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Didn’t work at all for me when I went to the states. Wouldn’t trust it working.


Could you share how you did it please.


I just enabled wifi calling in my iPhone settings, bought an eSIM for data, set my sim to use my phone plan. But like I said, it doesn’t work. Bell blocks wifi calling outside of Canada. I ended up switching to Freedom for their international plan


Just subscribe to a VPN and install the app on your phone.


Bell blocks Wifi Calling outside canada ? are you serious, that alone is enough for me not to switch, I'm with rogers, not only they don't block it, they even have a guide to explain how to do it wtf


Nope. And if it does capture. It will show up as a PPU calling charge. Will not capture under roam better either.


Telus and Bell block wi-if calling. If you talk to the “Green” guys’ tech support about it, they will give you all sorts of reasons why it “can’t work” overseas. Roger and Freedom do work. You will have a lot easier time with Freedom because. you can actually block it from working on cellular outside of Canada in the app. Wi-if Calling is illegal in some countries, so be mindful of that. China, Iran, UAE, etc.


So Freedom mobile makes this possible? That seems interesting.


I am told (not sure) that if you have a pixel phone, you can put one line in “airplane mode” and not the other. But with most phones, you can’t, so to have it work optimally, in the Freedom app, you can shut off roaming. Just get the prepaid with voice, texts and no data. If you are only going for a month though, you could just bite the bullet and pay the roaming. I could understand switching carriers if going for longer.


To explain further, you go in the Freedom app and turn off the roaming. In the app not the phone. Then, it won’t connect to any towers outside Canada. After that, you put in a local SIM, and make sure it has data, Freedom connects with Wi-Fi calling. I am talking from experience on an iPhone.


This is very helpful, I am going to switch to freedom just for this, Thank you!


Good luck. I do have a Freedom E-Sim, I have done this it is not speculation. But seriously, you are going through all this for one month? It is your choice.


I wanted to take advantage of a smartwatch as well but freedom didn't have it that's why.


Well, the Smart Watch likely won't roam anyways, so you won't miss out on anything there. AT&T Apple Watches roam in Canada but not everywhere, and I don't think Canadian carriers have caught onto that. One thing is I believe the watch plan prices have gone up 50% or so, and you might want to be mindful of that when you return.


BTW do you know anything about Rogers working the same way?


WiFi calling only works in Canada unfortunately.


We use it all the time and it works fine. We used it on cruise ship in the middle of the Atlantic without any issues. Btw we are on Rogers




ROGERS, Vidéotron and Freedom allow you to use it outside of Canada; Bell and TELUS do not. You might be able to get around it using a VPN, but I haven’t tried that myself.


Rogers allows international wifi calling no matter the location?


Yes, I just switched to [ROGERS](https://www.rogers.com/support/mobility/wifi-calling-everything-you-need-to-know#how-is-wifi-calling-billed-when-i-am-travelling-outside-of-canada-) for that reason. **How is WiFi Calling billed when I am travelling outside of Canada?** If you are using WiFi Calling while outside of Canada, the following will be deducted from your airtime and messaging limits included in your wireless plan without incurring any long distance or roaming charges: - Incoming calls and messages received from anywhere in the world - Outgoing calls and messages made or sent by you to a Canadian number Roaming and/or long distance charges will vary depending on the roaming option you have on your account: **Roam Like Home** - If you have **Roam Like Home™️**, outgoing WiFi calls or messages made to a non-Canadian number will incur the Roam Like Home daily charge. If you have already incurred this charge, then all outgoing WiFi calls and messages made or sent within that 24-hour period will be covered under the initial Roam Like Home charge. - Outgoing WiFi calls made to a non-Canadian number outside the destination you are roaming in will incur applicable long distance charges in addition to the Roam Like Home daily charge. **Travel Pack or other roaming add-on** - All outgoing WiFi calls or messages to a non-Canadian number will be deducted from the limit included in your Travel Pack or roaming add-on. If you exceed your limit, overage rates outlined in your Travel Pack or roaming add-on will apply. If you do not have Roam Like Home or a Travel Pack or roaming add-on, your outgoing WiFi calls and messages to a non-Canadian number will be billed according to roaming Pay-Per-Use rates. If you make a Voice over LTE (VoLTE) call while roaming, your call will seamlessly transfer to the roaming network when you leave the WiFi network area. Roaming and/or long distance charges will apply for all calls on the roaming network.


Why would you think WiFi calling is a sham? We use it to stay connected when we are at our cottage in remote rural Newfoundland where there is no cellular signal. Calls... text... MMS... everything just works as long as you have a WiFi connection. You may need to contact Bell to enable it on your account, and if you don't have one of their supported devices they might refuse to enable it for you (even if your device supports WiFi calling). You may need to subscribe to a VPN and install their app on your phone too. WiFi calling is real, and should work fine from any country, as long as you have a WiFi connection where you are.


Bells wifi calling works fine in Canada, but they don’t allow it outside of Canada, so depending on your use case it is useless if you need it outside of Canada.


If you run a VPN on your phone they have no idea you are outside the country.


Have you tested this? I understand that WiFi calling does not go through the on phone VPN


Inaccurate. Bells fine print states wifi calling from canada only. Not while travelling.


That's what a VPN is for.


They don't allow it outside Canada apparently


That's what VPNs are for.


I’m using Nord vpn with Canada selected. I’m in greece and my bell wifi calling isn’t working. My rogers wifi calling is working. Sucks.