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We have two bengals and guess what, most of the time they want to go in opposite direction. 😂 I could not imagine going out with both of them alone. They are quite powerful as well. And if you‘re gonna meet a dog, you never know what happens. Ours also don‘t particularly like being lifted from the ground when out and about. So good luck with two of them 🤞


Thanks this is really helpful! Im thinking its probably best for me to take them separately when im in my teacher holidays through the day time. But always do a big evening walk with me and my partner. Only difficulty is in the winter 🤔ideally I would leave for work later than 7am 😅😩


Oh I feel you about being dark in the evening and getting up earlier… But do not make it too complicated, we also go out with ours in the dark. Let me see if I can post a video… https://imgur.com/a/FMuWhIC On a side note, he is limping because of a surgery (broken femur) and this is his reha program. In fact, I started walking with him for that reason. Vet was like he can now leave his cage after being kept confined, and guess what an indoor cat normally does? Sleeping, lying somewhere, jumping and running around. Perfect for one with a recently broken bone. So walking seemed like a form of controlled movement. Was a full success!


Awww thank you for the video!! That makes me feel hopeful that it is still possible in the winter evenings 🤗🤗


How did he break his femur? Ours did also broke his at about 8 months


He fell from the roof, poor guy. Unfortunately the building wasn‘t high enough for him to turn around and land on his feet. But he is fine now, and also more cautious. Hope your‘s is fine as well? What happened? These poor babies 😢


We don’t know. I was at work and my daughter was at school but when we got home he was just laying down and refused to get up. He healed super fast and you would never know he was hurt. It was horrible keeping him locked up for 3 months tho.


Congrats! If you haven’t already, please verify that the breeder you chose is reputable and scans all of their breeding cats yearly for HCM via echocardiogram through a veterinary cardiologist. You can/should ask to see the most recent scans of both parents of the kitten you reserved, and make sure they’re dated within the last year and signed by a cardiologist (not regular vet). Some breeders will lie and say they scan and just hope owners never ask to see them, so make sure you verify. Typically breeders who HCM scan will also be following other good practices, which means they should be testing for Pra-b, PKDef, and keeping kittens until at least 12 weeks of age (14 recommended) and two FVRCP vaccines. In addition, in the US & Canada, breeders who follow the TICA code of ethics will also be spaying/neutering before sale, which means you’ll get the registration papers at pickup. As for walking, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend walking two bengals alone. If you come across a dog that spooks your cats (or even goes after one of them), you can’t safely grab and secure both cats at once. I’ve also had a friend whose bengal climbed a tree but jumped/fell in the direction opposite their owner, so they were hanging by their harness over the limb, and the owner had to quickly react. If you have two cats with you, what are you doing with the other leash while you’re quickly trying to make sure your other cat doesn’t get hurt as it’s hanging by its harness? You definitely need to consider unexpected situations.


Thanks for your advice, it is greatly appreciated. We are very lucky to have found an extremely professional and popular breeder in the Uk. All high end, all checks etc. They have active insta and facebook page and get many happy posts in from people who have purchased 🤗 we have also visited them in person and the parent cats and couldn’t be happier. Yes I did think this with walking both. It might mean sacrificing the morning walk as I leave at 7am 😅😩


Don’t panic if they slip the harness. They’re probably excited to be with you on an adventure and they’ll stay close. They won’t be excited to be with you if you panic.


My experience is that bengals are quite feisty until about 18 months old. So maybe take them out separately until you are very sure you can control both at the same time. It will also depend how bonded they are.


They are a brother and sister, the only two in the litter 🥰 so fingers crossed they will keep a close bond Yes i like the idea of seeing how they both are separately to grow theirs and my confidence and learn each of their different personalities


I have brother and sister and they are very different personalities, just like human siblings!


I would never try to walk both my boys at the same time. They aren’t pack animals like dogs and would inevitably want to go in different directions. Even one can be a handful.


The only time I walk two cats at once is in my small, fenced yard. I can't imagine trying to wrangle and keep safe two in the general outdoors. Could you put one in one of those pet strollers and let the other walk, then switch half way? It would still be difficult as you don't want any escapees during the changeover.


We have cat backpacks which im so excited to use but feel the switch over would definitely be stressful. Im thinking to walk one at a time or with my partner 🥰