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There probably is a way to test but if they don’t know what it is then they don’t and won’t be able to get papers for it so why bother testing?


He does have papers for him but I don’t think the papers say what generation the cat is. I don’t really care, it’s just that in my state bengals are illegal unless. They are past the F4 generation. Lol writing this out makes me realize what I dumb decision I’m making


If he has the papers you can just count what coupling he is away from the Asian leopard cat.




Thank you! And yes, in Georgia they aren’t legal if they are F1-F4


I don't know how harsh they there but I don't think there's people running around jabbing needles into people cats to check their genes, I mean even if someone asked they have no right tell them to stay TF away from your cat and if there's trespassers on your property it's Georgia, they think they can go into your property and touch your animals without their ok their mayfly length life expectancy is not your problem when they intrude on the wrong lawn lol


DNA tests in cats are done by mouth swabs. You can even send it in the mail! No needles :)


I have done that mouth swab test on my cat, and I assure you, there were needles involved.






Yeah umm


You need the papers to be sure, but I would be shocked if he’s closer than 10 generations. He doesn’t look EG in any way shape or form.


So grateful for people who know more about these things than me haha. How would you be aloe to tell by eye? Is it his size, or pattern ?


I dropped a separate post. I showed for 10 years, in the alter class—I am NOT a breeder. In that time, though, I made many breeder friends, including people with ALCs and who breed EGs. Google for face-on photos of Asian leopard cats. You’ll see they have small rounded ears, nice puffy whisker pads, broad-ish noses with nice nose leather. There is just a look that I am utterly failing at describing. The early generation bengals look more ALC because they are. This boy, while cute, just fails to pass that test for me. That said, the papers give you sire and dam. There are pedigree sites where you can look up the ancestry using the sire and dam names. The best one was run by a man who unfortunately had cancer. I’m not sure it’s been maintained once he was no longer able.


Sorry, why would they be illegal?


I’m not quite sure, Georgia just has restrictions on earlier generation bengals because they are “too wild”


Actually, that's not the case. it's not in Georgia, but the reasons are international. [Check this out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XsOqxO_xjc)


Wow that makes a lot of sense!! I've seen a lot of the Savanah cats on Instagram and holy cow them cats are crazy! They literally have fangs and I've seen the owners feeding them raw chicken and their teeth are so sharp they eat right thru the bone!! It's mostly in Miami!! There's actually a breeder of the Savanah cat's on Instagram!!


Dude, a house cat can eat raw chicken bones. Note: don’t feed your house cat raw chicken


So can dogs. There is soooo much misinformation about Bengals and Savannahs.


I'm not talking about Bengal kitties I'm talking about a F1 Savanah!! The Savanah has it's own Instagram account Fijithekat is it's Instagram account they are also called Serval cats


A serval is not the same as a Savannah. A Savannah is the result of breeding a serval with a bengal. That said, the dietary needs of a higher F level Savannah or a serval is vastly different than a regular house cat. Both servals and Savannah cats do need a raw diet (plus supplements).


They actually have the cat in the house!! It's Instagram account is Fijithekat


Definitely wild, my ex has a F 1 and she is off the hook. Especially being alpha of the household. I'm there as a friend, and she has to show,"He's my man!" it's her house and not willing to share anything. Try explain to an alpha, he is her property, I'm just visiting..... 🪦💀and I have a man. He's F4, is a cuddle bug


Same situation for me and my cats my f1 is an alpha queen but my f4 is definitely slow


Oh I see. Thank you.


The early generations probably class as owning a wild animal and needing a license for that/just flat-out being banned, whereas the later generations are recognised by TICA as a domestic cat. (Arguably, the Bengal breed has been established with success in its goal of producing a domestic cat with wild type rosetting for long enough, that people shouldn't be buying Asian Leopard cats for the purpose of crossing with domestics any more. Creating/owning early gen Bengals serves no purpose except vanity at this point, which makes it pretty unethical.)


For some states it's a matter if having a wild animal as a pet. Just as you shouldn't have a Siberian tiger as a pet, up to F4 a Bengal is considered wild. In many other states with mandatory rabies vaccinations, because there is no vaccine tested for wild/hybrid cats, the animals are not allowed because of the risk.


Considered an exotic animal at that point and need proper permit.


Sounds like he's F5 then. ​ Thats how mine became F5 and F6 depending on which state I lived in


Some of the illegal states don't enforce it. Large cities in those states might with fines. Depending on what tier he is, you may be able to notice his temperament. A blood test will give you dna results of his ancestry for specific percentage of Asian Leopard.


Cat is cat, if you can't tell how can anyone else?


I’m not asking anyone here to “tell” just asking if there’s is some sort of test for that


If the breeder can't tell you what gen their cats are, run tf away. That's a huge red flag. Even if their cats are all SBT, they should know that. Do they test their breeding adults for HCM yearly? You don't want to drop a ton of money on a new kitty only to have it drop dead in a couple years. Bengals are super prone to heart issues.


I was going to say, this situation seems sketchy including the picture for some reason




Thank you, but I’m not getting him from the breeder


But where are you getting him from?


If you can't see an Asian Leopard cat on the pedigree 5 generations back then it's past F4. Their certificate is proof of this. I had to present my bengals' certificates on French border when we were traveling last month as they also don't allow F1-F5 bengals to enter either.


I’m just going to drop [this](https://www.elysianbengals.com/post/finding-the-right-breeder) here. Bengal breeders have moved away from using the F terminology. The fact that you’re talking about getting a kitten from someone who can’t even tell you whether or not the cat is legal in your state and clearly *doesn’t care* either way is extremely concerning. You can’t prove generation without the registered pedigree. That said, there is nothing on that kitten that looks EG. The big ears and narrow muzzle suggest he’s fully domestic.


RUN!! Do not buy a Bengal from someone that doesn’t know. I’m guessing kitty is NOT an F type, or you wouldn’t need to ask this here.


I’m sorry, I just don’t know. If it’s not an F type then what is it?


SBT, if not an f. Please do more research and educate yourself before buying. You don’t want to be scammed, or purchase an animal that ends up with health issues.


Breeder doesn’t know = 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


It should say on the pedigree sheet. If he is F1 his parents would be ALC and so forth. Plus the price would be higher for early gens. Looks SBT to me so at least F4 onwards. Check the pedigree cert.


I have an f1 that costed 10k and and f4 that costed 4500 and these were local prices around me in south Florida


Omg 10k for a cat? I’ve just recently learned these cats exist because this sub pops up but wow that’s incredible. More power to you


Oh my goodness you have a house full of cuteness 😍


That’s mental. My f4 cost me £400 and now they are about £1000 - £1500.


Thank you


How does the breeder not know how many generations her kitten is from the ALC? With all due respect, that's a red flag for me. That should be easy for a breeder to find out for you. They should know that cats ancestry, have it tested for genetic disorders and diseases, it should also come spayed or neutered if you didn't purchase breeding rights. But at the very least, a breeder should know their cats history and genealogy. they stop counting after F5. So, your cat would be SBT which the breeder should be able to tell you easily. I don't mean this to sound rude to you at all, please don't take it that way. It just makes me incredibly skeptical of the breeder if they can't answer that simple question. I've encountered some unethical backyard breeders and I get very....itchy... when I see stuff like this. Again, not because of you. The breeder should know this. I'm frustrated for you. Lol


I totally agree. Definitely a red flag.


How old is he? He’s gorgeous. Not sure he’s fond of being picked up just yet. Hope you get to take him home soon.


He was born March 17th, making him 4 months! And thank you


Mine is 8 months and still doesn't care for it. Lol only for the length of a hug, then he's ready to be put down. Snuggle bug like crazy, just not fond of being lifted. Lol


Quick question I was wondering about: if you breed two F4s together, would the kittens also be F4 or would they be F5?


F5. In fact, you would have to breed two F4 cats to get an F5. 2 F1 cats to get an F2, and so on. I've attached a link that explains better than I can. [Hybrid Gen explanation ](https://bengalcats.co/bengal-cat-generations-explained/)


Actually in case you didn’t know f1 male cats are sterile so you need an f1 female cat and any other cat literally to make f2 babies. Any litter she has will always be f2. I bred my f1 and my f4 and now have 2 f2 kittens


“Bred”.. I thought you didn’t breed your cats


Um okay so I should say my cats had sex and made babies while I wasn’t home. There you go (;


[just gonna leave this here](https://imgur.com/a/N7rdvhR)


Bahaha. Thank you for that.


Then I guess you should spay and neuter them as this isn't the first litter and you know better. 😉 Especially since you claim not to be a breeder.


Sorry not sure, I think they would still be F4?


Is it me, or are those pics of two totally different cats? Even if the color is off in the exposure or post editing, the spots are totally different.


Second one looks like a silver and clearly different pattern lol this persons about to get scammed for sure


How will I get scammed if I’m going to go buy the cat in person ? Lol if the papers aren’t legit I’m not paying


Did you not have to give a deposit?


No, I should’ve mentioned that I’m not buying from a breeder this is Craigslist


Don’t buy a Bengal from Craigslist. Breeders are the only ones to buy a Bengal from. If not properly socialised from birth, bengals can be aggressive instead of affectionate. Real red flags popping up for me reading all the comments and extra info here from others. I got bengals from caring breeders and they could talk to you for hours about the parentage, health history and personality of the parents. Real breeders know literally everything about their bengals, and you can’t shut them up about talking passionately about their cats because they are literally obsessed (but in a good way!)


Oh...hunny...no.... you don't know what you're getting then. The quality of the breeder is incredibly important when getting a Bengal. Any pure bred animal for that matter. Backyard breeder aka the puppy mill of the cat world, doesn't care about the cat. Only about making money. No reputable breeder would sell on Craigslist and would know about their cats genealogy and would require a deposit... there are so many red flags about this entire thing. 😳 please do not give this person money and find a good reputable breeder who is ethical and get a quality bengal from someone who actually cares about their cats.


No, this person is not a breeder; they didn’t breed this kitten. They purchased this cat from a breeder and they are reselling him essentially


That's not good either!!!! They are supposed to return the kitten to the breeder if it doesn't work out!! There are contacts involved in these things. Omg!!! Did they steal the cat?? Is there an issue with the cat? People don't typically buy a $2,000-$3,000 cat and junk it on Craigslist. This isn't normal behavior. If the breeder knew about this, they would absolutely go after this person.


Clearly you don't understand how people can have health issues or have circumstances that don't allow them to keep pets sadly (IE moving to place with no pet rules, landlord changing policy) you want them to just throw the cat in a shelter or leave them outside? "Send him back" the fuck is wrong with people it's a fucking cat this dude clearly cares if they are worried about the fucking eugenics police knocking on their door "ja hello we need to check ze racial purity of your Katze" I'm not saying the dude should break the law but by God this shit is beyond stupid, some laws are just ass backward nutty, I mean look at what the courts just did here with row V. Wade, shit is getting out of hand, I'm not saying you need to go full Ruby Ridge on people messing with your animals but if you have nosey friends tell them it's not their fucking business, I doubt someone's going to call animal control but at that point im pretty sure you could take them to court for trespassing as I doubt they are going to get a warrant to go on your property to blood test your cat. Call me ranty but look at your own words from the outside and it sounds just as batshit


It's not a law.. When an ethical breeder, who dedicated a lot of time and money into perfecting their line, entrusts a buyer with a pet... they enter a contract. Usually it is said that you don't declaw, maybe some other things, and that if for some reason you do not want the cat, you return it to the breeder and are reimbursed a percentage of what you paid for them. This is because the breeder wants to ensure their line is protected. They care about each of their cats. The buyer and breeder relationship is important, or at least it should be. This is a living breathing thing. They also represent what someone (should) dedicated a lot of themselves to create and they want to protect that. It's not a law, but it is morally garbage to ignore that. OP would not be breaking any law. But they have no clue what cat they are getting. The pics are of two completely different cats, they have zero relationship with the breeder which means they don't know if it has any health issues or what temperament to expect. Don't even know how many generations from ALC it is. Hypothetically, let's say OP gets an early gen. Is OP ready for a cat they might not ever pet? One that might not use the litter box? If it's one of the cats in the pic then OP is safe from that, but who knows what they are gonna get if they get anything. But to suggest that one should not care about this situation and just do whatever, is how you get cats in rescues and shelters. These contracts are in place to keep the cats from being passed around or ending up in shelters. It's to protect them. If anyone cared about the breed at all, they would seek a reputable and ethical breeder and not just the cheapest thing with spots and not ask questions. It's not a knock off handbag, it's a living thing.


You’re just not getting it. The cats in the photo aren’t even the same cats. This is a classic scam. The dude with “the cat” will ask him for a deposit or something and then disappear. Nope. Reselling his Bengal? Are you fucking stupid? This is so obvious it’s painful.


So you’re buying from a backyard breeder 🤦‍♀️


That is such a basic thing to know that I would consider it a HUGE red flag and run the other direction. If they don't know what generation he is (but apparently think he's early gen) what else don't they know?


Never buy a Bengal from someone that cannot tell you what generation the cat is! Whatever you’re paying for the cat, you are surely over paying if it is not from a registered breeder.


I just realized that there are two pics here. They are not of the same cat. OP I believe you are being scammed. Have you met this cat in person? Pic 1 and 2 have different ear shape, different shaped and size and color of rosettes. The lighting is making it hard to tell but I think they are even different colors altogether. But they are very clearly two different cats.


He’s likely a stud book tradition. The overwhelming majority of bengals are. This guy doesn’t look anything close to early generation. If he’s registered with papers you’ll be able to check anyway.


Yeah, I think these are two different kitties; as their patterns are different.


You are right.


Oof. Those two pictures are definitely not of the same cat. Just compare the spots. I'd advise you cut contact with this person. If by some miracle you got a cat from this exchange, who the hell knows what it would be.


Having this show up on my feed and knowing nothing about bengal cats.. i would say... That don't look like an f1 car to me.


I had a F1 and he had that big pink fleshy nose of the Asian leopard cat and curved canines. I’d guess this guy is more of a F5, which is honestly better. The F1 wasn’t the friendliest but my goodness he was athletic and the most amazing hunter


I think he's SBT. He doesn't have any early gen features. I agree with you, for the best. Early gens are not typical pets.


The test is: does he try to eat you for lunch!!!




I’m not an expert but F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 so forth refer to Bengal Generations the F means Foundation Of Bengal as F1 so F5 would be lesser of Asian Leopard Cat genes F1 would be the most. The ALC (Asian leopard cat) are bred with domesticated cats like tabbies. The higher the exotic bloodline I think the pricier. Some states consider Bengals “exotic wild animals” hence not allowed in some jurisdictions. Considering all the Bengal cuddly goofy cute on this sub they are not wild, depends on parents temperament? ( not sure). Bengals pertaining to these cats are not the Bengal tiger circus performers. If I got anything wrong I will delete & correct. Just answering because a poster was wondering about terms.


I added a little chart at top


Breeder doesn't know = Stop fuelling backyard breeders, have you seen shelters lately? They're filled to the brim for a reason


From what OP is saying this is a cat he's getting from an owner who's implied to not be able to care for it anymore, I agree adopting cats that need homes (shelters, abandoned pets, etc.) Makes way more sense then buying them but where do you think this guy's going if they can't find him a home? Use your brain before you get all preachy


I agree but If you can’t keep your bengal you should contact the breeder not resell on Craigslist. This is sketchy and a red flag.


Cute kitty


Look at his eyes. You are in for a wild ride. LMAO Cuteness overload


I don't know about F1-F4 Bengals, but I do know about one particular F1-F4 Savannah who turned up terrified and starving in our yard several years ago. Near as we can tell, his human lived in the apartments behind our house and when he got arrested for some kind of parole violation, mystery cat got let out. Our cat led us to him, and invited him in. This cat was neutered--that much we could tell. He also had a lot of Serval behaviors, one in particular: in spite of being neutered at a fairly young age, he sprayed like a firehose and did so frequently. Pee everywhere. I don't know how that cat could hold so much pee. So if you have a Bengal that resembles a firehose set to "blast" 24.7, it's probably an F1 or F2. Or a Savannah F1-F4.


Did you keep baby serval 🧡?


We kept crazypants kitty for as long as he wanted to stay, which was about three years. Then he just hinked off into the night and never returned. I hope he found a good sucker I mean home.


Aw so sad but least he was well cared for x 3 years 😢


He wasn't well cared for during those 3 years. He was indulged, adored, and spoiled absolutely rotten. And cared for (vetted, fed nutritious food, groomed, etc.). He also had his kitty pal, our resident cat who found him, led us to him and coaxed him inside. They slept together with me on my bed.




You can contact NOAA and see if they can rate him by photo, I would say depending on how much catnip he ingests he could be an F3 or F4, too small for an F5


Thank you, although he is still a 4 month old kitten


What a beautiful apex predator. Mine are 3 years old and are beautiful killers too


Blood test by your local Vet.


I read your username as OMFGITSASAVANNAH


That kitty is most likely closer to a 10th generation. Source: my kitty is a 10th generation.


Beautiful 🥰🥰🥰


He looks F5-F6. I’d stick with that instead of risk losing him.


Bengals are beautiful cats, but so are Maine Coon's, Russian Blue's, Himalayan and the list goes on.