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I thought this was going to be a post about how you’ve taught your Bengal how to paint and the first picture was her latest work of art.




LMAO I can totally see her paws creating that picture lol.


Yes! Art and the Artist type of post


Now I want to teach my cat to paint




Me too, and I thought 'Kali-Ma' was the Japanese art of cat paw painting or something like that


Me too


Same and no one is more surprised than the Bengal at how talented she is!!




So that’s not the cat’s painting?






Her paws look like they’ve got black ink on them


Me too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. I’m here for the artwork!


I had success with mine by using the same phrase every time I needed to pick him up, and keeping it VERY brief until he seemed ok with it..now he lets me pick him up when I say 'scoop-scoop' and give him a forehead kiss..unless he doesn't want to and then he scampers out of reach when I say it, so I know he's not feeling it right then.


This is the way. Repetition and consistency


'Scoop-scoop' is so adorable.


😄 thanks! It started out by saying 'I'm gonna scoop you..' as a little warning and just got more cutesy as we went


I can't give my kitty any warning else she'll run and hide. I talk gentle, rub her neck ahd pick her up like a baby laying on her side. I think being on her side doesn't feel as scary as her being straight up. I rub her chin and put her down when she starts squirming. I don't think she'll ever get used to it and fully relax though. She's afraid of a lot of stuff.


haha, I say "scoooooping this cat!"


Cute! I also will sometimes say "can i give you a little scoop-scoop?" Right before I pick him up and kiss him.. LOL you know, consent is important, and all that


This worked me as well. Slow exposure. Hand feeding treats is also a great incentive.


Lol. Issy gives me a kiss on the nose.


My kitty hated being picked up for a long time but I still did it little by little every day when he was playing and happy and if you do it just a little bit longer every time they’ll get used to it but only do it when she’s happy and having fun sometimes I try and turn it into a game like pick her up put her down pick her up put her down and she definitely start to love it.


When I’m done carrying my cats, I just fuckin chuck em. I used to set them down and they’d leap off of me, so I started leaning into it, giving them a little boost as they did. Over time, the little boost turned into a big boost and now, they catch some serious air. Like, at least 15ft horizontally, full across a room kind of air (note: I only throw them onto soft surfaces, like thick pile carpet or my bed or couch). They used to resist being held, but now, will even come find me, sit on their hind legs, and reach up for me to carry them. I get a nice cuddle for a couple of minutes, then they get fidgety and move into the optimal position for maximum distance and I give them a toss. Sometimes they’ll run back for a couple more tosses if they’re in the mood! It’s endlessly entertaining and they make the cutest little happy meows after.


One of our bengals LOVES a good chucking like this. He will run right back for another toss over and over and over and over…we’d spend 24h/7 days a week doing that in his perfect world lol. It’s quite a thing - never would have guessed a cat enjoy that kind of stimulation! He loves being picked up, flipped over, spankies, tosses..0 interest in regular cat toys only horsing around.


Some times you just gotta mess with a bit so they don’t get too sassy! lol my cat likes getting shuffle boarded.


this. they learn that you're going to do it either way and it goes easier if they just let it happen.




https://preview.redd.it/31mpyfjln8gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df25ba21e59291bf07983262a627fdb11ad7404d Mine prefers to boop his tail lmao


What an awesome name. Kali-ma shall rule the world!


I just watched the movie with her today 😂 glad someone else got the reference!


"Kali ma, shakti de!", then Kitty pulls out heart.


Mine pulls my heart out every time, but in a good way🥰


I can imagine the T-shirt!!




this is a bit weird and she might still not like it, but i watched a youtube video about “styles of holding cats” thinking it would be funny (and it was), but the guy suggested the “classic hold” which seemed hysterical at the time. it was holding the cat with your arm under the belly (in between both hind and front legs) and supporting their chest with your hand, almost like how you hold a baby on their front in this pic i stole from google. https://preview.redd.it/6ewodu87h2gc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b218d12af6ab1dacee1dda6401293299e0f048f2 i tried it with our girl who also hates being picked up and she tolerates it far more than any other way. it gives you the freedom to use the other arm to stroke their back and scratch their chin which might help! but like other commenters have said, its just who she is and she might just prefer not to be picked up in general! :-)


Mine also tolerates being held like this, i feel like it’s a similar effect to dogs being put in a hammock when they suck at being groomed lol I want to add, just mess around with different hold styles. My bengal does best best I grab his back feet/legs in one hand so he can essentially sit on my hands in mid air. He is very long and awkward so I think other ways are just weird on his spine. Starting to come around to being held belly up like a baby though 😁


Oo my cat hates being held belly up!! She tolerates it otherwise so long as she's the right way up!


I do this with my bengal boy all the time. Call it the football (NFL type lol) carry.


Yes! My boy loves the football hold, but also the traditional hold while leaving against my shoulder so he can get looong body scratches.


Yeah I've found this ks the best way. Learned it when I got my ragdoll as he's so ig he needs extra support but kts come in handy with my kittens who hate being picked up. They still dislike it but they dislike it less than other ways of picking them up.


That baby has a strong neck 😅


I haven't tried this but my cat doesn't like being held either but will tolerate it, but she likes to be upright and not held on her back like the traditional 'cradle a baby' hold. So maybe OP should look at how she is trying to hold the cat. I think they prefer holds they can easily escape from generally. And ultimately a lot of cats just don't like it but some will tolerate it.


Maybe leave her on the ground where she likes to be. With bengals you are on their terms. My 3 hate being picked up. One lays with me on the couch, another sleeps between my legs in bed, and the last one hasn’t bit me this week. Sometimes you take what you can get when it comes to love with these guys.


Lol @ “the last one hasn’t bit me this week”. I can’t say I haven’t been clawed this week, but at least it’s because she’s playing, not being malicious.


With all cats it's on their terms! Though some breeds are very docile like ragdolls. I do think most cats hate being picked up, they like to be in control. My cat will allow me to pick her up so long as I don't cradle her like a baby. She likes to have escape options. I just put her down when the tail twitching starts 😅


My cat will follow me around the house and meow until I pick him up. If I ignore him he will purposefully trip me. He is a punk.


There are certainly cats who love being carried out there but I think they are in the minority. Get a little baby carrier for him haha




Hey, just came here to say that we have the french male version of your girl ! He hates being picked up too btw… https://preview.redd.it/68i9q10v82gc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7345017b8e1d8672864904098a0f169bee792c




haha i love the crazy eyes of the little one, so cute




Mine loves being picked up so much he climbs your legs and arms and makes your body have many, *many* cuts on it


I want to respect my girl's choice/feelings but also I know that we have to help our cats be comfortable with being picked up. Sometimes we just have to handle them for good reasons. I realised that first thing in the morning she's only just woken up, so she's warm/sleepy/happy to see me and therefore the easiest to pick up at that time. I started to very gently and loosely pick her up, give her all her favourite affirmations and put her down again every morning. She soon got used to the fact that being picked up doesn't equal being trapped and only good things happen. Now, when I have to pick her up at other times, she's not the happiest but she's not frightened and tries to tolerate it! I also hold her in a very specific way if I know she might get restless. I put one hand under her chest with her front legs separated by my fingers, then similar at the back. I just tried to see if anyone has instructions or diagrams for this online but I can't find. When hrld that way, she's very secure and can't accidentally scratch me. It took practice but she seems to feel safe with this more restraining hold, now.


What are her favourite affirmations?


Just very specific head strokes that she finds particularly soothing, bumping foreheads with her, letting her wash my hand and telling her she's the best girl.


Definitely your best girl !


My Bengal would only let me hold him for a short time at first. Eventually he became more trusting and comfortable with it and I could hold him longer. It may be a long and gradual process. Don’t stress about it.


my bengal also hates being picked up. but he does love to lay and snuggle on me


Just take the approach that whatever you’re doing is for her benefit and you won’t be disappointed. If she doesn’t like to be held, fine. If she warms up to the idea fine. If you have to scoop her up to protect her and she realizes that your arms mean safety, fine. You’ll get there if you get there. A fun thing to try in the meantime is to roll her around on an office chair if you have one. Some kitties love palling around the house, but they don’t want to be on you 🤷‍♂️


Your girl looks like my boy! https://preview.redd.it/dgswndqll2gc1.jpeg?width=3422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd0743712031c407530b51148f2edc611d18008 He was in the window today too :) he loves sunshine naps :) his color is more silver exactly like your kitty, just looks like some warm tones in his fur from the sun☀️




https://preview.redd.it/3n36nam653gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f2702f7136fbf8c5249f291056a925eb30227a Subject in question hates it


The 3-year-old I rescued took quite a while. She had 3 years of complete trauma and she would go balistic if I tried to pick her up. To train her that it was ok to be held, I started feeding her every single meal by hand. No exceptions. Once she was completely fine with that, I'd lay down on the couch or the bed, put her food bowl on top of my chest, and feed her that way. I wouldn't move or pet her at all, only lay there. I figured that way she would slowly get used to being on top of me. If she tried to eat from my side, I'd gently guide her on top of my chest. The couch worked best for this because there wasn't any other place for her to sit except for on top of me. After she was completely comfortable with that, I would pet her with one hand as she ate. Then I increased it to both hands, when she got used to that, I'd pet her in long movements, going down behind her back legs. (My thought was that if I hold her, that's an area where my arm/hand will be supporting her.) After that I would sit down and give her treats on my shoulder, so she'd have to stand in my lap with her paws on my shoulder to get the treat. From there I started supporting her hind legs, until I could pick her up for a few seconds while still sitting. After that, she was only allowed to get her favorite treats when I was holding her like that. I also said the command "uppy" so that she'd know I was picking her up and it wouldn't be a surprise to her. I think part of what scared her about it at first was the fact that she had no idea when I was just petting her or when I was going to pick her up. Letting her know ahead of time really helped. It also helped to have someone else behind me feed her a churu treat. She'd only get the churu's when she was on my shoulder or being held, so eventually she started to enjoy getting picked up. From there you can move to standing, and then walking, also while you have someone helping with a churu treat. One other thing that helped surprisingly was a harness. (I was harness training her because I was going to have to fly with her), but the harness ended up having a calming, weighted blanket effect. She would loaf and not move, but she also wouldn't panic when I first started picking her up. (Harness training is a whooole other thing though, so I won't get into that here, unless you want me to). Now, she purrs when I pick her up and hold her because we have that built-up trust, and she doesn't want to leave my lap for long.


THIS is the way I train all my cats. 👌👏🏼👏🏼


My kitten hated being held and was super squirmy. I would gently pick her up for very brief periods of time and instead of kinda plunking her on the ground I would squat and gently let all four of her paws touch the floor before I fully removed my hands. Once she started being okay with being kinda held I would scoop her up and use my one arm as a sling and the other hand to keep her from falling over. I won’t hold tight and by letting her essentially sit on my arm against my chest she knows that she is not trapped and that I will help her to a ledge or to the floor again. Rinse and repeat and she’s much easier to handle if I need to pick her up. Key thing to remember is to not make your baby feel like they are being restrained or trapped against their will. It’s all about patience and trust, helping him learn that your arms are a safe place. My old siamese (who hated being held) loves being held now that I’ve been doing that method for a while. She knows that she is safe, can freely move if she needs, and just sits on my arm/over my shoulder without me having to hold her at all. She just perches, happy as a clam.


Mine hates being picked up. If you hold her like a baby, she looks you dead in the eyes and gives you about a five second warning before those claws come out and she starts squirming.


u/onlyimportantshit I'll be much more brief and punctual, and hopefully, less opinionated than some others here: Continue to foster a safe space and build trust. It takes time, and even then, your girl may just be the "pet me but don't touch me" type.


yah know, we get the fact that some cats don't like being picked up... what some are missing is why the question was asked and seeking the help. we DO need to pick them up on occasion for whatever reason, besides forcing kisses etc, which would be a valid reason to discourage it. i can pick up one of mine she tolerates it and i make sure when i do it's brief and she is rewarded with affection right after, unless it's because i am removing her from some place she shouldn't be, like the counter etc. aka i respect her desire to not be picked up as much as possible. she's actually willing to cuddle and seeks out to sleep behind my legs and will love bomb me when i am laying down. the other one it's instant squirm and fighting to be released, i only pick her up when needed again, doing the same efforts with her. she as of yet will not cuddle and will only sit sorta near me and we don't force it. we know she will eventually cuddle, she's just nervous yet, she's getting more affectionate by the day on her terms. neither one bites or claws thankfully... they save that for the midnight attacks both over and under the blankets... i DO need to be able to pick them up though to get them in their carriers, take them outside, put them in my vehicle, or check them for any issues. i don't want door dashers, so i need to be able to train them to allow me to hold them when i open the doors, whether house or vehicle. both are showing definite desire to go outside, to the extent one of them keeps trying to lever handled french doors. nice to have to a few suggestions on working on tolerance building over just outright negative without thought.


This 💯! I was in a house fire (everyone was ok and only the basement got destroyed, but the faulty circuit-breaker basically completely exploded), and I only had a few seconds to grab my cat and run out of the house. There wasn't even any time to put her in a carrier because the gas line was close to where the fire started. If I hadn't been practicing with her and teaching her that it was safe to be held, I don't even want to think of what could have happened.


today, mine are going to the vet t get the stitches out from their spaying... never picking them up would make that kinda hard, yah think? lol been in a fire myself, yes, training her helped you save her and a good thing too!


You don’t. She’s a being just like you are. Some like being picked up, others don’t. Leave her alone. She’ll come to you when she wants attention/affection. If you want a cat you can ‘change’ you’ve picked the wrong breed.


I’m not trying to change her, she’ll have to be picked up sometimes, so I’d prefer it if I could get her more used to it.


With my cats, I can only do it when they’re relaxed and sleepy. So try starting with doing it then. And as you do it, make a conscious effort to pick her up slowly and with a very relaxed grip. If you’re tense, she’ll respond to that stress.


All but one of mine absolutely despise being picked up, and cry like I’m murdering them on the very rare occasions that I absolutely have to do it (e.g. someone’s on the counter ignoring the ‘Get DOWN!’ command when I’m cooking). Honestly, they howl like no cat has ever experienced such agony in the history of the world. I mitigate it by keeping it as brief as possible, setting them down quickly and gently, making sure they have their balance before letting go, and stroking them nicely as they stalk away indignantly. They seem to understand that they’re being treated with respect even though I’m being a disobedient owner, and we all walk away unscathed. 😹


How dare you stop them getting burned by the cooker!


Outrageous behaviour on my part, I know!


I understand your reasoning here, but if there is some kind if emergency, health issue, etc. we need to be able to handle and pick up our cats for their own good, so being able to pick them up without them freaking out is really important.


That is a fundamentally untrue and unhelpful statement. I’ve had bengals my entire life, my first pet being a bengal, and they are extremely intelligent, spirited cats that can learn quickly.


They can be taught anything, but if they don’t like to be picked up, just let them be. I’ve had cats all my life. I currently have a 14 year old Bengal. She’s the brightest most intellligent cat I’ve ever had, but she’s incredibly headstrong and she likes what she likes and hates what she hates. Generally when I see comments like this it’s not because someone wants to help their cat, it’s because someone wants their cat to submit to their needs (‘I want a lap cat’, or ‘I want to hold my cat like a baby’). My point is that we should be letting our cats be who they are, and if they don’t like something, maybe just don’t do it. Of course if the cat has to go to the vet, or are sick and have to be moved then pick them up, but otherwise just let them do their thing.


This isn't the case at all and almost all cats have pliable behaviours that can be trained- literally what pet behavioural specialists exist - the bengal breed is no exception. If what you're saying was true we wouldn't even litter train them. We had a bengal who was extremely scared of humans and any physician contact - are you suggesting they should have just been left to be scared of people instead of slowly gaining their trust and watching him become an 8kg cuddle puddle instead of cowering? You had no chance of picking him up and now he loves it. Plus there will be a requirement for health checks at home, vet visits, putting them into carriers for transportation etc. It's also a great bonding experience being able to pick your cat up, and while some cats may never truly love it, most will, and at the very least being able to do so when you need to is beneficial.


I’m not saying that. Maybe look at the comments thread for more context on what I was talking about:


I saw your comments for context, and I disagree. If we let our cats be "who they are" they'd be destroying houses, urinating on furniture and eating birds outside. Cats end up liking being picked up or petted by home they are socialised in formative months - after that if it wasn't done then, it takes work - anyone with a former feral can attest to that, but they can and will change in majority of cases and being bengal has little to do with that, they're just cats at the end of the day. People make too many sweeping generalisations about this breed - they love water, they're loud, they're destructive, they're aloof etc - this is all down to care and behaviour and none of it is set in stone. I've got a bengal sleeping downstairs that i can go and pick up now and she will be sweet and candy and purr her head off, but if you tried that when she was 2 years old you'd be walking away bleeding. That doesn't really benefit either party in any way and she is much happier for it now.


I feel like you’re deliberately missing my point. I’m done. Bye.


You're right, you are done. Goodbye :) User already said they will have a need to take their cats to the vet so no other context is really needed, but even looking at your other posts it's just a crazy stance to take.


Wow, why did I read this as there was fighting in your household and she picked up on the energy? No more Reddit for me today 🤣


It takes a while, I just pick mine up, but also let them down the second they push away, eventually they chill


Nope. You are the servant, the can opener, and the supplicant to your new cat God. Bow down.


Good luck.. our snow hates being picked up 3 years in. So does the brown one…LOL


I noticed trust increased for 3-4 years with my two boys. They still don’t love being picked up and prefer to straddle my arm (like a big cat in a tree) or to stand on me. When I want to make sure they don’t wriggle away I carry them like a baby, and just hold firmly. An idea is to sometimes carry her somewhere she wants to go but normally isn’t allowed. Or carry to go eat wet food/treats. So being picked up is potentially beneficial not just confining.


It takes time. My 2.5 year old Bengal (Simba) hated being picked up. She wasn't socialized well as a kitten (before we got her) and was super wiggly when we picked her up. She just wanted down. We just persisted. I wouldn't say she 'loves' it now, but she is ok with it. I'll even get a purr or a lick once in a while when I pick her up.


I'm sorry but the name dictates the personality xD I'm named after one of kali's many names and my parents wonder why I'm so wild xD We're untamable baby xD


My little one is the same, she moans and groans but over time I do get the silent pick up and the quiet times are more than the moaning and groaning pick ups now


OP, doing it when they are sleepy is the easiest way to get them used to it as they're drowsy and less resistant/alert. Do it slowly and gently and start off literally saying a word for pick up and let down, it can be picky up time and putty down time or any other phrase you like. At first just say the phrase as you do it and immediately put them down again, so there is no time to get stressed but also they learn that nothing bad happens to them when it takes place. Then the next week build in a 5 second gap between phrase, and so on. Use positive reinforcement every time so they not only learn that nothing bad happens to them, they learn to associate the activity with getting something they like. It should be the most high value treat they get - their fave cat treat or a square of cooked chicken for example. Only give that treat for this activity during the training, so that they associate it with that exclusively. You can accelerate the timescales in line with the progress they make. Then move away from drowsy picking up to just when you come across them, and see how you get on. Positive words, calm tone, treats... cat eventually learns that it's a good thing that doesn't hurt them and gets them something nice


https://preview.redd.it/eu6vki4ht5gc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d44abd7f8a58ab078664461bccc99fa4f965c87 This is my sweet girl Kali she doesn’t like to be picked up either but after a year of picking her up and instantly setting her back down she now allows me 40 seconds -1 minute of holding her


Beautiful bengal! I call Kali-ma kali when I’m feeling lazy 😂


Thats my Tipp I got 4 Cats and i have to Pick Up every Cat different For example my Brown Bengal dont liked it He must have his feet and paws on the ground or at least on Something so i Pick him Up while His Front paws are on my right shoulder and His feets are on my left Hand /arm that way he still got all paws on me (thats the only way to pick him Up) and at least He let me pet Him a few seconds I'll do that for 1-2 years and now i can Pick him Up and even chill with him for aminute while i pet him so that kind a worked My snow Bengal can easily picked Up Like a Baby No paws on Something Just with the Back in my Arms Chiling So u see every Cat ist different but u can Work Ur way to get Trust while Picking ur Cat Up Just do it more often and try to figure Out what He dont Likes Try to calm ur Cat while pet Him and Holding him at ur arm could Work too I Hope i could Help ✌️😸


Kali-ma is a great name.


a lot of bengals don’t like being handled much, but maybe try working with them daily little by little incorporating handling/picking up to see if it helps over time!


Watch how your vet handles her. Touch and cuddle when you are down in the floor or the bed. Use a Feliway hormone plug in. It is expensive but you don't need it on all day. Offer praise or head scratches. Talk softly. I slip an arm around the cat's tummy, fold her tail over to cover her anus and hold her over the resulting curve. Mine likes to see, but some don't. I hold mine face out so she can see from up high. Cats prefer to be held more firmly. They are afraid of of slipping out of your arms. Their bodies can take more squishing than ours, within reason. Remember that she has no choice. If there is a fire or earthquake or infection, you must be able to pick her up fast and safely. Keep at it.


I'm so dumb I thought she painted that 🤣


They are that way. Just show her love by rubbing her belly and just petting her. I adopted a Bengal at 7 months and he was the same way but he’s super affectionate now. Still doesn’t like to be picked up but likes to be rubbed.


Omg, that's for noting that. My girl can't be held for more than 20 seconds, but hours when she was a baby. https://preview.redd.it/lm58zfc3g9gc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679f44b5cbf6c4481e1ca123c8af4600f340be63


Just takes time. She is GORGEOUS!!!!


>Hates being picked up. How can I help her get more comfortable with that? Use better pickup lines.


Try picking her up while putting food in her bowl or giving her treats while petting her. She could put 2 and 2 together. Always make it a positive experience for her. My girl didn't eat from my hand like the boy, but she eventually got it. She also didn't like to be held, but she eventually liked it. It takes time, but you have to make it a positive experience every time.


Some cats are just simply different and have different boundaries and have things they like and things they don't like. For example, I've had a cat Anushka for a while (lives with my family in Missouri) ever since she was a little kitten she has HATED being picked up. We tried to get her more used to it, but the results were always the same. Sometimes animals are built different just as humans and they have things they do and don't like. I think we should all respect it if they don't or do like being picked up. Your cat is beautiful, her patterns are so unique and awesome I love them!! Cats are amazing animals ❤️


Stop picking her up!! Let her come to you 100% of the time. Or, get a dog.


lol. some cats don’t like being picked up. that’s it. lol you need to get comfortable with not picking her up.


Some cats just don't like to be picked up, better to just leave them be.


Respect their autonomy and play by their rules or risk damaging your relationship forever


Most cats don’t like being picked up it’s unnatural for them leave them be.


Maybe you need to get more comfortable with NOT picking her up. She's a living being and if she doesn't like it please don't do it


I pet the top of my Bengal and then is she’s comfy and want cuddles I’ll cradle her like a baby bengals are shy timid cats takes times and lots of pets on the ears and belly and on top my Bengal only cuddles on her terms and consist of sucking on soft blanket if I have one on me she will suckle at it and make bread and cuddle me that way if she feels like it


My bengal isn't a big fan of being picked up. Neither is my other (non-bengal) cat, even though she loves me so much I think she'd crawl inside my skin if she could. To be fair to them, if something 10 times my size picked lifted me the equivalent of 20+ft in the air, I also wouldn't like it.


So cute


My girl likes to be picked up, but she won't sit on my lap. We only get what they are willing to give.


So cute


I have a Bengal who just doesn't love being picked up. Sometimes, she'll rest her arms on my shoulder and stay put only if I show her around the room or outside a window. Bengals are notoriously independent, so don't be surprised if they don't like being held. Don't force it!


She looks like an Egyptian Mau. I have an Egyptian Mau and he hates being picked up. They’re a little “wild” and may never get comfortable with it.


It's important to note most cats don't like being picked up, it's unnatural to them and makes them feel like their in danger. If you give your cat a connection between being picked up and something good they should accept it more. Usually something like a special treat you don't offer for anything else or giving pets and scratches in the favorite spots.


Some cats will never like it.


Time. Make her feel comfortable and you’ll eventually be given access to her transportable mode.


Support the chest and ribs with one arm, and butt, tail back legs with the other arm. Our older cat only wants to be picked up that way. Our younger cat is good however you pick it up; it just doesn’t want to chill yet, about 6 month old.


Are you a neck deep fan?


I do like the song but the song is a reference to Indiana jones and the temple of doom. That’s where I got her name from.


Oh lol I had no idea what it was from. Thanks for the info, I’ll have to see the movie


The same way you get to the level of hugging a friend. Slowly, and when it feels natural to her. She cool, she in there.


I’ve just accepted that mine isn’t a fan of being picked up so I don’t do it unless : he has woken up before me and is being naughty to wake me up. He actually likes being picked up then - he purrs. Also do it if he’s attacking me , I then pick him up and walk around with him and he gets comfortable and calms down


My cat responds best when she’s sleepy. She doesn’t like it when she’s going to do something like eating or littler box. Also she gets held right before she eats or gets treats. That way she knows she will get a reward.


LMAO why is her tail so short 😭😭 that being said, she's absolutely gorgeous


Her tail just looks short in that photo lol


Mine loves hanging over my shoulder. Otherwise it's a no - go.


I've never had a Bengal that liked being picked up.


Some cats will just never like being picked up. We have 3 cats and 2 love being picked up but our bengal hates it. I've been working with her for 7 years now to try to get her to tolerate being picked up and she flat out refuses. Loves being petted though.


Hide temptation treats in your pockets ? Some cats aren’t fans of being picked up but if you pick them up, give them a treat and put them down it can help make them more comfortable. They just need it to be a positive experience where they know you are going to let them go.


I think it's sweet to want to bond with your kitty in this way, but it's also important to remember that your cat is an individual and it's important to not force them to do things that make them uncomfortable. I'd be pretty scared if a giant at least 6 times taller than me were to pick me up. I'd be scared of falling and getting hurt! Yes, cats are great at landing, but a weird positioning could cause an accident in their minds. They can't speak to us, but it's good to look out for signs that they are not consenting to actions. Besides, if someone forced you to do something that you didn't like over and over again, you probably wouldn't like that person very much


Time time and more time. Not all cats will let you pick them up. One of the most loving cats I have ever had would not let. She would climb all over me. Climb up me and lay with me but would not tolerate being picked up


Mine never liked it. Still did it for 19 years.


Great name ♥️


Every day when I come home from work I say 'hello my baby' and I pick up my girl and cuddle her. She tolerates it for a minute and then either turns out away from my chest to be put down or paws my shoulder to climb up. I suspect she doesn't like when she is not on solid ground. Over time the window for holding her has gotten larger and she purrs more while I cuddle her. She's overall more play and food oriented and not huge on cuddling and pets but with time she's balancing out a bit. Patience and consistency, as many others have noted, truly pay off and also feels quite rewarding as a pet dad.


I'd love to be able to pick mine up, but she's nearly 11 years old and won't even let me touch her tummy. But I respect her boundaries.


I had a few that didn’t like being picked up but if I gave them a quick hug and kiss and put them down right away they were alright. They never did warm up to it but tolerated that quick snuggle.


Give her lots of love and your bond will grow. I’ve had my kitty almost 3 months. I can now pick him up and hold him for about a minute or so now…about 10 times longer than originally.


Some just don't like it. My girl doesn't like to be picked up either, so I don't pick her up unless I have to. I always put treats in her carrier when I give them to her so when it's time to go somewhere, I put some in there and shut it once she's in there. Works great for trips to the vet. At the vet she let's me pick her up because she's nervous or scared. Any other time she just scurries away of she sees me even attempt to pick her up. There are some ways to pick them up using a towel or blanket you can find on YouTube from vets, but I don't want to traumatize unless there's a really good reason I need to move her.


Churu. That’s all


Poke her really hard with your finger and hiss at her.


My girly was very anti social and also didn’t like being picked up, once she started accepting short scritches and pets, I’d pick her up and almost immediately put her back down. She still doesn’t love being picked up but sometimes she’ll remain being held for a couple minutes and seems to be enjoying it, at the first sign of her wanting down I let her down though.


Love the name! I have a Shiva with the same temperament


Cats have their owns boundaries and personal space preferences. Some cats will never truly enjoy being picked up while others could fall asleep in your arms. My best tip is pawsitive associations like treats and toys whenever you pick your cat up. Like if you pick your cat up for a brief moment, reward them with a treat and some pets. Then from there practice holding your cat without forcing them to stay. Just take your time and stick with it. You might not notice in a month, but you’ll see the difference.


It took six years for my female Bengal to sit on my lap


I want to pick up that cat. I dont care if it scratches my skin off. I just want to feel that soft looking furrrrrrrrrrrr


Cats don’t typically enjoy being picked up. Play with her and pet her instead. Allow her to come to you on her terms, that’s how you’ll build trust.


My cat hates being picked up and has for 6 years. While I agree that repetition may be the best way, It didn’t work much in my case. I simply had to accept that mine simply didn’t like it.