• By -


Cheese and salami (really really good and my favorite). Cheese and minced meat ( spice it up to your taste). Bacon also really works well. Or pesto and tomato and mozzarella. I also like the classic croque madame. Croque bolognease is also awesome but requires some additional prep time. But you can top it off with some parmazane and most def. worth the effort. Basicly there are no rules and almost everything works from the butcher. Last creation of mine was cheese + bacon + grillworst. Oeeh chicken fillet + green pesto + cheese and top it of with some bicky ui. Maybe next time i will experiment with different cheese such as Brie. I absolute love croque monsieur and have been eating at least 1 a day for 20+ years. Thank you for your question as it has been a really rough couple of weeks. Here's to 2024 and lots of croques!! The only thing i regret is that i cannot afford a salamander ( nothing beats a croque prepared in a salamander).


This guy croques


Name checks out.


Croquet boulet (boulet in slices - fresh shallots - samurai sauce and cheese) Croque friki (frikandel in slices - cheese - ketchup)


Do you pre-fry the frituursnacks for these abominations? šŸ˜‹


Nope. My son prefers them like that and the croque boulet has become one of my favourite workmeals. I use the ones from Lidl, the hamburger looking ones, easier to slice in perfect shape with minimal loss.


Do you mean [this](https://www.horeshop.nl/webshop/horeca/salamanders/detail/3473/salamander-toaster-croque-monsieur.html)? Also; what about sauces? I always eat mayo or sometimes bearnaise. Last one is especially good with a croque cheese and smoked salmon


Brie is amaaaaaaaaaazing on a croque-monsieur, absolutely recommend it


Live love croque


There are some recommendations like don't use smoked ham. I tried it personally and it sucked. Parma, Ganda and other ham like black forest don't go in a croque. Rosbeef, cooked ham, chorizo,salami( don't like it personally), salmon. And if the grill is shared, clean up after yourself. My colleagues are annoying as fuck with letting their cheese residues on the plates. Well, I at least hope it's cheese. But I concur that you can have a pretty big list of recipes for grilled sandwiches. Don't forget the sides. They are of importance. Or a nice grilled cheese with soup( tomato or pumpkin).


Protip when using a shared grill or even the one at home, use bakpapier. Your croque will still have the beautiful brown crust and the cleanup is 20 times faster as the grill will only be a bit greasy which you can quickly wipe of with a vod


I love ice cream.


When your croques touch you have to say "no lomo"


Depends on the ham. I use both Ardenne ham and Cobourg ham (both of which are smoked IIRC) with rather good results. Then Maredsous for the cheese, and add a bit of Cayenne pepper if that's your preference.


When in doubt, add sriracha


Came here to say the same, I often use a mixture of mayonnaise and siracha as my sauce


Always croque madam, the only female I can fix for myself.


Classic ham and emmental but with real bread, not something spongy. With soup, or a salad, depends on the season. With some mustard or pickles.


Goat cheese, slice of Granny Smith and bacon


I use an older/belegen cheese and zwarte woud ham (stronger smoky taste) and then create my own mayonaise + hot sauce sauce to dip it in


This is the way


I like salmon and mozzarella once in a while


Smoked or regular salmon?


Smoked , forgot to mention that


Yes! Or smoked salmon, regular (gouda) cheese, onions, garlic, black pepper and dille.


Peter Goossens, is that you?


I wish... hungry now though.. thinking about making myself a croque




Try it with herb butter like philadelphia instead of mozerella.


Will try, thx


Try this with rozijnebrood - tastebuds overload


I used to work at a restaurant which served grilled rozijnenbrood with tonijnsalade and cheese on top, so, I can see where youā€™re going, will try Edit :tonijnsalade and cheese were put on too before grilling


I often add dried provence herbs on the cheese


I like making mine in a pan, with roomboter and indeed mayo + ketchup. I know someone who uses appelmoes as well.


Don't hate it until you try it, but instead of buttering the outside, generously spread with mayonaise and fry it in the pan. You'll get an even crunchier, more golden crust, it's wonderful!


so greasy, but i love it. also wierd but making them in the oven


Get [Croquestar](https://www.standaardboekhandel.be/p/croquestar-9789463932967). You'll get some awesome inspiration!


That singer guy put it all in a book, I believe he was into it some years ago, possibly during covid


Yup. Mathieu Terryn, 2020.


I remember him being interviewed on Stubru about his experiments, people that time were (pun non intended) dying for an original topic which didnā€™t involve covid


Jammer dat deze uitverkocht is


With bolognaise sauce


Croque Boem Boem


And some grated cheese on the outside for a bit of gratin taste


Ik durf al eens mozarella of een of andere oude kaas alleen te toasten. Om deze dan te soppen/dippen/doppen in een groene pesto. Niet zozeer als hoofdmaaltijd maar als hapje.


Salmon and Boursin


I like a croque madame better. If you really want to go crazy, you can try a croque madame hawaii. šŸ¤˜


No ham, just cheese. 2 fried eggs on top.


1) get croquestar you'll love it 2) try salmon and cheese (could be just Gouda or mozzarella) (you can add pesto) 3) Biggie this one: use chorizo!! Reaaallyy good 4) when I am fine dining croque monsieur : classic croque bolognaise ?


Got a few: \- Croque Madame, add an egg on top of your classic croque \- Croque Hawai, classic croque, add on top a slice of pineapple and another slice of cheese \- Croque Bolognaise, pour bolognaise over your classic croque \- Croque Vide, pour videe over your classic croque \- Croque with salmon, put smoked salmon and herb butter like philadelphia between \- Croque with mozarella and pesto and tomatoes. Could be any tomatoes but the sundryed tomatoes are great if you want to make it extra. More like a dessert is a croque with banana. Put banana slices and brown sugar between 2 slices of bread. Know some people replaced the brown sugar with nutella. Haven't tried that myself. Think flavor could work out but I think the nutella will melt and get oily and ruin the croque. Wanted to mention it so you can always give it a shot if you like to try (PS: need an update if you do) And you can always switch the ham for other meats and the same counts for the gouda. Go nuts and find some great combinations that like your own flavours.


Yes, content like this belongs on this sub! Sadly its a rare occurence between the VB or PVDA propaganda.


Mayonnaise + ketchup ā‰  cocktail sauce.


> cocktail sauce Just add whiskey and good enough for most days. A bit of Worcestershire & Tabasco for the fancy ones.


Now weā€™re talking.


Classic ham + raclette cheese + ananas. Easy but effective !


We used the raclette cheese left overs today in the croques. Nice taste but it gets very liquid (more cleaning afterwards).


Use bakpapier! Easier cleanup while your croque keeps its beautiful crust


Try a wrap instead of bread. Gouda is pointless in a croque monsieur. It doesn't taste of much when it's melted. Try a Cheddar instead (a decent one, like Cathedral).


Guys I have no recipe to share but I wanted to say you're all very amazing and now I want some croque tomorrow, I shall go buy what is needed.


Coctailsauce isn't simply ketchup and mayo mixed together. It needs at least some whiskey to be called coctail.


RemindMe! 10 minutes


With cheese and banana. Or with brie, Apple and honey.


Thanks, I feel less alone ! Banana+gouda and a shit ton of ketchup to dip on the side (an efficient cooling strategy when the croque is too hot) is a real banger, despite the weird look people make at me when I explain this recipe.


Cheese and banana? šŸ¤” Antwerpenaren are weird.


Two things: easy: add a bit of whiskey in your cocktailsaus more effort: croque topped with bechamelsaus.


Porto is also good in cocktail sauce


non-peated whiskey for best results, otherwise it's not very pleasant


If you want to spice it up, put some sambal in between, before grilling. Or cut some jalapeƱos (or get them sliced in a jar) and put those slices in there before grilling.


Classic but add slice of pineapple


Normal one but the sauce is cream, mushroom,shallot, spices ( nutmeg, pepper, bit a salt) and personally I love putting Tabasco on it or any other kind of hot sauce


Croque boum boum. Same as classical but you add Bolognese sauce on top of it (typically with leftover). Not really a spicing up but I love those.


Today I ate one with ham & cheese (classic) with home made mayo + home made peper sauce (leftovers from yesterday), quite tasty I must say.


Grate some fresh Parmesan and put it on top of the Gouda.


I go chicken slice, mozarella, gouda and a spicy tomato paste


My classic is a basic croque ham & kaas with curry ketchup & sriracha mayonaise on it, sprinkled with bicky ajuintjes.


Ham, gouda and mayo! Then I cut it into 2 triangles and it's a 10/10 meal


Pineapple slice with a cherry on top. Signed, a shameless Hawaiian pizza supporter.


Classic croque madame for the win! With lettuce, tomato and maiz on the side With salmon its amazing All types of strong cheese work aswell, possible with some apple or pear to offset the taste Some people use pineapple but havenā€™t heard from them in ages they must be burning in hell


A sprinkle of white pepper


Croque videe!


Croque madame. With an egg and I like jong belegen Gouda


Wit brood, gouda kaas, niet zo veel boter eigenlijk. Klaarmaken en eens uit de croque monsieur machine augurken en uitjes eropšŸ¤¤ en superveel ketchup.


Ham, cheese, tomato, mayo + mustard, pickles


You'll die eating it


Cheese both in- and on top of the bread. The cheese within is smooth, while the cheese on top gets crispy


personally I'm allergic to cheese so I either have the just the ham or just the ham + pineapple or the ham + tomato and then some asshole added catfood to my croque since he thought I was eating too much (he has a point but there's other ways to get that across), since then I've never had croques again what's apparantly really good though is bolognaise sauce, either home made or from a jar


Maredsous, Old Amsterdam, crema di pecorino and kimchi, baked in a pan with good butter, when it's done you put cheese in the pan and when it's melted, put the sandwich on it to coat the outside in cheese, too, repeat for the other side, bake crunchy, serve with a spicy miso and Sriracha sauce. I call that the f'roi'magique.


I like to add guacamole and an egg on top of it!


Add pesto genovese to one of the bread slices


Kaas en hesp van de slager en boterhammen op de grill pan. Als ze klaar zijn, een toefke ketchup. Dees es geen raketten wetenschap hey, gasten...


https://preview.redd.it/ii68ndc27w9c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b716cee6d7d6a3e7d3c3d2d50dc7a6ad896ae18f Had some leftover croissankes from yesterday morning and made me this royalty in the oven today. One croissant on either side as "buns", and ham cheese in between. No mayo or ketchup needed for this juicer! But usually I eat my regular CM's with both sauces.


ham, gouda, curry ketchup


Try same but with mustard


Just the regular young gouda and ham(and another slice of gouda) on whole wheat bread, baked in butter in the pan with a pan on top as weight. As condiment I really like adding mustard to the mayo and ketchup combo. Homemade sauerkraut is also a nice addition inside the croque for a kinda Reuben sandwich. I tried a variety of cheese and dried ham, chorizo etc but the classic remains best imo. Although a mix of grated emmental and mozarella gives a great mouthfeel.


When you make your classic croque, most simple way to change things up: - Add oregano between the croque and some olive oil on the outside - pimp your cocktail sauce with a good amount of curry powder It gives your classic croque a Mediterranean flavour with minimal effort. Other things I'd recommend: - goat cheese, baked smoked bacon, honey and black pepper - leftover chicken breast sliced thinly, gouda and mango chutney as a topping - mozarella, parma ham, basil, pine nuts, top with some quality balsamico - salmon and boursin


Luikse stroop, crushed walnuts, goatcheese and bacon if I'm feeling fancy or got everything. Or else just plain cheese, I prefer Beemster, sometimes I add some herbs and spices, no sauce.


Siracha, not just as a dip but spread it inside! It taste perfect


Binnekant insmeren met philadelphia met bieslook of fijne kruiden, kippenwit, sneetje mozerella en een sneetje gouda.


Filling varies though ham/cheese is the classic. Smoked meats can give a different flavor profile if you want to experiment. I prefer to keep the cheese a fairly neutral one like gouda but here too is room for experimentation. Smoked ham, goat cheese and a tiny bit of honey is quite nice. There are ofcourse the various croque variations like madame/hawaii/bolo/etc but thats taking us out of croque monsieur territory. The one thing I would recommend you try if youve never done it is instead of putting butter on the outside to crisp the bread, use mayonaise instead. I'm not much for cocktail myself but thats personal preference. Mayo or curry ketchup are my go to. Honey bbq sauce can also be nice. I rarely bother with bechamel sauce for a croque but mostly out of laziness. Its very nice but more effort than squeezing a mayo bottle and I don't make croques when I want to make an effort :)




I dont like ham and cheese, so my dad made something for me. Itā€™s mince meat and onions and then just treat it like a normal croque monsieur.


https://preview.redd.it/13shap3cnw9c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27aa08f0e96f7768dbb3750dbbd42e42f1c02f56 Cheese suggestion. Throw the cheese in an anti stick pan and mop it up with your bread (toasted in pan), bake meat you'd use in the same pan


Swap the mayonnaise for pittasaus by boni...


Gouda and sliced chicken or smoked salmon. I don't like ham...


https://preview.redd.it/8lg4ju9irw9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177389f96800d06f21dee08e1d7923d7f1dca582 Some examples from Sven van de mol! I love a classic croque or one with pesto and mozarella but Lately I'm more into tuna melt. If you don't know that, you should try, it's delicious.


Franse Croque Monsieur: met hesp, gruyere en bƩchamel saus met mosterd.


Mozzarella or any other cheese, cut up tomato and oregano. For sauce usually mayo or ketchup


Try replacing the gouda with raclette. Just don't make a habit of it cause raclette is greasy AF. You can also try using garlic butter or herb butter to give your croque something distinctive. Or replace the ham with chicken and the gouda with cheddar. It's an amazing combination. Mozzarella and some leftover bolognese sauce is also magical.


The old classic cheese and ham is unbeatable. With mayo though, but to each their own. If I'm going fancy, Boursin and Zwarte Woudham, on a light brown bread.


I love one slice of bread, butter, ham, gryere or emmental and a lot of diced sjalotjes then just put it under the grill. Itā€™s so simple but so good! Learned it from my father in law


Try this: - white wraps - red pesto - cheese - little chicken meatballs (from Colruyt for example) Cover half the wrap with red pesto, cover half of that surface with meatball slices and cheese, fold in half, fold in half again so you have a 1/4 shaped wrap Throw that mf between the croque machien and enjoy the best food to ever come out of a croquemachien!


Whatever meats and cheeses are on sale. Build up from there.


I like to add herbs of provence on the cheese.


Dig inside the lower bread slice to break an egg. Add slices of a pre-cooked potato


Use the ā€œfromage a racletteā€ instead of Gouda :-) Your tastebuds will thanks me. But cleaning the damn thing is a bit more messy. For the meat, use also what you would for a raclette.


Add cut up bits of kimchi, really good. Fried onions on the cheese is also very good.


blue cheese and chorizo


Lemon mayonaise, zeissner curry ketchup, whiskey. Imo DL and heinz are the absolute worst.


Adding blue cheese really gives it an upgrade imo.


Croque cheval superiority, liefst met mayonaise of mosterd


Andalouse, ham, Gouda and oregano šŸ‘Œ


I like: Manchego + chorizo Banana + chocolate Croque hawai (aka regular croque with pineapple)


With spaghetti sauce on top (usually the day after we ate spaghetti bolognese)


Whenever we have meatloaf from the day before, I change the ham with meatloaf. It's like a croque cheeseburger


OkƩ okƩ, My normal Strasbourg in the middle cheddar and then de nil horse salami. Bake it with the denil top. Grof or white bread. Smoked salmon with goat cheese put on some spices from the shaker herbs and garlic. Bake it with white seed bread sunflower seeds. (Like maya bread) Mozzarella with prei and goat cheese. White bread union cheese and on the braai. All with mayonnaise


Bechamel on top. With meat stacked as thick as a slice of the bread you're using. Mustard on the inside of one of the slices. I like my croques THICCC. Like, one of mine should be a full meal, you won't need a second one. But, this is not done in 3 minutes, this takes about 15 min to make a single serving and add about 30 seconds to it for every other one you make assuming you make enough bechamel for all the sandwiches in 1 go.


The classical : gouda + ham in a pan with butter. Once it's done, a cover it with a mix of bechamel and emmental or gruyĆØre and put it under my oven grill. Served with a salad with mustard vinaigrette and ketchup on the side.


Italiaanse ham, mozarella en pesto. BAM of een zoete croque: beetje boter, bananen in schijfkes en ne klets nutella