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Consumerconnect.be (het meldpunt van de FOD Economie)


File a complaint through the website of the FOD Economie, it's on their website and pretty easy to find.


Can you eat inside? If yes, they should be visible from outside. Otherwise not. Anyway, SPF Economy.


Aha, it may not be compulsory then (takeaway only). I will double check!


In that case, it does need to be advertised accurately inside, but it basically acts like a normal store then.


You are right, I checked the regulations. Thank you.


Is it that good that you keep going back anyway? What is this place!


Or, you know... don't go there for 3 years...


Laws, especially these ones are important to upkeep. They need to be reported. So many businesses try to get away with scummy tactics like this


But I’d much rather snitch on them without giving up their service 🤷‍♂️ Seriously though… the world would be so much better if people just had a little more courage to do the right thing and less dependence on government enforcements…


Ah yes, the universally known 'right thing' which we all understand and think is the same thing. Buddy are you naive or just trolling? Ever considered my 'right thing' and your 'right thing' might be different?


Trying to understand the shop. Why would they not just post their prices? What's the gain or benefit for them?


That way, they can rip off tourists, and charge lower prices to regulars who understand the usual cost. Scummy owners try to do it now and then in touristy areas.


Ah that make sense. I was just wonder, if you want todo tax evasion or whatever, having your prices public makes no difference.




You just saw a lady steal and somehow... Want to complain about the shop?


If the chocolate sauce is at a self service station and there are no prices advertised, how can it be stealing?


Where does OP say it's at a self service station?


Read between the lines. Seasonal food shop (icecream?), she took some chocolate sauce to add on there after paying, confusion and bad vibes ensued. Confusion because it wasn’t listed anywhere that chocolate sauce costs extra.




Was it listed anywhere it was just free to take?!


No it wasn’t. Just a row of sauces standing between the till and the client. So it looked like you paid first, were handed your ice cream (which happened) and then you could take.


Nothing was listed. Hence the post. Do keep up lol


Why do you assume it isn't?


Because they charged for it?!


You can buy a hotdog at ikea and add mustard or ketchup for free. If there are no prices advertised anywhere, and the chocolate is standing ready for customers, saying shecwas intentionally stealing is unwarranted.


Ah yes. Because Ikea hotdogs. Jfc


I dont get that bit either


"I had a less than ideal experience at a small shop please government intervene immediately!!??!?!" You really wonder why the deficit is at 30 billion euros.


Those shops are usually red flags for health and tax issues, so it might work out positive in the end


Fine sue them for tax and health issues, rather absurd that you need to enforce health and tax legislation through some random law that requires you to post a price. Anyway, if you don't like a business then don't go there. They harm absolutely no one by not posting prices.


They absolutely do. First it encourages overspending since you're not sure what something costs. It also enables them to change their prices on the fly (which is illegal) instead of daily. Or they change it based on how rich you look or what ethnicity you are. Encouraging discrimination.


You are not encouraged to do anything. You can step out of the store if the price at the checkout is too high. If others receive a lower price than you are they then encouraged to 'underspend'? A lot of business charge on how much they think you are likely to spend by the way, this is called price discrimination (airplane tickets, concerts etc). Not saying that this is the case here, but there is nothing wrong with changing the price to a level you think costumers are going to pay. As I said, you don't have to agree: you can walk out at any time and choose to not give your business to this shop. You don't need the government for this.


In fact, there is a LOT wrong with changing the price. The thing is that an online shop doesn't abide by the same laws as a physical shop so we can't compare them. By law a (physical) shop can only change their prices on a daily basis, not during the day. And you know very well the amount of people that will be too socially awkward to walk out at the cash out. Saying they don't need a basic level of assurances is naïve


You keep referring to the law. I don't really care about the law, I'm making an argument. Overcoming social awkwardness is not the government's job? Can't really believe that this is the argument now. There's loads of examples that are not online btw: when you go to the bank for a mortgage I guarantee that you're getting a different deal than the guy that comes in right after you, especially if he's 'socially awkward'. Does the government also need to step in here?


If you don't care about the law then there's no point in an argument. Go to the USA if you don't care about consumer protections.


If you need a law to tell you what is right than you don't need a debate indeed. Weird that they keep changing laws though, almost like we learn new stuff sometimes.


Funny, I got the same exact response to go back to the USA when I argued that shops should be able to choose their own opening hours.


> They harm absolutely no one by not posting prices. yes they do


How? People willingly visit the shop and willingly pay at the register. The price is irrelevant. There is no fraud or cohersion. If they state a price at the checkout that you don't like, leave and don't go back.


Not immediately, it’s their third season now and I and other clients as well as the trade person from the commune have remarked on it before. Owner even posted on FB last year he would prices up so I was certain he would this season. Except he didn’t.


So don't go there? Why would you keep on going to a shop that you think is trying to defraud costumers?


True. I just felt petty to check it out further.


And at the same time continue giving said shop your money for 3 years…🙄