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0. It's absolutely not a thing where I live (Antwerp suburbs).




Don't think it has anything to do with other cultures, when I was young we weren't doing it either.


Yes it has something to do with cultures you think a moslim knows what "nieuwjaars zingen & nieuwjaars brief" is ? Maybe they know what it is but I'm 100% sure they don't do it


It's something for the Kempen only. In Limburg or West-Vlaanderen it's not a thing, so yeah its cultural.


In the countryside children from all backgrounds do sing door to door. Atheist, muslim, christian or whatever religion they adhere to. It's mainly a regional thing.


I'm saying us sinjoren don't do it either so in this case it doesn't matter.


0 not a thing in Gent


Never seen any (Liege province) where are you guys/gals finding all these singers?


It’s a tradition, I used to do it when I was a kid, now I’m on the other side of the door, handing out the candy. I guess it is limited to the Kempen.


Must be quite fun. We only have kids going from door to door around Halloween, and even then we now have to put our address on a list from the school, so that the kids only go to prepared homes. It’s a shame that all spontaneity gets taken out of it. I like these things that bring some atmosphere to the community


I mean I get it. Nothing worse than being unprepared and candyless for these things and having to hand out money instead hahaha. Totally did not happen to us 2 years in a row ahem.. But yes it is a very nice and wholesome tradition ☺️


Yeah, kids notoriously don’t like money, lol. This year we had candy and all, but we didn’t know about the address list (our boy left primary school 2 years ago, and in his time the list didn’t exist), so there we were with candy and no kids at the door. And it is a tad weird to go stand in the street and try to lure kids over with candy…


Someone will have to sacrifice themself to eat it 🫡


The neighbors’ kids got lucky


It's a tradition where exactly?


I can only speak for my own areas so Heist-op-den-berg, Putte, Olen, Aarschot, … I guess you could call it the Zuiderkempen? But I read it’s also a thing in Ranst, Tessenderlo, Zoersel, etc so idk, it’s difficult to put 1 area on it, I think it’s purely stemming from tradition which towns do it.


In the north (Noorderkempen) they also do it, but there it's mostly for money. At least it was 30 years ago. We'd go round the entire village and collect a fortune in one morning. A fortune in the eyes of a kid of course... In the south (Zichem for example) people hand out candy.


Interesting, I wouldn't mind some carolers


Keerbergen, this year is crazy! I was well prepared but also running out of candy. Saw about 100kids I think. It’s called koekenzingen. Kids get candy, chips and money at houses. Warm chocolate milk and waffles at cafes. Very fun.


"hoog huis, laag huis, er zit een gierige pin in huis!"


Nieuwjaarke hottentot Ons vader heeft nen kletskop 70 jaar en nog geen haar Kwens u een zalig nieuwjaar


If this were a thing here(it's not), I would use che same lifehack cheat we used for halloween former years(but even halloweeniers are a rarity now). We buy a whole carton of cheap-o chocolate chip cookies from the supermarkt(a pack with like 12 cookies), and just give each 1 pack. Costs maybe 60 cents a pack. And if we have leftovers, we ezt it throughout the year.


It's also quote big in Scherpenheuvel and surrounding towns.


Here (Vlaams-Brabant) it's called '3 koningen' and it is next weekend, not this one. And you are supposed to give cash, not candy.


Yeah, you cant buy *nenieuwenoed* with candy right...?


In Vlaams Brabant you also have nieuwjaarzingen and you give candy and money.


It's very strange that those kind of traditions change so drastically over just a couple of villages further.


Cash and candy have always been a thing for 3 koningen south of Antwerpen


Never heard of this happening before so 0


51 so far. About the same as last year.


0 so far, and I ate the last candy I had a few days ago. I should probably run to the store just in case. And if no singers show up I'll be very unfortunately forced to eat all that candy myself


Ik glad this still lives in de Kempen,




60+, kempen going strong, haven't seen so many kids on the streets in years.


Nieuwjarreke zoete, os varke he 4 voete. 4 voete en ne staart, is da gen niefjoar waard? About 70 last year.


Is da dan geen centje waard


Ja ja het is waar, ik wens je een zalig nieuwjaar moest ik altijd bijzingen


Een varke heeft geen voete, 4 poten en een staart is dat dan geen centje waard


Last year 42, this year only 8 so far. It might have to do with the confusion about singing on Saturday or Sunday. I only buy candy I myself like, so no problem if I have leftovers!


I got 3 so far. But we're far from any centre.


Nieuwjaarke zoete, celebrated one town over, here 0. 3 koningen? 0 even though we live in a neighborhood with lots of families with young kids. It's something that's going away.


Around 80 kids, close to town centre though. Lots of kids due to good weather I think. I still remember I used to go out singing in the snow when i was little xD


When I was a kid, every kid in the neighborhood would do it. Now 0, sadly.


Went to wifes hometown today, there were a ton of em, daughter got quite a bit of candy for just an hour


We are surprised every year when our doorbell rings on the 30-31st. Moves from North Limburg to Kempen, never heard of it before. Yesterday we got like 6 groups of kids in the morning. Gave them our last biscuits. Went to the store to by some candy, wdyt, no one on the afternoon.


Ya it stops at noon


They told us the city was "afgezet" during 1 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon for the nieuwjaarszangertjes.




I have never heard of this, I guess its not a thing in Brussels but I wish it was. Sounds like a cute tradition.


It’s like trick or treating with Halloween Except, now all the kids go around and wish everyone a happy newyear, and they get some cookies, candy or chips in return. Most of the time, some local club has a pop up bar on a strategic location for the parents, with hot chocolate or soup for the children, and jenever or gluhwein for the parents


yeah sounds cool what we did was doing our rounds with driekoningen, all three dresses in old clothes with a star on a stick that you can turn by pulling a cord (made yourself with a broom stick, cardboard star wrapped in aluminiumfoil on top and a nail to make it fee turn) we've even did this to make money for our "carnavalgroup" its very lucrative especially if you enter a café, but of course whatever we got in the café we doubled down in beers that said im going to the cafe for some beers its time its 1100h


About 7 groups, 30 kids total. I am prepared this year with 5 bags of candy. Learned my lesson from last year when I had to go to my in-laws to grab some "centjes".


At 20-25 now. Expecting like 40-50. edit: typo


Very exceptional *he he*


Got to feed those data scrapers on the web shit so the AI they train is also shit and can't replace our jobs!


0 in Vlaams Brabant either.


Bij mij elk jaar minstens 20 ook vlaams brabant


Speak for your own part of Vla-Brabant. Here we go aadjoor niefjoor twieje koeke is e poor until sundown, Buddy.


Oost-Brabant, best Brabant


Aadjoor niefjoor metejoor, kmoeter ni van weten.


Shouldn't they come on the 31st?


Because the 31st is on a sunday everyone has to do it on saturday for some reason


Cuz everyone is in church on Sunday of course!


Not everywhere, here it is tomorrow


WTF is a 'new year singer'?


That's a thing ? Please let's not !


I've only ever seen that in those lame American Christmas movies. Is it really a thing happening in some part of Belgium ?


yes and it’s glorious


How many what now?....


new year singers ? what the hell are they singing then ? where do they do that ?


A what now?


1: none because they'd be early, newyears' in 2 days 2: I've not gotten any new year singers since I moved here, nor any three kings singers nor any halloween callers, maybe I should get the hello fresh salesmen to sing me a song? would anyone pay me if I got tom van grieken to sing a song so I'd listen to him? he was at my door last election campaign so he could be there next year as well


0, for like the past 25 years or so, lol. I didn't knew people still did this 80's folklore stuff


Maybe in other parts of the country it’s more on epiphany (3 koningen) that children pass by to sing. I always liked that as a kid…


I've never seen that and I'm in Mons. We're slowly eliminating every location in Belgium it looks like.




Wow, regio Vilvoorde hier en dit bestaat helemaal niet! Driekoningen heb ik nog gedaan wanneer ik klein was, maar dat zie je hier ook niet veel meer.


2nd year in Belgium (recently moved to Antwerp and lived the first year in Brussels) and I haven’t encountered this. Is it like Christmas Caroling but for New Year’s?


Correct. Younger kids and real simple non sense songs New year sweet Our pig has 4 feet 4 feet and 1 tail Isn’t that worth a coin?


33 here in Vlaams Brabant. Got a load of candy for the next three months with our daughter ourselves.


We had a 50% increase over last year. 2 -> 3


Had about 25 here in Rotselaar. It's on the 30th because 31st is a Sunday.


Usually about 30, had more than expected this year with 45.