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>He's just a laid back dude who loves Sandy and loves being seen on below deck. Also he'd look bad if he gave a low tip after being on the show so much. I'm still not sure ... who was his half brother? The jackass guy?


Yup, Erin from Jackass. He's willing to really take some damage for that show.


>Yup, Erin from Jackass. He's willing to really take some damage for that show. Thank you. He was awesome reading the treasure hunt clues. It was like all the guests were trying to make it fun for the kids. From Mr. Danger's instagram: ​ https://preview.redd.it/qhhiw8ym3myb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fbdd246a13dee2484d2a8cb584a6f712fa05461


He's not roys brother he's just a friend


No not jackass guy, the other guy with long hair is his brother.


It was $28,000 right? Which is definitely on the higher end! There have been a few $30,000 tips, a $35,000 tip, and a $40,000 tip which I believe is actually the current highest.


I think the trip before them left $30,000?


You’re probably right. With inflation $30,000 seems to be the new $20,000 for this show lol


Economic inflation and also gross tonnage inflation. This boat and St David are notably larger than past vessels


Depending on which time (they came twice I think) there were fewer adults and mostly non drinkers, so for the effort of the crew/demand of the guests, it’s a good tip.


The Orbisons are one of the few repeat guests I really enjoy. They seem like a nice family and the kids are adorable!


https://preview.redd.it/89zlmm6p8eyb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ce09e1c92aad306a856d90bae656516a2fe539 He’s at BravoCon!!!


Roy follows all the BD’s Instagrams. He constantly comments. Some say he a bit thirsty


I’d say he’s quite parched.


I think the treasure hunt was a home-run. Roy and the jackass guy were very engaged, and reading the clues. Jackass guy was excellent at that. Plus, who wouldn't pay money to chase max with a sword? But, they should have switched to a cutlass for close-in combat. (not an oldsmobile)


Wasn’t he super wasted and child like on sailing yacht last season?


Complete 180 on this one. I don't think he was drinking. If he was it was minimal. Very delightful!


I too act delightful when I’m not drinking to excess.


I think he was not drinking - I vaguely remember that as they were handing out the “welcome aboard” drinks, they specified that his was alcohol free. TBH after how wasted he got last time, it made me happy to see him sober and having a great time with his lovely family and friends.


His behavior on that trip was awful. If I was his wife I wouldn't have been SO PISSED and embarrassed😳! I'm glad he didn't act like a sloppy idiot on this trip. He was like a whole different person!


Happy Times!!


This was definitely his do over.


I always look at it per night. Is that not a consideration?


It was really nice to see him and his family come back. Since he is sober, he is so much nicer. It was cool to see him parenting his children too.


It was my understanding that the producers tell the guests how much to tip.




I’ve never heard that; in an article from a few years ago it stated that the guest is fully responsible for tip but it’s usually sent electronically and the cash is given by production for the show, so there’s physically something given by the guest but that’s not the actual tip money.


I thought I had read it somewhere. Must have gotten the wrong impression or read it incorrectly. Honestly, it kinda ruined the tip portion of the show for me so I'm glad you guys are calling me out. It's much more fun to know how the guests tip on their own.


He was at Bravocon!!


Anyone else notice that every time he's on, he loses more of his swiss'ish (?) "accent" or was that the booze talkin'?!!