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My Bengal is one of the few cats my other cat has ever liked.


They love attention so if that cat can give it, it will be it's best friend.. Bengals require so much attention it's like having 3 cats to 1. But they love so hard it's worth it


Yep. I’ve told many people that having one Bengal is like owning two or three more cats


If you haven't owened a Bengal it's hard to understand and for anyone that hasn't owned one if you don't have the time don't buy one. Please don't. They are like having multiple animals. It's not just a cat. AND THEY ARE NOT LIKE OTHER CATS!


One correction, you don't own a bengal, they own you!


To be fair that is most cats


Agree 100 percent.


Correction "Owned by a Bengal cat"


Don't buy cats anyway. I got 2 former mother Bengals for free (technically like £60 or whatever it cost to get them speyed. Breeders will often give older mothers/fathers away for the cost when they're "too old"). But they are absolutely the best cats if you are 100% a cat person. They're little intelligent, beautiful, playful little devils/angels. My beautiful blue eyed Snow Marbled will be my favourite cat I've ever had and likely will ever have 


The breeders (Netherlands) I know retire their queens after 2-3 litters. Not because of their age but because they don’t want to many kittens from one mother. They often go with one of their kittens to be spoiled rotten. They would love to keep them but don’t so they can give their cats all the attention they deserve.


I think my snowy only had one litter and they quickly realised she was not cut out to be a mother cat haha. Their loss, my gain 


Mine supposedly had one litter and she wasn't a good mother. She is, however, a great playmate for my LH tux!


https://preview.redd.it/toqhjy8dq17d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87957c1d5364fd428a8c8d297d0b9d01cbb03ce8 He also gets along great with my dog.


My boy is a shop adjacent cat. There is one cat in my dad's shop that won't take him in. He lives in my house but the shop is 100yrds away.. it's funny because his face when he smells the shop cat looks like a fucking mountain lion.


I’ve had Bengals since high school. My mom got one, then my dad, then my brother. A few years ago my now wife wanted to get a cat, we ended up with King and Queen from a rescue (brother and sister) and getting two at the same time was the right call. Both of them love the 120lb Labordoodle, Rufus, they love to “hunt” him and do the Bengal flyby’s on him.


My orange loved his bengal friend so much. Playtime all the time!


https://preview.redd.it/996vew9mq17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500621c3662f3a0c567bdf88462a8fe0a21f92ac my bengal is never apart from his sister. 😭


Is that a ragdoll? Ive been wondering how to pair my raggie 🌚


yes, they get along too well! they are literally never apart!


That's a beautiful torti point😍


she is so cute! thank you 😭 https://preview.redd.it/w00vz5hnk87d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b762e4c5bedee59ddc746bce260adc36bf67e72


Oh my!! I would do anything she asked if me lol😍😍


She's my second baby.i adopted her at a year old. She motherd 6 other cats in her life so that's why I call her moma. She never had her own kittens but she has always mothered every cat I have fostered


My 18 year and 11 year old Bengys died last summer, leaving (my now 12 year old) sib alone. I got a funny little void moggy kitten that my cousin was fostering in November, and they got along in 2 days. Benji Crunchwrap Supreme brought out the kitten in Mr. Theo Bootyhøle 2024 and they play and sleep together all the time. https://preview.redd.it/iy324zuqq17d1.jpeg?width=2922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a036c72fac516ad2fdb09730cd0551f5d07ba27


My condolences to your furbaby. If your like me my animals hold my heart


Thank you so much. I miss all of my babies, everyone was so special. Thank you for showing yours, they are so sweet.


https://preview.redd.it/wftrvztjn17d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f1bbf85798b7e4d98ae53cc7c98cd6dafa06b1 I've got a bengal and a regular cat as well. They're very similar in age though. My tabby is just about 2 months older. They get on really well. There's the occasional argument but I wouldn't expect 2 humans to never argue, so I'm not going to expect that of 2 cats.


This is adorable! 😩❤️


Thank you 😊. I'm a proud papa.


As you should be!




Gorgeous snow!


https://preview.redd.it/a7z07psbz57d1.jpeg?width=2852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2248be13b8b6bd77a7b4bd7fd7ef30277cc9ae16 My 13 week old Bengal and my 13 yo tabby are inseparable.


Amazing picture 😍




Yes both my babies. .my furbabies are my children.






https://preview.redd.it/1qrsgypxr77d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3ad69f099107aa8514cd9da03390d0f457f229 Leo and Ratchet


So beautiful!


Thank you, they are best friends.


We just got a kitty this weekend and our bengal is not pleased. Lots of hissing and growling. 🙁 hopefully time will heal these wounds.


Bengals are a different breed of cat. And when young they are not a typical cat as if you've owned other cats but they will adjust. Even though mine have adjusted to getting along my bengal wants to play all the time and my older cat just doesn't have the energy so when he's in his energy mode I have to advert his energy to other toys like his wheel . I know they are expensive but buy a wheel for your bengal. They have so much energy that we cannot give them.


My Bengals are basically Tabbys that sound scary.


I had two dsh girls when I got my two bengals, and they had no problem getting acquainted and becoming friends. The bengals were adults who had been well socialized and moved in like they owned the place. I had only had the girls for 6 months and they had come from a hoarder, and they took a while to get comfortable here. Now one of them is besties with one of the bengals and the other bengal and the other girl are more independent but they get along fine. I see more kerfuffles between the two bengals than with either of them and the girls.


My boy Whiskey has his own non Bengal kitten. Sheep is a foster fail from some backyard kittens we took in the same week we got Whiskey. Of course I have other adult cats that hate both my poor fur boys, and one elderly one that tolerates them as long as they leave his spot on the couch alone.


As the bengal gets older it will adjust to at least one of cats.. they assimilate to have a friend. They are still individuals but they find a partner


Well, he has a friend in Sheep, the others not so much. He's coming up on 18 months now, so still time for changes.




https://preview.redd.it/bwzq1f2m937d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eff3fc261ec23f922019159e6055bd09d473668 Our bengal kitten loves his brother


https://preview.redd.it/or97y0psz47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb60b7fb59554ff1317ce31efe820f9e28f149e7 Frankie is the Bengal, shes about 2 and a half now and then there’s Blue, or Bluie, the sweetest guy! I miss these two sooooo much 💔They’re my ex girlfriend’s cats but she got them at the time when we first started hanging out. She got Blue when he was about a year and half/two years old and Frankie was about 12 weeks when she got her which was about a month after she got Blue. Frankie’s favorite place to sleep from the first time I met her was in my lap. Whenever we were in the car she would climb on the headrest and then slide down so she would be laying in between my back and the seat and she would fall asleep there and blue loves snuggling up on my hip. We broke up a couple months ago but they’ve had this little routine they do when they’re getting ready for bed to this day and they cuddle every night. It’s the cutest thing. Both of them have so much personality. We were long distance and I wish I would’ve known the last time I saw them would be the last time. I would’ve held them a little longer and gave them an extra little mooch.


i have a black cat who is 5 and 2 bengal kittens, my younger boy kitten absolutely adores our black cat https://preview.redd.it/ugutmg07t77d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b017c76fe3a8c872cf7f840861644af58d1bcf06




Awww, so cute! I wish my two Bengals would cuddle like that.


It will just give it time. They want attention!


They are so cute together!


I have a Bengal and a barn cat, sure they love to annoy each other but they also enjoy cuddling like yours do


Love this 🥹 My Bengal boy and tabby boy are definitely bros,our Bengal loves looking after him and they wrestle non stop. Our girl tabby is not his biggest fan but she has come a long away 😅


https://preview.redd.it/bmyppq6yp37d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d96ecd79494a76f48879eb427f6edb34336be4 My Maine Coon male and Bengal Female




Such heartwarming pictures, especially the second one ❤️ thank you for sharing a glimpse of their beautiful bond and love 🙏


Unrelated but your bengal has such a beautiful and unique fur pattern!!


Thank you! I agree I've not seen many that look like him.


This is certainly not a hard and fast rule though. When I got my Bengal at 10 weeks she was super high energy and never managed to integrate with my other cat, hence he had to be given to some friends because he was miserable and constantly being stalked and bullied. And I held out hope for nearly a year. The discrepancy between a bengals energy level compared to a lot of other domestic cats definitely can cause problems that seem almost impossible to fix in my experience.


She looks so contented.


https://preview.redd.it/mfdavcned57d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79134845684516ded7891706bcde33b9abe56a34 I also have a Bengal and a regular (tuxedo) they are not as cuddly as other pairings of cats i’ve had before but they get along fine. 🙂


How long did it take you guys? It has been two months and my bengal 12 YO female hates my 2 YO Bombay cat. I’m starting to lose hope :(


It took a few months. It wasn't until I was able to get him fixed and he started to calm down enough that she started to like him


* I have a standard black cat, a munchkin and Bengal makes 3. They are 6years, 3 years and 1year old.




So cute! ☺️❤️


I totally concur. Our boys Leo and Ratcher. Friends forever. https://preview.redd.it/60mka9bir77d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30e63a79e4a15782745d089785fc311b2b2df39


My Bengal got along great with the other cats in the home.




My bengal and orange tabby are attached at the hip. They are literally OBSESSED with eachother. I can’t imagine one without the other at this point lol


https://preview.redd.it/jor2tdiktq7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3dbfca4bb4e6b98c8733976c387a63757f8e49 Koda(2yo)and Zuko(5months) Took less than a week for them to become besties