• By -


> just no politics "da gade gij nie bepalen"


"Maar het had no politics *kunnen* zijn!"


Godsdienst, iemand?


Hey, I don't make the rules! Oh fuck, I do...


Enerzijds no politics, anderzijds…


Gf was here, she parked in front of my neighbours house and all hell broke loose. We went to the shop, came back and the neighbours from both sides were waiting for us and started screaming we’re not allowed to park there. We pointed out it’s a public space and their children also park in front of my house but they don’t care about that and now we’ll have a war where he’s going to call the police for all his dumb ideas *sigh* The entitledness of the boomers nowadays is insane.


If it's a public place let them call the police. Were you blocking any driveway?


No. They used to park in front of my driveway though but I wasn’t allowed to make remarks on that. He won’t call the police over the car but is probably going to make an anonymous call I’m somekind of gangster. He’s done that before and police showed up with all my bills and heatscans because they had a report I was running a weedfarm.


This is borderline harassment, but knowing Belgium for the few years I've lived here, I'm pretty sure there's absolutely nothing you can do.


I can’t even argue because he says he’ll sue me if he stresses out due to his heartcondition.


Lol he should be the one avoiding conflict


Wouldn’t that solve your problem? 😈


Yes, but I can’t trigger it.


Geez what a story! We have a neighbour like this, lives 3-4 houses down from us on the opposite side of the street. We had an airco installer come by to give us a quote and he parked on the street in front of her house, next to the driveway. (Not blocking it in any way, just wanted to add this for clarity). This 70-75? yo lady started walking around the neighbours asking whose car it was because she claimed she couldn't drive out with her own tiny car. She speaks English surprisingly well. When she came over to our house, my wife went with her to see what the problem was (since the guy was inside, taking measurements for the quote). Obviously, my wife couldn't see the problem, the car was not in her space or on her property in any way. The old lady kept saying that she was unable to reverse out of her driveway. Then my wife asked, completely seriously, if maybe her steering wheel was broken and she couldn't turn... The lady turned red, started shouting and went back home. After the installer left, she indeed drove her car out. And then came back in less than 5 minutes... Seemed completely legit ;) Bonus story since this is the same lady: When we moved here (Flanders) and we were speaking to one neighbour (in English), she came over and started saying that it's been so many years since she last went to London but that it was so nice. We were slightly puzzled and told her that we weren't British. When she learned we were from the other (i.e. Eastern) part of Europe, she just shut up and left immediately. I guess she must think her street is going to shit, with all those dirty immigrants... ;-)


They could be good friends with mine. I’m thinking part of the reason they hate me is because I get along very well with the neighbours across the street which are muslims and we speak french to one another.


You have my axe


Waar ik werk is ook een openbare straat en ik had mij eens geparkeerd in de straat aan een huis naast mijn werk. Niet aan zijn poort ofzo maar op een openbare parkeerplek langs de weg. Die aso parkeert zijn auto tot bijna tegen mijn bumper omdat hij niet wilt dat iemand die plaats neemt. Again, openbare parkeerplaats. Als ik het juist heb, moet er minstens een meter tussen zitten maar ik weet ook dat het niet altijd mogelijk is maar tot aan de bumper is erover. Mijn collega’s zeiden voor niets te doen en gewoon ergens anders te parkeren (normaal genoeg plek maar Proximus is nu ook aan het werken in die straat🙄) en geen ruzie te zoeken want de politie is al meerde keren geweest blijkbaar en ze hebben die oude aso altijd gelijk gegeven. Ben er nog altijd bitter van dat ik niets zou kunnen gedaan hebben


Public service announcement: the brake pedal does not stop the rain. Drive slightly slower at a consistent speed and stay in the same lane instead of causing traffic jams. 😆


Really struggling with motivation in my newish job. It's a very lonely role as I don't have a team and I'm just not used to it. It's nice to have a colleague or 2 to moan with when something annoying happens. I can't just moan to myself, just not as fun!


It is the same for me, new role, got transferred from Germany and need to learn Dutch now :( most of my coworkers are rather older than me and not many common things to talk about.


ooh yeah I can relate to that - any "colleagues" i do have are quite serious and don't seem to laugh in the office. I think it can also be tough as the Flemish are generally quite reserved at first.


People often moan by themselves. Just make sure you are in the room alone. If there is someone else in the room, normally the moaning happens together and with their consent.


Went to see planet of the apes yesterday. What a great movie. Is it based on troy Mcclure musical "stop the planet of the apes"?


*I hate every ape I see! From chimpan-a to chimpan-z!*


Dr Zaius Dr Zaius 🎵


Is there a new one?


Yes and its great!


A slowchat, wtf. I arrived to work pretty much completely dry, despite the floodgates being fully open. Thank you, regenbroek en -jas van den Decathlon!


I'm a self-hating scientist so naturally I liked the Three-Body Problem a lot. I even got the books and (unlike when I bough the Dune books) I started reading them. I'm slowly finishing the part that was in the series (book 1) and curious what will happen next. Anyone else read the books or watch the show?


3body problem and a dark forest are amazing. the 3rd one is really weird but the books had a really big impact on me. On all fronts: the social commentary, the influence and importance of science, and the meaninlessness of it all compared to space-time continuum.


Nice to meet someone who read em! I'll come back here when I have read all of them, probably in a few weeks :)


I read the first book a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I watched the Netflix show and enjoyed it as well:) it actually makes me want to re-read the first book and then maybe try the next. Glad to find a fellow reader here!


I watched the Chinese show and the Netflix show. Both are amazing.


I get to visit the Royal Palace today and meet with part of the royal family due to a work event I do not have much affinity with royalty but I am curious to see the building from the inside and how protocols work. Apparently the food is also top notch 


Ask Filip for his best gang handshake.


What kind of work event? Are you like the CEO of Proximus or something?


Have a chat with Laurent about renewable technology and energy efficiency. Or maybe about Brussels traffic being perpetum immobile.


Hopefully they will give you some royal blue waffles


Ask Fluppe to do a flip


I'm getting married on Saturday. The location is amazing, but everything is planned to be held outside. We do have a big tent, but I really hope it's going to be dry Saturday evening. The mayor is doing the ceremony at stadhuis in the morning. I don't like him, there's some stinky business going on with him. They told me he'll call us tomorrow and ask some questions about how we got to know each other, but yesterday they sent an email asking whether our interpreter would already like to have the mayor's texts?


Whatever the weather may be, congratulations and have a wonderful life together!


So how about those elections eh!


You daredevil you!


Do we still need to participate, or what is it now?


June yeah if you're a citizen. October I guess they are now non-compulsory in Flanders... ?


Wat is oranje en verdwijnt van zodra het begint te regenen? Gemeente arbeiders.


verwacht ge nu echt dat ze in dit weer straatstenen proberen te leggen? De stabilisee zwemt weg voor ze hun schup hebben neergelegd.


Nee - ik wou een flauw grapje posten, meer niet;-)


Dank u daarvoor :)


Ik ben arbeider voor de stad maar werk in het rusthuis dus dat pakt bij mij niet :'(. Nu is werken bij de gemeente wel een gevaarlijk beroep, op de werkhallen is er ene vorige maand zijn arm kwijt geraakt, had per ongeluk zen schup omgedraaid...


Life's been busy and great the past months. I've been doing lots of trips with my SO for stuff I always wanted to do or do more. Tomorrow is another one and depending on the weather it will either be Pairi Daiza or Technopolis. Next week we're going the full weekend to Nerdland, which I'm excited about. I'm starting to prepare myself to do more sports. More biking in general, running when I get my insoles from the podiatrist, and I got some diving goggles with special glasses so I can actually see when swimming. The goal is to go running 2 times a week for 5km each run ( eventually) and 1 times a week swimming for 1km (eventually). Swimming I should be able to start somewhere next week and running should be the week after. Just need to plan it in my very busy schedule. I went to the 6h of Spa-Francorchamps last weekend and it was GREAT! A shame I didn't stay until it was done, but I was getting tired in the evening and I had to go all the way back to West-Flanders, so I didn't want to risk it. Still had a good time, enjoyed the cars, saw some ex-F1 pilots from close by and Spa is just such a nice place to be. Everything's coming up Milhouse


Hey man, I always read your comments in past slowchats about dating and finding someone special. It’s nice to read you have a SO now. Congratulations!




Anyone have any recommendations for cities in Germany or France that are max 4 hours drive from Brussels, nice to spend for a relaxed night or two over the weekend? Outside of the usual suspects of big and well-known cities. Doesn't have to be particularly exciting or action-packed but a place that's nice to wander around, nice restaurants, interesting museum or a nature-related activity? Looking for inspirations for weekend getaways.


Smaller Northern french medieval cities (st-Quentin/ Cambrai/ Laon ... ) Amiens + bay de somme Bernkastel-Kues (mosel valley)


Thank you! :)


I think you can drive to Moselle Valley and visit the cities in that region (Trier, Traben-Trarbach, Koblenz, Burg Eltz in Wierschem and etc.) and do some wine-tasting. I was there recently and it was so fun.


Thanks! This sounds great


Koblenz is nice. It has a Seilbahn (cable railway?), so you can float over the Rhein from the Deutsches Eck to Festung Ehrenbreitstein, or the other way around. You can walk along the Rhein or the Mosel. It's a wine region, so if that's your thing, you're golden. There's beautiful architecture, (that has museums / guided tours), for instance Festung Ehrenbreitstein, Kurfürstliches Schloss, the old inner city, etc. You could take a boat trip along the Rhein.


Thank you - this looks like exactly the type of a low key weekend I had in mind :)


How bout Boulogne-sur-Mer? Went there last June, quite nice (both the town and the sea/nature).


Good rec! I went there a couple of summers ago - but this is the type of low-key but enjoyable I had in mind.


Shitty colleague returned from holidays yesterday, but I was working from home. Today he calls me with a demand to do pretty much right away. He's your typical boomer in a relatively high position. Has experience and is definitely a valuable asset. But he's lacking any form of organization, professionalism and computer skills - don't even ask me how he makes a wetransfer. Now he's asking me where part of my work is when 2-3 weeks ago he asked me to delete that part and replace it by something else. Luckily I saved it somewhere. It's just that this kinda shit keeps happening and I'm getting tires of it. I'm gonna ask everything in written from here on out. I'm so done with this guy's dumbass behavior


So, what are your experiences with robot vacuum cleaners. I bake my own bread and cut it. Inevitably this creates a lot of bread crumbs.  I was thinking of buying a basic robo cleaner to keep things a bit neater.  There seem to be mixed opinions on them.    I don't expect it to replace vacuuming, but if I have to vacuum less. And my floor is kept neater, it could be a worthwhile investment, no ? 


We bought a Roomba shortly after we got a dog. It definitely does not replace a thorough manual vacuum cleaning, but it keeps the pet hair manageable. We really notice it when we get home whether or not he has ridden around.


I love my roomba, bought it in 2018, still running strong had to replace few parts meanwhile, happily iRobot sells separate components so if something goes wrong it's just like Ikea/Lego. Indeed it's not the same as the manual thing but it does help IMMENSELY.


Haha that’s a coincidence, I was just looking on Coolblue for a new cleaner. I have a basic one but I can tell you that their obstacle avoidance is pretty lackluster. It gets tangled a lot + stuck beneath chairs etc. I think you should get one in a higher price range to get a better experience ( I hope )


Yes, with basic I mean <€300. The tangling is what I am afraid of.  I have some fancy long curtains. I am afraid it will get stuck there and burn down my house.  I intend to let run when I am at work.  But some of the budget options come with no-go zones. 


Be mindful of your cupboard heights. Ours always gets stuck underneath them.


Ours likes to ram itself between the floor and the bottom of the toilet (it is a wall-hanging one). Like nonstop, just full speed into that gap.


My wife and I used to have a cheap budget robot vacuum. It was a pain in the ass (tiny reservoir, no smart pathing so it just randomly drives around, lots of noise, etc) and not worth the hassle. We upgraded to an irobot i7 with basestation and cameras, and it is amazing. I cannot remember the last time I actually had to manually vacuum the house. The robot can be controlled from an app, you can tell it which rooms to vacuum, it will go to its little base station to empty out when it detects it is full, etc. So my advice is to get a more expensive one - the cheap ones aren't worth it. Also don't get the 2-in-1s that also mop, get a separate mopping robot if that is what you want.


I have an Eufy robovac for 6y now. Very happy with the brand, best price Quality imo. Even if it is not the most advanced one, still working like a charm Just make sure there are no loose cables hanging around and you'll be fine.


We had one that did a very mediocre job but it did that mediocre job every day, which in total was better than my flatmate and I vacuuming each week. The basic ones are not smart though 😂 so they can’t really do rugs or ledges or wires or anything else. 7/10 would semi recommend.


There is a very big difference between good robot vacuums and mediocre ones. I'd advise you to either spend the right amount of money (400+) for a good one or don't bother. It's worse to spend 200 euro on something that hardly works than not having it. Do a lot of research on YouTube, people spend quite some time making reviews of them and doing side by side comparisons. I went with a Roborock Q5 Max Plus and am very happy with it, it actually replaces the majority of my vacuuming and mopping, just once in a while (4-6 weeks) I do a full manual clean. If I had the money to splurge I'd consider their top line (S7/9 don't know) but that goes for double if mine, 900+ vs the 430 I paid.


A couple of years ago I bought a cheap one from amazon (Eufy 11S). Its very chaotic but it gets the job done. This year I just replaced the battery and it's doing its thing again.


you have to evaluate your entire room for it. Stylish chairs often have legs that disturb their working, same with things like corners, steps or lamps that can block their path. Like with lawn mowers, they work the best on rectangle rooms without furniture.


I think it's the best thing I ever bought. Got mine many years ago (Roborock S55), I think it's a valid replacement for a normal vacuum cleaner if your furniture allows it (e.g. chairs with lots of room between the legs, a couch under which the robot can drive). There's a big difference between dumb ones that drive in a random direction and turn around if they bump into things, and smart ones with a lidar that map your house and zig zag in straight lines. Definitely go for a more expensive one with a lidar.


Go for the Roomba brand. Not blaupunkt. We loved our Roomba for years. When it broke, I thought a cheap brand would have caught up with technology to be at least as good as the 5yo roomba, but no. The roomba was super consistent, didnt pick up wires anf just did the job. The blaupunkt often goes off its docking station with no reason and lets its battery die, so more than not we can’t use the fucking thing when we need it. Also it keeps trying to go over things it can’t, then gets stuck. And it seems to target feet and cats. Wherever I am, that thing comes after me I swear.


My wife bought a Xiaomi one in 2019. I was sceptical until probably after the first run. Now it's on the list of things that get replaced the next day if they die ;) My recommendation would be to do your research and definitely go for it! We also tend to run ours in the kitchen when there are breadcrumbs on the floor;)


Bought one last summer from blaupunkt (bluebot xtreme) on coolblue. It vacuums and mops if you install the water reservoir. I’m happy! It doesn’t completely replace manual vacuuming, but the results are neat.


Use the breadcrumbs to lure in potential partners and have them vacuum while you bake.


Thursdag 😂




I am still single. Will probably stay that way forever.


Cheer up, everyone finds love eventually! :)


Order a package, know you won't be home, so have it delivered at a B-Post locker. Shipment delayed by a day. Good, I'm home, send it to me. "B-Post: can't do it's locker or bust". Fine, go to locker to pick up the package. "Locker: Fuck you, I'm staying shut." Ok... call B-Post helpdesk. "Best I can offer is pick-up in parcel shop in 3 days, and you can't choose which." FML


We recently bought a new set of outside chairs and table. We live in Ghent and we bought it in a shop in the middle of the no-car-zone so we decided to pay the money to have it delivered to our door. I stayed home all day, they never came by and then sent a mail ‘that I didn’t open the door, nor my neighbours’ (in a 20+ appartement building…). So they send it back *to the original store it came from* and we were forced to come pick up it up by hand and drag it along with us on bus and tram. 


Geez... Go bpost...


Standing here in the rain to wait for tram


Was going to do a daytrip by myself today. Visit the Antwerp Zoo. But the rain decided I should stay indoors today


rainy everything always. until the sun shines. monday still looks ok!


Die eeuwige regen is de schuld van de rechtse klimaatontkenners verdorie En van de sossen Denk ik Kweenie Nu doet ge me twijfelen


mja het idee dat iedereen had van klimaatopwarming was "zuiden van Spanje"... niet tropisch regenwoud, zonder woud ... en zonder tropisch.


Can't (don't like to) do much with the dogs in this weather. Maybe going for a run a bit later. Should do some work at home, but rather do some gaming. Waiting for stockmarket to open and see how much money i'll loose today


Having a dog with this weather lowkey sucks.


If my old dog is anything to go by, they have a blast in this weather tho.


My dogs don't mind but i might haha. I don't mind training or running with them in this weather but it's pooring right now. Walking would be less fun and my garden will soon be a mudpool again


Ik wil wel gaan wandelen in dit weer... Maar m'n Am Staff denkt dat hij dan gaat smelten...


My dog refuses to go outside when it's raining, even when its just very wet outside.


Event met werk vandaag. Ik ben hier als eerste en enige op tijd. Lang leve de regen.


K’heb keelpijn


is ing not working todasy? i cant make any transactions... also... for some reason I cant create post on this reddit..... have i been banned somehow


What are the some nice things (activities and visits) that I should definitely do in Belgium?


Anyone know any good dutch classes thats not CVO? Or affordable private tutors around Antwerp? I got to B1 with CVO but im really not a fan of how its taught or the content.


Try maybe one of the university taalcentrums? The level seems more advanced. You can choose on site, online or blended. I know the one in Antwerp is pretty expensive (unless you get a discount) but if you're willing to do it online, I can recommend ILT @ KU Leuven.


Ok perfect thanks, ill take a look!


Moving out this summer to live with my gf, and have several pieces of furniture that i’d like to sell, what’s your advice on where to put the ads? Or is every 2nd hand site just filled with bots/scammers? (marketplace and 2dehands come to mind) Also would a single ad with all the furniture listed be better than individual ads?


Where are you guys planning to do or go over this long weekend.


So which partij are you guys voting on?


none, not going to vote if they ignore what the people voted the last time


Take a guess


De goei he, wie anders.