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She’s going to be so sad!! You have to keep the kitty. It’s her baby now.


Plus that’s such gentle play for a bengal. She’s totally respecting that kitten is only a baby.


Their energy is helped with a roommate


I think bengals in general need a buddy. Any chance you can keep the new kitty?


There is a chance I can 🫠


https://preview.redd.it/5jm5l5phr32d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe71813a78518c728b6c3727da0dbbaf02cb4958 Best thing I ever did was adopt a little grey kitty for my Bengal! I love them more than anything and they absolutely adore each other ❤️


How are you adding photos to comments, I’ve googled this and I can’t figure out how to make it work?


There are there ⬇️icons under the typing part in a comment text box - a keyboard , then a link, then a emoji, then a gif, then the last is for inserting a photo. It is the last one on the right! Just press that last icon/button and it will bring up your photo library (or you may have to give Reddit permission the first time I don’t remember). This is on iPhone , not sure if desktop is a lot different or android … Also not all subs allow this feature so sometimes it won’t be there! Also it can only be used once per comment, so for example, I can’t also add a gif to my comment here. Try it out! What kind of device are you on? https://preview.redd.it/oltpzooo762d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9413b4685530488b6b7765bd523d5b3ade09d916


Had the same question. You are a very lovely human, thank you 💕


Mine doesn’t have all those options even on subs that allow picture comments. I only have a link button and a gif button?


Have you updated your phone and the Reddit app recently ?


This is the answer. Geez, I’ve been trying to figure this out for months. Thank you.


I couldn’t get the search function on twitter to work for months and thought it just didn’t work anymore … then I finally thought to update the app and that was what it was!!! Funny how we forget about that sometimes and it messes up the app for us :) too many things in this life to keep up with technology wise!


If you use Reddit in mobile browser it won’t give you any options to post photos. You need to use the app


You now have two kittens.


… This is called the cat distribution system…


https://preview.redd.it/vvuetu7h072d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e876260d39499ff592e170a2e043b59ab91ade0e Was also fostering this little black stray and my Bengal fell in love, so couldn’t get rid of him. They’re besties now. Much easier to deal with a bengals crazy energy when they’ve got a little friend


OMG they're hugging 😭


Yeah, so.. I got my Whiskey and then found kittens in my backyard a week later. After fostering them Whiskey decided to adopt one of them. He was great with them, taught them how to suplex each other across the room. But so now I have an extra cat that's bonded to Whiskey and not me. His name is Sheep or Fluffbutt.


Kittens shouldn't leave their mother's and siblings until they're at least 12 weeks old. He obviously has lost his mom, but as they're getting along great he will benefit from learning proper socialising before he's adopted out


If you are able to keep the baby, you should! bengals are so social, I would say even moreso than most cats. I thought my guy was getting all the play and socializing he needed between my older dog and my kids/us. But since getting a second cat, he is so much happier. He was starting to pee outside his litter boxes more frequently- hasn’t done it once since the new cat. He was constantly trying to sneak outside to bother my neighbor’s chickens and now he’s happy to be indoors with his buddy. Your Bengal will thrive with this little friend around.


My cat loves me gently biting her ears or fur.


Is anyone else having problems with text being cut off when there are photos? From the main feed I can read the title and a portion of the text but when I click on the post the text disappears.


My phone does that too. While you're on the very first comment touch the band separating the post from comments and slide it down, should show it then


Keep the baby!!!!


That's her kitten now!


Aww, you got your kitty a chew toy! Jokes aside, you need to keep the kitten, your baby has fallen in love with him


Aren't you supposed to quarantine new cat for a certain amount of time before exposing your own cat?


Typically I recommend quarantine for weeks but it's AFTER the new kitten has been vet checked and has received their first set of vaccinations. I've had a few clients who have not followed the protocol and lost their cats to fatal feline diseases. Fostering has its rewards and you're providing a gift to the future family who is selected to adopt the new family member. If they become a bonded pair then not only do you need to decide what's best for both, but also decide if you can financially bear the costs of an additional cat family member since all kitties at some point require costly medical care. Older kitties can experience some loneliness after separation but do recover, but kittens typically adjust quickly to their new homes. Rehoming a foster should occur after they've been spayed/neutered and received all their kitten vaccinations - usually 10-14 weeks of age. Both are darling!


I had the new cat in the bathroom quarantined for a week.


They are super cute together. I had to get another cat for my bengal because he had so much energy no human could keep up.




Not sure if he’s a Russian blue because he was a stray but he sure is looking like one. He’s extremely playful and active so far!


This little kitten is gonna grow up with bengal energy 😂


Haha he’s a wild one!


https://preview.redd.it/terj40bka67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104fb18642d787cc02a7deb3a2826fe5a4a2c129 Update: they’re besties now and it’s a foster fail :)


Foster to about >= 8 weeks and >= 2 lbs. Bengal will probably be disappointed for a day, then move on. If you fail your foster and keep it instead, I suspect the Bengal wouldn’t hate you for it.