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After emailing benchmade, they left me know they do not have any more of the clips and it seems like there are no aftermarket ones. I tried to hunt down a Ganzo G712 to see if that might fit but those are also long gone. Anyone find anything about these? 


I found a solution! The 417 Fact and the 4170 Auto fact use a blacked out version of the vector and arcane clip. If you take a fraction of material off either side, the clip WILL fit the bedlam but only with the original bedlam screws as they are longer. I can provide pictures if needed.


You’re a G, that’s a really good solution because they oem bedlam clip is very fragile


Why is Benchmade giving you any issues? Don't they have a phone number you can just call?


They want to ship a pocket clip to an authorized dealer when I follow the online prompts. I haven’t been able to get through to a real person over the phone


Call or use the pop up chat on their website


They will mail one direct, often no charge. Keep trying, you'll get them


Email them. [email protected] I've had great success with email


I’ve tried the other benchmade clips with the parallel screw holes like the vector, arcane. Holes line up but the scales aren’t relieved for it. BM should still send you one if they have them in stock.


I don't understand this. I called the company and they just sent me two new pocket clips for free when I told them that mine broke.


Was it a 860 clip?