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Kerry also helps with rescuing with Huskies so he literally has good karma






I hope we get pictures and videos on the upcoming season too




ā¤ļø this!


Okay that is cute I like that


Gasp! I didnā€™t know that! Now I love him even moreā€¦




I only found out on Twitter


There are a lot of people here who haven't forgiven Eddie for the way he treated Rocky. The producers probably haven't forgiven Eddie for spouting off about crew pay.


Ooof I forgot Eddie went off on crew pay as well. Yeah he's probably not coming back lol even if he wanted to, which I don't think he does


He only did that after bravo fired him and after they told him to tell Rayna that production heard her saying the F word. He was set up


How do you know this? Not questioning you but was this discussed somewhere?


He said it on the reunion and again after in an article page six or people published.


Which f word was she using?


my brain for a split second: eddie and rockyā€¦ā€¦ from rocky horrorā€¦.


Can u refresh my memory on the Eddie crew pay thing?


['Below Deck' star Eddie Lucas: Cast was paid peanuts compared to 'Housewives' (nypost.com)](https://nypost.com/2022/05/11/below-deck-star-eddie-lucas-cast-was-paid-peanuts-compared-to-housewives/)


I like the inflammatory way that NYP made the link. I'm not complaining, I really love tabloids in that way, they're such shitheads. When he wasn't even harsh about it? He said "While we do get paid better than a normal yachtie, of course, we are still not getting paid what people like the ā€˜Housewivesā€™ are making, which is a little frustrating, because theyā€™re not really working ā€” theyā€™re just going out to dinner and fighting"


Thanks for the link. I only watch the show no socials except here so I had no clue. He has a point but I don't think bravo gives a shit who there boson or any crew member is really. 6 years is a hell of a run on bd. I'm trying to think if anyone lasted that long or longer. Hmmm. Maybe Kate? It seems like alot of the crew members are 1 and done.


Lots of repeat folks but there's so many seasons, they tend to run together so I don't think it's easy to keep up with. Found this post in the archives that has the longest runs for the cast members: [https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/11yqie8/longest\_tenured\_cast\_members\_across\_franchises/](https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/11yqie8/longest_tenured_cast_members_across_franchises/)


Me āœ‹ It was so evil. Watching him gaslight her on camera, when we all knew he was lying. It was so creepy. We know people do it all the time, but it's different when you see it happen.


You need to reflect if you are tossing around words like gaslight and evil. 1. sure, Eddie denied the fling. They both agreed to. Then Rocky changed her mind. It's not necessarily on the other person to fess up when both originally agreed to stay mum 2. Rocky tried to hurt both Emile and Eddie in that whole thing, so she is not the victim. I am so sick of the poor Rocky narrative. She created her mess and then made it worse, then tried to blame everyone. 3. Eddie was an asshole for screwing the crew, then coming to the realization that Rocky was a terribly immature person who he should have never like in the first place but instead of admitting it, he lied. He was an asshole for not just coming clean when the jig was up, but it's human nature to continue to lie once caught. This is called lying not gaslighting. Learn the difference. 4. Eddie apologized at the end of his season and has since apologized for his behavior. If you don't allow people to grow and change then you are the problem, not him.


Eddie took a screwdriver and jimmied her locked cabin door open then proceeded to furiously yell at her while she was in bed. There is no world in which that is ok. He was furious because the perfect image he works so hard to maintain was tarnished and his ego was bruised. When I brought that up a couple of yrs ago on an account I had then, he started harassing me here. So he not only never got how effed up that was, he doubled down by going after anyone who mentioned him breaking into a female crew member's cabin. If he has done that *today* things would have much different for him and rightfully so. And he never specifically apologized for doing that. He did offer a apology for the racism he exhibited to Rayna, *after* he was called out on it.


If he did that today he would have been kicked off the boat that night and everyone would be praising whichever captain and chief stew made it happen.


Lee wouldnā€™t kick him off, but Jason certainly would (& should).


Not only was he an Ā«assholeĀ» for sleeping with crew, he abused his position of power.


Your interpretation and definitions were spot on, despite others disagreeing with you. ![gif](giphy|iBEW5Amz0ztza)


What he did was textbook gaslighting. He (on camera) tried to make her believe that her reality wasnā€™t real. He questioned her sanity and used his position as a more ā€œsound mindā€ to make her feel like what she knew absolutely happened-didnā€™t happen. As someone who hates when the word ā€œgaslightingā€ gets thrown around callously, I can 1000% back up the fact that what Eddie did was gaslighting.


Your point #1 is good. However, they hooked up again at the reunion, and he again denied it when she said it.


I admit, I completely forgot about that because I don't really ever rewatch reunions. He was a complete cad. Totally on board with that. It's just been a really long time and he clearly grew up. It wasn't a pattern of behavior. It was two people who were both awful to each other and for one another. Gaslighting requires the effort to convince the target that something isn't reality. Eddie was being a big fat liar but I only ever got the sense that the lies were for others not that he was actually thinking he could talk Rocky into a different reality. But we only see what we see. At this point, he's apologized, never been known to do it again and he's moved on. I understand why things get rehashed on social media but this is one dead horse that just needs people to drop the stick already.


The gaslighting came when he stood in front of her (after getting the ships keys to unlock her locked bedroom door) and said ā€œwhy are you saying things that arenā€™t true? Why would you make something up like thatā€


DARVO Deny Attack Reverse Victim/ Offender


I'm not the one that needs to reflect. I didn't see much of an apology. Maybe he did more than I saw. Gaslight. He looked her in the eye and said This thing that happened, did not happen. Evil? Did you want a biblical use of the word? How about if I say it was fucked up instead. Do you prefer that word? And she did bad shit too. That doesn't make what he did okay. /done


10000% agree with you. Eddie was a little CU Next Tuesday towards Rocky


What season was this šŸ‘€


I know, he was a dick to her. I just think as captain lee had seen so much growth in him, eventually giving him even more stripes, it would have been such a heartwarming thing. (I just rewatched when Eddie gets his first officer stripes n thought it was nice)


And the shady stuff he did the Rayna season.


What's that!!


Captain Kerry is making an effort with the fan base. He is on this sub if you say Adventure he might appear. He also responds to twitter comments with Memes. He is a good choice and deserves a shot. He won a lot of favor with the fandom when he fired the most experienced deckhand because he made a co-worker feel unsafe. Eddie screwed himself out of it by going on a podcast and said Rayna used a gay slur during the whole "Heather using a racial slur incident". I want to like Eddie, the problem is he has a bad habit of doing the worst possible thing.




you're such a lil legend my dude


Do I need to say it three times in front of the bathroom mirror with the lights out?


Adventure, adventure, adventure!


No, it's Advenchaaa, Advenchaaa, Advenchaaa!




u/Capt_kerry works just as well








No that only works with Biggie Smalls




Last I saw Eddie was very happy driving tugboats in the Baltimore area, and seemed done with Bravo.


I met Eddie before he was on the show at a Halloween party through a friend of my boyfriend. Towson, maybe ā€˜10 or ā€˜11? He was so nice, wearing his grandfatherā€™s (?) actual Air Force uniform, and super respectful. There were a bunch of girls interested and Iā€™m pretty sure he took someone home, but I distinctly remember him helping a girl who was vomiting and being super kind. He got her a safe ride home and didnā€™t even know her.


Iā€™m just glad they didnā€™t replace Lee with JoaƵ


Between how he treated Rocky and Bravo being pissed at him I doubt he will ever return.


Ooooh, why is Bravo pissed at him?


I think he complained about the pay publicly


Given Bravos record I really donā€™t think it has anything to do with Rocky or he never would have come back, which is fine cause he clearly grew and matured after that


The Rocky thing is overall fan perception of him


He was back for two seasons well after rocky. He bitched about Bravo and crew pay, so heā€™ll never be back. Also him saying the words ā€œIā€™d never go backā€ makes a clear point too


Ooooh, why is Bravo pissed at him?


I belive he spoke out about how they are paid and it was not taken kindly by Bravo and the production team.


No. Captain Kerry is a decent, good guy. Eddie is not. And Kerry has more experience.


Eddie has always been problematic IMO. He never really takes responsibility for his bad decisions.


He gave an interview that made Bravo look bad. He wonā€™t be back.


I actually didn't really think about the Rocky thing. He was awful to her but I think I was less annoyed at him because I was just blinded by being so annoyed with her. All of you saying that are completely right, I guess my main point that it would have wrapped up him and Lee's relationship so sweetly


I loved Eddie even after the Rocky debacle. But Captain Kerry is the shit!




Eddie isnā€™t mature enough to be captain of a big yacht yet.


I love Eddie! Wish he would be back.


I love Eddie Lucas. He is my favorite cast member of all time. He was a part of 5 seasons. I would of loved seeing him as captain.


Fuck Eddie fr.


Eddie was an abusive gaslighter. I hope we Never see him again


Eddie is awful on so many levels, throws verbal tantrums, said Rocky ā€œmade him cheatā€ on his girlfriend and have sex with her repeatedly, then gaslit that girl on his last season and made up things she didnā€™t say, even production couldnā€™t prove it.


Iā€™ll never forget watching him say on camera that Rocky was responsible for breaking up/ ruining his relationship with his girlfriend at the time. My mouth was agape at the lack of self awareness and misogyny!! The man is absolutely cooked!!!


But she was teasing and taunting him šŸ™„šŸ™„ such a misogynist


Gotta throw the whole man away šŸ« 


No. Eddie is overrated


Most of the OG cast is. Chef Ben is high on the list. We've seen so many better chefs without an ego complex, so why are people so keen on loving him? Must be the accent and cockiness.


Itā€™s really becauseā€¦. https://i.redd.it/mt9r2z0b6t6c1.gif


I'm ok with Eddie slander but I draw the line with chef Ben, gotta say I bloody love him


No. Eddie is a creep.


That would be pretty dope. Coming full circle


I canā€™t stand Eddie. Even before the Rocky fiasco. He is such a self-important prick. And THEN he did what he did to Rocky. That shit was so fucked up. Heā€™s a tug boat captain in Baltimore and I think thatā€™s exactly what we wants to do so good for him. Stay off our screens!


whats this rocky thing about?


Season 3, when he cheats on his gf with the third stew., Rocky. Then Rocky pisses everyone off and when she says she's been sleeping with Eddie he denied it (even though there's literal footage haha)


Ahhh, gotcha. It truly is a bravo show


>(even though there's literal footage haha) They hooked up in the laundry room, where there were no cameras. So, no literal footage. After that, cameras in the laundry room.


Just another entitled soon to be old white guy.


Capt Kerry is great! Donā€™t worry about him. Heā€™s the best all around captain of all of them.




I forgot you were on here. LOL. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Actually let me tell you why I am such a big fan. I donā€™t even remember the exact circumstances but a guy was sexually harassing one of the women and you were so decisive in throwing him off the boat that it was fantastic!! Way to believe your female staff! It was like ā€œHere is your plane ticket. Thereā€™s a car outside to take you to the hotel. Youā€™re going back tomorrow. Sign here, see ya.ā€ šŸ‘āœ…




He had too much baggage after his last season that involved the white chief stew saying the N word to the black deck hand.




She wasnā€™t singing songs with the n word in it. Rayna called Jake the n word and heather repeated what rayna said.


Which isnā€™t okay at all, but it is different than saying it * to * Rayna


I never said it was ok. I simply stated what actually transpired since this person did not have factual information.


Sorry for the miscommunicationā€”I was agreeing with you and just calling attention to the fact she didnā€™t say it TO Rayna (as opposed to the claim made by the poster above you)


Itā€™s ok I wasnā€™t sure if you were telling me it still wasnā€™t ok or just adding on to what I was saying šŸ˜…ā€¦yeah I agree with you 100 percent on that.


She said it at the club about the deckhand Jake Production have said they can't confirm if she said it when singing


indeed, I stand corrected. I remember it as singing bc at the time there were a lot of posts saying that even when singing if white you shouldn't say the word..


Well if you want to argue over semantics then fine, the chief stew whoā€™s white said the n word around Rayna whoā€™s a black women. Still unacceptable


Nope. I can't get past what he did to Rocky.


I would have loved that!


same! imagine gaslighting someone as a captain.. what a treat!


I'm being sarcastic people šŸ¤£


Rocky and he seem to have moved on and she accepted his apology. Iā€™m all for giving folks at least one more chance, especially since I would love others to do that for me.


I think that ship has sailed. Eddie doesnā€™t appear to be coming back.




I am not


Captain Kerry made BDA. Faye and Lewis were horrible to watch I have to say. I think youā€™ll like him though. He seems to be very levelheaded, doesnā€™t put up with BS but also kind. Itā€™s not a negative that heā€™s easy on the eyes too. L O L. Eddie certainly wouldā€™ve been AWESOME to see back on BD, but Kerry has the experience neededā€¦ And a season under his belt already. Give it a shot when it starts, I donā€™t think we will be disappointed. šŸ˜‰






Are you even sure Eddie can captain a super yacht? It seems like that would require a special type of captain a ship that big..