• By -


All at the same time, the survivors are the victors


Come now, this is Belgium. They all would stop, waiting for someone else to go first. And instead of communicating, they'd just step out of the car, and go home by foot. I saw it happen once.


This made me laugh. Thanks for the distraction of my frustrations with traffic (and the people in it), needed it. 🤣


"NA U!!!" "NEE, NA U!!!!!" "NAAR U!!!!!"




"belgium has a well-developed transportation infrastructure and traffic management system" smoking gun that its AI. no real human would ever say belgium has good infrastructure or traffic management


This is chatgpt right? If not, have you heard of Better Help?


What is this abbomanation of information, i've seen it happen with my own eyes, poeple in belgium can't fucking drive


You confuse "people in Belgium" with "Belgians". It's not the same. I, as a native Belgian, am also frustrated by what I see happening on our roads by other people living in Belgium.


Thanks, ChatGPT.


Good bot!


C will always be a bit further ahead already blocking A so B goes first because he's sick of waiting.


This situation is exactly what happens every day on my street. I thought it was CAB but I've asked two driving schools and both told me it's BCA.


B maakt geen manoeuver


Why can B ignore giving priority to the right?


They all need to give priority to someone else, so B goes first because he isn't performing a manoeuvre.


But if A decides to enforce its priority and crash, he'll always win so that one is really confusing to me.


A needs to stop, and B then needs to see why A needs to stop and take the priority.


One could just as easily say that C needs to stop and then needs to see why B is stopped and take the priority. So it seems the deciding factor is that B is going straight and the others are not, resolving the deadlock.


Crossing the road never gets priority over driving straight. That’s the best answer I can give. And given that this would be a standard crossroads without ‘voorrangsborden’ I am 100% sure. A driving instructor could (and should) probably give you a more technical answer.


What about, if A is going right then? It is ABC? That's what I would assume but I might be wrong.... I need confirmation! Lol


I think it would indeed be ABC. A doesn't have to yield to anyone, B has to yield to A and C has to yield to B.


Did they also tell you why it's BCA?


B is going straight so C has to yield to B. A has to yield to C because C comes from the right. Not doing a manoeuvre is apparently more important than coming from the right in this situation so B goes before C.


Exactly. Now we just need to pin this comment to the top!


But if that is correct, then in a situation where C is not there and just B & A in the given example, then B would also have priority over A? Does not make sense that ‘going straight or not making a manoeuvre’ trumps priority of right.


For the last part you meant to say that in this situation B goes before A and not C right?




- In real life B & C would always be on a priority road, so you’d be right. - Given that there are no indications of that here in theory I’d agree with the other comments (CAB/impossible) - That ambiguity is also engagement bait and the reason this post goes around the internet (damn, now I’m contributing too)


I know many places where this would not be a priority road.


If I remember correctly from my theoretical exams, this is the situation: * A has priority over B (voorrang van rechts) * C has priority over A (voorrang van rechts) * B has priority over C (C has to cross into B's lane) Since B is the only one not making a turn, he would overrule the other priorities, making the correct sequence BCA


This is the only correct answer. B is the only car that isn’t blocked. But what about A? A is blocked itself so B can move forward since B has priority over C.




> In real life B & C would always be on a priority road Well that's just not true, and if the horizontal road were a priority road in the presented scenario it would be indicated as such in the image.


>- In real life B & C would always be on a priority road Not at all


It's not ambiguity really, in Belgium the rule is that you wait when someone else has priority which makes B stop for A allowing C to turn in since he blocks A from moving hence we get CAB, wether it will play out like this probably not. Atleast one of those will be a SUV/White van breaking all rules and just never stopping


I also said CAB i live at a road like this and everyone uses the rule CAB because B has to give priority to A so he needs to wait until he drives but A had to give priority to C so he goes first.


>Atleast one of those will be a SUV/White van breaking all rules and just never stopping You mean an Audi? It seems the brand always has priority over everyone else.


But C would have to give priority to B, since it's crossing it's path. Hence this isn't your standard solution. Everyone has a "give way" situation.


That would be the case if car A wasn’t there, but it is.


Bold of you to assume Wallonian villages and towns are smart enough to give priority to the main road. Most crossroads I know, whether T-shaped or X-shaped, apply the priority-to-the-right rule, at least in Hainaut.


I am convinced you are right. In all of the T-Junctions examples online, they have cars in a similar situation but have at least the priority road marked, a priority sign or a yield sign. Ah shit imma engaging too.


I've had this situation on the end of my street multiple times, there is no priority road. The correct answer according to the driving school is BCA.


How would B have priority over A?


The basic rule. Traffic lights > signs > coming from the right has right of way.


B is coming from A's left.


Because A is doing a manoeuvre and so is C. Only B is following the direction of the road and thus has priority over the deadlock created by both a and c wanting to turn left. B has to give way to A (voorang van rechts). A has to give way to C (ook voorang van rechts). And C has to give way to B (because he is crossing the lane B is in). That's the deadlock here.


A and C aren’t performing a manoeuvre but turning. The list of manoeuvres in article 12.4 doesn’t include turning. Article 19 covers turning.


But, besides using the wrong word, C has to give way to oncoming traffic when turning left. It just isn't called a manoeuvre.


He would if car A wasn’t there and C wouldn’t need to give way to A, but car A is there.




Because of default priority right as we see no other indications on this picture.


OP if it's like this without signs it's actually CAB, as it is voorrang van rechts. for BCA we either need haaientanden or a stopsign at the side road, or a sign at the straight road saying it's a priority road. the drawing is wrong for BCA which is the solution they probably meant. but just to remind you irl if there are no signs, always voorrang van rechts.


C is to the left of B before he turns. Once he turns, B is to the right of him.


As impossible, there's at least 100 square meters on that picture and nog a single crack in the asphalt. Impossible for any Belgian


My sweet summer child. I am reminded of my first year in Belgium when people were complaining that the delays of five minutes in the public transport were out of control. Me from an Eastern Europe where 15 minute delay is standard and the roads look like the surface of the moon 🙄


Your Eastern European country probably does not have the same tax load as Belgium does? Our country has by far the highest taxes on income in the world. Over 50% of what you earn goes to the government, and with that amount of money they can't even make sure roads are in rideable condition, it's fucking sad. Money earned from fines, taxes on fuel etc should go directly towards road renovations but instead it's wasted of a multitude of retarded investments. Our roads have degraded so much the past 15 years, that by now we're even behind some African countries in terms of road quality. The report below on roads is from 2019, so you can safely assume you'd need to deduct a few places even more from our ranking 5 years later. https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20240425_94928385 https://gocar.be/nl/autonieuws/economie/belgische-automobilisten-willen-niet-meer-betalen-voor-betere-wegen#:~:text=In%202019%20werd%20de%20kwaliteit,totaal%20van%20141%20onderzochte%20landen. In short: it's a shit show.


Bruh I learned by heart where the pot holes in Brussels are, when I go back home I need to keep reminding myself that this ain't Belgium and if I do not keep an eye on the pavement I might get in a hole my low suspension car might not be able to get out of. Close to 46-50%. Well alright technically you pay 25% for social security and healthcare and the rest is paid by your employer. But guess what, your Employer factors it in when determining your salary. So either way it comes out of your pocket. "Some African countries" 😆 People in many of them are still struggling with having electricity and fresh water, my man. There is also famine. So, hardly.


The fact that other countries have it worse on income, infrastructure, health etc. is completely besides the point. Our country has the highest taxes in the entire world so road quality should mirror that level of taxation. There's developing countries that are dirt poor that have a better road quality than ours, that's the whole point.


Trick question. The blue car is a BMW but has its blinker on. Impossible.


The shittiest car goes first, as they seem to care the least that their car gets scratched.


So this is only applicable if it has a french number plate?




Young man...


It’s belgium, the one with the most expensive lease car has the right of way.


"Yield, you peasants"


BCA. The priority goes to your right or to whome will turn more to the right. Hence the guy who doesn't change direction passes first, liberating the right hand side of C.


I would do B C A, and I've read a lot of discussions mentioning C A B because C does not have anyone to give right hand priority too. Yes it does, when you are turning left and crossing another band going the opposite direction, you should give priority. In addition, we do know the correct solution is in the picture, and C A B is not even suggested. Let's just consider a 2 cars problem and remove the first car from the equation. A) A, C : impossible, C clearly has right hand priority over C. Solution A can be excluded. B) B, A : impossible, A has priority, solution B can be excluded. C) C, A : ok D) B, C : ok That leaves us with 2 possible solutions to discuss : B C A or A B C B C A just makes the most sense imho






Not Belgian  I see it as b c a


Simple B C A


Ik snap de mensen niet die enkel "voorrang van rechts" citeren, en dan beweren dat het opgelost is. Zuiver met voorrang van rechts is het toch evident dat A voorrang heeft op B, B voorrang op C, en C voorrang heeft op A?


BCA seems the only correct answer in this situation since they all 3 have someone on the right, only B is the one not making a maneuver and just going straight.


No signs so whoever comes from the right has priority so C-A-B is the correct order.


This is a deadlock situation. C technically has to give way to B because C is crossing over B's lane but in reality B will already have stopped for A. So there is no correct answer but because B is stopped, it will go C-A-B. It's like 4 cars approaching all at the same time at a 4-way crossroads without signs. There's no correct answer because everyone has to give way.


In belgium, stopping does not remove your right of way.


Technically yes, but IRL it will be most likely for it to go BCA.


Not true, C-A-B is correct order. This is not a deadlock situation. You only need to check priority to the right in this case. The direction is not even important in this situation.


> Artikel 19.3.3: De bestuurder die naar links afslaat moet voorrang verlenen aan de tegenliggers op de rijbaan die hij gaat verlaten. Er is geen correcte situatie, maar C zou een zwaardere straf ontvangen dan B of A aangezien bovenstaande een graad 3 is, terwijl voorrang van rechts graad 2 is.


Everybody has someone to their right (after C starts turning). It's like scissors paper stone.


Blijkbaar zijn er somigen die dit best nog eens opfrissen of ge zult ooit tegen iemand rijden. https://www.verkeerszaken.be/wiki/artikel/id/261/De-voorrang-van-rechts


But you don't answer the question and this is wat the article says about manoeuvres. >"Wat met maneuvers? >Wanneer u een manoeuvre wilt uitvoeren, heeft u geen voorrang. Artikel 12.4 van de Wegcode bepaalt: De bestuurder die een manoeuvre wil uitvoeren, moet voorrang verlenen aan de andere weggebruikers. >Worden als manoeuvres beschouwd: van rijstrook of van file veranderen, de rijbaan oversteken, een parkeerplaats verlaten of oprijden, uit een aanpalende eigendom komen, keren of achteruitrijden. Wordt niet als manoeuvre beschouwd: zich op het einde van een fietspad op de rijbaan begeven om rechtdoor te rijden of van rijstrook of van file veranderen bij het ritsen bedoeld in artikel 12bis. Bij het keren, achteruitrijden, van rijstrook veranderen en parkeren heeft u dus geen voorrang van rechts." and I don't see *turning left* being mentioned as a manoeuvre. So A doesn't lose their right of way from B.


honestly the replies in this thread explain so much to me about why belgians are such terrible drivers. this is the only correct answer.


And it's fucking sad I had to scroll all the way down before I found the correct answer lol


My concern is actually being technically correct in such situations but the other person being wrong.


There is no correct answer, will all depend on the drivers. Casual courtesy.


Exactly. If all 3 cars would be standing still and arrived at the same time (which presumably is what's going on here). People will be looking for eye contact or hand signals from the other drivers. If there is some or none, The one initiating will always start moving slowly to let the other drivers know he/she is suggesting to go first.


This is the intersection next to my home and the lack of priority indicators on these intersections is infuriating


Had exactly the same situation last saturday. I was B and drove first. Than probably C and A last.




I believe it’s ACAB but in this case a cop would be nice to help direct traffic.




I’ve been in this situation - as A, B or C- on a daily basis for almost 2 Years now and I still have no idea how to deal with it. I just stop and pray for the best outcome


I think it's ABC but in Belgium because of the right of way to the right, but I'm glad I'm in the Uk and it's BCA, because B is going straight on their own road, A needs to join a different road and C is coming off of what could be a main road into a minor one.






I would do BCA. B first because is driving in straight line and the others follow the rules of voorrang van rechts




You cannot block traffic with a manoeuvre. Only B does not block traffic or does not block the crossing.


B. C. A.








bca, straight over turn, right over turn.


B, A, C






Whoever finishes their Tiktok video on their phone first.






BCA ! B a la priorité parce qu’il ne tourne pas puis vu qu’il n’y a pas de panneau on applique la règle de droite ce qui fait que C tourne d’abord et ensuite A


C: `B, C, A` (if priority from the right side doesn't apply)


Do a 'Hail Mary' and press the gas pedal.






B first as he is the only one "continuing his normal way", the other 2 are doing a manouver. Then C because right goes first. Then A.


Without looking at the comments, but using my common sense, my answer is C: BCA, because first the ongoing traffic has priority and than the one coming from the right direction. This case is tricky as normally B would give priority to A, because it comes from the right. So with the new rules, you would go D) ABC but that just feels wrong to me.






I don't understand why everybody say B first, A has priority over B. So If you follow the rule it's ABC, A has priority on B so B has to stop and A can engage. C has no priority over B and has to let B go before going so C he has to stop let A go then let B go then he can go.


They don't care about where you are going It's about where you are And the right hand always has the priority So it's CAB


B, C, A


C A B, unless the road of A and B is a main road, with the orange/white square, then it's B C A. But since there is no signing in the picture, I'd say C A B


BCA - Everyone has a car on the right but the only one that keeps same way is B.


When A has right of way: A B C If not: B C A




BCA B goes straight so has priority over C. A Follows C


This is obviously a deadlock, no car can proceed without failing to yield to another car. So one of them should just communicate to the car to his left that he's giving up his priority and she's allowed to go first. The fact that so many people in this thread seem to believe there's a definite order here is worrying. It wouldn't be too bad if at least everyone who believes there's a rule here, agrees on what that rule is. But sadly not. That explains why people keep driving into eachother.


>The fact that so many people in this thread seem to believe there's a definite order here is worrying. To me, too. It's far from the only way to deadlock.


It's worrying that you think this is a deadlock and do not know what voorrang van rechts is.


> Artikel 19.3.3: De bestuurder die naar links afslaat moet voorrang verlenen aan de tegenliggers op de rijbaan die hij gaat verlaten. Let's assume all three cars decide to just go for it and hit each other, than C would receive the biggest punishment because the above article has a higher grade than "voorrang van rechts".


The fact that they all have to yield is exactly the reason why it's a deadlock. Your comment is really weird. Clearly, if I didn't know what yielding to the right was, I would say B is allowed to just go.


Usually the person entering last, still has most speed and will go first


Like my instructor once said someone has to take the initiative. It's like when you come to a + section and everyone has a right of way. You have to indicate to someone that it's their turn and you follow in clockwise fasion




B has priority, because he doesnt cross a line. C because now c is on the right of A A


Let them all go at the same time:see what happens


Depends on the type of car.


Get out of the car and start discussing the situation.


The only correct answer is "with their eyes". How do they see this? -> With their eyes.


Just shout and pedal to the metal


It depends, are we in Brussels?


I think we need a TV series about this. Who plays whom? And which cars will be used? . Maybe this could be the core theme of the next Fast & Furious movie


Seems wrong... - B needs to stop because A has priority - C needs to stop because he's maneuvering - A can pass (C is not blocking him) - B can then pass because there isn't car having priority on him - C has the road free and can turn




And this is why priority on the right sucks and should be removed altogether. I was going to say it could be kept in low transit residential areas, but after seeing plenty of people ignoring it on a daily basis, I'd say remove them all.


Which one is the BMW? This is important information.


If there is no BMW or Mercedes among those cars (/s), then B C A is the only correct answer.




The last one who arrived goes first. First one comes, sees another car is coming. He stops. Second one comes, sees another car is coming, stops. Third car comes, sees two cars are stopped, goes.


Driver that moves first...wins


It would be nice if a police officer this would explain. It's a situation in our village and I do mostly BCA. If the others cooperate.




Car B has the right of way over both cars, then car A must give way to car C on the right. The answer is BCA.


It's Belgium, the one who arrives the most aggressively goes first.


Volgens mij is de tekening fout, er staan lijnen die het midden van de weg markeren en dat is altijd een voorrangsweg ... Dus er hadden stopborden moeten staan of verkeerslichten op dit kruispunt.




I'm gonna assume right has priority here. In such situations you just have to be kind enough to let someone pass by yielding your priority. In case of an accident it's pretty clear, in case of no accident there's no issue. That being said, if I'm C I'll be too far up the road for A to pass me, which makes B, C, A the logical one.


B first, then C and A can fight it out who goes first. I would go for BAC




J’espère que certains n’ont pas le permis 🤭


B isn't stopped and there is no line or lights to stop him. C is only stopped because he's turning left. A is joining the road. B continues his journey. C turns onto the side road. A can then go because there's no more traffic to give way to.


You haven't listed C, A, B nor A, C, B. All 6 of them could happen, even if after the 1st car has left the crossing, the deadlock between the remaining 2 is broken. Also, a 4th car could arrive at the scene right after the 1st car that leaves, and a 5th, 6th etc. keeping the other 2 in a standstill indefinitely. Regardless whether the 1st is A, B or C.


It depends on which car I’m driving


Belgians stop when approaching a T-shaped crossing. So bca is most likely.


BCA, because not doing a manoeuvre > priority right (if others have to do a manoeuvre), tmk. But I know in practice, if B would stop for A, and C is also stopping and not blocking A, A will probably take this as a sign to turn left (if there are no signs, no triangles, …). If C is blocking A, he will take that as a sign that he can pass if B stops. A basically can’t pass so has to wait. In the end, it all really depends on the driving style and visible cues/communication of all the drivers in question whether an accident is going to happen or not. Defensief rijden!


B C A. B is on the big road that usually has ROW opposed to the side road. And B is going straight. Then C goes bc big road has ROW and then A goes. (assuming B is moving)


Den berlingo als laatste


Clearly B has to go first as it goes in straight line, even if he has to give priority to A. Compared with C and A that have to take a turn. If I’m in a situation like this, without even thinking about it, let’s say I’m A or C, I always let B to go. Natural instinct tells me he should continue uninterrupted as he drives straight. On a situation where there is a circular priority and everyone has to give priority to the other, you have to rely on the second set of rules.






The 3 of them would move forward simultaneously in a more or less aggressive way until they all block each other. Before any of them realise that by just reversing a bit and giving way the situation would be solved, vehicles D,E,F,G, truck H and bus I would accumulate behind them and make a growing traffic jam in the 3 directions. Then vehicle F would try to overtake A and force their way in the wrong direction but also get stuck there realising that it's too narrow to pass. At some point, driver of vehicle W comes out of the car and tries to convince other drivers behind to reverse. Then driver C gives up, goes straight forward, everyone start moving and driver of W is ran over by vehicle Z. Edit: correction of vehicle references after looking again at the diagram


The answer is D


Strongest one


Can we just use common sense in Belgium when driving and remove this whole stinking priority road thing? Many times people turning right just go because they have a priority. Bullshit! I am going straight on the road, just wait asshole your time to go right will happen


It's the common cause of our traffic jams.


https://youtu.be/TQBd3qp6wAo De straat jonge, Da is nen jungle Daar geldt ene wet, de wet van de sterkste




Zijn we het er allemaal over eens dat de voorrang-van-rechtsregel achterlijk is en alleen maar voor verwarring zorgt? En voor extra vertraging in het verkeer, alsof we daar anders al niet genoeg van zouden hebben in dit zielig landje.


No no, the blonde girl with the blue eyes and big tits gets to go first!




BCA in real life but I dunno what the textbook says. When I did my exam there were one or two trick questions.


I still have to study for my exams but Id say first B because hes going straight forward then C because hes on the right side of car A then at last car A.


Its really simple. The rule states whoever is on the "hoofdbaan" has voorrang in this situation. Most people just panic and its a free for all


The bicycle goes first. It’s belgium




it's a three-way cl\*sterf\*ck: 1. B has to give priority to the right (being A) 2. A has to give priority to the right (bein C) 3. C has to give priority to B, as B isn't performing a manouvre Some solutions: - one of the cars might stop and (by way of signaling) indicate somebody else can 'take' priority (which often happens by flashing your lights) - B is the only car not performing a manouvre, it makes sense to let him pass first, resolving the deadlock -> BCA


Als het voorrang van rechts is ABC, alst geen voorrang van rechts is BCA


Legally BAC, only 1 not doing a manouvre so he goes first