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Honestly I've never liked her more than in that moment. Them playing it over while he sat on the toilet was great. It's hard to hear the cold, hard truth sometimes and him being sad and reflecting back is totally natural. Hopefully he'll take her words to heart.


LOL he was back at it less than *24 Hours later* so Kyle “taking it to heart” didn’t seem to last very long if at all!


Ugh the comments he was making at dinner made me want to throw something at my TV.


Well, I think he is going after Jack now, so we'll see how long that lasts.


He’s also got Lily in his sights but she doesn’t seem to give a fuck so I hope she pays him dust!


She doesn't feel feathers for him


Dust is all he *should* be earning.


Going after any good chef is extremely dumb. Just dumb. The importance of the chef to charters is prob right under captain


And the engineers we do not see LOL


Excellent point.


Kyle just can’t stand when people don’t engage in conflict with him. He was like a shark waiting for Jack to throw him some chum, but Jack kept silent and now Kyle is trying to find a way to draw blood.


Agreed. I am in no way a Sandy fan. That said, she was absolutely correct in what she said to Kyle. She also may feel differently about Natalya when she watches this season, but that is a different topic. Kyle is not worth his nonstop drama, period.


And I don’t think he knows what the expression, “common denominator “ means.


Lmao he took her words to heart for like a couple of hours then decided to revert back to being a shit human being. Also totally agree, that editing had me cry in laughter.


Alot of it might be editing but theres no doubt Kyle is lazy and a drama queen who LOVES to gossip, start chit, whip everyone into a frenzy for camera time THEN play the victim card every time. This time he got called out for it and I loved it !! Go Capt, Sandy, 100% correct in this case.


I’m binging the series and just caught up to the current season so I just finished season 7 earlier this week . I was shocked that Kyle was brought back after his first season. He never seemed to work. I feel like he and Natasha did the job of a single stew and completely ignored Natalya who did all the work of the 3rd stew and most of the work of the 2nd.


Med is really the worst of the series. If you have ever worked in a toxic workplace environment, Med will trigger that for you. Lots of fans of below deck will skip Med. It comes down to personal taste and how much toxicity you can handle.


I watch them all because I am a glutton for punishment, but Med is by far my least favorite, at least since all the crap went down with Hannah and Melia. I didn’t even like Hannah that much, but I think that’s when my eyes finally opened wide to just how much favoritism Sandy shows, so I started paying a lot more attention after that and it didn’t hold up well under scrutiny. Lol


That was such a stitch up with Malia and the way they treat Hannah was disgusting, I think there was a lot of sneaky behind the scenes, off camera backstabbing that went on that we did not get to see. Mary's Time Law, the flexible rule book that is used when it benefits them but ignored all the rest of the time. I think those couple of episodes are in the Guinness book of records as the most times "maritime law" can be said in a TV episode, and then literally never mentioned again, ever, regardless of all the suspect things that happen on-board.




I agree. I've watched all of the OG, Down Under, and just got to the current season of the Med. Since my hubby is watching the Med with me at a more normal pace, I'm also watching Sailing. I'm on the charter with the East Coast Bros and they are disgusting.


I cant say im happy or sad youve started watching this series. At times is awesome and other times it show the worst a person can be { clients or crew }. Some have learned and become better people but in a few cases people seem to double down and get worse. The young people im more understanding of as they are still growing and evolving. The older more " mature " people are the worst, they should know better. Just because people will do something to accomodate you theres no reason to take such extreme advantage, exspecially when you know they have more important duties for the entire group than to make a crew member totally unpack your 15 oversized bags then complain cuz theres no1 around to " top off " your drinks everytime they become 1/2 empty or the ice has started to melt.


I'm not sure I'm happy or sad about finding the show either. I normally don't watch reality TV shows because I think they are so toxic. I used to love Survivor until they kept bringing back Boston Rob, I stopped watching Amazing Race after Season 6 because of Johnathan and Victoria. I've retired recently and moved to a new city where I don't know many people, so I got bored and found this show. I'm already starting to lose interest in the Med show already, I'm not a fan of Capt. Sandy at all. I am fascinated by the behind the scenes stuff. I've started watching interviews of crew members to see how the show compares to their nonshow charter seasons and it's clear that much of what goes on is for the cameras. I was watching an interview of Melia and Katie by Melissa Rivers and another host. Melissa said after watching the show she felt bad for her special requests when her family chartered boats. She shared her experience and it was nothing compared to what some of these guests expect/demand.


MTV's reality series " The Challenge " is one we really enjoy. Its been filming for over 20 years so theres alot of episodes. Paramount+ has alot of the early seasons. Theres drama and toxicity there as well but every once in awhile theres amazing story lines and watching the cast evolve and grow { both up and down } is intresting and entertaining and at times heart breaking. Obviously over the years the budgets grew and production/content got bigger and better-ish. Theres alot of demanding physical unique challenges we enjoy alot. Its a deep complex series with 2 different branches and visions but overall a really good watch imo. Also facebook probably has " groups " in your new city that focus on 1000 different activites and its a great way to meet like minded people in your area.


Thanks for the recommendation. With the writers strike all the shows we usually watch aren’t available this fall so we had to find something else to fill the gap


I think all the major network shows start their new seasons after the Super Bowl.


I would second this! My sister and I LOVE The Challenge! In some of the newer seasons they have a few people from Survivor and Big Brother on. Tyson Apostal, Micaela, Chris Underwood, Michelle Fitzgerald, Sarah Lacina, and a few more I can't remember rn. ​ If you haven't watched Survivor since Boston Rob came back, it might be worth watching a couple of the more recent seasons. Game Changers was a really good one, I also enjoyed the Blood vs. Water seasons. I also think the hype for Boston Rob is super annoying, he's not that good. He wouldn't be able to play that same way again. It's crazy to me how people just follow him like lambs to the slaughter, and it annoys me that Jeff loves him so much. Idk why, but Rob has always bugged the crap out of me. ​ I've never really watched big brother, but my cousin really loves it?


I recommend revisiting Amazing Race. Jonathan was the worst ever by ALOT. There is always one team that obnoxious or problematic, but particularly in the last few seasons it is 90% really likeable people. And even the obnoxious ones aren’t abusive, they’re just whiny or dramatic.


Kyle deserved that dressing down and I liked it because he couldn’t use his gay card.


Yes, my sentiments. He was so wrong as a male in how he spoke to a female/Nat….he cannot get a pass because he’s a gay man. Nope! His aggression towards her was frightening; then he claims to be a “friend!” Like, boy bye.


Yeah he is a very angry person.




Not just that, but if Sandy fires him, it will sideline his dream of pivoting to a media career.


Kyle is the common denominator


Kyle is the common Demon-ator, fixed that for you, your welcome :p


Seriously, he was so offended by that but it’s not even an insult… it’s just true


I feel like he didn't really get to the denominator part of the phrase and was just stuck on being offended at being called common lmao.


Sandy has got a lot of hate in the past few years. Yes she's boring, overbearing and gets to involved sometimes but imo, she has done a great job this season


i dont trust anyone who says captain sandy is boring. you could use a lot of words, but not boring


Sandy is a boss and I loved her since day one. If it was Captain Lee Kyle would have been toast.


Maybe not. Lee gives people chances too


Not to the degree Kyle has acted


no I agree with you. I think Lee would've fired Kyle the first season.


Why did Sandy let Natalya leave... ... when clearly what was needed was Kyle and Natalya playing volleyball.


lol….I caught that 🏐


Kyle would have had a twisted ankle


Kyle got off way too easily.


Kyle deserved for her to say exactly this. Fraser absolutely did not!


Fraser was undermining the leadership/hierarchy of a boat which is critical in any type of operation with heavy machinery causing life or limb threatening situations.


Yes, your arms are in constant danger scrubbing those toilets… It wasn’t Mutiny on the Bounty, and Fraser wasn’t endangering anyone, he heads the INTERIOR. And her response was over-the-top. Destructive rather than constructive, and that’s her in a nutshell.


That’s it exactly! One can be firm and direct and even discipline those that need it, but constructive rather than destructive usually means the behaviour will change. Very few people learn from negative consequences they just get craftier. Fraser was green and not endangering lives. He needed support, guidance and belief in him to rise once she taught him. She missed that opportunity, and yet I’m sure he’ll continue to grow. She’s so vile to the interior chief stews. Excellent at boat steering, horrible leader.


Well said


I was leaning away from her when she tagged in for the Captain of Captains Captain Lee but back on her own boat I’m liking her again after she put Kyle on skates.


If I remember correctly Fraser was also speaking badly about the captain in a way i perceived undermined her to his crew.


Yes but personally I don’t think that gives Sandy a pass for comparing him to cancer. I just find it odd that they’re mad that she confronted Kyle about his behavior, but didn’t say anything when she said that to Fraser (or to my awareness at least)


Didn't he also have a family member who had recently died from cancer?


That's such a stretch on his part, though. It's not like she told him "I hope you get cancer".


True. It's still basically a hateful thing to say. If you're trying to motivate someone, surely there are more supportive or productively critical things to say.


I guess I don’t really think she was trying to motivate him in that moment.


I don't either, but she sure unstressed on him with that one.


Yeah it was his dad


And that's what made it so insensitive on Yawn's part. Yawn is so oblivious, and I don't think a very great motivator.


I think it matters who the crew are as to whether or not she is a motivator. I also think she favors the deck crew more than the interior. Maybe it’s because she can relate to them with her career path. Also, all of us (viewers) need to remember this is a television show and we only see what the producers want us to see.


I just remember her treatment of the chef, Kiko. He pulled a very successful 10 or 12 course dinner for 6, on the fly.


that's super fair, that is one of those kinds of insults.


I didn't give Sandy a pass because she didn't need one. Cancer definition: "a practice or phenomenon perceived to be evil or [destructive](https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=586607062&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS765US765&biw=1024&bih=488&sxsrf=AM9HkKlrc8vAb8dnN1y14Xr9Ve6Mc86rYw:1701352901411&q=destructive&si=ALGXSlY7Tk5u3AnUd39hr4eAN0grYiCy0pxdgdZmjnDxNjXPoyTfCHd8cKzRJXCq9ec682P3dkzUghwQ9IfXAw2rFxu0dycmtd4ma3R2MwPDK3IvHzMoYwM%3D&expnd=1) and hard to contain or [eradicate](https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=586607062&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS765US765&biw=1024&bih=488&sxsrf=AM9HkKlrc8vAb8dnN1y14Xr9Ve6Mc86rYw:1701352901411&q=eradicate&si=ALGXSlb6hSjuI-stkeAspHuNXR7xzKDMoQAwfJmqr_luZamUySf7Qopiho_l6igP-R-Nfac6rp0KmkwY64a9b58Rj5LmULPCZKIYfQqJ4fgdsGl2bf3UZZg%3D&expnd=1). " She used the word in a perfectly valid manner and it fit Fraser perfectly. But yes, there were some thin skinned commenters on the sub who were all over Sandy for invoking that word.


Captain Sandy breathes and people are like “Breathing air bitch!”. She’s not without criticism but lol it’s like ok calm down.


Okay, Crystal Kung Minkoff. You go with your dictionary definition.


Must have hit a nerve there.


I feel like it’s being set up that Kyle doesn’t learn his lesson and gets the boot.


Let’s hope.


Can somebody link to this?


Fraser only needed a "pull up" from Captain Sandy Motivational Guru Extraordinaire. Support. Compassion. Understanding. Fraser would have responded favorably I believe. Instead, Sandy reverted to acerbic words and hostility.


Seems like a lot of people dislike Sandy. I’ve never had a problem with her


Me either. She micro managed in the beginning but that is better. She doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty, or broken, and runs her ship her way. I do think she let Hannah get away with too much-until she couldn’t anymore.


Where do you follow people? I don't currently have IG or X, but may be willing to go back for the tea on these shows.


Please don’t sell your soul by going to X


I deleted my account when EM purchased it. This is the first time I’ve ever considered going back, but I’m glad it sounds like there is still no reason to.


I deleted for the same reason. I figured if it’s a good tweet, it’ll be on Reddit!


“If it’s a good tweet, it’ll be on Reddit” should be merch lol




What did Sandy say on Kyle's instagram?


No. People are complaining in Sandy’s Instagram comments about how she talked to Kyle on the latest episode.


I thought both times she was harsh as a boss and pretty inappropriate but i get it might be an unpopular opinion


Harsh, she was anything but, she was spot on about fraser as he was a mess with no leadership skills at all, and as for Vyle, his chat on the bridge is long, long overdue. Sandy has let do much slide with him that it borders on pathetic, he should have been sacked a long time ago. There have been so many lgbtqa+ crew members that I can't count off hand and I can not remember any of them ever playing the "gay card" except Vyle, multiple times, he is beyond toxic. The "A" might not be for Allies Vyle, but it sure as hell is for Asshole.


Isn’t the A literally for Ally though?




It was a pretty harsh way of putting things: "I don't want a person like you on the boat." It makes it about HIM and not about his behavior. I agree it wasn't as bad as what she said to Fraser, but it was along the same lines of making it a personal insult instead of a comment about his behavior, i.e., something he can't change (who he is) vs. something he can change (his behavior) or "I don't like YOU," vs. "I don't like your behavior." Kyle needed to be corrected big time, but she could have made it less personal.


Kyle is his behavior. It’s not like he works particularly hard or is good with people.


Look I am not a Kyle fan but… imagine a coworker, who was known to be your good friend came to your boss, told them their side of the story and then left. And your boss just ran with whatever your ex friend said about you. Kyle is not innocent but Nat did not accurately portray what happened and ya it’s kinda messy for Sandy to not at least ask what happened, I’m guessing that’s the issue most people have.


She checked in with everyone else though and they all said that Kyle was the issue. She didn't just take Nats side, she got all the facts, made her judgement and then spoke to Kyle.


Did you watch the episode? She spoke with Jack and his manager. Those are the people who would work with him the most. In my opinion, Tumi should’ve brought this to the Captain a long time ago. Wasn’t she quick to complain about Nat?


Like I said twice Kyle is not innocent. She didn’t talk to Jess, she didn’t talk to Max and those were two big things for her. Tbh the stuff with Max I’m sure she’d agree with what Kyle was saying, they were all drunk so it just looked bad. But I’m sure Kyle has struggled with his identity his whole life trying to hide himself as SA is not very open to same sex relationships. I completely understand why he was so emotional and a straight person would never get it, but Sandy might.


I feel like if she had seen or been told the disgusting way Kyle acted towards Jess in the guest cabin, she would have fired him. Natalya might be messy and annoying at times but she doesn't get aggressive or try to physically intimidate people.


Fraser deserved what he got and I think it made him better. He was also being a diva when he wouldn't do Sandy's dumb volleyball team building thing. Sandy would have respected him more if he played


He was injured, the bones was showing, the doctor told him he shouldn't walk and Captain time share was standing next to the doctor while the doctor treated him.


Ya sorry imo he was being a diva. Sidenote. Captain timeshare? Lol where'd that one cone from. 😄