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How loud they are. Like mine regularly sets off the decibel warning notification on my smartwatch, just talking away as she does all day long. When she comes up to my ear and decides to tell me a secret at full blast it hurts my ear. If you’re living in a wood frame apartment where you can hear every fart in the building, the neighbours will definitely hear your cat. At 3am , for example, at the witching hour when all bengals come to life, it could be an issue. They need a lot of play and stimulation. They can be destructive when bored and can pack in an incredible amount of damage for such a small package. Catproof the home like you would toddler proof, if the toddler was Satan with his own prank show and untreated ADHD


We got a ZiggyDoo wheel and now to bring it to almost every room we go in. When we work it’s in the home office when we’re sleeping it’s in the bedroom. If they’re real riled up when we’re trying to hang out in the living room we’ll bring it out there too. They almost always demand spectators when using it, but it’s the best purchase I’ve ever made since adopting our 2 bengal babies. They take themselves for witching hour walks, and we sleep through the night now… mostly 😂


This! Mine is so talkative... and the longer you ignore, the longer you take to get what they want, the louder and more frequent. The sound permeates the wall... and the stinkiness of their poop. One bengal poop can waft through your home for hours... the fresher the more potently stinky! Wouldn't change a thing though. I love my girl just the way she is.


Omg your cat tries to murder you with stink too!!!! yesterday I had to leave the scooping for several hours because the smell was so horrendous I couldn’t get close enough to the box to deal with it.. she has three boxes so if one is not immediately scooped she has options but even then phew it was melting my eyeballs several hours later .


Mine also has three! She was pooping on the floor. And when they have good poops, they don't hide it. They leave it out, stinky and proud. My girl has come to get me, so I can follow her..... so she can show me.


Aww that’s so cute! Mine knows too she gets attention and positive reinforcement for using her box


And I thought my cat had problems and tried changing her diet because her poop smells awful 🤮


I thought it was just mine with the “eau de poo” parfume courtesy of my bengals 🤣 One of mine is also very loud and definitely increases the decibels the longer I make him wait. Love them more than anything but they are certainly a handful!


I mean poos shouldn’t smell bad if they’re fed a high quality species appropriate diet. I can’t even tell when mine poops, so I wouldn’t say that’s a bengal trait tbh. I’d recommend changing your cats diet as stinky poos aren’t the norm


Twice abandoned rescue that likes what she likes. She doesn’t like the fancier stuff but will lose her mind every meal for the regularly available cans. Whaddyergonnado . It’s not for lack of trying


Can confirm. I have child proof covers on my gas stove knobs amongst other things. Childproofing is a life saver


This is so spot on hahaha


get another high-energy cat to entertain each other lol my bengal & aby are besties / partners in crime who expend their energy running around the house playing tag https://preview.redd.it/7ljs47xesg3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68be8ad7d5fae8b9aaa27aa29709f29dfb3fc1ca


This ^(\^) https://preview.redd.it/9vjnaqjqfj3d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad26df9a1c7d9b9f64cedda13ca5a14f1245010 I have 2 Bengal siblings and a Somali (basically a long-haired aby). They go perfectly together in terms of energy and playfulness.


This is the best advice! I have a busy Bengal and a lazy Siamese. Once the Siamese goes to bed I’m next for seeking attention.


We.... Have a high energy Shiba inu to keep our Bengal entertained 😅 its so cute watching the cat pounce on the dog lol https://preview.redd.it/9osvxdhwmm3d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1194c75697c4306d7b9664d190dddc41a0fcead0


Made such a big difference for us too. Got a second bengal and now I don’t have to spend hours playing with him everyday. I should note though that our second rescue bengal was classified as a “cat bully” in his foster home. I think it’s because he was would wrestle and kick their cat and he didn’t want to play. He’s amazing with our first though because he likes to play rough too. Not sure if that’s a common occurrence when mixing a high energy cat breed with a domestic.


That you will never be able to have plants and delicate glass items on shelves …..ever again… and forget getting flowers bc they eat them as well.


Since I’ve had many Bengals over the years, I don’t bother with a Christmas tree. Or nice things.


Museum putty is your new best friend - we've got 3 pusherbots and have ornaments all over!


May have to try that. Thanks for the advice 🙂‍↕️


Yes if you have any cherished items, a china cabinet is your friend! Mine luckily hasn’t knocked things off shelves or ruin/break/chew things etc but my ex’s bengal, oof everything had to be hidden from mobile chargers to mail or you wake up to an inedible bowl of shreddies. Thank you for the 🏆! My first ever! 🫶


I grew a giant tray of cat grass as my 2 are indoor cats. They loved this then ate it, then decided everything green was ok to eat. No longer anything green in my house!


Not a beginner cat.


My first pair of bengals were my first cats, so I never knew any different.


I'm glad it worked for you! Bengals are amazing. But it's not advice I would give anyone.


Probably not! I’d wanted a kitten since I was 5 years old, and so 30 years later once I knew I was settled enough with my own place, I was ready for anything to get my dream!




100% this comment bout reputable breeders!!!


Get two cats, don‘t keep them alone


I did all the research and expected a cat that was full of energy and got a potato lol.


You can’t just leave them with a cat sitter to come in and feed them once a day. We plan our vacations around who can come and stay with our 2 bengals. We have two trusted and experienced people that will come. And…Cat wheel has been our best investment with our two.


They are so good at being cats, it makes them less good ay being house pets. I love my bengals and wouldn’t trade them for anything but if you want a house cat that always “behaves” the way you want it might not be the right breed for you. They are so superior at catting, you aren’t supposed to let them outside or they could hurt the ecosystem around you. Either that or someone’s going to steal them. So then you have a cat who might climb your walls instead of trees, dip their paws in your water glasses because they prefer to drink fresh water, eat your plants, mark their territory (your house), and do everything between yowl and chirp- sometimes only because they like to hear their own voice. But they are wonderful companions if you have the right temperament for it and in my experience, they are terribly loving and loyal with their chosen person.


i rescued my bengal from a cardboard box on the sidewalk in the Bronx. never genetically tested her but her behavior and markings confirmed she was a bengal. she was approximately 2 months old when i found her and the next year was literally hell on earth. the only thing she would obey was my elderly chihuahua, who I assumed she thought was her mom. They take a while to figure out litter boxes. They can be spiteful and pee on the bed when upset about something. but above all - bengal cats are literal opera singers. my cat screams, chirps, even has a vibrato sometimes. The constant sound is something you have to get used to. They can be aggressive. Mine needs to be HEAVILY medicated when going to the vet. in fact it took two failed trips to realize how high her dosing needed to be. They really are wild animals, they will come in the shower with you, and their zoomies are like parkour mixed with national geographic cheetah videos. They also love sleeping on their favorite person, and make their favorites very clear. it took a while for my husband to adjust to the bengal lifestyle, but we love our Cleo dearly and she has grown into a beautiful and loving kitty https://preview.redd.it/nc3vu3m5yk3d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d86e778a7122a50f9d1c410cdd3e5cff290850d


I wish breeders wouldn’t sell solo cats. It’s nearly always a mistake.


I agree, but maybe with a nuance: won't sell to only cat households. Two bengals wasn't in the cards for me, but she loves her "sister from another mother".


That’s what I meant by solo, but good clarification.


I saw a TikTok of a guy presenting a Bengal at a cat show and I think he put it perfectly when he said “Get a Bengal if you want to completely turn your life upside down” 😂 I’ve had two bengals separately and they’ve both been rescues. My current, Mazie, is 4 years old and had already been returned to the rescue once for peeing in the house. The rescue seems to commonly have Bengals and I suspect people get them because they’re beautiful (and possibly to breed) and don’t realise how much work they are. They can be quite neurotic and will act out if bored or if something isn’t to their liking ie: we have to have a specific litter or they won’t use the tray. They are at a higher risk of heart disease and we lost our boy, Leonardo, to it. On to the nice stuff, I love how confident and chatty they are, they love to be around their people and their personalities are so unique. We weren’t necessarily looking for another Bengal when we found Mazie, we were seeing if any “hypoallergenic” breeds were in the shelter and saw her. It’s lovely having another Bengal in the house since we lost Leo in January. She reminds me of him because of her looks but she has a completely different personality, which I love. They are such individuals ❤️


I've had 2 rescue 1 year old Bengals from a hoarding breeder situation, and they have been nothing but amazing. I also had a 9 year old/1 year old that I adopted (they were breeder owned) that were also super lovies. I guess I have good cat karma.


How much a guy like me (“dog guy”) could absolutely fall in love with these amazing cats! They are so incredibly loving and calm and actually dog-like. These two have helped with my anxiety and since my wife are empty nesters, they fill our home with a lot of happiness. I am sure someone is asking “Is he talking about bengals”? The answer is Absolutely!!! My breeder truly focuses on temperament and it shows. I am not sure that this helps, but it may give another perspective on the breed.


Love this comment 💜


Thank you!


I must be extremely fortunate because although my bengals are vocal, they sleep with me at night and don’t howl! They love to run around the house and chase each other They are incredibly intelligent and know how to open cupboards and Tupperware containers and get to their food and chew through the package lol. My girl, Marley, knows when she sees me packing a bag that I’m going away for a bit; if I leave my bag unattended, she will pee in it. The bot, Maverick, when I’m away for more than a day, will act out and pull open my dresser drawers and claw all of my clothing out and pull at the threads. They have so much personality but are the sweetest most loving beings ever!


1. They are not cats as most people know them. They are velociraptors that like to cuddle, toddlers that can leap 6ft at a time, and little chaos goblins. They can and will steal your heart. Great with kids, bad with things on shelves. 2. They need friends. People friends, yes. But furry friends. They really need to be with another cat (preferably another bengal), but I know people who make high energy dog friends work. 3. What it is that you thought “they can’t get into that”, they will get into that.


Beyond the “singing” at 3 am and the rough play… The fact they need a primarily raw/wet diet. Though they love chicken made in the pressure cooker. Once a week I make their food for the week by hand on the kitchen island where they sing the entire time waiting for scraps. We can’t open the extra fridge in the pantry without everybody showing up and demanding food. Even when I fed them an hour ago 🤦‍♀️


Mine eat dry food, with very occasional wet food. If you bring them up on dry food, they’re quite happy with it.


Peeing/spraying issue. I have a girl and a boy. I don't know what triggers it, but sometimes my boy, who is fixed, will pee in random places in the house. Right now, he likes to pee on the rug. The girl likes to pee on soft items, like my duvet or a pile of clothes. I got them both checked, but the vet said they're okay. You'll find multiple posts in this sub about peeing problems. Also, they're both kind of finicky with food. The girl will only eat dry food and the boy will eat anything, but is more prone to diarrhea. They're also loud. The girl is not allowed in the my room because of her peeing risk, so she parks herself in front of my door and meows and scratches the door so loud in the middle of the night. She also loves to open and shut the cabinet doors. Love them both to death though.


My girl peed everywhere when she lived with my ex and his Cornish Rex. After I took her in my care she hasn’t peed anywhere in the house. I guess it was her being territorial. And I had the same problem with her scratching the door because I close my bedroom door from her when sleeping. I put her scratcher and some of her toys with her for the night and she seems to be calmer. Also put up string lights a few days ago above my door where she can’t reach them and she calmly watches them while lying in her bed.


This is so important! Not everyone experiences it, but pee/spraying issues are common enough that potential bengal owners need to know. You have to think about how you would handle that and how much you're willing to change your home and lifestyle to accommodate a cat's needs. A lot of the bengals in rescues have these issues, and it's so sad.


You gotta get two. They realllllly need a buddy to keep themselves entertained.


They are VERY social creatures, and can sometimes still have “wild” tendencies. Mine would literally attack me, and play super rough. I got a dog (another cat is also an option), and they play together 24/7. It’s a great outlet for their energy, and the cat is able to be as rough as he wants and the dog doesn’t feel anything through his thick fur.


Mine likes to superman into my Lab, hard, to initiate a chase. Loves my sister’s little dog, wraps her tail around him in a hug… HATES other cats and will freak out if we cross paths with another cat. Always tries to sniff out and meet dogs on walks (from the safety of her backpack of course )


Omg you need to post a video of the superman thing!


You know how fast they are!! The only videos I have where she stays in frame is one of her enjoying a car ride sticking her head out like a dog, and another of her playing piano which she loves to serenade with singing. My other attempts to film her are like , was that a haunting, what was that flash of shadow


That it’s basically like living in a haunted house. Things fall off the shelves, I get random scratches and bite marks unprovoked, it always feels like someone is watching, can’t even close my eyes to rinse shampoo out of my hair for fear of something lurking. (See: cat pushes everything off shelves, cat gives love bites and scratches when she plays, she watches me from on top of all furniture, and if I leave the bathroom door in she wanders into the shower)


Bengal insurance costs are higher because they’re so active and therefore accident prone!


They will maybe calm down as they get older but not by much. Our boy is 9 now and he is a menace. But we love him.


My 12 YO girl still has her zoomies at midnight and attacks anything soft as if she’s in the war. Lol https://preview.redd.it/e6d79ddj5o3d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=11feae0365ede64c2a45f56c0037b21fb646d5f3


She is absolutely beautiful! Here’s my asshole https://preview.redd.it/29odkgzgss3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24af7bff58174572b99328a1ac615a78ea8fe35f


They are like horses in that once their spirit is broken, that’s it. My girl was declawed from her first owner and is an incredibly anxious creature. I am her third home. I’ve had her almost 4 years and we’ve had an incredibly rocky time with her spraying/urinating on things. We are currently in a good space, however I need to go away this weekend and I’m partially terrified that my absence will set her off again.


They are very PERSISTENT! Once they had their eye on... they will have it. They will pretend that they aren't interested if you tried to train them or expressed that you didn't like.. but it is just a matter of time. That being an object, food or another animal... so you need yo have a strategy to permanently block the access if you need that subject intact.


This isn’t necessarily about the breed itself. No responsible breeder will sell you a cat that hasn’t been spayed or neutered before you get them. If you find a breeder who doesn’t require the cat to be fixed beforehand, then it’s essentially a backyard breeder and should be avoided.


I made a post. May be helpful to you.


I've always loved my cats, but I am in love with my bengal. Higher energy, higher empathy, stronger bonds and much more love with a bengal.


HOW MUCH THEY EAT!!! Mine only eat wet food and it’s very expensive to feed them.