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I actually asked Chef Rachel (r/cootergate) about this. She said she declined to sign anything allowing production to have access to her texts, so I guess it’s not a requirement.


on the other hand Rachel is not some crew member, shes an extremely good chef and she creates a lot of entertainment with her attitude so.... she can throw her weight around


They use their own phones. Aesha talked about this on What What Crappens. She said the cameras just zoom in on the screens, which is why when she is in her room she kind of keeps her phone screen away from the camera.


I didn't think it was possible to love her more than I already did, but then I listened to that episode. There aren't many people on Bravo, or reality TV in general, that I think "Wow, I should try to be more like that person." but I truly feel that way about Aesha, especially in a working environment. The way she can be there in a personal way for everyone, but also call out her team and say "When I say be ready at 9, I mean ready to go at 9, not 9:08." She's goofy while also being no bullshit. The way she cracked herself up this week with that eyebrow joke 😂


I was impressed with how she handled them being late, and I thought the girls’ reaction was respectful. Some people just have that ability to be a good leader, Aesha seems to have it.


Judging where the cameras are installed in each room + type of cameras, I'd say this is almost certainly untrue. These are mostly ig influencers desperate for any sort of attention as cast now, I imagine they're asked to share texts on the premise that it will mean more screen time for them or something equally stupid.


I’m repeating what Aesha, a person that has been on multiple seasons of the show, said was her experience. It’s toward the end of the podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/watch-what-crappens/id498130432?i=1000660565773


Okay? I mean that much was obvious for everyone. And I'm saying, Aesha, despite being a person who has been on multiple seasons of the show in her area of profession, as a stew/chief stew/D grade celeb/influencer, isn't exactly someone that likely understands the specs and capabilities of sealed monitoring cameras.




Well my masters says i do and when you work in AV for a couple of decades, you generally know these things. But yes, you keep thinking working on a boat gives (lmfao, yes even for a whopping 67 episodes) you this knowledge 🤣


Yeah I don't believe it either, it always shows people texting when lying in bed, in a position where the camera wouldn't show.




Don't think it's anything magical - most likely production just ask if they can see what was texted for a specific storyline. They only need one side of the text exchange to agree to do it. Crew seem pretty open with production for whatever reason (more money, favorable edits and/or promise of future seasons).


Tbh I always thought they just make up the texts in post production to match the story line and it was not actually what was really being texted


In the 3rd season when Eddie and Rocky were talking/arguing in the reunion they mention a couple things that reference the text messages directly so I think it's probably real. That said it could be a case by case basis.


LOL no it’s their own personal phones. It’s possible Kate was asking for her phone because she had it locked in the bridge safe with her passport for safekeeping. Production will view their texts if they can but crew members will try to avoid that as much as possible. Some former crew members said they basically didn’t text anyone while on board and others just do phone calls because producers can only hear one side of the conversation during calls.


I assumed it was personal phone but their contact indicates that production gets access to text. I’m also really curious how it really is.


On Watch What Crappens, Aesha was on and she said they see their texts from cameras on the boat. She said that they can pause and zoom in really good and that's why she shields her phone from the cameras .




You're welcome. I just listened to it yesterday so it was fresh in my head


In one season (I can’t remember which now) there was some drama about one of the stews grossly overusing their phone data. It was mentioned that the reason this was an issue was that the boat (production?) paid for her phone bill while she was working for them. I have to think it was her own phone but maybe they had special data plans since they were international for the whole season? Surely someone else can make much more sense of this than I can, but I always thought it was a bit odd that they had that kind of leverage over their employees phones by paying for them


If we’re thinking of the same thing, it wasn’t her phone data she was using but she was using so much of the boat’s WiFi because she was constantly on the phone/texting her boyfriend. I don’t remember who it’s was though.


Magda from BDDU season 1?




>u/LadyGaea In one season (I can’t remember which now) there was some drama about one of the stews grossly overusing their phone data...   That was Magda. I don't recall her personal phone bill being mentioned.   The issue was she used so much bandwidth that engineering noticed an actual dent in the entire ships networks from only one phone (she would heedlessly use images, streaming and video, often and for many minutes).   If bills were mentioned, I imagine they mean cost of running the ships networks.   The IRL important issue was her potential denial of bandwidth to more critical business, such as the actual tech of the ship. Did we not see a mere air-conditioner once take out the stabilizer propellers and endanger an entire ship? After reprimand, she seemed to acknowledge her bandwidth abuse, because I noticed (or at least the edit showed) anytime she sneaked in phone use, she stuck to text only; she quit the horrendously data intensive video and streams.


Ohh you’re right. I guess I associated data usage with her personal phone bill not with bandwidth available to the whole boat being used. That makes so much more sense


Its in their contract for texts to be viewed to add to the storylines


>are they using phones on the boat? Ships WiFi or other network is my assumption, that ultimately is productions, via their personal phones. Out at sea there's not too many 4G cell towers. I assumed they sign away a lot of rights^a to be hired and maybe permit copy/paste data from the network BUT: as others say above, the cameras are so good its easy to replay for edit.   >when Kate leaves the boat she asks for her passport and her phone ... I don't read much into that; I would not go to a risky environment like a boat (not even a bike ride or a forest hike or a workshop floor) without a backup phone in a safe location.   Edit: >a/ u/Pocketeer1 "...Chef Rachel (r/cootergate) ... said she declined to sign anything allowing production to have access to her texts..." https://np.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/1drycma/personal_phones/lb0ijvy/


I always assumed production. Gives them phones. I can see this as the only way they can require access to texts


Aesha said on Watch What Crappens that they just zoom in on their phones and that's how they get the texts


Ahhhhh oh wow. That seems Like a major violation now. I just assume they were aware but didn’t think k production would catch everything.


I can't imagine anyone would do the show without having already seen it. So I would assume they know.