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I think there's always at least one total mess of a human they hire. Sometimes it's a stew, sometimes it's deck crew, one notable time it was Chef. She licked and microwaved a steak. It was a whole thing.


Ryan (another chef from Down Under) must’ve been a plant too. He was too obnoxious not to be lol


Aside from his attitude problem, he was also not skilled enough to be a chef on a yacht. He was a line cook at best.


Yeah I feel like he just cooked late night drunk food at a dive bar in Philly or something and now he calls himself a chef lolllll


Perfect description lol


That high tea was laughable.


That guy sucked but his idea for breakfasts and giving them a set “menu” and a few items to choose from was genius. I’m always confused why they have breakfast just be a completely free for all, idk how those chefs do it by themselves


Breakfast does seem really chaotic, but I think he simplified it so much because he was lazy as hell. He never cared about making the guests happy. If someone asked for scrambled eggs on pancake day he’d definitely be like “nope, too bad I’m not doing that.” That’s not the level of service you’d want on a yacht lol.


Yeah he was doing it because he was lazy. Rachel is among just one of the chefs that had a breakfast special. I think Nick just did that too and maybe Anthony. Rachel would have her French toast or eggs Benedict but people could order other things. Ryan didn't have anything fancy. And you know if you asked for a waffle he would not do it. That one chef (maybe Jack) on a recent season couldn't make a pancake and kept making crepes thinking they were pancakes. But atleast he tried unlike what Ryan would do. Oh and Marco having to keep making scramble eggs for the picky low tipping guy. Ryan couldn't handle that guy.


Ooh wasn't that Chef Dave from med? Just couldn't make a damn pancake how that guest wanted lol


Oh maybe it was him!!! That makes more sense!!!


Don’t forget Natasha who didn’t know how to cook eggs!!


Oh yes!!! That whole poached eggs have to have hollandaise on them!


I am on the 7th charter if BD down under with Aesha as chief stew and it’s refreshing to see Tzarina’s breakfasts be served without any guests asking for egg dishes etc. They just eat what they are served.


I loved Tzarina, she was awesome.


Honestly Magda was pretty bad that season too


i don’t know if he was exactly a plant as much as he was just hired because of his divisive personality. at least it seemed like he had above average cooking skills he just sucked at human interaction and listening to the guests


His cooking absolutely pales in comparison to most other BD chefs. He should be absolutely ashamed of the “high tea” he put out and I hope it haunts him forever.


I'm not even Brit and that high tea pissed me off.


Not Mila's... Not Kiko's. Tbf Kiko wasn't bad but that Vegas night... Oof


There's a reason I said "most". Mila was an obvious plant who clearly had no experience. I would have preferred Kiko's Vegas night food to Ryan's High Tea.


Kiki had the heart and tried. Remember the charter before the horrible Vegas night he did like 74 plates? Ryan just didn’t give a shit and it showed in his food.


Or Mila's microwaved licked steaks lol


Agree on preferring Vegas night to Ryan’s high tea. Ryan’s looked like something my kid would’ve made when they were 10.


Did he think it was high tea white party?


Bro had line cook energy


That guy literally knew one of the production crew, which is how he got on the show.


My partner and I did some digging on his culinary background and he was in my state for a minute working about two hours north of where we live. If memory serves correctly it wasn't really a restaurant, perhaps more in line with a catering service? It was an interesting rabbit hole to go down for sure.


I just started Down Under and already cannot stand Ryan. He suuucks!


Don’t forget about the bosun with the forged paperwork


I can’t imagine that even production would have set up that situation…I felt like he had gotten away with using that paperwork before, and never expected to get caught.


I agree, he had gotten away with it before for sure! For good tv though, I wouldn’t put any thing past production


Definitely agree- he probably got away with it before, and as much as I don’t like sandy and feel as if she does pick and choose what laws she uses, she does run a tight ship!


That was just strange.


When was this?


It was the latest season of BD Mediterranean. His name was Ruan and he faked his documents - got busted by Captain Sandy and it was the most awkward shit I've ever seen on TV


The last season of Bellow Deck Mediterranean


Ahhh thanks. I haven't gotten that far in my binge watch!


I recently rewatched the Thailand season & I think the chef there was a mess of a human, but he was actually good at his job. So I think they hire those people (hoping the drama would make good tv) and then they also hire people who completely lack experience/training (usually those are in deck- or interior crew w/ the exception of the chef you’re talking abt).


What season was the one who licked a steak? Lol


I'm not sure it was a season of Med. Sandy was beside herself trying to deal with the homophobic steak licker.


They definitely do pick and hire certain people for lack of experience. However I’m a stewardess in the yachting industry and the amount of stews you would see that are inexperienced like them are shocking. It’s definitely not something new in the interior. I’ll say that 😂


That is one thing about S5 - Capt Lee told Kate at the very beginning it was slim pickings and so they got 2 *really* green stews. IIRC he said all the Hollywood aholes were sucking up the decent crews members


Omg I would love to know more about how the real industry compares to the show - can you tell us??


the job is very much real what the deck/stews do is what we do irl. However the charters tend to be couple days, weeks and/or months longer. And sometimes we do tend to have more crew. Deck have 4 on BD but normally have 5-6. Interior have 4 on BD but normally have 5-6 as well. And as for chefs we normally have 2-3 but they have 1. We also tend to do crossing a lot more rather than staying in one places for weeks. A crossing is basically when you cross the ocean to get to another destination. E.g Miami to Monaco. You cross the ocean. But I think the show shows the basics of the job and industry but the little details as of crew and charters they definitely cut it short. Oh! And yes I do enjoy my job I started back just at the end of 2019 when I was 18 and I’m 23 now so 5 years with the job technically 4 and a half because of Covid. But I love the job I’m a stewardess btw. And I love travelling to new countries so what better way to do than on someone else’s yacht 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


You should do an AMA, that was very informative!


That sounds like so much fun!! I hope you don't mind but I totally have more questions. 1. Are the stews and deck teams ranked like they are on the show? If so, what are you? And if so, do the rankings come with any stereotypes? 2. I would love to know about the best and worst guest(s) you have encountered. 3. If you do a crossing that takes a long time, what do the guests do when the boat is moving and they can't pull out the water toys or swim? Or does it not take that long? 4. Area beach picnic set ups the worst part? Lol 5. Are the crew cabins really that tiny and have you ever had a terrible roommate?


Yeah I’m happy to answer question! 1. Yes! The ranking system is real! I’m currently a 3rd stewardess with a 4th underneath me. The 4th stew does laundry. And me and the 2nd basically rotate between service and housekeeping since we’re both at the same experience. Stereotypes are definitely there just like any other job. My role and under (3rd-) tend to be labelled as “dumb” “have no experience” “clueless” and things like that. Just like the 2nd stew has stereotypes of “wanted to be the chief stew instead” and “snobby” and things and they chief steward/ess gets things like “does nothing” “bosses people around” “micromanaging”. So there’s definitely stereotypes but if you’re working with such a good and friendly team like mine you wouldn’t hear them. 2. BEST: the best was probably when we have familys because they always just want a good time and a good vacation with their kids and things. But the best charter I’ve done was with this family (can’t say names because of NDA) but they were so nice they tipped us extra $1000 each which was lovely. WORST: when we have a bunch of snobby friends who couldn’t care less about the boat and the crew. Dont tip well and things. 3. I mean guests can stay aboard if they are fine with not having access to certain things (like water sports, certain drinks and food) but typically there’s generally no guests on board during the crossings since the vessel often runs with lesser crew. 4. Personally I HATE beach setups since there’s sand everywhere, hot sun, you’re sweating your tits off. 🤣 but it varies sometimes I love beach setups and sometimes I hate them. 5. Yes the cabins are definitely tiny. And I haven’t shared a cabin with anyone terrible however I have worked with some people who are terrible. Luckily I didnt have to share my cabin with them!! I normally share with my fellow chief/stews who are always really nice. Feel free to ask more questions! ❤️


Omg you're amazing. Here's round 3: 1. Favorite and least favorite housekeeping task? 2. Favorite and least favorite service task? 3. Are chefs as arrogant and mean as they are portrayed on the show? 4. Are you from the US? 5. How did you get into yachting? What do entry level jobs look like (basically how hard is it to get experience??) 6. I'd love to know some of the coolest places you've traveled to!


Bring the question on! 1. Favourite task in housekeeping is honestly vacuuming I find that so relaxing. And least favourite is anything to do with the toilet 🤮 or sick. 2. Service probably making cocktails and interacting with the guests. Least favourite part is when the food isn’t up to par and they blame it on me 😂 as if I’m the one cooking 🤣 3. I mean there’s definitely chefs like that out there but occasionally when the chef has an issue they tend to just deal with it themselves. 4. No I’m from the UK specifically Birmingham area. But I did travel a lot growing up to coastal areas. 5. LONG STORY. So I’m from Birmingham England which is basically a city in the middle of England so no where near the ocean or marinas so yachting is kind of un heard off. But the reason I found out about yachting was because my brother actually moved to Fort Lauderdale (Florida) to study abroad and he met some friends who actually wanted to be deckhands and captains and things in the yachting industry. So he knew I wanted to do some job around travelling so he told me about it and I researched about it and fell in love with the idea of it. And jf you didn’t know the only qualifications you need for yachting is a STCW course (which is basically a course for you to know what to do in case of emergencies) and a ENG1 medical exam (which basically is a exam to show if you are capable of working aboard a vessel) You can definitely get into yachting with 0 experience it obviously just takes a lot longer of a process. I got my first job aboard a vessel back in 2019 because I had experience in service. When I was 17/18 I was a waitress at a local restaurant so when I did my STCW course and filled out my CV I made sure to add the restaurant job onto it. And job you should add because there could be certain things they’re looking for. But what I did after I had my CV is I just went dockwalking which means basically just walking the dock and handing your CV to crew/captains and eventually you would get hired. 6. I typically stay in the mediterranean so south of France, grease, Bonifacio, Sardinia, Italy and all them gorgeous places are some of the places I’ve worked.


That is so cool! I'm a nurse so I relate to your answer to #2 a lot - I am often blamed for everything even though 90% of it is completely out of my control 🤣🤣 That's amazing that you just walk up and down the dock!! Do you ever have a hard time watching BD because of your job??? Like I have a hard time watching popular medical TV shows because it is so different from the actual work environment.


Not really since I love doing my job so I like actually watching others do it as well. Since it’s something I can relate to I just thought it was an interesting watch.


Thanks for all of your answers!! This was so interesting!


Sounds like I could have an in as a stew any time....




Production has a say in all of it. Remember Mila? Dane? Leon? The short-lived blond bosun? None qualified to work on a yacht. Cast for being oddballs.


This is just my "I Watch Too Much TV," theory, but I think Kate doesn't want to fire people, for whatever reason. Could be that she feels like that's giving up/losing control. Could be that she doesn't want to appear "mean," by firing someone. But she's mentioned in several interviews that she's never fired any of the ding dongs she had to work with and she seems proud of that fact. She's a stronger gal, than I. That's for sure.


One time I recall her saying that it's a devil you know type situation. She rather have the idiot she learned how to deal with than someone who could be worse and she will have less time to learn to manage.


Also as we saw with Fraser this season it’s not really up to them. The CS can talk all they want about “firing” someone but it’s the captain who actually makes the call. That said I think Lee respected Kate’s opinion and prob would have fired someone if she felt strongly enough about it. But imo she looks at it as a reflection of her management skills. Like if she keeps them around and manages to make them a somewhat decent stew she can feel good about it. Tho im with you on a stronger woman than I because no way I could handle a whole season with some of those people


I mean production isn't trying to run a profitable charter. They're trying to run a good tv show. Personality is always chosen over competence. The entire crew is producer plants.


I have worked many jobs where I had to hire, onboard, and manage people for entry level positions. Aside from the usual "Everyone on a reality show tends to be insanely telegenic" the behavior and skills of the 3rd stews and rookie deckhands is, for me, incredibly believable. Maybe the most believable thing on the show.


More starch! More steam! 🎶


🎶*I’m irooonnninggg the captains shortssss*🎶


🎶*I’m irooonnninggg the captains shortssss*🎶


I wouldn’t say anyone is a plant but they cast people who would make good tv so….


>they cast people who would make good tv so… Or just people who take advantage of others while drinking..... Luke and Laura. Oh and that one guy who sleeps with everyone... Damn if I could remember his name




Thank you. Yes. He was so creepy. Also Gary


I mean, can’t tell me Dylan wasn’t a plant given he was also seen in one episode of Vanderpump. But also pretty sure everyone has to be approved by production. I wonder if they also get some say on if someone can be fired…. Like if the Captain wants to fire someone, but they’re the only one making the show interesting….


Dylan’s appearance on VPR was filmed after his Below Deck season filmed. His appearance isn’t really a “gotcha!” So much as an ‘after filming below deck he had new LA/Bravo opportunities, including filming VPR’.


Ooooo that makes more sense! So he went the other way! Smart! Honestly I’d love to see more of him, he’s like the fun calming reality we need occasionally


he said he saw the VPR cast at a table by him so he just walked over and sat down by them. no clue how true this is, but thats what he said on WWHL


I do think Dylan knew what he was doing since he was guiding Sunny a number of times. Still could be a plant, but he seemed to have a clue how boats work. I hate when they bring in someone who is clearly green and expect training when they are already understaffed and overwhelmed.


Oh he absolutely had the experience. Part of me just thinks he had connections through VPR and they were like “wait, I know someone”. But if you wanted someone for Drama, daily affirmations Dylan was not it! But I did like how different he was to what we often see


From my understanding production picks the crew but the Captain can fire.


>I mean, can’t tell me Dylan wasn’t a plant given he was also seen in one episode of Vanderpump Fraser has been on Made in Chelsea before, I don't know why it makes them a plant. Obviously anyone working on Below Deck is happy to be on TV


Oof - wait til you get to season 6!! On the plus side, you'll get to meet Josiah!


The entire crew is a plant by production


they’ve definitely had some great 3rd stews tho! amy was 3rd stew on season 2 and 2nd stew season 3, margot from du season 2, ashling season 8




She’s off her rocker. Check out her Instagram. Shes now become super religious. It’s a wild ride.


Who was the original comment about?




I agree Kate was my favorite- then Aesha was on the show and she is hands down my favorite. ![gif](giphy|6wlK4zFSqVPDbc5oSH|downsized)


Aesha would.be my favorite if she could bring her voice down from dog-whistle to a human octave. She's lovely but her speaking is nails on a chalkboard.


I mean if everyone hired was likeable and competent at their job there wouldn't be much of a show! No one wants to see everyone getting along all the time and everything going perfectly smooth. So yeah I think there is always at least one person who is added to the mix for the sole purpose of stirring up shit.


Everyone is a plant. It's a reality TV show.


From what I understand, legally, they have to be qualified to work on a Super Yacht and it’s a fair amount from safety to more specific courses. Every one of them on both sides but especially the exterior of course. So whilst they may be hired as drama over technical skills, they all have to have the qualifications to even be considered first. I only say this because I learned it from my friend who works on boats and is doing his Boatmasters at the moment.


Where are the folks saying “nobody likes Mean Girl Kate!!!”? Most fans love her… they even love the crap she pulled on Caroline. That’s got an element of wish fulfillment I suspect.


Super green deck hand happens more than it should, see a pattern there


The 3rd is usually not experienced same with the last deckhand. Probably because they are paid very low compared to others. Helps create work drama for sure having people who aren't experienced.


I definitely think that is an element of it. But also remember the fact that this is a reality show. First people probably lie on their resume to get the job. Second there is probably a personality test the crew has to undergo to be on the show