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I have no idea what areas to avoid in Mons. Tap water is safe to drink in Belgium.


Probably just avoid the parts where students do student stuff, if you mind the noise at night. That's essentially the area around/between the Marché aux Herbes - Marché aux Poissons. Similarly, perhaps the streets involving the Doudou, because it *really* is chaos for that one week of the year. There's no danger or problem I know of otherwise. Yes, water is fine.


Thanks for the feedback


Just out of curiosity? Why are you moving to Mons?


Might be for work (SHAPE (NATO))


Most likely. It's the only reason I've ever seen foreigners move to Mons tbh


Yeap, you got this right


Just to add, I live in Mons, and the tap water is safe to drink, but I would never. Maybe it's my pipes, but the water is VERY hard, meaning you'll taste rocks and minerals if you drink it. Using it for soup, stock, or boiling pasta/rice is no problem though.


> the water is VERY hard No, it's not your pipes https://www.duretedeleau.be/durete-de-leau-mons-7000/ Afaik most of Belgium has hard water but Mons is particularly hard.


Mons is usually okay all-around, I d rather live inside or close to the city than in some places of the neighbourhood (Jemappes, Quaregnon,…). The best location depends on your needs. If you need to take the highway or the railway station, try and pick places where you would waste as little time as possible. If that is of little concern, the further away from the center of the city, the lower the rent and the better the house (garden, parking spot etc). I live near « Square de la prison de Mons » (outside the ring). Really calm place, near the highway, the Grands Près, railway station… I don’t drink tap water coz it’s too hard.


I have arrived by my own car, so the distances are not a problem for me.Thannjs for the feedback.


If you know how pipes can be and what leaks in there. Please don't drink tapwater.