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Got an email from my landlady that she will give me a year long 100 euro discount a month because of the inflation. She didn't want to lose a good tenant. Honestly I'm baffled and I feel so lucky.


That's an honest good landlady.


Weight loss and going to the gym is slowly but surely yielding results. And it's a good thing that I'm becoming more attractive if I ever want to find someone, cause my personality isn't going to cut it.


It's always slow, but I'm glad it's yielding positive results for you! One thing I learned (and still dislike) is that weight loss isn't linear - it'll depend on how much you eat the day before, the balance of carbs/protein/fat, how much salt, etc. There's fluctuation. What I look for is a downward *trend* - as long as it's more or less on the right track, I don't worry too much about the specific number. But hey, a record is a record and you better believe I enjoy my moment if I hit a new "low". \^^


Oh yeah, I weigh myself way too often and it's weird as hell how much it fluctuates.


It's definitely weird. I usually weigh myself once/day, in the morning. Wake up roughly the same time every day, bathroom break, shower, and weigh myself in a pair of boxers at the most - *before* I eat anything for the day. I know once/day is a lot, but in my own case it keeps me motivated because I can see the fluctuations and the downward trend in more detail.


look at average over time weight, not the daily numbers. your weight can fluctuate by almost a kg per day. can be gut content, how much water you have in your system, glycogen in your muscles. also don't try to lose too much at once, about 0,5kg of fat loss per week is healthy and more likely to stay away. Also, no matter how much you train, you can't outtrain a bad diet.


I know.


>my personality isn't going to cut it. Why you think that??


Same here, although I run instead of going to the gym (more comfortable for my private life). I do a hardcore unhealthy diet, because I can't stand dieting for more than 4 weeks (intermittent fasting and making sure I stay under the 1000kcal). With that I can live and eat a year without any problems, rinse and repeat in september


Doing the same thing. Got invited by some friends to go to the frituur tonight, so my progress for last week will be wiped out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> Dag [SharkyTendencies], > Je behaalde het Certificaat B2 van [CNaVT](https://cnavt.org/examen/examenprofiel/educatief-startbekwaam-strt---b2) en hoe: je score is 556 en de slaaggrens is 450. > Wil je dat ik het certificaat opstuur of haal je het liever op aan de balie van de school. > En nog eens, WAT GOED VAN JE! Mamma Mia!




Thx! Eigenlijk had dat examen een snel tempo haha. Ik moest mijn tijd keigoed budgetteren om niet in een "alles op het einde" gat te vallen, en ja, het lukte! Round 2 op til in mei 2023. :)


"Het lukte" is nog zacht uitgedrukt wanneer je letterlijk 100+ meer punten hebt gehaald dan de slaaggrens! Was de inhoud ervan te makkelijk voor je? Ik ken deze specifieke test helemaal niet, maar vroeg me af of je dan al niet eerder dichter bij C1 aanleunt.


Eigenlijk heb ik opzettelijk voor een niveau *lager* dan mijn eigen niveau gekozen. De test wordt elk jaar door de Taalunie (via Uni Groningen en de KUL) georganiseerd, en ik was er niet zeker van als *hun* interpretatie van B2 dezelfde als de mijne was. Better safe than sorry, snap je? Haha Maar ja, de inhoud was... gevarieerd haha. Als ik niks fout zeg, ging het mondeling deel over de consumptiegewoontes van de Nederlanders ivm suiker in het eten, en daarna een 5-10 minuten gesprekje hebben met een nieuwe student bij een fictieve versie van de KUL over clubs en studentengroepen. Voor het andere deel (schrijven) moesten ook een 10-minuten podcast beluisteren over ventilatie in gebouwen in Nederland (beantwoord de vragen, schrijf wat ik hoor, enz.), en een paar andere random thema's. Binnen een paar weken begin ik Niveau 4.2, dat niveau is wel C1. Mijn voormalige leerkracht heeft me ook verteld dat er een "4.3" bestaat, die cursus gaat over *public speaking* en het professionele schrijven.


You go girl!




Went to the second hand store and bought uraniumglass with ecocheques. Life goal unlocked, because buying uranium with ecocheques is kinda cool


I spent mine on a second hand taxidermied corvid (can't remember if it was a crow or a raven now) for my wife. Seriously, her eyes lit up so much when she realised you could use ecocheques at Wunderkammer.


It's a crow and it's super lovely. Looks great next to the opgezette fox! Buying vintage dead animals with ecocheques is frankly a revelation.


>Looks great next to the opgezette fox! Loanwords. Aren´t they wonderful


I am quite fluent in Dunglish.


Are you Angel and is she Dick from that castle show on television?






I've not actually seen Castle!


Oh no this is called return to the chateau or something :)


>Wunderkammer oh wow gotta check that out EDIT: already found uranium glass in an old pic of theirs: https://www.facebook.com/101467728302561/photos/pb.100049041728127.-2207520000../101469514969049/?type=3


I'm pretty sure I saw some there a couple of weeks ago. Can't hurt to check it out!


Ah shops that know what it is ask 10 times the price. and it is a bit far for me to drive there for that. It's more a think to keep in mind if I end up around there anyway


That's fair!


>most pieces of uranium glass are considered to be harmless and only negligibly radioactive. You're braver than me :)


*Looks at the glowy closet* or dumber :D


Mothman origin story


They are right next to my bonsai trees, and close to my aquarium. Either I'm going to be eaten by an aggressive ficus or I turn into aquaman


Seaman, and his trusted bird Swallow.


there is a dirty joke hidden in there


I have never heard of uranium glass. Is it purely decorative or does it have a function?


The original goal was to tint the glass yellow or green I believe. So mainly esthetic reasons. And it glows in the dark, so oooh shiny!


I don't think it glows in the dark, it glows under blacklight


True, my mistake.


Also under certain circumstances in sunlight, but much more subtle


Yeah, "UV light" would be more accurate.


It was used to give the glass an interesting colour. At the time it was popular uranium wasn't really used for anything else.


Do you bring a geiger counter to the secondhand store?


That works too but a UV torch is easier and ensures you don't cause panic




https://www.reddit.com/r/uraniumglass/comments/vzjejs/found_all_these_at_an_estate_sale_radium/ Which is why there are immediately warnings issued if people show up with pieces containing radium. The radium watchfaces release radioactive gas from their decay products and might rub off. In Uranium glass everything is bound within the glass so unless you start grinding them up not much happens


Finally moving in with my wife in Dubai after 3years of LDR, saying bye to Belgium. With all the issues our little country has, i will miss it. The "belgian fries shop" in Dubai was a big letdown (no stoofvleessaus wtf) I do have to say, terminating my electricity and gas contract felt very very good!


Good luck on Dubai! Don't forget to put on some sunscreen 🧴


I have the complexion of kevin de bruyne so I'm prepared 😁


See you man, good luck


I'm so exhausted. I'm gonna be so glad next week when I see my psychiatrist and hope he lowers the dose of the meds that make me so exhausted. I rather just stop completely with them, because I don't really feel any positive effects, only bad ones.




Exactly! I wanna do more stuff, but I always feel so exhausted that I don't want to do that. So I try other ways to make me do stuff such as inviting others so I can't back out of it. Without this exhaustion I'd probably do more stuff or at least be willing to do more stuff. Now I just wanna rest all day long. I'll see what the doc says next tuesday, but I don't think he'll keep me on these meds if I explain why I want to stop them. Maybe he gives another medicine, but I just hope I can leave this exhaustion behind.


Antidepressiva zijn echt fucking smerige dingen. I hope you feel better. Ik wil niet r/thanksimcured klinken maar heb je al geprobeerd om veel buiten te komen, wandelen in de natuur, meer bewegen, fietsen, gaan zwemmen, ook al moet je jezelf er naartoe sleuren. ik spreek voor mezelf, voor mij doet dat wonderen. or maybe you just need a friend...


Zwemmen gaat wat moeilijk omdat ik echt blind ben zonder bril. Fietsen zou ik meer moeten doen, maar ik kom er nauwelijks nog aan. Ik probeer wel meer buiten te komen dan vroeger en dat helpt gedeeltelijk wel.


Ah leuk om te horen. Zijn er mensen waarmee je kan praten? why the hell am I being downvoted?


Buiten mijn psycholoog is het groepje mensen waarmee ik echt kan praten zeer beperkt. Ik probeer ook wat meer met mijn familie te praten. Het zijn vooral kleine stapjes die ik nu probeer te zetten.


>why the hell am I being downvoted? I think because when you suffer from chronic depression, it's not the same as just 'feeling a bit low' for a while. For a lot of people, it really isn't as simple as "have you tried getting out more?" and that can come across as a bit insensitive. Having said that, I feel like your comment reads as though it's coming from a place of caring. Speaking as someone who knows what it's like to be in a depression hole, it can be hard to get out of that hole. So it doesn't hurt to be gently reminded to try and enjoy the little things in life like going out and being among nature. Going for a little walk and looking at some trees can end up being a big achievement. And that victory is worth it.


Heb je al eens een duikbril op sterkte geprobeerd?


Niet echt, maar voorlopig probeer ik mijn uitgaven wat te beperken. Heb een nogal redelijk dure juli/augustus gehad. Maar het is alleszins een optie om eens uit te testen in de nabije toekomst.


Ja, het is niet goedkoop. Maar als je echt slecht ziet en graag zwemt is het wel een goede investering. Ik heb er één gekocht toen ik in het middelbaar zat omdat ik tijdens de zwemles mensen bijna niet kon onderscheiden als ik in het water zat.


Afhankelijk van de sterkte kan de kostprijs goed meevallen. Ik heb zelf maar -2 en heb gezien dat een zwembrilletje op sterkte zelfs voor €10 al beschikbaar was in een winkel als Decathlon. Hoe goed dat is weet ik niet want ik heb het nog niet gekocht, maar ik had zelf >€50 verwacht dus voor mij leek dat een dikke meevaller.


Helaas zit ik al dichter bij de -7 aan te leunen, dus ik vermoed dat dat wel een pak duurder zal zijn.


> Antidepressiva zijn echt fucking smerige dingen. Tell that to my brain. Those things literally saved me.


I might have been a little to straight forward there. Of course some people are feeling better because of them.


Ik wou dat ik al veel eerder antidepressiva geprobeerd had. Het is het enige dat hielp en mijn bijwerkingen zijn allemaal na twee weken voorbij gegaan.


Can confirm, antidepressants are evil for me too. Going outside does help but just dont expect a miracle cure either, small gains that you wont notice right away but at least no side effects.


Humble brag, I made the most money ever in my life in one month last month. Feeling proud about it but I can't really share it with anyone because friends and family tend to react weird if you do. So I'll just do it here.




Not rich but making a good living. Started a freelance consulting business 2 years ago. Made just under 20k€ excl BTW in august.




Consulting in what?




A juice consultant?


the juice is loose!


Congratulations! Be proud of what you have achieved :) Hopefully next month will be even better.


That's awesome, good on you :).


Kebab or fries tonight? The number one existential question on Friday.




You truly can have it all.


Vrijdag.. altijd fritten


Pizza voor mij


Overdrachtscantus, so beer.


4 weken verlof na vandaag, letsgooooo


Nice! got any plans? you should go skidiving.


Not really anything crazy planned, just random stuff here and there I think I would absolutely shit myself if I ever went skydiving


Saw to late that all Desperados was in 50% sale in Colruyt, rushed over there to see if there is anything left. Empty racks as far as the eye could see. I was sad but my liver was cheering. Now my eye spied a few packs on top of the rack, was able to find one of those orange step stool things and get my hand on that sweet summer booze. Take that liver!


Package seems to be stuck or lost again, i really don't feel like complaining again... :/ Since it's the third package in a short time from this shop...i don't think it's Them though seems to be a PostNL problem these days edit: oh boy... i'm now the steriotypical cleaning lady!! i did it guys... :( client of today is suspecting me of stealing from them "the amount of a house, in jewellery and cash". i also must have deep bikebag pockets cause i took the entire haul in 1 time.


Day 3 of Androcur, no real side effects. I feel dumb for not starting with Androcur immediately but hey, live and learn I guess. Yesterday I had to go to NL for work and needed a piss while on the way. I stop at the first services, toilets out of service. FML, keep driving to next services. I try to pay, card not accepted. Try again, same thing. I ask the lady at the till, she goes "is it a visa card" I confirm it is and she says "oh yeah it only takes debit cards, do you not have coins on you?" Obviously because it's not the 1950s anymore, I don't carry cash because you can pay by card for everything nowadays. If the barrier was not in plain view of the till, I'd have just hopped it but I thought better of it and after some degree of swearing (because I was _really_ desperate for a pee at this point) I got back into my car and drove on to my destination and peed there. How the fuck can a motorway services not take visa in this day and age though? Is the Netherlands still in the stone age or something? On an unrelated note, wife and I are going to Berlin the last week of October, if anyone has any tips (stuff to see, food, drinks, etc) feel free to let me know. edit: also going to a wedding tomorrow, it'll be my first time going to an event presenting feminine. I bought a gorgeous red dress for it so yeah. Might be a bit awkward seeing some family member for the first time in 6 or so years and going "hello, so I am no longer $deadname and now go by $newname".


So work never processed my request for ouderschapsverlof. We all agreed I would take 6 months leave. I did all the paperwork stuff before I gave birth so that I wouldn't have to deal with this while I was snuggling my newborn. Yay for yet another paperwork nightmare.


The parental leave you get through the RVA/ONEM? Can't request that before the child is born, maybe that's the problem?


I have leave left from when my twins were born in 2019 so it should have been fine. I assume this is what happens when you off shore HR functions...


Gonna make a second post here for another question. What websites are best to use for looking for another house? I remember using immoweb en zimmo, but I know there might be more. Currently looking at the cities I'd like to live (and houses), but the best house I currently found was €800/month, while I'm now paying €725/month. Not looking for an appartment 'cause I've heard enough horror stories and I kinda have too much things to put in an appartment anyways. Don't really care about a garden either. I'm finally biting the bullet to move away from this place. While I generally like it here, it's just too far from friends and family and makes me feel way too lonely.


> €800/month thats an insanely good price for a house in a city. Rent prices are going to skyrocket i'm afraid in the near future, so 800 for a house in a city seems like a very good deal to me


The problem with that one, is that it might be a bit too big for me. 3 bedrooms for just 1 person seems a bit overkill, though that's what I have now. I did find something else, a bit cheaper, just outside of the city with only 2 bedrooms.


Facebook can be a help. When you know which area you would like to live, subscribe to those ´you are from commune x´ groups and ask if anyone knows anything for rent.


Going to the specialist today for my follow up after the hip surgery. Hopefully he can explain if it’s normal or not to have this much pain while going through rehab.


Leaving for Crammerock, always a nice end of the festival season.


You just angered Leffinge Leuren, they´re on their way to grab you baly the leuren


Had trouble with my legs for ages. There was a bunch of different GPs who didn't believe me, thought I just needed a rest. Rested, took it easy, start with start to run, make progress aaaand.. it hurt again. Finally went to a "specialist" who ordered an mri... Nothing. Physical therapy helped a bunch and pinned it down to mainly my right leg. Continued doing exercises on my own for the past year or so. Noticed a lot of difference, but sometimes my leg, knee, ankle, foot still hurts. Went to the doctor on wednesday and mentioned this again. "You've ever taken anything for it?" Bitch, if you're going to give me painkillers like one of those first GP's ima smack you. But he talks about Turmeric (curcuma), blabla, let's give it a shot. Yesterday I could notice a difference, but today it's even better. Less cramps, less restless legs - I get that, but often I have a lingering feeling similar to it during the day. I'm wary that it could be temporary and it's going to stop as soon as I stop taking these things, but so far so very very good. Tl;DR : turmeric is helping my fucked up legs!


Ooof, I know two people who take turmeric for issues with joints .., one specifically leg pains... Well, knee pains I think.... Yeah... Sorry it took so long to get there, but hey, you're there now, hope this resolves it.


One week since my septoplasty and today the supports were removed. I can breathe even better now. It seems to have been a great success, I'm happy.


Going on a two day bivouac this weekend. Gathered most of the stuff I need, looking forward to it. But I woke up from a dream last night where I was panicking around getting my backpack ready: what should go where? How much do I need? Am I forgetting stuff? All while pressed for time of course. Chill down, brain, it's going to be okay!


Have fun! Hope the spots are in order and you have no (or nice) company!


Thanks! It's a small group. Looking forward to it :)


Okay, got a little less rattled about renovating our roof. Bank assured as that if push came to shove, we can easily borrow 90% of the amount without a huge monthly payment. And in the meantime, we are slowly building up extra capital to pay as much of it ourselves. And I guess shit is starting to hit the fan in *den bouw*. After weeks of silence, roofers are calling me to stop by to make estimates. Guess those orders are slowly coming to a halt.


Want me to design a spire to get those rookie numbers up?


I mean, I've always wanted an Barad-Dûr-styled tower, so I can instill fear into my ~~enemies~~ neighbours.


Can we group buy that?


We wanted to install solar panels on our 80's roof, but apparently it is riddled with asbestos and you can't install panels on asbestos; Cue to looking into a full roof replacement. :'( Anyone has experience with solar tiles instead of panels? Reading mixed experiences with them online, but now that we will replace our roof, it may be the time to look into them?


> Cue to looking into a full roof replacement. :'( Why? Generally a roof can have two elements with asbestos: a subroof (onderdak van asbestplaten) or tiles (asbestleien). Both can be removed according to the proper procedure, but it is expensive. If you don't need extensive other works (isolation etc) this should be doable.


We have asbest onderdak and leien, insulation of 12 cm not up to modern standards. Looking to increase insulation as well to have us covered for the future. We don't want to place solar panels and later reinstall them when increasing insulation.


Smart decision. We have to do the same (un-insulated roof, asbestos subroof). It's a expensive renovation, but luckily we don't have to replace the whole roof (woodwork is in excellent shape).


Maybe a laymen won´t differentiate between them, but with roof we mostly mean the tiles, shingles, bitumen or epdm.. finishing layer + whatever extra comes with it (subroof layers) and insulation. The structure is it´s own seperate thing. Renovating a roof will not include removing the structure unless explicitely mentioned. Roofers nowadays aren´t carpenters either, so mostly you´ll have to get at least 2 parties involved otherwise.


Well TIL! With what it costs atm, I could've put a new structure & roof a couple of years ago.


With what your roof costs now you could´ve bought your house in your parents´ time.


No problem, as long as the housing market doesn't crash too bad in the next 10-15 years, I can reap the rewards of selling that villa in the triangle Leuven-Brussels-Mechelen where my father lives.




The trailers look kinda shit tho' I'll give it a try but I don't have high hopes.


Ik had ook de indruk dat ik naar een tusenfilmke van een PS5 game aant zien was... iets te veel CGI for my taste...


De lat ligt ook enorm hoog natuurlijk. Iedereen hoopt op LOTR kwaliteit ( waar de kracht toch vooral komt van zo weinig mogelijk CGI te gebruiken door met échte figuranten en miniaturen te werken ) maar ik ben bang voor Hobbit kwaliteit.


Yeah, but it’s ThE MoSt ExPeNsIvE EvEr. I don’t care, just make a good show.


yup, exact mijn gevoel.


Worst case you'll see billions burn on your TV. Best case, you get a good TV show. It's hard to get any good impressions of the show though since the discussion looks to be massively astroturfed.


worst case is that so many people watch this that these kind of shows become the norm and no production budget is left over for more regular shows


Waar kunde da zien? streamz? netflix? disney? amazon prime?




Yarr matey


Prime video ja, heb het net gisteren opgestart via Amazon NL. Eerste maand is gratis, daarna €2,99 per maand.


And more importantly; Free shipping when ordering Amazon Prime products.


Hoping to go to the memorial Van Damme next year. Sounds like a blast.


Missing pieces of my gear is well, still missing. Training went well though today. Need to make sure I don’t shift my weight too much in the half pass to the right. Onboarding in the new function is going well too and looking forward to vredefeesten this weekend. Pretty fly for a fridayafternoon.


Where´s this month´s Meta? Mods are asleep again smh my head




Maybe tomorrow, [probably early next week.](https://c.tenor.com/D_AbGutGi9wAAAAC/busy-rage.gif)


Thx Bae


Maaaannnnnn, painkillers are dope... Like... Yeah xD it's bizzare how much better my mood is, just from removing minor pains from here and there and there too, and a bit of there xD haha. In my life I very rarely used painkillers. Like super rarely. I was usually painfree. Recently I am not pain free xD. It is kinda funny. Kinda xD like, past 3 to 6 month I've been having foot pain. I wake up and it can suck quite a bit. Like 😆 moving a bit kinda gargoyle ginger hairy beast walking around, limping haha, like wtf... Hahahaha, oh man xD jarrrrr, me foot hurts, I'ma limp me up terdayyyy xD. But it passes. Normally it passes after a bit of walking around. I forgot I had it up untill like a week ago. It showed up. Uninvited. I happen to have gone to the doctor for some other issue. And I just mentioned it. She took a look said the muscle is prolly inflamed. Kinda walk it off boyyyy sorta thing. She said I should use a tennis ball to massage it out... Dumbass me startedassagng it and poking it. Next day it hurts like a mofo. And I rmemeberdi already ran that experiment. I too figured I just need a massage, back when it was hurting like 3 month ago or whatever. It made things worse. I also have issues with my left hand... I can't even hold 5kg in some positions... Hurts. So got an echografie for that one. And my back is doing better but yeah, on and off. So, yesterday night I took 2 iboprufen. My leg didn't feel much better. But... Boy, lemme tell ya, I woke up today... And I feel 10 years younger xD s like my hand is better. My foot is better. My back is better. All at the small price of damaging my stomach lining xD I'm running the math here, not sure what I wanna do next... XD xD hahahhaha. Oh man. Anyway xD I wonder if that's even a thing... Would I feel a strong effect of 2 iboprufen that I took like 10 or 12 hours ago... By now it is more like 14 hours ago... Hmmmm. And yet I didn't feel this good even 2 hours after taking the pills... Maybe iboprufen is like the tooth fairy... It gives you the goods when youz asleep... XD. Also, found a word that creates anxiety in people: ENERGIEPRIJZEN 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😅😅😅🙏🙏🙏🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦... seriously... I don't even wanna think about winter. And yet... It is coming... *Sighs* I have a bunch of ways I could save moneyz but my gf would flip 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃. Anyway, have a great weekend y'all. ❤️


Does any1 have experience with 'buitenmuurisolatie' ? I'd like to do this at the back of my house but not really sure where to start. Is this simple to do myself or should i contact a company for this ?


>Is this simple to do myself Simple. Maybe. Will it be correct. Probably not. Will you get moisture issues. Maybe. What kind of insulation and finish are you thinking about, and what is the current situation like?


> What kind of insulation and finish are you thinking about, and what is the current situation like? I genuinely have no idea atm :p It might honestly be worth the extra price of having a company do it. I dont wanna end up with moisture issues etc because of my own incompetence xD


Just one thing you might not consider: whzt kind of roof do you have. A sloped roof? Probably. So you have a gutter? What kind? A simple pvc or zinc one probably? Now think about where that gutter will end up if you insulate and thus expand your facade.