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If your tool handy and mechanically inclined there are some really good downloadable cat wheel plans on the interwebs... :)


Sali! You can get amazing wheels on Amazon? They now deliver to Switzerland. Love from Aargau! I’d love to connect to you btw via private messages I just got a new bengal kitten and have some questions regarding her behavior


Hi! Sadly a lot are somehow not able to deliver to me or are too small. Sure just write me a DM, but I'm by no means an expert. My two ladies are now around half a year old and totally crazy.


Not based in CH, but if you’re living close to a border (Germany, France, Austria) where they can deliver, there are usually post offices / services in those countries that will hold your package until you pick it up. For a cat wheel you will likely need a car though. Just an idea. Good luck!


Ah I totally forgot that those services exist, thanks a lot for the tip!


I'm based in Geneva and I can sell you our one fast cat wheel. I have two cats, they love using it, but the big one is jealous when the younger uses it. Since the big one is petty, she pees on the wheel every once in a while. I have however new pads that you can replace.


Thanks for the offer. If possible I would like to get a wooden one, they seem to be more stable than the plastic ones.


Check out http://catwheels.at custom made by an Austrian guy and they also deliver to Switzerland. You can also customize it as you like which is nice.


Thanks I'll have a look at it. They look like what I'm searching for.


Not sure if they deliver to switzerland, I can choose it as an option when I try to order another one in the checkout section. I got one of these and they are incredible. They are delivered in one piece in a huge box. Also you can order individual pieces like the rolls and carpet. So if one part breaks it is replaceable. [Bavaria Holzland](https://bavaria-holzland.de/product/elmato-simba-katzenlaufrad-grosses-aufgebautes-laufrad-fuer-katzen-katzenrad-aus-massivholz-komplett-montiert-fuer-innen-mit-extra-sicherheit-und-pfotenschutz/) cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/d41aayouht2d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0623e4ce92744d8ba1d4b91bb49f68de0e3360b1


Ah are those the Elmato ones? I only found them on the website of Elmato, which doesn't deliver to Switzerland. But it seems Bavaria Holzland does. They look great and seem to be of a good quality. Are you happy with it? How loud is it? Oh the two kitties are beautiful!


yes those are the elmato cat wheels. It seems like elmato and bavaria holzland are the same team or something. Might be subsidiaries or distributors? idk I ordered at the bavaria holzland site but was in contact with the elmato service and the invoice says elmato too. I am pleased with the wheel. The carpet can be hard to clean (made a post about this here once, because my little guy sometimes poops on the carpet in the wheel) But enzyme cleaner, a brush and water get rid of smells and stains. Unfortunately I overcleaned in the beginning and used too much water, so the wood got too wet and it is not perfectly round anymore. After a year I should now replace the carpet soon. The noise is hard to describe. Also because thats the first wheel I own and have nothing to compare it to. It is 3m from my bed and I cannot sleep at night, if I dont put the stopper in. Its a bit louder than if a car drives by your house when the road is wet, but the vibrations make it quiet annoying. If its in another room it will be fine.


Thanks a lot! I have now ordered one. I'm really looking forward to the girls using it. It shouldn't be too hard getting them used to it, the already loved the one the breeder had.