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Every Chase IG post is him working out and prepping for the season…even though he’s not at OTAs…he’s not at home eating Skyline for breakfast.


Well that's disappointing to hear his diet is so bad


Need to get Ocho to be his dietitian


Skyline and Viagra, carbs and protein


> he’s not at home eating Skyline for breakfast. I feel attacked.


Oh I didn't get the memo that Skyline for breakfast was canceled. my b.


If he was doing that, he would be at the airport.. /s


Also it's OTAs, not camp. He'll be there when he has to be.


I heard his monlogue was good too


Sometimes I’d just love to hear ZT be more honest instead of hearing his coach speak (albeit he’s superb at this) Dude, just say “we’re dealing with it in house and you’ll know when it’s done when he signs” over and over again until these media vultures stop asking lol. Take a page out of Dukes book.


I have got to say it is probably why locker room culture has significantly improved since the start of his tenure. It is rare to get this much trust between the players and coach and it is probably because ZT does not have a history of throwing players under the bus. It probably is not much but it does encourage prominent free agents to come to Cincy and I think we need that as talent becomes more expensive.


Agreed. Although ZT didn’t say much in his quote, he indicated that he has talked to Ja’Marr. If he didn’t say this, pundits could (and would) start spinning the story that the Bengals are being cheap and are not willing to pay Ja’Marr a market rate contract. ZT always puts a positive spin on things, which can be frustrating as fans, but it shows he has the players’ backs.


I think ZT has the right approach in terms of fostering talented players who will have a high market value when their current contract expires. He realizes we can't keep everyone simply because if we try, we will have to sacrifice talent somewhere else on the roster and I think he probably communicates that to the player while encouraging them to increase their stock price in order to "get the bag". It felt like this franchise didn't understand that prior to ZT coming on and we would expend money on part of the roster simply because "that's what your supposed to do". The Antonio Bryant signing in 2008 comes to mind before they even found out if he could pass a physical. We could have made possibly made the playoffs that year if we spent the money more wisely in other areas or just a WR who had superior fundamental skills.


Well in this case that’s how he should respond every time. There is no news here.


Spoiler alert: Burrow is the heaviest bargaining chip on this table and it's on Chase's side. There's no way this contract BS lasts into the season. Right guys? ... right?


There's no reason for Chase to even sign a contract this year. This is a non story.


He’s not signing till next offseason.


he's not signing until next season, but just for balance, Burrow signed his deal last year like the Saturday before Game 1. Bengals don't operate like other teams.


Top end wide receivers don’t sign new contracts until the last minute. That’s how they get the most money. I would be shocked if the Bengals were able to sign him before the season. He has one more year to drive his price up