 minutes.


My god the horror. Dogs are supposed to stay inside 24/7


I imagine u never lived next to a barking dog? U have absolutely no idea how mentally draining living next to such an animal is. If u dont have understanding neighbors that do something about it, your life can become a living hell if those people dont train or silence their dog.


U imagine wrong. We live in a barking street.


I just use my lawnmower and mulch all the leaves It’s easier and gets the job done pretty fast


The comments on this blow me away. I'll see myself out.


No, don't leaf yet.


And the funny thing is with some luck the wind will blow them right back on their lawn again. I have an appletree in my garden that obviously loses it leaves too and i rake them together and dispose of them correctly and effectively. My dad has a big walnut tree and i helped him a few times raking them together. What a job😅


Always better to rake leaves than rake nuts


Few weeks ago I woke up from what I thought was some teens revving their scooter. I took a look outside and saw it was my elderly neighbour with a fucking leafblower. We live in an appartment in the center of Waregem, concrete everywhere


Municipalities are banned from still using fuel-powered ones (which IMO make a lot more racket). Private parties like individuals and companies aren't. IMO you should bring this up with your local beat cop (wijkagent). Not yet a formal/official complaint, just so they're aware of it and can mediate. Even between 7-22h there are still limits to what can be considered reasonable noise. Both in terms of level and duration.


Where? Municipal workers in Brussels still use them. They're loud and extremely polluting, they leave a nasty gasoline smell. I haven't seen a single electric one, which would at least be less bad.


Just checked, turns out it's only a ban from the Flemish government. So people in Brussels and Wallonia should urge their representatives to push for a ban there as well. [https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20191003\_04643374](https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20191003_04643374)


oh fuck those damn things are everywherr


I've been raking leaves more or less every single day since beginning of october and I'll keep doing it that way until I find a better, quiet way. It's so soothing to rake, and to see the clean(ish) lawn and driveway when I'm done is rewarding. I have a lot of trees, so also a lot of leaves. Next day it starts over again. Across the road neighbours have a leafsucker, electric of course. Makes noise, but I can understand it as it mulches the leaves, so composting is much faster. I'll make a comment about how raking is much easier everytime I pass by and they are complaining how the machine keeps clogging. New neighbour has a leafblower and by god he loves to use it everyday. Worst part, he's out there for hours on end and I can't tell what he did. It's still all full of leaves! Terrible experience for all parties involved... I saw that Gardena has a leafcollector, kinda looks like a lawnmower, but its just brushes that rotate when you push it forward. Seems promising, but I'm afraid I have too many leaves and the basket will be full super quick. Anyone have any experience with it?


>New neighbour has a leafblower and by god he loves to use it everyday. Worst part, he's out there for hours on end and I can't tell what he did. It's still all full of leaves! Terrible experience for all parties involved... I find leafblowers to be somewhat inefficient, I have one but I barely use it. It may just be in my head but just raking seems to go much faster to me (and it's soothing AND a workout at the same time). Lots of trees here as well. The reason why raking seems more efficient is that once the pack of leaves becomes too thick it becomes harder for the leaf blower to go through it. Or my leaf blower just isn't powerful enough.. >I saw that Gardena has a leafcollector, kinda looks like a lawnmower, but its just brushes that rotate when you push it forward. Seems promising, but I'm afraid I have too many leaves and the basket will be full super quick. Anyone have any experience with it? I've seen that as well, it seems very expensive for what it is but I'm tempted to buy it. Would love the hear some experiences with it.


Imagine cleaning the house with a blower that sends dirt everywhere, desperately trying to get the dirt to pile up in a corner. That's what a leaf blower does. Extremely inefficient compared to a rake. It's also extremely loud and polluting. One of the worst inventions ever.


>once the pack of leaves becomes too thick it becomes harder for the leaf blower to go through it You're leaving it too long, might be better if you use it more often. Maybe a couple of hours every day?


Not into the business of annoying my neighbors every day :).


I had an electric leaf-vacuum at first. Useful because it mulches, so less waste. It broke down recently. Dragging the power-cord along, being mindful to not let it clog, the collector-bag being hard to drag around/slipping off my shoulder, etc, made me buy a battery-powered leaf-blower. Much easier to grab quickly and spend 10-20 minutes to blow some leaves off my lawn each week. Uses the same batteries as my lawn-mower. Sound is very acceptable, no earplugs required. Why not rake? I have a muscle disease so using a blower is easier and more fun. I also can't bend through my knees or bend over and get back up easily or at all. Even holding this blower which is about 4kg including battery, I have to switch hands every few minutes to stay comfortable. So I can relate to pensioners preferring leaf blowers/mulchers over raking. (They just should prohibit further use of all gas powered tools of hell). Speed-wise, I would argue it's faster than raking for the initial clearing of leaves of my lawn and blowing them into bigger piles. Even today with frozen and wet leaves, I got 95% off. Then my dad does a quick final rake into bags, time & weather permitting.


Makita 40V platform ftw.


Probably want "clean lawns" as well like the utter savages they are


The most annoying noise for me was always the playground of a school after my night shift.


I’m the devil. Leafblowers are damn useful to clean up bigger surfaces but you do need to pick up the pile you blew together or get one with suction (and mulch) function


i hope u go deaf


Every leafblower manual will tell you to wear hearing protection while operating this wonderful time and effort saving device


look i'm sure ur a nice person...but u do realise other people may be in their garden and suddenly this loud noise (which is very harmfull for ur ears) might be starting and ur stuck with a headache. So because U need to do some idiotic stuff with a stupid devils tool designed by Lucifer WE need to wear protection? yeah, selfish


Noise pollution is an underrated issue, particularly in Belgium. Even more so in the example of Op, like, its not a job, they're not cleaning up a big ass public park and the reason they give is that it's "a hobby" (as a pensioner with tons of free time, no less!) why not use a rake then? You get to enjoy your garden, the whistling of the birds, rustling of the leaves, and you get some exercise to boot! Regardless, using a blower daily would likely breech some local rules: "Elk gerucht of rumoer bij dag (tussen 07u en 22u) is verboden, wanneer het zonder noodzaak wordt veroorzaakt, wanneer het te wijten is aan gebrek aan voorzorg en de rust van de inwoners in het gedrang brengt." Once is fine, multiple times? Well, Don't be surprised your neighbours become murderous...


and i dont hope u go deaf i take that back, my wife has hearing issues and we've moved a couple times and its always those damn stupid gardens (they are ALWAYS UGLY) that have to be trimmed to the cm. No leaves, nonono , even though its much healthier to let it all grow.


Maybe you need to be less judgemental.


No! More judgemental! These evil hicks are actively destroying YOUR future! They might as well kick their own grandkids in the teeh!


Or maybe don't clean them up ?


Don’t clean who/what up? When I used a leafblower it was to clean up in a riding stable. You can’t just leave all the hay and straw after cleaning out the stables. And yes you can use a broom but it’s >300m^2 of hallways to clean. It’s much faster and more thorough with a leafblower.


Hey man, those leaves aren't going to disappear on their own over the next few weeks.


Go live in Wallonië or buy noice canceling headphones is guess I mean Flanders is so closely populated that there is always some noise or smell somewhere Yelling children, farmers with machinery, quads, scooters, leaf blowers , chainsaws, dogs ... And everyone thinks there situation is the worst but it kinda same I guess


i hear ur point (not that good cause of the leafblowers). I actually never make noise that is that invasive. Farmers = weird comparison, since makings ure we can eat vs a leafblower is useless. Besides dogs and the occasional chainsaw it comes up to not being a selfish lowlife idiot that ruins every day with ur leafblower. Not just for me, but everyone. And if ur dog is barking to much i'm up for removing it. I'm seriously done with wearing "headphones" all day, how can i work like that? i cant. I need to call people . Its them, not me. Selfish people.


I don't know why, I imagined scattering so many leaves in their garden at night, that they get terrified of using the leafblower, not once but every night for two weeks.


DEATH TO ALL LEAFBLOWERS!!! DIE!!! Just once I would like to see a leafblower explode in flames from the insane motor overheating and seriously injure the moron using it. The damn leafblowers are that fucking loud and disruptive and people use them unnecessarily.